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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. spaul40

    spaul40 Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    All of the power in Europe is 50Hz - 220Volt. The main difference is that each country has their own shape power outlet (plug). Make sure you have the right shape plug adaptor for the country(s) you will be visiting (the better voltage conversion packages contain all of the plug varieties).
  2. spamual

    spamual Guest

  3. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    OK guys here i go again..first of all let me say. I'm back in the work force again,and much better shape than i was in before.a good amount more than i was making before too. so once i get caught up I'm gonna be good to go.

    so here is gonna be my Quad build..not gonna get it all at once just parts here and there when i can. mostly the smaller lower priced stuff.


    i put 3 MOBO's in there as i haven't totally made up my mind and seeing i wont be buying it first i still have time to make up my mind. i was gonna do a AMD Quad,but i keep getting pulled toward the Q9550. mostly cause of the good things said about it and not much is out on the new Phenom2 Deneb yet.
  4. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    is that just encodeing for game??? im not following this? will it let me encode movie videos??? that article showed converting dvd to ipod..big whoppie i can do that now in about 7 mins????

    is it only 1 program from ATI and Nvidia each to do this encodeing?
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Hehe, this is where ATI shine, I've been waiting for a fully functional driverside AVIVO video converter for a LONG time. That encode time is promising, 7 times faster than a QX9770 on a lowly HD4830, let alone a 4870. I'm going to assume it doesn't support multiple GPUs, but even so, with times like that, there scarcely seems the need.

    Rob, the HD4850 is cheaper (after rebates) and noticeably faster than the 9800GTX:

    Build looks awesome apart from that
  6. spamual

    spamual Guest

    rob, they are encoding video not games lool.

    its showing the GPU>CPU for encoding, all it needs is support from the good software makers :)
  7. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    RedRob you got some good parts there. ;) Sam pegged the video card if you ask me. :D

    I'd consider some other changes too but what you have is great. ;) A modular psu, maybe Corsair, Antec, or Mushkin are some possibilities. link to Corsair 620HX - Mushkin psu's These aren't the only companies that make modular psu's but I like them. After using a modular psu I really think it's the way to go if you don't need all the connectors. Of course you'll have plenty of room to hide stuff with that case. ;)

    You might consider one of these for RAM if strapped for cash at the time, I really like your choice tho. ;)

    cpu cooler? don't you already have a couple? Use one of those until you think you need something better. ;)

    HDD's - Rob if you don't have an "OS" HDD for this rig yet I would consider one of these as a choice then add the "BIG" HDD later. ;)

    See what you think about that RedRob. ;)


    add: almost forgot, always remember to shop around. You just might save a few bucks on shipping, MIR's, or off the price and be able to get something else you needed. :)

    GOOD LUCK buddy!!!! and congrats on the NEW job.... that's great. :)
  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    after reading that a couple more times., it seems to be headed in the right direction. like you said it need the software company's to make software for the GPU's to do the encodeing. as for ATI and Nvidia each only have there own software to do the encodeing. it would wind up being like DVD-Rebuilder..encodes the files then creates the output and then you burn with what ever program you want.

    so with this in mind does that mean there will be more stream processors on the new and up comeing GPU's? what is the highest right now between 800-920 stream proc.?????

    link to Nvidia's badaboom
    link to ATI's Avivo

    gotta pay for badaboom Avivio is free.
  9. spamual

    spamual Guest

    the new badaboom 1.1 includes multiple GPU proccessing.



    CyberLink PowerDirector in Q1 2009 will have full ati support.

    arcsoft aswell with their whole media suite.

    im sure in 9.1 drivers there will be a bigger support with AVIVO and yes rob more stream proccessors for the next GPu gen minimum, after that we might get a new type of proccessiung, we had pipelines and pixel and vertex shading, now we have stream processing, who knows what else is to come, esp with dx12

    including the 4870x2 there are 1600 for ATI.

    but these are 5 wayy scaler proccessors, and that kind of translated to nvidias that = 320 (but if dual GPU support is not working then that = 160
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2008
  10. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i was looking at that GPU also. but i was thinking of doing some folding with this new build and the nvidia cards get better ppd than the ATI cards.

    ive also thought about the corsair 620hx. will it be enough power for the Q9550 and the bigger GPU? that was my thinking on the TX750(as i have the TX650)

    and the mem i choose is the 4gb version of the 2gb i have now and love.DDR2 800.i know i can OC them to 1066 so no need t obuy the more excpensive 1066...lol

    the hdd i currently now have 1 of those 250gb sata seagates and a ide 250gb. im gonna use the sata one for the new build along with that 500gb...and take the 500gb GP WD and put it into the new build.and leave the 250gb in the old one now need for more than 250gb of space on that rig.

    and for prices. i now where i can get most of them parts alot cheaper when the time comes..just the CPU i can get a;lmost $70 cheaper(microcenter) and the case $30 cheaper there also.

    good point on the cooler i cna use the ACF 7 pro on it for the time being..lol might need that lapped. ;)~

    if things work the way i/we are counting on i can get the mem,hdd and maybe mobo for x-mas... fingers crossed. or i could get the CPU and use it right now and not wait for 3-4 months to have it all.lol
  11. spamual

    spamual Guest

    hx 620 will be enough.

    yes nvidia cards kill folding and i dont know if f@h will support ati stream.

    the cuda support for nvida is pretty good.

    id get 2 nvidia card, obv dont run them in sli, seperately, IMO 2 8800GTs as you can get them for cheap, and use them.

    just want to say about your HDDs, a 640GB or 320GB will be faster thant he 500/250 due to bigger platters, 320GB vs the older 250GB.

    GM i am to get my Q9550 tomrow, finger crossed its an E0 hehe.

    then on wed i go home from york uni, back to london where the rest of my PC is, and ill build.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2008
  12. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    For the record, Mushkin PSUs have been very noisy in the past. I would go with an OCZ over a Mushkin for that reason.
  13. Shamb1es

    Shamb1es Regular member

    Sep 21, 2008
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    I don't know if Stanford has patched their ATI support but if you divide the ATI/nVidia TFLOPS by the number of active GPU's the difference is about .01%. So it looks like either brand folds just as well, or there's a lot more people with higher end cards folding with ATI.
  14. spamual

    spamual Guest

    you cant just dive the terra flops though, PPD is the main thign to look at when folding, and nvida get LAODS more than ati.

    infact a PS3 would be a good idea
  15. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    kinda off topic here but informative.
    i plan on joining the team with Soph,64026402 and a few others.they have crack the top 500 teams list with just 4 guys.and there advise/instructions is what im basing my decision on. as you guys know im not a big gammer like some of the good peeps here are. but i am getting into it more. and i like the concept of folding. a good cause plus it will let ya really know how stable your build is..
    i like the idea of a hd4850,but fo the better of things i think the 8800gt/gts would be more in line of me right now.. but then again its not to be said that i wont get a hd4850..lol man i sound like a woman.. cant make up my mind...at least not until its time to hit hte buy button....or microcenter has a good sale... they do have better deals on there ATI cards compared to the Nvidia cards.

    ihave thought about my earlier comment about getting the Q9550 now instead of hte smaller priced stuff... i can use it now with the stuff i have. and then buy the rest a peaice here and there...i really like that idea better... plus i know microcenter has them and EO stepping..
  16. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I used to fold for DVDHounds, but found the dual core client very buggy, it kept trying to do the same work unit, and cancelling each other out.
  17. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    I know this one guy who had a 20rig Quad core folding farm. What he did to increase performance was to sell off all his computers, get cheap dual cores(e2180s I think) and have 20 dual core computers all folding from video cards. Either 9600GTs or 8800GTs, I don't remember.
  18. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Crosses fingers to aid in getting E0 stepping. good luck to you...

    I thought you had a couple of "smaller" HDD's lying around but couldn't remember which ones they were. ;) The 500GB will be a nice addition. :D

    Get the cpu now and then mess around with it until you can't stand it any more. lol. :p

    Just throwing some ideas out at you... but the RAM you chose, as I said, is great. :D

    The 620HX will handle the power easily!! I just like the idea of the modular psu, just me I guess. ;) If worried about power get the 850W Antec modular. :D I have the 1000W version and it's a beauty. :D

    NOW get to buying something.. you TEASER!!!!! hehehee.


    add: sorry humor emerged again. lol.
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    But is the 850W Antec actually 850W? Me I'd go with the Zalman ZM850-HP. That's a fine unit.
  20. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    A single decent GPU can fold about as fast as 20 dual cores processors thanks to Nvidia's CUDA drivers and some new folding@home software development. Using a CPU for folding now is a waste of power. Mini super computers called Tesla are being built using a combination of CPU and GPU power. Here's the kicker. So far the GPU units are are Nvidia and the CPU units are AMD. LOL

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2008
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