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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    ok guys i switched over to windows xp 64bit got a little learning curve here. can i copy the programs from the old drive to this one with 64bit installed or do i need to reinstall everything again?

    also ive tried to install IE7 and it keeps telling me this OS doesnt support it?i hate IE8..lol

    oh yea ive reinstalled AVG8 how do i get my resident sheild turned on?active? i cant get it to scan either?
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Windows XP 64-bit basically doesn't support ANYTHING - you should use either Vista or the RC of Windows 7 in 64-bit (it's free for the moment), or stick with XP 32-bit.
  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Just open AVG on the desktop and double click on the Resident Link icon and enable it. My pay version does the same thing. I think a lot of people were afraid of Resident Shield, to the point of uninstalling it! When I took out the Free AVG it brought up a questionnaire as why you were removing Resident Shield. I thought that odd because I've never seen it before!

  4. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    this is what im getting.i cant open it any more than this.plus i cant get it to scan?

    i see why people say xp pro 64 bit sucks. i cant get any drivers for my printer/scanner either i had to manually DL the 64bit drivers for my GPU
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I never use the cd drivers for graphics, i can't remember how many years it's been since i used the cd that came with a graphics card.
  6. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well im back on the other hdd now. that xp pro64 sucks donkey tits. just gonna reinstall xp 32bit and just wait for windows 7 final to come out in a few months.

    in all this switching around i did put my mushkin mem back in and im getting ready to test current OC3.83ghz with full mem now on IBT. i should be fine now.


    im loven this OCZ Vendetta 2 the longer it sets on here and gets worked in the temp under load are slowly going down. look at the max in realtemp 59c under load IBT. that was in the mid 60c guess maybe the OCZ Freeze paste might be working also..lol i just burnt a disc. im gonna run PR95 now.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Rob - Windows 7 is free until its release, download the RC version. I personally prefer Vista, but most people think Win7 is better, it certainly uses less memory.
  8. shaffaaf

    shaffaaf Regular member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    I used Feser 1 coolant in my setup, was all that sam says, but it did leak, all over my PCI slot, but guess what that slot still worked after :).

    id go for feser 1 if i were you.
  9. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I had no problems with the 8.5 free version or the pay version which I have in mine now. I did have a problem when I installed it on the P-III. Got the same thing you have with XP. Maybe you got a bad download or something as I doubt that the OS is the reason you have the problem. Is this a multiple OS install? I ran into problems doing that the first time I tried XP-Pro 64 bit! With 64 bit being the only OS this time, I've had few problems at all with it, and only have 3 programs that will not run. Alcohol 120%, 1 Click Fixer and NCH Soundtap won't work. Alcohol won't be supplying a 64 bit version at all, as they claim it's too expensive to do. 1 Click Fixer doesn't have a 64 bit version. I'm waiting for the 64 bit drivers for Soundtap. A few things work a little funny, like Win RAR and Eraser! Neither appear in the R click menu when you highlight an icon as they did with 32 bit. My disk Stakka is no longer seen as a drive and I have to click on the Opditracker icon in the taskbar and use search, which brings up the movie list! I've had no problems with anything else at all. I have roughly 40 programs installed and they all work. DVD Rebuilder would not work the last time as it would stop right in the middle of encoding, but it works fine now. I had no issues with the Driver disk for the motherboard, either! You do have to download and install the 64 bit software for the sound and then install the sound from the driver disk, but it all works fine! 64 has a few quirks, but nothing that can't be worked around. Imgburn takes care if creating and making ISOs, although it's much slower than Alcohol! The 64 bit video drivers, I downloaded from nVidia. I have to use Riva Tuner for the video card, because they have a 64 bit version. I like XP-Pro 64 bit, but I don't recommend doing a dual boot with it because it has to be the only OS installed, before you can set up dual boot. It's in the Instructions for using XP 64 in a dual boot setup! If you are running dual boot and 32 bit was on there already, it will not work properly!

  10. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    it is the only OS on the drive. i havent done anythign with it.i just have the other HDD with XP PRO on it and went back to it. all drives are in the tower hooked up i just have to go into bios and change boot order, do you have to go searching for all the drivers on vista 64? or even windows 7 64bit???? if so i might not be going to it anytiime soon.
  11. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Feser One was also the coolant nick used, and in his case it didn't. That was less a drip, more a gush though (pipe came off)
  12. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Rob, my troubles with windows 7 have been very minimal. The majority of my problems have been printer support. But I downloaded the 64bit drivers from epsons site, and vualah! Though you won't be able to use the twain driver (Scanning utility). That unfortunately as far as I know requires a dedicated catered driver for windows 7. I imagine that epson is working on that. Any questions regarding printers in windows 7, feel free to ask. Ive tangled with it a substantial amount LOL! MS Paint on windows 7 has a built in scanning utility that works VERY VERY well for me. Im quite impressed by it! :D
  13. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    GUSH??? That makes me nervous LOL!
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    As it turned out i didn't need any special drivers for XP 64 bit to install, except the HD Audio and the 64 bit drives from nVidia. According to what I read about installing you can not install the 64 bit if there's another operating system on the computer. You have to install 64 bit first, and then any other OS for dual boot. It will still work, but I had a whole bunch of issues with it. Once I installed 64 bit by itself, things that didn't work before, like DVD Rebuilder and Nero, now work!

    I also want to give the XP-Pro SP3 Black Edition a try as well. Here's some screens of it. I have the ISO for it, only I'm out of blank CDs at the moment! LOL!! Have to wait until the 10th of next month!

    I have the unattended version, so it requires no Key number to be installed! Looks pretty neat!

    best Regards,
  15. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Black Edition is the new letter X.
  16. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    not sure what is ment by duel boot here.
    i have a 100gb hdd that has the XP PRO 64bit on it and a 500gb hd that has XP PRO 32bit on it. i have the 100gb set as primary hdd so it boots off of it. there is no other OS no that hdd.
    when you say duel boot do you mean 2 OS on the same hdd? or 2 OS in the same case on different hdd??

    I, myself just hate dealing with a OS more tha nanything in the world. id rather goto a boston redsox game than mess with a OS install. guess thats why my patients with it is so short..lol
  17. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    That's probably the problem then. 64 bit XP-Pro has to be the first operating system installed, and then you can install, not add others. It will not work right if you have another OS already installed. The reason I'm 100% certain is because after I had so much trouble with it I did some hunting around on the net, and it's in the FAQ at M$! for 64 bit windows!

    Don't be picking on Boston. It's a great place to go see a ballgame! I've even been to a couple of World Series games there! Against Cincinnati, if I remember rightly! LOL!! Games 6 & 7 at Fenway in 75! Game 7 was greatest game I ever saw, and being from the New York area, I saw more than my share of good games. I was at the Polo Grounds and saw Willie mays make "The Catch" against Vic Wertz in the 54 series when I was 10! Actually the catch wasn't as spectacular as the throw in, to double up the runner! Center field was so deep, at over 450 feet that they used to store the batting cage out there!

    I was also in Yankee Stadium in 56 when Don Larson pitched the only perfect game ever in a World Series!

  18. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Do you not have a secondary or even a third system you can install Windows 7 on? I like what windows 7 has to offer A LOT! I still haven't seen everything it has to offer either. It continues to impress me. The lack of printer support just makes me shrug, "Oh well"! Every printer manufacturer has their own coding. That really can't be helped. I don't recommend installing it on your primary system yet though. That is if you do as much printing as I do :) There are still some bugs to be worked out, that WILL no doubt be worked out when Epson releases their catered driver for Windows 7. At least for their Scanning Utility!!! General printing seems to be ok. But if you wanna print discs, or other printer specific stuff...

    There are other work a rounds for disc printing :) I am aware of at least one tactic for the epson printers. Anybody feel free to Pm me if they're curious.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2009
  19. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You can't have any operating system on the computer at all! Not even on another drive connected to the computer. You can do dual boot, say xp64 and xp32, but xp64 has to be installed first before you can install, not add, an additional OS!

  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I never thought I would say it, but apart from the stability and memory usage, I prefer Vista to 7, it does so much more! Why they removed so many features in vista from windows 7 baffles me. It's like using the demo version of an OS... I'm not TOO concerned about printer drivers, as my printer in York was built into windows as far back as XP with no service packs, since it's 10 years old :p - My newest printer is the oldest I've ever owned, and yet it's also the best... weird.
    (HP Laserjet 4050N - £55 including delivery from ebay - printed about 400 pages so far and haven't had to change the toner yet!)
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