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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Seems fair. They seem to, for the most part, be selling for a bit more than 130 on ebay anyway. I would certainly call most of the Phenoms 'very cheap' compared to the Q6600, which I think was the original catalyst for this discussion. That said though, without wishing to start an Intel vs AMD rant, from what I recall, the Phenom 9850 was the Q6600's performance equal, and that's $170. Granted, AMD sell cheaper quad cores than Intel, but to be frank, they're bested by almost any Intel Dual core outside of a 4-core environment, and even in 4-core apps, an E7300 is only $120, and that would keep pace with the 3-core Phenom at stock, if you overclock it, it could match the similarly priced quads. There's certainly a market for AMD builds, but in my mind it's for the super cost-effective X2 builds, not the Phenoms.
  2. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    I realize you don't want me posting here and that's fine. but I need to straighten something out.

    Soph, you think I was LYING? lol You think you're THAT important? I don't lie. Period. I sent you FOUR threads not ONE and I linked you to the deal at Frys when they were selling them for 105 with a motherboard. I even said I was mistaken when I referred to Microcenter.

    Seriously what is wrong with you guys anyway? You guys get pissy over little small things, you're like a bunch of 12 year old girls who have just experienced menarche.
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Abuzar - that illustrates my point. If you can't post like an adult, don't post with adults.

  4. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    And you guys are obviously SO adult like?

    I mean I thought we were here to discuss computers? Why is it that everyone just throws a fit and decides to quit the thread every few months?

  5. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    The 9850 is the price equivalent of the Q6600, but remember that the 9600 is a black edition which means that it has an unlocked multiplier. If the core speeds are the same and clock speed is the only difference then an unlocked multiplier renders that point moot.

    I have no doubt that some lower priced processors can be had on Ebay including the Q6600., but the new Q6600 on Ebay are going for $170-$180 there too. I saw a couple of used Q6600 with a starting bid of $132.50 plus shipping costs. The one I'm looking at now has a starting bid of $132.50 and a shipping cost of $7. It's 8 months old and it's been overclocked. Now that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with it, but if it was overclocked to 3.6 GHz for 8 months according to its owner then how much of its life has been used? Also one has to be careful when posting prices from Ebay because they are usually starting bid prices that will change before the item is sold.

    I posted the info on the AMD 9600 because as many have noted AMD hasn't been given a fair shot in this thread. A person who already has an AMD setup with a dual core in it could see this as a decent and inexpensive upgrade, especially overclocked to 2.6 GHz or better. I'm not looking for an AMD Intel war either because everyone knows that my current stuff is all Intel, although I kind of wished my P5W DH could house an AM2+ because it would make a decent encoding alternative.
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Abuzar - I won't say this again. Post correctly or don't post at all. Period.
    Now if you don't mind i have my hands full with pages of 'non-working' people abusing a certain section of the site due to Virgin Media or a.n.other cable company cutting off connection to their (non paid-for) services, nationwide.
  7. spamual

    spamual Guest

    im sorry creaky, but i wont stop posting. if you do not want me posting here then ban me from this thread, but i still want to remain on aD, for the other PC threads.
  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I spotted the 9600, but I think it was Russ that said you're likely to end up with one of those that still has the bug, or suffers degraded performance from how it was fixed, not sure which. Thing is, how far does the multiplier go, and how far will the CPU go?
  9. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    spamual - It's really simple. Like i said to abuzer, Post correctly or not at all. Threads such as this are not here to keep bored fingers occupied.
    It is not fair on those who come here for genuine help to keep sifting thru rubbish & irrelevance. And if certain individuals had some respect for others and the general viewing public then moderators wouldn't have to clutter up threads (over and over again) saying the same things to the same people. I'm not here threatening bans i'm here (wasting breath as usual) trying to coax bored fingers to think before posting. Show some maturity, most of us have been around since before the internet and know how to show restraint before posting..
  10. spamual

    spamual Guest

    if one checks the completed listings one can see the prices ranging from $110 to $170 :)

    also processors that are overclocked wont just give way in a year, im sure you must have an old OCed CPU that you are still using? sam, is your E4300 still OCed?
    by the time it could have given up, im sure we could have gone through 2/3 different processors.

    creaky, IMO you are being unfair on boozer. he has backed up all his points, and yet you accuse him of not talking like an adult, but you dont explain how he isnt talking like and adult. this site doesnt require you to be 18 to sign up, so we dont have to talk like adults (though i am legally one, mentally in 5 :D HAHHAHA!!)

    i do feel that i have to say that when the members do end up arguing, i feel, not sure about boozer/sam or other the other youth/young adults, that the mods instantaneously pick sides with the older posters. i feel that it is unfair, and why arnt both sides told to pack it in, not just us?

    just becuase we are younger then you lot doesnt mean we are worse posters than you. most people tend not to post help on this thread, why that maybe, who knows, but most people make their own threads and ask in their. the only crap that is here is things posted not about computers, and normally if you check, we ARE posting about computers, even if me and russ differ, its still about components (PSSHT russ, ASUS>GB :p haha! :D). right now this post has been half abotu components, and half about replying to you, which is OT, and you could have told me in a PM.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2008
  11. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    1. Those listings haven't finished yet, and you know how ebay works, stuff can go up tremendously in the last hour, and usually does.
    2. My E4300 has run stock since it's been in my server, mainly because there's no need for it to be OC'ed, I may as well save energy (plus it's using a stock cooler now), but yes, it has survived 20 months of being overclocked and overvolted. That was only 90mV above its VID though, most people overclock their CPUs beyond that, my Q6600 for example was 145mV above, and my Q9550 is 160mV above.
    3. Nope, sorry, I side with Creaky here, whether he has a point or not, you don't say stuff like "you're like a bunch of 12 year old girls" - it's not as cool as you think it is.
    4. Usually, because it's the older guys who are in the right. I've been in several arguments with them over the months, and I'm willing to admit that for the most part, I've been in the wrong, unless it's been down to a simple misunderstanding of words.

    I wasn't going to add to the pile of all this, but I feel I ought to try and give a bit more of a 'just another guy''s response to the situation.

    Can we get back to the PC building thread now?
  12. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Spam - this is what i mean, even i feel like unsubscribing now.
    I can't stop anyone having hissy fits and i'm not saying you two cause all of the hissy fits. But what you should bear in mind is how public this place is. Refer to Soph's comments re a chat room, maybe you'll listen to him being as you don't get what i'm saying.
    Consider all the lurkers (even i'm usually just a lurker) who read all the posts. I don't even like seeing my own comments, as moderator comments shouldn't have to be seen. People should be able to conduct themselves without the likes of me getting involved.
    Come to think of it there's only ddp and me following this thread, loco won't come in here anymore as he's sick of it.

    I won't clutter up the place any further - just post only when you have something of value to add. Bite your tongues when you are going to post something that shouldn't be here, i have to do that far too often due to the things i see around the place.
  13. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    The lower prices aren't available for sale they are starting bid prices that one can only purchase at if they win the bid.

    Abuzar hasn't backed up anything because there is still no place that he's listed where a person can get one right now for $130 let alone his $105 claim. It might be possible if one looks long and hard enough, but it's still not the same opportunity for purchase. They can purchase a Phenom 9600 right now for $105 brand new in box, and not used which was also not mentioned in his original post. That's been the point all along. It's dishonest and unfair to include a used item against a new item which is not equally available for purchase. I still can't purchase one for $105 anywhere. I also stated that even though it was used it didn't mean that it had any problems, but that also doesn't mean that it doesn't have issues. People don't usually sell things that they're satisfied with. Since used has no warranty or return policies to protect the buyer, you pay your dime and you take your chances. Now how are those two things equivalent?
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Please note my EDIT about the warranty. It's something I added and managed to mess up! Sorry!
    I repeat what I said before. There are no B3 stepping 9600 Phenoms, Black Edition or otherwise! Therefore they still have the TLB bug. B3 stepping was the major part of the cure for the TLB error! Even the manufacturer's product page that Newegg links to says that the ones Newegg are selling are B2 stepping. (Revision B2) The 6650 is the B3 6600!


    Note also that the AMD OEMs only carry a 7 day return policy and a 30 day warranty from Newegg, with no warranty support at all from AMD! With these you have 3 year warranty. Strange that the OEMs are $64 more!

    Here is the warranty information straight from AMD. It's the same for all non-boxed processors from AMD!

    I hope that clears things up for everyone!

    Best Regards and Happy Thanksgiving,
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
  15. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Ok, thanks Russ. Yeah, I think I too will pass on recommending those to anyone. The 9650 is the first chip I'd go for, which by my last check was $155 at newegg. Not a great saving on the Q6600's 190, but every little helps I suppose.
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I'm going to recommend them without reservation. There are over 400 comments at Newegg and they are largely favorable. I don't know where you got your warranty info but according to what I read at newegg they have a 3 year warranty.


    Every processor that you purchase has some errors which is referred to as errata, but few of us ever notice them. The TLB bug is also errata.


    There is also a TLB patch if it irritates one to know that they have it but for most real word applications the TLB amounts to nothing. The patch also lowers the performance a bit. When Donald gets his in I will provide more info but for those of you who knows Donald you also know that he is no fool when it comes to making a purchase.

  17. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Please see my EDIT above on the warranty. It's what happens when you are trying to do 7 things at once! ROFL!!

  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Sorry Soph,
    You are correct! Trying to do too many things at the same time today. I edited the post and sent Sam a note! Thanks for pointing that out.

    Best Regards,
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Ah OK, that makes more sense.
    I'll come clean here, I read a brief report about this 'TLB bug' but never really understood what problems it caused, I just got the idea it was something you really didn't want. Is it actually any issue at all? I'd go look it up myself, but I'm in the midst of writing an essay at the moment, and probably shouldn't be using afterdawn at all... :p
  20. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Keep working on that paper, and a few seconds break here and there always helped me reorganize my thoughts so just pace yourself. The errata is largely an issue when running virtual machines. Here is the TLB bug:

    And there's the fix:

    And then the B3 stepping

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