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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    It was probably the carbon deposits I was thinking of.
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Yup, they sure burn nice. many's the time I've unplugged an old hard drive or CD Rom and part of the pins in the drive have burned right through or de-soldered from the heat. Amphenol connectors are probably the best for a PSU as they have a screw collar that keeps the connections from moving around at all. Even they give up the ghost once in a while.

  3. spamual

    spamual Guest

    dot he phenmon IIs work in AM2 (not +) mobos?
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Some do, some don't. It's almost always a case of a BIOS Upgrade, and the CPUs will rarely perform as they should even when they do work.
  5. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I believe so. But I guess im wrong, LOL. Sorry :D
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2009
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I know that I've seen claims that some socket AM2s can be flashed to accept them, but they are a socket AM2+ CPU, and won't work as well as a socket AM2+ because it looses some of the features that the socket AM2+ MB's have. You would have to check the MB manufacturer to find out. That's what made me choose the 790G chipset AM2+ motherboard so I can go from the 7750 BE to a Phenon II. There are also a number of AM2+ MBs that can be flashed to AM3 running DDR2 as the next generation Phenom II will have support for both DDR2 and DDR3.

  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I read what the link said and they are completely 100% wrong! All the Brisbanes are socket AM2 CPUs, and they work just fine in a socket AM2+ motherboard. In fact they gain about 15-20% in performance just by using a 780G motherboard. I know that for sure because I recently built one with a x2 4400+! The only socket AM2+ x2 CPU that AMD makes at the moment is the new 7750 Black Edition. It's why I want it! The only other AM2+ CPU there are are the Phenom x3 and x4 and the new phenom IIs. You can take that to the bank as I am 100% certain on this!

  8. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Sorry about that peeps. Pretty gullible here sometimes. Ehh... I wouldnt wanna do that anyways. I try and keep things PROPER. Less bugs, instability, etc.
  9. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You were just going by something you read by people who should know better, that's all. I have a feeling they meant well, but just didn't research it enough first. The socket AM3 Phenoms will be backward compatible with socket AM2+ motherboards, if the MB supports it. The Gigabyte I'm getting will! I don't consider $138 expensive for the top of the line! It was all in a number of articles I posted on the AMD Building thread.

    Best Regards,
  10. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Thanks. :D Gonna have to try a Giga board next time. Might just surprise me.
  11. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    Has anybody who has used an E8400 had stuck sensors on both cores?
    For the last two PC's I've built so far, both of which I installed an E8400 in, have had stuck sensors. Is it just bad luck, or is this common?
  12. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    ive had 3 E8400's the first 2 didnt have any sensor problems, this one i have now core0 has a stuck sensor. it wont go below 45c(well it has a few times but not normaly) but once under load it works fine. just go by the temp on the sensor that works.
  13. mrk44

    mrk44 Guest

    lol That would be good if I had a sensor that works. They're BOTH stuck! Both at 31C on the last one I installed. The one before that, one of the sensors was stuck at 22C.
  14. spamual

    spamual Guest

    for AM2+ users, the phenom II is a superb upgrade, for anyone on a C2D, popping in a C2Q would be better :)

    for people making a new build..... im stumped looooool!!

    depends on price i guess.

    but its sad to see the the new AMDs are only competing with a 1 year old tech... :(

    really shows the power of i7 on everything, bar single GPU setups in games.

    BTW 3GB is enough aswell. esp with win 7 coming, which wont use as much RAM as vista. AND even is its 1333MHz cas9, honestly how much difference real life did 800 MHz 444 12, to 1066 444 12, OR even 1066 555-15 to 1066 444 12.

    IMO, bar benchmarks, it made no difference what so ever.
  15. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The only thing that will hold back i7 is the economy. If the times were better, it would be a huge success. It's going to get a whole lot worse too! With the cost of power going up just about every day, Wattage is going to matter a lot, and i7 is very power hungry compared to the Yorkfields and the Phenom II. Even the 7750 BE I want, draws only 8 watts more than the Q6600 under load and draws 2 watts less at idle. That's where the market will be for the next couple of years here in the US, and the competition is getting tougher because of it. Sales are way down, and the light at the end of the tunnel, if there is one, is a long way off! Not trying to poop on anyone's parade, but these are the sad facts in the US. I should be all right because a lot more people are going to fix rather than replace. It's the lesser of two evils. I'll be working for food next

    I can build a brand new AMD x2 6000+, Freezer 64, 250GB Seagate drive, MSI MB, 2GB 667 Ram, Case w/ fans, DVD burner and a 450w PSU for $350-$375 right now! I can do a x2 4200+ with a Biostar MB, with the same stuff for about $310-$330. I can even do an Intel E2200 same deal except using a window case for about $275, and still make enough money on them to live! That's the market here in California right now, and this is one of the wealthier states! I had a woman come to me today wanting to sell a laptop. Brand doesn't matter. She paid $900 for it just last year and is asking $700. I told her $250 tops. I can't sell it, no matter what it is for $700. I would be lucky if I could sell it for $350. The lady who is buying my computer has put me on hold till the end of the month because she takes IV treatments three time a week for Chronic Arthritis, and they refuse to accept medicare anymore, starting Yesterday. That's $750 a week she doesn't have. Did I mention it's going to get worse!

    Like I said, i7 is a wonderful computer, It's fast as all get out, but far too expensive for the times. It's initial costs are much higher and it uses too much power. Some well off enthusiasts will buy them, but Intel can't afford to keep losing money on them. The average guy is where the market is for mainstream computing. Guys that don't overclock or have big bucks, that represent 90% of the global market and can't afford to buy any longer. I had a Real Estate Agency call me today and I looked at their computer and the 12v had shorted over to the 5v in the PSU and blew everything out. CPU, memory and all the Drives. I gave them a price of $350 for a new console. I'm betting right now they can't afford it! And these are people who specialize in helping people keep their homes and avoid Foreclosures. There's just no money to be had! I hate to be Mr Doom and Gloom, but that's just the way it is! As we cut back and start buying less from overseas, it's going to affect the economies worldwide before it's over! That could take years. It took years to get into this mess, and it's going to take years to get out of it! There is no quick fix. The idiots in Washington just gave a ton of money to GM and Chrysler! For what?? The lots are full of cars, people can't afford to buy now. The Unions don't want to give up anything and the big guys want to keep their high salaries they earn for failing to do a good job. Let someone else pay the tab, as long as it isn't them! The problem is no one has any money to pay it with!

    Last edited: Jan 9, 2009
  16. spamual

    spamual Guest

    yep, i can understand your points, but sayiing the the 7750BE ONLY consumes a bit more than the Q6600.... thats not great. an E5200 would be much better for price, performance and wattage :)

    but remember, this is an enthusiasts forum, we will continue to buy PC parts, as its our hobby. to get my rig, i had to live of 1 meal a day, some times 2, for a 2 months. and tbh the only way to get out of a reccession is to buy!
  17. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Not strictly true, if you do use vista right now, 3GB is certainly not eough, loads of games will break that. I agree that memory speeds have no appreciable real-world difference in performance.

  18. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    An update on my darned failed motherboard. Have tried all manner of troubleshooting, swapping all components out with spares, disconnecting all connections, power, SATA, etc etc. Best i could muster from the (very clever) mobo fault LED's is that the BIOS is somehow corrupted. Nothing whatsoever helped.
    So... it's being sent in for RMA. As they no longer sell this particular board they say that if it's found to be faulty they will refund me the money so i can choose a.n.other board.
    I think i'd be wise to buy another board anyway as the RMA could take some time.

    Am leaning towards the Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3 - http://www.ebuyer.com/product/145686/show_product_specifications?spectype=extended - i see they only have 2 in so i might just go for it...
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Hehe, that's my approach :)
  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    so they wont even change when under load??? thats odd??
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