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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    nothing i just wanted a few opions on the board..I was thinking
    about getting 1 in a couple weeks b4 xmas ..i picked up the mico center paper today and they had the q9300 on sale for $179 but
    if..i build another system it will be 4 something to do..I got 2 running as it is now and motherboard laying just in a box
    (ga-ep35c-ds3r) that board.i mentioned looks interesting..
    you can get hooked on this stuff:)
  2. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I ordered this mobo a while ago and I've been very pleased with it. ;) link

    I have a Q6600 (B3 stepping) installed atm and it's at 3.0GHz and steady eddy. :) I personally like the DFI brand but there are quite a few offerings out atm that are good. GB has the newer P45 mobos and ASUS has them as well but I'd stick with the P5Q Deluxe or Premium for the "lower" priced mobos if considering Intel cpus and something in the lower to midrange mobo. ;)

    Of course the upper end mobos by most companies are pretty good but there will always be the possibility of a "lemon". :p

  3. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    bigwill68..This might be a better build for U and quite a fast system
    *** http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128360
    GIGABYTE GA-MA78GM-S2HP AM2+/AM2 AMD 780G HDMI Micro ATX AMD Motherboard $79.99
    *** http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103299
    AMD Athlon X2 4850e 2.5GHz Socket AM2 45W Dual-Core $49.99
    *** http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835186134R
    ARCTIC COOLING Freezer 7 Pro 92mm CPU Cooler $12.99
    *** http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817341012
    PSU 54.00
    *** http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136073
    HDD Western Digital Caviar SE16 WD5000AAKS 500GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive $59.99
    *** http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823235001
    KeyBrd & M 18.00
    *** http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827106266
    DVD-RW 26.00
    *** http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827106228
    DVD-RW 22.00
  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    How do you figure that a $190 P5Q Deluxe motherboard is lower priced? LOL!! Compared to what, a Maximus Formula? ROFLMAO!!

  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Pretty much, hence the inverted commas... lol
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Since this is not a quote, who are you posting a reply to? I have no idea because it not directed at someone. I got ragged on for the way I was doing quotes, and I was using names! ROFLMSOAO!!

  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I'm replying to your post, sorry I didn't think it needed clarifying.
  8. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    You have to remember a few things Sammy... Russ is "old", "senile", and "cantankerous" at times.. hehehe. :p

    Yes Sammy saw the "inverted commas" as I intended them to be.

    And YES the P5Q Deluxe is "lower" priced compared to a Rampage or Maximus.... At least I'd say $100 saved is LESS expensive. :) The mobo that Will was looking at was $150 so NOT much less than $190 really. ;) Anyway just my take on things. :D

  9. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I may be "old", "senile", and "cantankerous" at times, but in two posts now, 1 from you and 1 from Sam, I still don't know what the hell either of you is referring to. What the hell is an "inverted Comma"! This is why fights get started around here! I got ragged on pretty good for improper use of quotes, but at least everyone knows who the hell I'm quoting or talking too, and what I'm referring to!

    I still don't like the using quote button in the post! It's alright for one post, but if it contains multiple quotes, it gets confusing as hell! From now on I'm doing it My Way, like this post. If anybody doesn't like it, Too Bad, sue me!

  10. spamual

    spamual Guest

    FIRST IN LINE TO SUE!!!!11!!!!!!1 ZOMG"2""2!!!!(INVERTED COMMAS)



    yes my stupid POS Q9550 brokzorz :(

    i shall get it RMAed tomorow, and until then ill be using an E2140.

    im so surprised the P31-DS3L survived, as to did the antec earthwatts 380W.

    brilliant pieces of kit.

    at fragsoc (lan) my ASUS (just thought id highlight it :D hehe) P5K-E did the same, with the weird smell etc, and i turned it off asap, but it works a charm, still running my E2140 at 3.2GHz :D

    i left that CPU on my maximus II formula for about 1/2hour after i came back from sams, and i didnt get any smell from it. i do however need lower speed ram after i popped in the P4. it wont boot, and onthe LCD poster gives me an error "DET DRAM", which from what i have googled is fixable by booting in with lower speed ram and increacing voltages of the ram and NB.

    why is it i have never had a fault with vista 64-bit since july 07 or FF3 or most other software, yet hardware decides to sh!t on me :(
  11. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    @ Russ.... "inverted commas" are "quotation marks"... hehehee. :p

    @ Shaaf,

    It just happens... NO amount of planning can foresee the future of equipment and software. You can count on that with everything in life, including humans... ;)

  12. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    All I see are Exclamation and Quotation marks, neither of which are upside down commas! Yes, I use them a lot! So what? Has any Mod ever complained about it? You don't use proper Capitalization, and the Mods are always complaining about that and have even threatened you with suspension, yet you still don't use proper caps! Do you have a Phobia about the shift key?
    Why? Just to be a smart ass and see if you can annoy me or others that happen to prefer a different brand? It was funny the first couple of times, now it's annoying! People have told you that it's annoying, but you never listen! I don't know who's worse, you or Morty! He drops by this thread the other day, for the first time in ages. Does he say "Hi Guys, what's new", or "How's it going". No, he's got to say "memory multipliers :( sure glad I don't have to mess with em (asus). same applies with the fsb straps and memory speed. just highlight the different straps and select the real memory speed value at or just under my memorys rated speed. too easy". I'll bet that raised a groan amongst the troops! In fact I know it did, and you know it does, so why even go there?

    You (and Abuzar too) have this innate thing where you always have to be right and that everybody somehow needs to know that you are right, even if you are wrong! Why do you you suppose Creaky said he would prefer that you guys not post here? It's disruptive and counter productive to the forum, and no one is interested in hearing it for the umpteenth time.

    I know you are a young guy, and not an old Fart like me, but some day someone needs to explain to me, why youth is wasted on the young! It's youths biggest flaw! Now can we please get back to discussing building PCs instead of all the wise-ass BS?

    Thank You,
  13. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2008
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    From what I understand from here and other forums, the Q9300 isn't worth it. The Q9450 is by far the better chip! My personal preference would be the Q9550 if it ever gets the good stepping.

  15. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I haven't heard of anyone getting an EO stepping Q9450 but I have heard of several getting a Q9550 EO. The last time I checked there wasn't much if any difference between the prices of the two so at minimum go for the Q9550.
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The last time I saw an E0 stepping Q9550 was several months ago when you bought the Q9650! They had 12 at the MicroCenter in Tustin, Ca. I was going to get one for Rob (I think), but they ran out of them so fast, and there haven't been any since that I know of! Intel no longer shows both steppings unless you specifically google the E0 stepping model number. Before if you googled Q9550, they showed both!

    Best Regards,
  17. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    An inverted comma would be an Apostrophe! ROFLMAO!! maybe that's what you would get if quotation marks mate! LOL!!

  18. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Truth is I've never seen a Q9550 EO stepping and I'm not even certain that they exist, but I have heard of some having claimed to having purchased one. That being said it doesn't really matter since the Q9450 and Q9550 sell for almost the same price, and the Q9550 has a higher clock multiplier which still makes it my recommendation.
  19. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I've seen one Physically! Belongs to an MD I know who bought it from MicroCenter. The Intel page for it is just about nonexistent, and it takes a bit of crafty hunting just to find. This is from Intel!

  20. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    OK... last post for me on this and for quite some time.. it's frikkin ridiculous and on OT BS to boot!!!!

    Sorry if we were trying to add some humor!!! It won't happen again in this thread from me. So there you go!!!

    Read the quote from me... it says "inverted COMMAS"!!! NOT one frikkin comma but TWO of them!!! So that would make it look like ["].... NOT [']. Explanation over. tyvm. ;)

    If you guys have NEVER noticed I normally DON'T recommend one thing over the other. I like to give a choice when it comes to choosing a product. Whether it's a mobo, cpu, psu, case, RAM, oh you get the idea. I say pick what you like and what fits!!! If that's an ASUS, DFI, Biostar, GB, MSI, or whatever mobo you like. I will NOT choose one for you and I don't expect you want me too. I'll NOT push one product over another either, as they DON'T pay me to do so. I've had very good luck with DFI, ASUS, and GB. I had to send in an ASUS Striker Extreme but in ASUS's defense I bought the mobo used. Who knows what happened to it before I got it. ASUS asked NO questions just that I send the mobo to them and they would fix it or give me another mobo, that's it in a nutshell. :D

    So as one of my friends said here once, "the thread may continue"!!!!

    Have fun and enjoy YOUR thread!!

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