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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Sorry about the post earlier. One of the other threads is ok with that image width. It WON'T happen again LOL! Plus I have an above average monitor, so its easy to forget about the other guy LOL!

    Here is a Sandra Benchmark. MUCH better!
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  2. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    So umm...I bet your itching for a Phenom II now ehh russ :) Well, its sure worth 4 times its weight in gold LOL! The SOB multi tasks like a dream. Definitely my "Pride and Joy" LOL! Though from various countless posts, the i7 dominates on just about every task. But didn't the phenom II surpass on encoding? Oh and eh hem, has an amd ever suffered from electron migration? Serious legitimate question.

    On another note...this has got to be the one of the silliest things ive ever seen LOL!
    Last edited: May 12, 2009
  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I can't wait to get one. You know what's strange? With all the problems I encountered, it's still been fun! I chalked all the problems up to, just the way things shook out this time. I never once got angry or hollered at anybody, and the people I've dealt with have all been nice, and helpful. I haven't been in a rush for anything, and I've taken my time, and learned quite a bit. I also have no regrets that I built it. I got a glimpse as to how good the 7750BE will be, before the second motherboard ate it, and even after I put it in my present MB, dying and all, I still got better benchmarks at lower CPU speeds. I'm guessing it will be here the end of this week or the beginning of next.

    All CPU's can be subject to Electro Migration, it's just that some have more leeway on voltage than others do. The maximum voltage on the Phenom II is higher than the Intel Yorkfields, but it doesn't get hotter at all with a decent cooler. In fact, when AMD first hit 4GHz with the Phenom II, even though they overvolted, it was done with the Stock heatpipe cooler that comes with the CPU! I know when I watched the video, I was stunned to see that! Granted all the computers were breadboarded on a table, but still, it's a great cooler for an OEM! I'm going to use the one I got from you, when the new CPU get's here and compare it to the data I have for the Freezer 64. Why not, it's not difficult to change, and I'm still waiting on the media center PC build I got it for! He's still waiting on his money! LOL!! I figured that I might as well test AMD's new cooler!

    Oh! I think I am going to drop the idea of selling the server in favor of removing all the server stuff and Putting the motherboard in a different case and selling it as a PC. At 700MHz, it's pretty fast with a GB of memory in it, for what it is, and I can sell stuff like that all day long. Part of the reason it's so quick is the 10,000 RPM SCSI drive in it. Who knows, I might even retire the Dell Workstation for good and make it our backup computer! LOL!!

    Best Regards,
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I'm not sure what I'm looking at with those tests. What we see is that core for core, the old Conroe architecture is significantly faster than the Phenom II architecture at GIMP, and that in video encoding, an overclocked tri core can JUST beat an overclocked dual core.
    The Multitasking test is no multitasking test at all, it's basically just 'how fast is this CPU at 7zip', since unless you have a pathetic graphics card, HD video playback is an inconsequential load on the CPU.

    The power consumption tests are interesting to a vague extent. Including only the X3 at stock is mean though, as it is not imediately obvious how much more (or otherwise) efficient the Intel CPUs will be. What it does show is that to get the X3 to perform with the high-end, the voltage has to go through the roof.

    Also Russ, 700mhz? Fast?
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    22.329 seconds at stock 2.5Ghz, E5200.

    Not looking like SuperPi is an accurate measurement when both Intel and AMD are involved! :O
  6. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    not to change the topic here guys, butis there a real temp program for 64bit systems? i cant seem to find one if there is. i know core temp works with 64 bit systems.
    another question. can you install windows on a hdd that is in a rig that already has a OS on it? i have a 100gb hdd i want to put windows on for a little system im building.(the older gigabyte board and the P4 cpu i have) just thought i could save some time and install windows on the hdd before hand, once i get my mem in it i can do a complete install of drivers and such.. which i still need to find the drivers for this board. GIGABYTE GA-81915P
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I'm pretty sure you can only select the individual hard drives on the boot menu, so the answer would be no!

    I'll see what I can find on the motherboard!

    Best Regards,
  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    got it back up to 3.6ghz now. i did have to take it out of auto and increase the volts to 1.3375 in bios but in cpuz the volts are only 1.264v and in everest its 1.260v temps dindt increase any. passed 7 passes on IBT.gonna try the mips test again in sandra.

    i had a link to that mobo some where that included all its drivers for downloading i just dont knwo where i saw it at.. someone here posted it i think.,
  9. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    That'll be VDroop. It probably fails on auto as it'll be maxed out at something like 1.3 or 1.325, and the VDroop will drag it below 1.25.
  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Here you go. Gigabyte has it, it's just hard to find the drivers!


    Best Regards,
  11. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    Suggestion Russ should'en he download all them Drivers and burn them to a disc so he can have them for later in case of a hard drive wipe...I would atlease I do with all my hard to find drivers...lol...Hey Russ old friend just finished up with my niece's computer she bought back in 2004 nothing fancy store bought has'nt ran in 3 years until now..i got it going again funny thing is i hav'en seen the double jumper pin in along time on a hard drive sense moving to sata style...lol had to wipe the hard drive and re install xp home cause she had of virus it would'en boot into windows at all it was kinda hard to find the drivers for that board believe me W Series W2888


    CPU: Intel® Celeron® Processor
    (2.80GHz, 400MHz FSB, 128KB L2 Cache)
    Chipset: Intel® 845GV chipset
    Memory: 512MB DDR nnnix pc2700u25330 ddr 333mhz cl 2.5
    Hard Drive: 80GB HDD (Hitachi) Jan-2004 rpm:7200
    Optical Drive: CD-RW/DVD Combo Drive (Lite-on) Model:LTC 48161H
    Media Reader: 8-in-1 digital media manager (Secure Digital™ (SD), Smart Media, Compact Flash, Micro Drive, Memory Stick®, Memory Stick PRO, Multimedia Card, USB 2.0)
    Video: Intel® Extreme Graphics integrated
    Sound: AC '97 audio
    Network: 10/100Mbps built-in Ethernet
    Modem: 56K ITU v.92-ready Fax/Modem

    I found a Hp system in the dumpter and all was wrong that the hard
    drive had a (isass.exe) issue in the c:\windows\system32

    i'll post the hp specs later on

    funny had people just throw away stuff for the littlest reasons
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2009
  12. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I most certainly WOULD NOT throw out something like that. Even though its rather outdated :) Im a bit of a pack rat though :D
  13. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Oman7 & bigwill,
    Strange, a lot of people feel like it's beneath them to play around with some of this old stuff. I for one, enjoy playing around with them! It takes me back to when you actually built something. Today, it's just assembly, it's been made so easy to do! That server I just got, I'm going to tear down and use the motherboard for another computer. It's more useful to me that way, and it's more salable as a computer if I decide to sell it. I've got a 1.4GHz P-III server chip (SL657), brand new, in the box! I couldn't ever use it because it needed a socket FC-PGA2 motherboard and won't work in a regular socket FC-PGA socket 370. The Intel Server Board is as good as they get for P-IIIs and is socket FC-PGA2. It has a second layer in the bios which you access by jumper, and that's where the overclock, memory and voltage settings are hidden. When you've got things set, switch the jumper back. Not quite as easy as most of the new motherboards, but I'll live! LOL!! It also has the optional Digital sound and DVI! I may well use it to replace the old Dell 420 Workstation as our backup computer, as it uses Rambus Ram, and a PSU (if you can find one) is over $100 on ebay. The Intel is a bit more hardware friendly and uses 168 pin SD Ram, and a standard 20 pin PSU.

    I had two 1GHz Slot 1 CPUs in the Dell for a long time, but someone offered me enough ($150) for one of them last year, that I sold it. They are getting hard to find! It's been a great computer for me for more than 6 years, but it's time to retire it permanently! All I've done to it in 6 years of use was replace the dual 733MHz CPUs that came with it for two 1.0GHz ones, and upgraded the Rambus memory to 2 GB (4x512)!LOL!! I may even sell it as it still runs OK, but the Intel is just the more modern of the two, so I'm more inclined to keep it and sell off the Dell!

    I don't think it matters much what you build though, as long as you have fun doing it, and there's nothing it the thread rules that says everything has to be brand new! I personally find it very relaxing and rewarding putting a bunch of odd pieces together and wind up with a computer that runs. Might not be the fastest, but who cares! Most people just want their email and things like that, so for a backup computer they are more than enough!

    Best Regards,
  14. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    Russ I feel the same way she gave my her computer to get it running again after 3 years of not running she only use it to check e-mails,search the web and play online games that's all...I did mention to her to replace the hard drive it's kinda loud...I replace my after 3 years of use that's shielf life the drive was manufactor in 2004 that's 5 years there a 80GB HDD (Hitachi) and the ODD CD-RW/DVD Combo Drive (Lite-on) Model:LTC 48161H i don't believe theres no firmware updates for that joker...lol...i had to replace the heatsink fan cause..I took it to work and blow it out with the air compressor to remove the dust and the blades broke off it was old...i replaced it was a evercool ec 7015 rpm 3500 bearing type ball much faster spin time than the other it's running great and all updates are installed fine...

    a few pics below of her system
    the new heatsink fan laying on top of the case
    hard drive

    picked up one of these last night at the Micro for $15 buck used it to tranfer a OS to another drive Works Great...I suggest to CincyRob to use with that Hp system he has sense he mention he was tring to transfer that board did'nt have sata connection it's a Good tool to have on the the side it even comes with a power supply and all the connections you need sata,ide,3.5 and 2.5 drives:)

    inland adapter

    best $15 buck I spent in awhile for a tool to use for a customer or personal work...

    hey Russ thanks for the suggestion on the Asus Monitor 21.5 working great for the last past week loving the screen
    [​IMG] and my new glass desk with slide keyboard rack more room

    Happy Building:)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2009
  15. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    thanks for the link Russ. well i got the mem from my buddy at work. not the right size so i guess im gonna have to buy some to see if this thing will fire up. im pretty sure it will the only thingi dont have in it right now is a GPU but it has the onboard gpu which take the super old style monitor fitting which i need t oget a adapter for it. and the mem. no mem yet. i have the hdd in it newly formated nothing on it. i hit hte power button and the power light comes on,hdd light fires up,the ac7 freezer pro fires up. im thinking this is going ot be a workable rig once i get the mem and that monitor adapter.

    Bigwill, you got any ddr2 400/533 mem laying around????
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  16. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Super old style? You mean VGA? VGA is still used today and adapters for it come with the graphics card. It's been a lot longer than when that PC was built since anything else has been used as far as I know...
  17. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    im not sure were talking about the same thing? i might be wrong in what i need
  18. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    That looks like a serial port. So it doesnt have onboard video.
  19. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    see i am as stupid as ya'll thought..lol so i need a cheapy gpu to stick on it also.
  20. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    No, your not stupid. You just didn't know. Yes, your gonna need an add-in card. Whether its AGP, or PCI-e is what your gonna have to determine.

    Besides, serial ports are rather similar to VGA ports. A sort of opposite.
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
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