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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You should un-install Nero, DVD shrink, DVDFab and DVD Decrypter and clean the registry. Make certain that the Folders are removed completely from the program files before you clean the registry. Myself, I would take it one step further and manually remove all references to those 4 programs with RegEdit in the run menu! Re-install Nero, DVD Decrypter,DVD Shrink and DVDFab, in that order. Something has obviously targeted some of your ripping software. Sony got caught a while back putting software on your computer that interferes with ripping and burning, and the Courts ruled against them! I haven't the least doubt that someone is trying to do the same thing again, even though it's now against the law!

    If you have Tuneup Utilities 2008, you can check the Tune Up Startup Manager and see what's loading at boot-up. You can turn any and all of them off! It could be something from there!

    Best Regards and good luck,
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    The server market has turned its back on it because Xeons are better. The i7 is far from a rip off for many people. Now that DDR3 prices have plummeted, if I built a new system now, it'd be an i7, simple as that.

  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I've finally had my MSI P35 Platinum back from RMA, all fixed apparently. I have 2 spare sticks of Crucial RAM since i RMA'd the faulty stick a while back, so all i'd need for a new build is a CPU really, i have the monster Supermicro SC-750A case (beige is the new custom paint job LOL) but apart from still being unemployed i just don't need any more machines right now. I guess i'll eventually just build a real fast multi-core linux server or a seconday video encoding machine (the Dual Core E6400's are ok but nothing special for encoding). Plus it's going to be a real long time before i even bother with Bluray encoding, i'll only bother with that when movies come out that aren't on DVD.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    ...nice try, but not unless they're given away free to poor people :)
  6. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    And I second that... ROFL. ;P

  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    rob, the problem you are having i ran into on a customer's brand new pc. tried to load xp & got the blue csreen of death, eventually found out i had a bad stick of ram which i did not have a spare 1 at the time so delayed me a day til got it replaced. after i got windows loaded i found i had a bad videocard so that had to be replaced so the computer ran on a 1meg pci videocard til rplacement came in & no problem since in about 2yrs.
  8. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I had a sound card give me similar issues! Nothing but a stop error. That was when I was limited to one machine, and had no choice but to take it into a shop, LOL. They told me it was the sound card! I was like WHAT! A sound card can cause that? Apparently if its damaged enough eh!
  9. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    ddp was the issue the RAM or gfx card? or both?

  10. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    I just hope that the Gulftown's will be compatible like they initially let on...I was just hoping for a quad that was only producing about a 100 watts like my Q9450...I guess I will have to settle for a (6) core processor instead...
    Me Likey how that sounds...}:)

    The i7 will still be a beast...I guess I shouldn't complain...for the price I couldn't have done any better...I'm with Sam...No reason for another 775 build...there is really nothing in that field I don't have covered right now...
    I can't wait to see the new case...I am really excited about this build..:)
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    gm, both were bad but could still use videocard without using it's drivers as it caused windows to lockup. the videocard actually had hardware issue in that there was spots all over the post screen that was not there in the windows screen. either the videocard cpu was screwing up or more likely was bad ram module. as both were still under warranty, i got them replaced.
  12. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    6 cores? Good graces LOL. When will it stop? Why not concentrate on Wattage(Heat) handling, and achieve higher clock speeds. Please excuse my possible ignorance. I still have MUCH to learn. But surely there are materials that could accomplish that?
    Shouldnt utilization fall under source code? E.G. windows, software, drivers, etc. Amd, and Intel produce the means! Software, drivers, etc utilize the potential. If im mistaken I apologize. Im still pretty ignorant by most PC freaks standards, LOL. When I use the word freak, its a compliment. Things I hold in high regard, I refer to as Freak! :)
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  13. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Thanks for answering that... it may serve me in the future. ;)

  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I'm just glad you can afford to do it. 775 builds are going to be the way of the future for a while to come! Same way with socket AM2+ for the AMD fans, and maybe even AM3 with a Phenom II since those motherboards go from $114 to $200 now, with a number of good ones in the $139-$179 price bracket. Even with having to buy MB, CPU and DDR3, it's still much cheaper than an i7 platform!

    In the not too distant future, AMD will be making all of their CPUs on just two types of production line. One for Phenom x4 & x3, and the Kuma line to replace many of the current AM2 x2 65nm, with AM2+ x2 45nm CPUs. The other one will be for Phenom II x4, both AM2+ and AM3, and Phenom II x3. The x2's are rumored to called KumaFx! AMD's cost less to produce because the process is highly automated process, with no human intervention inside the CPU, while Intel has to manually connect the cores and Cache memory on a core 2 Quad. AMD being able to make all their chips on just two lines and be able to make what they want, on the fly with just a couple of keyboard clicks. They have also raised the standards as to what actually becomes a x4. The ones that passed on the low end are destined to be triples, and the same formula will be used for the Dual Cores. Your chances of getting a well binned CPU, just went up, across the board, while the chances of getting a bad one are almost nil! When their older Phenoms get reduced to 45nm, they will have a very potent lineup in all speed ranges, and the only retooling that will be needed for the next couple of years will be the Phenom's move to 45nm.

    The Metal Gate Transistors will first be seen in a Socket AM3 Phenom II, to be followed by the AM2+/AM3 version, also with the Metal Gate Transistors. When that happens, AMD will have achieved total parity with Intel in socket 775, and that's all they'll need to do! They don't have to beat Core i7, because they don't have to compete with it at all, thanks to it's high price tag! I'll certainly envy the few people who do get the platform, but the bread and butter war will be between Socket AM2+/AM3 and socket LGA775!

    It's been almost 9 months since AMD started doing everything right. They've been on-time with their new CPUs and everything they've shown since last June or so has been an improvement over what they had before. I mean, "This is AMD for God's sake"! They invented Vaporware! It's like a sacrilege! LOL!! Even the Phenom II we first saw last year, is no match for the latest one! The Kuma, now has 4 siblings and it's rumored that a 2.8GHz Black Edition will be coming out soon! Since the Kuma's are all 45nm, it should help with a smooth transition to 45nm for the phenoms! I think that AMD is positioned and ready to deal with the worsening economy. Their Market share has been increasing about a percent a month for the last 6 or 7 months, and right now they are at 30%. I think when this mess is all over with AMD will have achieved Parity in Market share as well! The longer Intel continues to allow i7 to bleed Dollars, the better AMD's chances for success. I'll make you a friendly bet right now! The first quarter figures for 09 will be out pretty soon, and I'll bet you that Intel's loss will be over 3 Billion Dollars, maybe even closer to 4 Billion! They can't keep this up for much longer, and they certainly can't go to the Government for a Bail-Out after wasting all that money, instead of pulling the plug on i7 when they should have! Right now AMD is in the better Financial Position! The sale of their Fabs was Brilliant! The perfect move at the perfect time (again), that let them get billions of dollars out of debt, and still control the Fabs! That just has to be the Most Amazing Deal of the Century, so far!

    The only i7 owner I know here, is Nucknfuts, and I'm very disappointed that he hasn't showcased his system here yet, as requested by Sam and I! He didn't even respond to either request! I know that if I had built one, you wouldn't have to twist my arm! He must know that everyone here is dying to see what core i7 can do in the hands of a member, especially a member with such high overclocking skills! Come on Nuck! Give us what we want to see! Please!

    Best Regards,
  15. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Thanks...I had a very good year last year...and I should have a much better year...this year...
    I am moving the Festival to bigger grounds...The new grounds can handle 75,000...that should give me the head room that I need...

    You know you won't have to twist my arms...toys are meant to be played with...I figured there was a couple i7's running here...I figured Sopocles or Marty had them by now...I can bench it against my X-48 P5E Deluxe with a Q9450...I will most likely go Q9200 for the Revolution...
  16. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well its up and running fine right now.it wasnt the mem,wasnt the ram..it was the crappy mobo. swapped out all my stuff onto another mobo and all is well.. so now i gotta RMA mine back to gigabyte and have them send me a new one.

    question. i think i know the answer just want to be sure.

    i have 4 hdd in it. only 3 are showing up in my computer. but in device manager all 4 are showing up.
    the newest drive i got yesterday has not been properly added with the segate disc wizard. would that be the reason its not showing in my computer and is beeing seen in device manager?
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    rob, have you gone thru windows's disk management to partition the drive for the 1st time before formating it?
  18. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    Yes, that would be the reason. Either use Seagate's disk wizard or go to Computer Management and format it to NTFS.

    BTW, great going on solving your problem.
  19. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The only thing that worries me about Core i7 is the possibility of winding up with an unsupported system, an Orphan! It wouldn't be the first time for Intel either! Just ask anyone who bought the first Pentiums. The first ones were socket 4 and promptly changed to socket 5, leaving the original on it's own, with no meaningful upgrade path, so if you had a socket 4, you were forced to buy a new motherboard, just to upgrade your CPU or be stuck with 60 or 66MHz Pentiums, the only ones the MB supported. With it's core voltage of 5v, they became know as "Coffee Heaters"!

    Then there was the Pentium Overdrive that had been much hyped as an upgrade for the 486, which gave you the choice of 63 0r 83MHz and fit only the 2/3 Overdrive socket. They were expensive and late, and were poor performers that had massive problems with the on board L2 cache. They also had little or no support from Intel! To avoid problems you had to turn the L2 cache off, which greatly hindered the performance! The saddest part is that the only reason Intel even produced the Pentium overdrive was to keep from being sued!

    The big question is, will history repeat itself? I just don't want to be stuck with an expensive platform that I'll have to replace with another expensive platform because of no upgrade path. I'm not willing to take that risk!

    Best Regards,
  20. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    that's why...I left gigabyte and jumped to the Biostar I45 T-Power haven had any problems what so ever with oc'ing,voltage or temps and reached 4.5ghz with the E8400 EO on air at 1.294v...I can't complain at all..I would buy another I45 and..I may it's a good board for Intel cpu's people sudden be afraid to test other brands to see what they offer...But read the Reviews and search for facts first...

    Ps..My crappy in the box P35 GA-EP35c-Ds3r Rev 2.0 two months old that's how old it was in my case b4...I got the T-Power is on loan to My Good Friend CincyRob until he gets his Board Back from Gigabyte Believe me it's 4 sale $120 after Cincy gives it back to me after the loan...I enjoyed having the Big Red Machine up in my house it's the Big Brother to my 590 case enjoyed the stay and the work Thanks Rob...

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2009
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