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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    This is the proper way 2 save it, but as it states whatever name U choose
    Save the file wherever you want on the same HDD (desktop for example) as ReBoot-Time.vbs (you can choose whatever name as far as the extension is ".VBS".
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Where in my post did I say anything bad about Asus? You are reading into what I said, something that just isn't there! I see nothing defensive in my post at all! I made some observations and asked a couple of very good questions. I'm going to quote each line of my post and tell you my explanation for it and you show me where I was being defensive!
    Well, I called the heatsink Cheap-ass. Sorry, but you have to admit it really is! The controls are in a very poor location to be able to get at easily! So there's nothing defensive there!
    The price that was given in your link was 400 Pounds. That's $712 in USD. Nothing defensive there as well!
    If you were reading into this that I meant Asus when I said that this wouldn't be the first time, I was speaking about all motherboard manufacturers, not just Asus. They've all done it from time to time and come away with duds! Nothing there either!
    I think it's a valid question, and it is true that most of the world records were achieved with seemingy lesser motherboards. This is not uncommon at all. Every major MB manufacturer has had motherboards like that over the years, although with the smaller companies, they are more often than not, 1 hit wonders that don't stay in production very long! In short, if you took this as something against Asus, I'm sorry but I never intended for it in any way, to be a bash against Asus! You are seeing something that simply isn't there! BTW! I would have asked the same question if it was any other company in the same position. I guess the bottom line is that all the bells and whistles in the world, won't insure a motherboard having the best performance. Different companys do some things differently than others. That BioStar I mentioned is a classic example. It overclocks C2Ds real well, but is mid pack when it comes to the Quads. You just never know how things like that will work out! LOL!!

    Best Regards,
  3. spamual

    spamual Guest

    well i replied to your claims, and if you dont see it as asus bashing, yet most others clearly do , then what can i say.

    im not defending their cock ups, AHEM P5N-E AHEM etc, just proving your points wrong. they are your opinions, please do state that, do not state they are not fact.

    i am still yet to recive the 6GHz on air link from you.

    i have shows you the records they have broken, and those are the bells whistles boards.

    you leave the debates unfinished, and dont pick up on all the points made in a rebuttle, is that your way of leaving a debate or knowing for once you are wrong?

    the reason i think you hate asus is when i bring them up, even in the p5qcs maximus, which was a question made by ME, not to anyone, which you did applogize for either, which imo is just etiquette, you got on my back about asus.

    i bring up something about their new baord, and you stat to put them down.

    clearly they are not going to sell a baord without propper cooling or junk on the SB (well tell you the truth they DO use gunk on the SB lol)

    sometimes we need to read our posts before we post them to see if we can be wrong. i deffinately need to do it.

    mods can i have your email/msn, because i would like to suspend my account.

    thank you russ.
  4. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Hmm! Most of the world records were achieved with tanks of liquid nitrogen and bullsh#t results. Most unknown cheaper board makes are exactly that cheaper. Everyone chooses a favorite board manufacturer just as you've chosen Gigabyte as your favorite choice. A good choice by anyone's standards but not necessarily always the best, and you sound like an awful lot like a Gigabyte fanboy. Asus also makes some excellent boards depending on chipset choice. I tend to choose the best board for the job when I do a build and more often than not Asus has been the first to release what I'm looking for and then a few weeks later everyone else has one.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Good to see some things never change in this part of the forum.
  6. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    sir LOCO, whatever do you mean?? :p

  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    You don't want your account suspended, you're just annoyed. I've been in that position before. Just take a day or two off from the site.
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I quite agree that at one time I was way to far overboard with Gigabyte and very much a Gigabyte fanboy. When Morty and I had that big blow up several months ago, both of us had just gone too far with it. I saw the error of my ways and apologised for it. Since then I have really toned down the fanboyism. The last motherboard I recommended was an Asus P5Q Deluxe. I didn't even mention GigaByte! In the last several months I've recommended Asus, BioStar, GigaByte and DFI to people, concentrating on their specific needs, without any bias at all! I guess you could call me a "Reformed" GigaByte Fanboy! LOL!!

    Best Regards,
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    And of course you signature reflects that? Hey! Wait! Is that a GigaByte GA-P35-DS3R listed in your sig? Do Zebras have stripes and bears shite in the woods? LMAO

  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    My bad there! I completely forgot to apologize for misunderstanding the intent of your post. I apologize, as it was not intentional! I can't do more than that!
    I'm sorry, I don't have the link anymore and I'm not about to look back through 30 or 40 pages to find it! LOL!! I don't even remember when I posted it, but it had to be around late spring to mid-summer or so.

    Why on Earth are you leaving? I've gone back through the past 20 or so pages, and I haven't seen anything to indicate that I have done something wrong. Sytyguy, Mort and you are all mad at me. For God's sake all I asked for was to stop repeating all the bios stuff over and over again. It gets old and annoying! It's not the first time I've made that request over the last few months. No one else has complained to me, only you three!

    Back when the MB wars were at full swing I got PMs from a number of people pointing out that maybe I should go back and read the posts, which I did. I saw that both Mort and I were taking things way too far, and it got out of hand! I was wrong for my part of it, just as Mort was wrong for his. We both just let it get away from us, that's all. Bad move on both our parts!

    Please don't be thanking me if you choose to leave!

  11. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I've no direct complaint, other than that everyone stops taking the motherboard brand choice so seriously! You can hardly go wrong with either favourite brand these days, and given the results posted from MSI, Biostar and Foxconn, neither can you with them, seemingly...
  12. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Although I currently own two Gigabyte boards, and an MSI board, you're going to have to include me in that Asus group as well. I never read several of the posts going back a bit because I've spent most of my time replying to the overclock thread. I can't believe that people who know each other online as well as you guys do would let this get this far without taking it to a private debate. Remember everyone is always right in their own minds. Once that state has been reached there can be no winners and all that is left are hard feelings.

  13. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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  14. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    All right guys ya'all actin like ya had a date with my ex wife!Now for help I'm an AMD boy but havin trouble decidin on the intel or Amd on a Biostar board. No gaming hardly mainly encoding whats your recommendations?
  15. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I have to ask. What does listing my current motherboard (and everything else) in my sig have to do with being a fanboy? It's a component list of my system! The Avatar has been in my my sig for close to 2 years now. BTW, it's not a DS3R, it's the old one from my 965P-DS3. That's why it only says DS3. Crowy's was DFI, Sam's is Ati, Rob's is sometimes an E8500. I fail to see where that proclaims me or any of us Fanboys! To be truthful, I just liked the design, and since I was using the product at the time, I adopted it as my Avatar. Once or twice I though about replacing it with the newer one, but I don't much care for the color, so I've just left it alone. I've not really thought about it very much since! Other people list their MB in their sig. Does that make them fanboys too?

    I've really worked on my own personal bias problems over the last several months. I've tried very hard to be fair and objective in what I recommend. I don't put anything down without just cause or good reason. If some one told me tomorrow that they were interested in an Asus P5N-E, I would strongly recommend against it, not because it's an Asus, but because it's simply a lousy motherboard! That's not badmouthing Asus, just the crumby motherboard! If they were looking at an Asus P5Q Deluxe, they would get a "good choice" from me! I don't see any fanboyism in that at all!

    Best Regards,
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Depends on the type of encoding you want to do, but if you're into Blu-Ray encoding as much as I am then I'd recommend first setting your sites on an Intel C2 Quad core. I hope that AMD gets back in the game, but right now there's about a 40% speed increase by going to Intel and with Intel's superior overclock ability even more.
  17. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Goes to personal preference which you've made know to many of us for years now.

    Actually I was specifically referring to you so the "any of us" line is unqualified. Russ everyone here knows you have a preference for Gigabyte boards so me pointing that out is redundant information.

    The post that you made to sytyguy and Mort got personal and really pointed to your proclivities.

    All board manufacturers make something that is not recommendable. Wouldn't it be better to recommend what is good rather than pointing out what is bad by pointing members to something rather than pulling them away from something? I've openly in my nice way warned against any board that sported recent Nvidia chipsets and Asus made a lot of them. Russ the reason that I pointed to your particular tastes was because I was pointing out your choices is because of what you stated about sytyguy's and Mort's taste. You could have been talking about yourself as well if the products were swapped.
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Since you are an AMD fan, I think you would be happy with these choices.

    Motherboard: Biostar TA790GX

    CPU: AMD Phenom 9850 black edition 125w

    For less than $300 you can have a very good MB and a high end AMD Quad CPU. It should handle your encoding needs better than anything else at that price!

    The motherboard comes with on board HD3300 graphics, so you don't need a video card. You can add one if you want, but for your purposes, I think this will do the job very nicely! Performance wise, it's on a par with the lower end Intel Quads!

    Best Regards,
  19. spamual

    spamual Guest

    rob cheers for the linkies, but they were with LN2, not air xD

    thank you for the appology russ.

    and id agree with you about the P5N-E, i even joked about it in my last big long rant post.

    truth be told we are all fanboys, we all have it.

    i have a liking towards asus, and will defend their good side, ill easily put down the crap called the P5N-e, and their none existant customer serivce, which with their lack of UK RMA centre, can be put down worse then OcUKs last dealings with me.

    but being a fanboy, when people are putting things down when they clearly are not bad, needs replying to. as you can see i did back up my claims with links etc, and if i could not, then i would be wrong, and you right. i can admit asus are a crap company, but their products are mostly solid, some legendary, but this is the same with all companies, as i have said countlesss amount of times, the P965-DS3 was one of the most legendary boards to be made. i am not a total fanboy, where i only post if its to do with asus (COUGH :p) (not you russ)

    i like GB products, (in the mid to low end esp) and use them, and they nothing but brilliant.

    just i guess it got to me fanboy side when you were saying negative things about asus (which you are 110% entitled to, everyone has their own opinion) but were not backing it up, as most of my arguments are backed up, and not straight from the heart fanboy as they used to be.

    im still going to suspend my self, and if possible only from this thread, as i dont want my fanboyism to get in the way again fro the umpteenth time, and stop me every 3 months from reaching an addict :p

  20. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    let me clear some things up. I'm still around just not as interested as I once was.


    I have no idea why you get so offensive when I mention asus's bios's. their bios's is the main reason I feel they stand apart from other motherboard manufactures. I only feel that everybody should experience their bios's at least once, especially if they intend on OC'ing. if they don't care for asus after that, that's fine n dandy with me.

    in regards to quality and reliability, I put them right on par with other major motherboard manufactures. no better, no worse. their customer support could be better but the few times I have needed it, I felt it was adequate.

    I am really sorry that the mention of asus's bios's pinches a nerve with you. I don't understand why though. yes, I am an asus fanboy and the main reason is due to their simple yet detailed and feature rich bios's. that's their selling point IMO. if everybody goes with the same mobo manufacturer (GB in this case) then nobody can experience or benefit from features that other manufacturers have to offer. makes for a pretty boring environment and isn't fair to anybody if we can't discuss and compare our differences.

    there are folks that are new to this thread and don't want to read through the many pages. if by chance they are in the market for a motherboard, there is a fairly good chance they are going to get persuaded into going with a gigabyte motherboard.

    just look around, you have persuaded nearly everybody currently in this thread to go with a gigabyte motherboard and of course they are going to jump on the bandwagon, most of which, but not all, who have never had the pleasure of experiencing the bios of a good/popular asus motherboard.

    I won't be around as much but if I do show up, I'll try to stay away from this topic. however if somebody is looking for motherboard suggestions or recommendations, I'm going to throw out my opinion and reveal my reasons.


    I for one, hope you don't leave for good. we ocassionally don't see eye to eye but for the most part I enjoy most of your posts. you keep it lively and interesting.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2008
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