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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    now AMD is new to me, once agin i am at the i have know idea what im doing stage of building again. look at these 2 AMD CPU's. which is better and why? what mobo would be good with one of these cpu's?
    i am curious do these OC as well as the intels?

    i have a case,mem,cooler and hdd,odd so all i need is a mobo cpu and psu,gpu. im gonna take my corsair tx 650w and Evga 7600gt and put in the other case and get bigger ones for my E8400 build. and recomendations on any of the stuff im looking for?
    amd cpu & mobo then a psu and gpu for my E8400
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  2. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Which 2 AMD cpu's?? Missed the link I think. ;) Are you wanting to buy a mobo, cpu, and gpu?? You can literally go with a mobo that has integrated graphics that are pretty good and you can get a cpu for very little if you want too. ;)

  3. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    added link to previous post..lol sorry.

    im wanting to get a mobo and cpu(amd) use the crucial mem i have,case and cooler i have. take out my PSU and GPU put with that build and get me maybe a modular PSU and a better gpu for this rig(big red machine)
    thats once i get some money rolling in here again..lol
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  4. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    afaik the AMD cpu's will NOT OC like the Intels do but the cpu's you choose are about like the Q6600 and pretty good to boot. I'm sure that Russ can answer more about the AMD's than I just did and maybe DeadRum33 could chime in too, he has a couple of AMDs I think.

    A 620HX would be nice along with a ATi HD4850 for the BRM!! :)

  5. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Don't know what 2 CPUs you were referring to, but the 780G or 790G or GX motherboards will work fine with any socket AM2 or AM2+ Brisbanes, since they are pin compatible all the way through the Phenom II and AM3. The 2.5GHz 4850e is very overclockable, and can hit 3.2GHz pretty easy. The 5050e 2.6GHz is also reported to be just as overclockable as the 4850e, although unlike the 4850e, I haven seen any results on overclocking the 5050e yet. Are they as fast or as overclockable as the Intels? No! That's not going to happen until 45nm. What it can do is encode video faster, because the CPU contains it's own universal encoder to cover a wide variety of formats. The 2.6GHz 5050e will tear up my 3.55GHz E6750 encoding without any overclocking! Everything else I do on my rig now, the 5050e will do as well or better, and it will do it cooler and quieter, with many less fans. For me, with my wanting to build a Media Center PC that becomes a part of my sound system, and still be able to encode faster, is like Pennies from Heaven. At long last I can get rid of the tower! I no longer need the E6750's speed for other things, because I don't use it now!
    EDIT: The 9850 would be the better choice as the 9950 doesn't seem to come with a CPU cooler. It's not on the specs from Newegg! The 9850 is supposed to have a very nice heatpipe cooler. It's been reported to overclock pretty good too! Still, the same choice in motherboard as above. Should rock pretty good!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  6. spamual

    spamual Guest

    The 9950 doesn't come with a stock cooler? WTF lol! Why does it not? The as for encoding another reason to go amd, is on the 10th Dec amd are coming out with new gpu drivers, 8.12 which will add full gpu encoding abilities and the are giving a free encoding software as well. Hopefully more companies come out with one aswell for amd gpus. I know the software they are giving is iPhone easy so I am happy, my 4870x2 should blaze right through the videos :D
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Weird, isn't it? The specs for the 9950 are almost non-existent! and the AMD Product link is no help at all! There's no cooler mentioned I would like to point out that software is usually many times slower than Hardware however, so I would imagine the 9950 will really rock encoding with it's on-chip Universal Encoder. I can't wait to see what the Phenom IIs do, as they come with the same hardware in the chip. Add to that the benefits gained by the addition of the software fix for the GPU, and the performance will be formidable! Apparently, bandwidth is about to go up! Significantly! That's a Good Thing!

    Best Regards,
  8. spamual

    spamual Guest

  9. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2008
  10. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Without wishing to sound rude, the one thing that pisses me off here the most is people who ask a question about their purchases, and then order something regardless without waiting for an answer, to me it just seems rude. Good luck with your build regardless.

    Also, something most people don't realise is that companies that produce fans are allowed to lie about the specifications. Seemingly the market is too variant to actually enforce correct advertising, but of two fans that produce 50CFM at 25dB, it is very likely that one will produce 50-55CFM at 25dB or so, and the other will only produce 40CFM at 40dB. This is standard practice, and coolermaster are one of the companies that do it, although they are nowhere near as bad as Thermaltake.

    On top of this, in every review I've read, the Freezer 64 does a better job of cooling than the Coolermaster does. I go by reviews, not by specifications.

    I always thought the 9950 didn't come with a stock cooler because it produced so much heat that no stock cooler would be able to keep up, but I'm sure AMD have given away stock coolers with 125W parts before. Then again the TDP of the Xeon CPU Intel said should only ever be watercooled was only 140W...

    For GPU encoding, this is great news, the GPU really is designed to encode video, so the fact that it hasn't been utilised properly up until now is frankly shameful.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  11. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    sammorris...I'm GUILTY, I've done just what you've said...But not 2 piss U off and not that I'm impatient..But just a quick question (if someone states that they are placing an order now, how long should they wait for an answer--20mins,30min,an hour! B4 placing order ). Because this happened to me just the other night (fortunately-unfortunately) I ended up ordering the arctic 64 for the new build B4 A RESPONSE WAS POSTED, But I WAITED AN Hour B4 doing so..Sometimes U just can't wait, Ya I got impatient! also wanted to get some sleep. I know we all have a life outside AD, so I understand. Right or wrong sometimes U just have to bite the bullet. NO OFFENSE, as U know from previous post I very much appreciate this site. Everybody here has helped me a lot, and I appreciate it a lot..Again to all MANY THANKS
  12. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I understand, it's very tempting to just click the order button, but depending on who's about,you should really wait at least a few hours for an answer in this thread, if you don't get one after that, fair enough.
    No offense taken, but I'm sure you understand it can sometimes get frustrating.
  13. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

  14. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    first of all i could give my E8400 to mort and let him put it on his Rampage formula,or give it to Soph and put it on his P5Q Deluxe,or to Russ and put on his GA-P35-DS3R, and your not gonna get any more than the 4.1ghz i got out of it...Soph might with the water cooling but i doubt more than 4.2ghz or so.

    once i can get it i will get the Quad i want with the P5Q something mobo. no need to have another board for this cpu im not gonna get much more out of it.
  15. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Pull out a known working motherboard and swap in an OpenBox. Riiiight....
    What needs to be clarified about overclocking is that almost all mainstream boards (on the right chipset) can reach the limit of a CPU with a sensible voltage these days. What the motherboard now decides is, "if I set an outrageous voltage and use Water or Phase cooling, how far can I get?" - The Biostar can make 6Ghz, whoopee, the P5Q could probably do 5.5...
  16. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    And then there are those of us who just want some raw fan power, Ar, Ar, Ar. I want to shrink a wind tunnel fan down and then strap it onto a copper heat pipe system and let it roar with enough force to require bolting the case down to a table. Hmm! Maybe one of those little combustion engines that are used on remote control planes would fit and with a modified fuel tank???

    If I'm building an HTPC or just one that I use for entertainment quiet is good, but for a highly overclocked folding or encoding rig in another room I just want cool.

    Russ, at your age buddy you can't hear all those extra db anyway.;)
  17. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I think Russ would probably beg to differ there. I doubt our past 'heated' discussion over fan choice would have existed if he didn't give a damn about noise...
  18. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I was trying to make the point that what is noisy to some might not be to others. Everyone has a different tolerable noise threshold. Even my loud fans (except for the monster setup in the other room) are probably acceptable to many and are probably pretty quiet by most standards. BTW, we really do lose some of our hearing with age, especially HF.

    Very few people over the age of sixty can hear above 7 Khz to 10 KHz and the noise from fans are largely white and pink noise. Most of the white noise becomes inaudible and the upper range in pink noise begins to drop off. Unless one is suffering from hyperacusis most white and pink noise actually creates a relaxing soothing environment and also makes a great sleep aid. Waves rolling into a beach is a good example.

    If a debate comes down between 5 db and 5C, I will go for the 5C every time.
  19. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Surprisingly at my age I can hear things most younger people can't. I've always had extraordinary hearing, but hearing tests don't lie. You either hear the sounds or you don't. I can still hear up to 21,700 cycles, and that puts me in the top range of hearing for most people, regardless of age. Sam has already proven to me that his hearing is superior to mine with his analysis of sound bites I have sent him. He can hear in the recordings, things I can only hear live, and that's remarkable to me.

    That kind of hearing is both a blessing and a curse. You get some very funny looks from people when you complain about noises that nobody else hears. In particular for me, Proximity motion detectors for the alarm systems in stores drive me absolutely crazy!

    Surprisingly, Playing a real Pipe Organ doesn't bother me at all, and they are almost always slightly out of tune, but you use that to your advantage too, as an artist when you play it. It's always a work around, because the tune of the pipes is constantly changing due to Temperature, Humidity and Barometric Pressure changes. Playing one well is a constant challenge that can be very rewarding if you have the ability to listen, learn and adapt. I attribute my own abilities there, to my excellent hearing.

    Best Regards,
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I will agree on the white noise being relaxing for sleep, in moderation. My server has a very slight low pitched roar, lacking in all the higher frequency hiss. However, typically most loud fans usually have a tonal noise to them which is far more annoying, and in the case of the Freezer 7 Pro, which I believe has the same fan as the Freezer 64, it was obtrusive and distracting at full speed when trying to work. I'm not sure how far my hearing goes, but I know it's at least above 15khz, which is beyond what anyone else in my family can hear. It was interesting, my brother can hear up to about 13Khz, my mum 11Khz, my dad about 10Khz, and my grandad only 3.5Khz.
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