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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    What is your FSB at?

    Also post pics of your case!
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The fsb would need to be at 444MHz with the 2.40 multiplier.
    444x2.40 = 1066. If you are attempting to oC 1066 memory, keep in mind that it's 800MHz memory OC'd to 1066!
    EDIT If you are using the 8x multiplier, your 3.40 would make the fsb 425MHz so you should try putting your multiplier at 2.50 as that should put your memory at 1063MHz , which is no big deal at all!.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2008
  3. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    MRK44- As you have the same CPU as me, same RAM and a bit newer Gigabyte board (mine ex38-ds4) I'd advise against using a smaller memory strap than rated for your CPU/MEM.
    3.4 is reachable for me too but on the extreme end on air, so I dialed it down a bit.
  4. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    What he means is post a screen shot of CPU-Z which will provide us with all of that info.

    Don't bother posting a shot of your case if it's the coolermaster that your recommending because it is a decent and well aired case. Screen shot of it below.


    If you're overclocking the Processor listed in your signature and you already have it at 3.450 then you might be at its limits, but we'll know more when you post the CPU-Z screen shot. If that's the case and you just want to get your memory up to speed you could drop your clock multiplier which will allow you to increase your memory speed more.
  5. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    Hmm, I just had an interesting experience. I rebooted to go into BIOS, and my computer started looping...so, assuming its the RAM, i took out the stick in the third slot, and left a 1gb stick, and it worked. Then, i put the other one back in, but i changed the positions. I tried every configuration i could w/ both sticks in the first and third slots , and none of them worked, except when i left a single stick in the first slot. Then I tried the 2nd and 4th slots, and they work now. I assume it doesn't matter?

    Anyway now that it's working, I'm gonna try a small OC to 3.2 and see where that gets me. I'll post a cpu-z screenshot as well.

    EDIT:So here's the screenshots

    I had my cpu at 3.40 for several hours before I attempted to OC my RAM, so i'm pretty sure it was stable. I ran occt for half an hour as well.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2008
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Check the ram voltage set against the voltage requirements of the ram as it might be too low. If you set it and then reboot and then enter the setup again you will be able to check your settings in the pC Health section. Beats having to wait for a complete re-boot! My dominators are 2.1v, but booted fine at the lowest setting of 1.8v with both sticks. If you have problems, reseat the ram a couple of times and it should work fine. Probably a little oxidation on the ram or the ram sockets.

  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You have 1066 ram, so why are you trying to overclock it?? it's already overclocked 266MHz to start with. I doubt that you can raise it very much, even if you loosen the timings. I know I can't with mine! That's why mine is set to 3.55GHz and a 444 fsb, using the 2.40 multiplier, it runs right at 1066MHz.
  8. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    My RAM right now is running just under 2.1 at about 2.08 i think. that's what it has been for a very long time in the BIOS settings. I think one of my main problems that i did not notice before is that my cpu voltage was ridiculously low, and i forgot to raise it when I OCed up to 3.4. I was actually running 3.40 at 1.23V. I raised up 1.25 as you can see in the cpu-z screenshot i posted. I should probably go a little higher. The ram I didn't OC yet, as I want to make sure it's still good, so I'm gonna run memtest86.

    I'm trying to clock my RAM so it will run ant 1066. That's all I want. I see now what you mean by 444mhz. I'll attempt to go up to 444MHZ Fsb to 3.55.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2008
  9. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I would go back to 3.40 since you already know it runs fine there and set the voltage up a bit more to maybe 1.30v. Then set the multiplier for the memory to 2.50 and you should be right there! adjust the fsb up 1 more click to 426, an it should be running at 1065, which is close enough! Should work very good!


  10. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    Yep. Worked just like you said it would. I'm gonna run OCCT for an hour to make sure it's stable. So far temps are good at 32 33 32 32.
    Just asking, does it matter if RAM is placed in the 2nd and 4th, rather than the 1st and 3rd?
    Anyway, Thanks a lot. I've learned a lot from this. I'm gonna run some benchmarks soon after OCCT.
  11. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Won't hurt a bit! I have mine in the 2 and 4 slot because it's too close to the FS7-Pro fan for my liking when they are in 1 and 3! Temps look very good. Not too shabby for C1 stepping!

  12. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    I Don't know if this is anything to worry about, but during the last ten minutes of the stress test w/ occt, my desktop background went black and my cursor was stuck on the hourglass icon until it finished. The only thing in view was the taskbar and that disappeared a couple times as well. But the results of the test were reported stable, and no core temperature went above 51C.
  13. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Your computer may have tried to update something while you were stress testing. Usually if it crashes or locks up there's never an hourglass. Had it happen to me once and I thought I had burned out the video card! LOL!! Things that take seconds take forever with the load of OCCT. I don't use OCCT anymore as I think that the load with it is unrealistically high. I prefer Orthos myself. You could check in the setup and make sure the PCI-e buss is set to 100MHz. I really think it was some sort of update or something automatic.

  14. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    Good to know. I ran benchmarks and i got 15996 on 3dmark06. not too bad i guess.
  15. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    If it ran 3DMark06, there's nothing wrong with the video for sure. Especially since it passed OCCT. How about some Sandra benches?? Hint-Hint! LOL!! Just Processor Arithmetic and Memory Bandwidth. I just want to see it's difference from my 2.66 C2D. I doubt that it will be twicw as fast, but it will be faster.

    Best Regards,
  16. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Spamual brought his Q9550 over today to test it as he couldn't get his system to POST after having installed the waterblock, and still the same after removing it and putting the stock cooler back. Unwilling to disassemble my main PC I stuck it into my file serve's EP31-DS3L - a few seconds after it was powered up, sparkling noise and that horrible smell - all the capacitors and chokes by the CPU were very hot, and so was the CPU heatsink, after just 30 seconds or so of power. To my amazement, after shutting the system down and swapping my E4300 back, the system started up right into windows...

    Thinking this is a short in his CPU, as we verified that his Maximus II was still working. To find an overloading CPU didn't damage that little board irreparably, I'm very impressed, my server's sitting there as if nothing had ever happened :)
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    sam, keep an eye on it & if it craps out then you know why.
  18. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Agreed, I'm keeping a watchful eye on it over the next few days for certain.
  19. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    That's one tough MB! It's so rare to get "that smell" without burning out something, and that MB doesn't even have the Ultra-Durable low RDS (on) Mossfets and the Ferite chokes. That's pretty amazing!

  20. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    Got those sandra benches:
    Processor Arithmetic:

    Memory Bandwidth:
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