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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    hmm! I window shop microcenter everyday looking for deals on Vid cards, processors, memory, and motherboards and I have never seen a Q6600 for less than $180, certainly not for $105!!!

    My point is simple! If you are challenging the price of an item that was posted by someone else with another item that you claim is a better item for about the same price, then you had better be able to show that it can also be just as easily purchased. To do otherwise is to pollute the thread with non information which in turn confuses the daylights out of first time or inexperienced members. It is also a waste of time for those of us who have experience but are left to try to explain it. Then newbies are left to go wandering off into the wilderness looking for the Holy Grail!!

    You still aren't showing anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Looking good! I wouldn't be looking for much nore than 4.0GHz anyway for daily use. Not without water cooling, anyway!

    Best Regards,
  3. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    Well Russ your right about that..I'll hold here at 4.0ghz..I just
    stressed again after just 2 hours and it passed with flying colors loving the core voltage here a few snap shots..

    screen shot of orthos

    and your favorite Sandra..lol
    [​IMG] Temps only got up to 53c under stress that's great in my book:)next build will be water cooled for sure haf932

    Oop's I almost forgot this test 2:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2008
  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Looks good Will! I think a practical limit of 4.0 would be a good thing. First off, the performance difference won't be that great, and it will give you a bit more room for all the variables that come along. Things like room temperature tend to affect temps with an OC more than at stock speeds. You will probably be looking at mid to high 36,000 MIPS, which is plenty. Just for Grins, run the same Sandra benchmark at 4.0-4.1, and I'm pretty sure you won't see a lot of difference in performance. Good luck with it and enjoy!

    Best Regards,
  5. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    WTF cant anyone have an original thought of there own???or does everything done have to be copied from what someone else has done or wants to do??????
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Last edited: Nov 26, 2008
  7. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I'm sorry Rob, I didn't mean to do it, but I'm weak man.;P

    Hmm! I'd give stick of memory to know what Russ erased. LOL
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2008
  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    not you Soph,Russ.....
    im just tired of this i cant take this shit any more...

    im outta here.
    you'd be suprised....
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2008
  9. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Uhh, what's going on?
  10. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Go back and read a few posts and then extrapolate.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2008
  11. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Looks to me like Russ just likes quoting so you know who he is replying to. I don't really see the problem...

    Maybe I'm just a naive child.
  12. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    He replied with a quote but he erased the reply. If you don't see a problem then perhaps that is part of the problem.

    I'm still waiting for a reply to an earlier post!

    There are a number of members who are sick of what this thread has become. The quoted response above is just a part of that. A very small number of members have coopted this thread and converted it into a chat room filled with unqualified debates and suggestions that serves no one, but those making them, and then it only serves ego gratifications. Russ no doubt left this thread and started an AMD thread to get away from this, and Mort has just left it altogether and I don't blame him.

    Or maybe you're just a child.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
  13. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    No, I mean Rob posted that before Russ did that. Plus I think he is just messin around.

    Also about my comment. It's easy enough if you look. Why must you be spoon-fed everything? On ebay, just yesterday, 4 Q6600s were sold in the 130-140 price range. Just look around it's easy enough to find if you're willing to wait a few days. I could go on OCNET and go buy one right now, couldn't I? There always is one or two guys selling them on there.

    But yeah this is all I have. I can't find any retail for that cheap.
  14. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I think that I know what's going on but I believe it's Rob's prerogative to say in his own words if he decides to stay around. If he doesn't then I don't blame him and there's always other places to "hang" out.. especially if you're a member of the hound pound. :)

    I personally wouldn't let someone dictate how I operate or what I do if I could help it. Just tell them to FO and go on about my business I say. :D

    RedRob good luck to you and with your decisions.. you know how and where to get a hold of me. ;)

  15. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    abuzar/spamual - I think it would be wise and better all round if you posted outside of this thread, or better still don't post anywhere at all unless you have anything of value to post. Quite a few of us are tired of sifting thru rubbish posts and i for one am sick of seeing it drive members (who have posts worth reading) away.
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Actually, it was done in error. I started to ask Rob if he meant me by his outburst which came before my unintentional reply, but thought better of it. I erased my reply and like an idiot hit send. I'm a bit tired as I've been making Pies all day and getting other stuff ready for tomorrow. No excuse, just the facts. I just decided to leave it alone and see what shook out of it all! Hell Soph, you even thought possibly that he was talking about you, didn't you? You even apologized for it.

    Did I miss a post directed at me?? If I did, I'm sorry. Frankly I still don't understand what the hell is going on, or why there's an issue in the first place. I do know that a situation like this is why I've been asking people to put a name on a post so we know who is being asked or told what!

    I still have no idea what Rob was referring to! If it was my advice to Will, I think it was good advice! The post Will sent was directed at me (@Russ) and I answered it honestly and to the best of my ability! I didn't tell him what to do, I just told him what I would do if it was mine, and why.

    No! He is angry, but I have no idea about what, or why!
    I understand what soph is saying. You compared the price of a used CPU against the cost of a new one, without indicating that it was used. I know that unless I knew and trusted the person doing the selling, I would never buy a used processor, especially since Intel now demands a copy of the invoice when you RMA a CPU! If you aren't the original purchaser, you have no warranty! If it was a gift,as a new item you would have to get the original buyer to RMA it, and that's straight from Intel!

    I'm going back to the old way of replying to posts. It's too easy to mess things up, especially if there is more than one person involved and it's a multiple quote. I only changed because of pressure to do so because I messed up a few names with my quotes.

    I started the new AMD thread because every time someone came here to the building thread and mentioned they wanted to build and AMD, all they heard about was how much better the Intels are, and suggestions for a better substitute using an Intel. I got tired of seeing people leave because of it. There are still a great many people out there that like AMDs and don't want anything to do with Intel, so it's a moot point whether it's better or not. I've said it from the first day I put the x2 4800+ tegether, that I want one. Automatically, that makes me be stupid here! I've also said from day one that the AMD's do certain things better than the Intels, and this was magnified in my eyes when I built the recent x2 4400+ on the AM2+ MB. I was stunned by the difference between it and another x2 4400+ I had just finished working on. I don't care about the benchmarks, I care about what the computer can do. People take benchmarks as the "tell all" about performance, and IMO far too seriously. In the first place, they are synthetic benchmarks, not the actual real life performance. There are so many variables that come into play besides the benches. It's the reason I decided to negotiate for the eMachine and build the x2 4800+. Granted the only thing left that's original is the MB as I replaced all the other stuff with quality parts. Even the lowly 3800+ Sempron that came out of the eMachine, that I gave to GM, attracted my attention. No great shakes as a Processor, but light years better than a comparable Celeron. Again, it does things so much faster. Now I'm going to find out why, for myself!

    One of the things that's going to doom this thread eventually is that some people feel that they are entitled to their opinions, as long as you agree with them. So how come if you disagree or have a different viewpoint, you are automatically wrong? It's become a "Chat Room"! When's the last time this thread actually helped someone doing a build. Half the time if I do try, I get treated like I'm senile or suffer from "Oldtimers"! Yet I think I'm the only one who gave decent advice to Chui2k8. He asked what he could do to improve his old Dell. I told him about the only thing he could realistically do with it is increase the memory. Anything else would not be worth the expense for the small gains he could get out of it! The key here is, he asked, I answered his question! That's what we are supposed to be here for!

    Best Regards,
  17. spamual

    spamual Guest

    huh? is this from the argument before or the reply about the ACF7P?

  18. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    It's an ongoing thing.
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Abuzar: Then they're lying for the most part. 3.6Ghz is the best the Q6600s ever got to stable on anything other than stupid volts, and this is with the best revisions, let alone the later, or the earliest ones.

    I've no objection to you saying you can find them for $130 when you see them on ebay for that much, I've not looked myself but that seems realistic. However, you ought to clarify that you meant second hand.

    The rest of all this is way over my head, I'm not going to ask...
  20. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Even worse is that it's not even available anywhere, and I think that he was out and out lying. He claims to have gotten one on a thread, so he posted the info from a forum where there was only one used item for sale, but he wasn't the buyer so he retracted the statement and pointed to Micro Center where he claimed to have gotten one for $105. Micro Center is now has always sold them at $179. The reason is quite simple. A Q6600 wholesales for about $145 so who is going to loose $40 on a sale, even on a loss-leader? Now that Micro Center didn't have them it's Ebay! LOL

    The only point of such as post was to act as a spoiler for no particular reason other than "one up-man-ship." I've grown a little weary of this kind of posting so I called him out just to get to the truth. It was something that had to be done and I believe that I made my point so I am done with it.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
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