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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. spamual

    spamual Guest

    sorry to say creaky, abit are now gone. most of their main men moved to biostar and worked on that amzing board.

    but they are legends with their jumperfree overclocking. legendary is being nice tbh, if it wasnt for them, OCing would be all soldering :(.

    and from what i have heard their CS is second to none, even now they have gone down, they are still honouring thier 3 year warranteis, even with the last remaining new stock and any sold aswell.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2008
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    They too were no strangers to having ridiculously broken pre-included BIOSes though... I remember one model series (I forget which) shipped with a BIOS that only POSTed half the time, if you were lucky...
  3. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    I agree 100%. as you all know this was my first build and did have problems in the beginning,that i thought was mobo related.. but it wasn't.. crappy mem is to blame..lol i have had 3 different gigabyte mobo with this one (GA-EP45-DS3R) being really good.well from what I can compare too.. i haven't had any experience with any other boards, but i will soon. and i will post about what i decide to go with and how well i like it and its capabilities. the next board i get will most likely be that bio-star board that Russ linked to (which i really like) or a P5Q not sure which one. tbh the deluxe & premium i think are overkill for ME but the only reason i would go with one of them is for the fact they have 8 sata connectors. 6 isn't enough for me. and i don't like them card controllers at all..lol thats about the only thing i don't like about my board now is the fact it only has 6 sata connections.

    I cant be a fan of one over the other cause i haven't had any other than gigabyte boards so i don't know any different. but i am not closed minded to try a different board to make my own choices...as we all know well i hope we do. in the computer building world tomorrow there is always something better. so it would be nice to have a variety of mobo talked about like we do with GPU/PSU/MEM/ and yes something i know alot about.ODD...lol

    now this is just my plea...i know who likes what and dislikes what here. as well as the rest of you out there. Gigabyte VS ASUS is like the Chevy VS Ford..(dodge rules!!!!).there is diehard fans of each. and should be for there own personal reasons.... i like everyone in here and have learned alot from 99.9% of you all... i just hate to see y'all going at it over the same thing over and over. everyone has there reasons why they like what they like, and each side can provide solid evidence why they like it other than saying i like it cause i do.

    i think AD should go to these manufactures (gigabyte and asus) and push for Russ and Sam for gigabyte and Mort and Shaff for asus. for top salesmen of each mobo....lol

    OK I'm done sorry to bore you all with my ranting...lol can we now talk about the important stuff of a build like is it better to go with a 20x drive or a 16x drive.........ROFLMFAOPIMP
  4. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    This is not in any way a flame! It's constructive criticism!

    Talked about repeating the same old thing. You might want to consider there are new members reading this, and there are not many people who are going to read through 112 pages, so it can be a benefit to repeat some statements, so people know of other choices. And I believe Mort was doing just that.

    If it bothers you to read it, guess what, you have a choice.....don't read it.
  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    The old Abit aren't the same then, i see; i learnt something new already; i don't keep up with PC technology (the last time was last year when i came to AD regulars for help when speccing out my Quad build) so i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the old names (from back when i actually followed PC tech.) are no more.
    I have to say, the most expensive mainboard i ever bought was the MSI Platinum, i think it was around the £90 make, prior to to that i would never pay more than say £50 for a board (nor would i again actually); have to be honest i would never pay more than £100 for a mobo again, though saying that, i keep my stuff for years longer than most people do (my disposable income always arrives in waves, the odd tidal wave, then mostly just enough to disturb a puddle LOL) so the odd time i don't mind shelling out more than i would normally want to.

    I'm one of those who always goes back and reads things from the beginning, though i guess i'm in the minority; remembering it all is the only problem here LOL
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2008
  6. spamual

    spamual Guest

    hehe rob, dont you dare bring DVD drives back into this, ill get my P5K-E and thwack it over the aD servers to stop it :p


    i wish i was a salesman, but not for asus, im not recommending and havent done for a while to any ome, bar myself, for my needs, if i was to become a sales man it would be for footy (football, aka "soccer") :D

    creaky, you know youd love to sped £250 on a DDR3 790i mobo with a QX9770, 2000MHz 4x2GB Corsair domintor RAM, 3 GTX280s, 10 250GB SSDs in raid0 and a koollance 1700W watercooled PSU, and for cooling a cascade ssytem for 24/7 use, if you could :D

    (id love to)

    spend that income, or if you do get a tidal wave of some, send a bit of rain this way :D
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    790i? ewwww, Skulltrail or bust, my friend... :)
  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i think the only thing in that list that Creaky would go for without a question asked, would be the 10 hdd's...
  9. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    not enough space :)
  10. GTR35

    GTR35 Active member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    oh boy! My bad for staring this...OC/mobo topic...it's really fun reading what you guys wrote.
    I agree with Creaky, you do learn something out of it
  11. spamual

    spamual Guest

    well its for booting up windows ME 64 bit. the best OS ever made (plug in the xp64, for the 64 bit :D)

    ofcourse i forgot the £10 4009090890850x DVDRW drives. a good 11 should do?

    hehe sam, good point, but no DDR3... no cool :p
  12. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    your right never enough space. im lacking in that department i have room for 4 more drives in my case.i want a couple TB drives but dontwant to wait for the defrag when needed..lol
  13. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    Why dont you just use multiple partitions?
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Really? 4 of us were having a discussion over which GB MB to get and Mort chimes in about the Asus bios, and why he prefers the Asus because the bios is more friendly, for about the 100th time! Then I post a link for an exceedingly good Biostar and you right away pop in and recommend the Asus P5Q Deluxe or the Maximus II formula MBs instead. Since we were talking strictly about Gigabyte MBs at the time, why? nobody asked!

    As far as my being insulted by your bios statement, I was talking about the "Trusted Sellers" comment, not the bios. Besides, what do the British know anyway? LOL!! I think they were about the last country in the world to finally give up their 8 bit Amstrads and join the world of PCs! ROFL!! Just funnin with you, but that is true! They did stick with 8 bit as their standard long after everyone else went to 16 bit computing!
    BTW! To get off track for a moment, I just discovered this fact and I have no idea if you are aware of it, but all the 64 bit windows were designed expressly for the AMD 64 bit chips. They currently have to use an emulation and port it to the Intel chipset, so it runs about 30% slower on an Intel! I think I've changed my mind about not wanting to run XP-Pro 64 bit! LOL!! I'm going to see if I can find a it and install it on OxiMoron. I particularly want to see the increase in performance I get with it! The results should be quite interesting! OK, Back to business!

    Go back and read over some of the posts, and you will see it's a constant and annoying thing! Yet amazingly enough in spite of not having all the little adjustments, I have my DS3R at 444/1775 fsb, at 3.55GHz with the memory at exactly 1066. I had always used Asus MBs in the past, So I wasn't at all familiar with their setup, and it was still the easiest OC of my life, and I said that in my first post after I finished the OC. Even with the E4300, I had no problem getting it from 1.8GHz to 3.3GHz, in spite of the mediocre stepping of my E4300! I about killed myself getting Gina's P5E-SLI/E4300 to 3.0GHz with either CPU. I also had to tweak the memory speed settings up a little bit higher than 800MHz (803MHz, I think) in the settings for it to actually run the memory at 800MHz as reported by CPUZ, Sandra and even the bios post!

    I've been more than fair about this and I think everyone will agree, that I've toned my personal GigaByte fanboyism down by a wide margin. All my recommendations have been based on the person's need, rather than brand loyalty, and I have recommended both the P5Q Deluxe and the Rampage Formula a couple of times, without comment either way. You didn't see any diggs from Sam and I when Rick had his problems with his P5Q, so why should we see it when someone decides on a different brand? It seems to me that when 4 regular members are discussing GigaByte motherboards, then there shouldn't be any opinions about other brand motherboards virtues in the conversation at all!

    As you can see, the conversation involved 4 regular members, discussing GigaByte motherboards. Had there been a newbie in the conversation, I wouldn't have said a word! You would only need to read about 93-96 pages if all the references to the adjustability and how much better the bios is, were removed!

    I've waited months and bit my tongue, being very careful not to offend anyone. When I answered a post my total concentration was on their needs, rather than on getting them to buy any particular product. You must have noticed my attitude change in all of this, both here and in the OC thread. I think the recommendations I did make were far better than they had been for a long time! I'm much more careful about understanding what they are asking for help with, their needs and their budget. Thank you PMs have tripled! I've had more TY PMs since I apologized to Morty and changed my ways, than I had the entire rest of the year! I intend to keep things that way! Hear what I'm saying?

  15. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    Newbie or not, he was replying to a question by GTR35, and gave HIS opinion, something everyone does around here, and I see no problem in that at all, you do it frequently. So I guess only you can give opinions?
  16. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I am actually aware AMD had the better 64-bit support and performance because they started it, but I wasn't sure what the exact figure was. Sad thing is, that 30% boost is what they need to put them on a level playing field with Intel.

    As for the fanboyism rant, I'm almost what you'd consider a fanboy myself, yet I've had enough of it all really. To be honest, let people say what they like, I'm not going to complain about it any more, there's no point. Mort may chime in regular as clockwork with his pro-up of the Rampage's BIOS, I'm not one to disagree, so that's no real bug for me, it's not like it's on every page. What Spamual said about Asus having spoilt him with BIOS tweaks is right, for the most part. Given the minefield of bad ones I'm not one to choose an Asus motherboard unless it's got vastly 5 star reviews, both short and long term, but it's clear to see that until the EP45 and X48 series boards came along, Gigabyte were behind with the real overclocking BIOSes, and seemingly so were others, but how would we know unless we buy them and try them? We stick with what has worked for us, and that means other good products, creaky's MSI board for example, are typically ignored. As I've never had an MSI board younger than 5 years old go bad, I'd be half-tempted to try one next time if it had a good BIOS.
  17. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Which is better and more reliable, & efficient Vista 32 or 64
  18. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Vista 64 all the way.

    EDIT: I just noticed the HUGE posts above. Well I am not a "fanboy" of any brand. I have used mostly Gigabyte, used an Asus(which I was disappointed with), and my next motherboard will be any which offers me the best bang for the buck. That being said the new Gigabyte BIOS is just as good as the Asus as far as mid-range goes.

    Oh and Sam, you can BARELY OC on skultrail... They both suck.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2008
  19. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    I've got 2-1gig Corsair CMX2X1024-6400 5-5-5-12 800MHz
    is this enough momory
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Either way, the CPU scores on skulltrail are high enough to get frame rates in the 60s plus in Crysis, maxed out at 2560 very high. I think they got a pair ofQX9770s to 4Ghz from whatever they start at.
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