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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Interesting, I believe that's different in design to the earlier 932.
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I thought rob was talking about the Lian Li case. That Dragon looks more like Godzilla! What's so funny about the AMD case, is that a number of Intel Owners have asked me for a copy of my AMD Desktop! They don't seem to care that theirs is an Intel at all! LOL!!

  3. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    To be fair, AMD's marketing emblems are nicer than those of Intel. While I'm no real fan of the dragon, and the slogan "the future is fusion" makes me cringe, the AMD emblem now used in the intro to several games is very nice, I like it. A fitting successor to the age-old Pentium jingle.

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2010
  4. Red_Maw

    Red_Maw Regular member

    Nov 7, 2005
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    Hope that doesn't make me regret getting an i7 930 (it was only 200$ though) lol.

    The slogan is truly awful, but the sound is much more pleasant than the intel chime.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2010
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Nah, the i7 930 is a nice CPU, better value than the 920 (including the D0 version) as it has the same overclock percentage, a higher starting clock speed, the same TDP but the same price. In a games environment the i7 930 is a superior chip to the AMD 6-core CPUs, but in a fully multi-threaded environment you'd have to max one out at 4.2-4.3Ghz to be able to compete with the 6-core CPUs. You would compete, but of course you can overclock the AMDs too. If the 6-core AMDs are available soon then AMD have a clear headstart on Intel for reasonably priced hex-core CPUs, and best of luck to them for that.
  6. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I would say CURRENT 6 core cpu's. There's now way to no as of yet, how the future six core amds will fair :)

    Well here she is. Not too bad. We'll see how the temperatures fair now. Later that is. Only been running 15min :p
    and the after:
    and a darker image, for what night time looks like :D

    Not the prettiest of jobs, but I'm sure it'll help at least a little LOL! I totally didn't think about the PSU. Since I'm used to seeing the PSU in the bottom of the case(HAF932), I didn't factor it in. Thankfully, it still worked LOL!
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I like the circle of dust on the side of the HAF, looks familiar :p
  8. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    LOL! I blew it off after seeing that.

    I'm a bit disappointed that the fan did not come with a grill. Looks like I'll have to purchase one. Hate to have something fall through there...
  9. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Define "mindblowingly fast", and it's ramifications for the average consumer buying an Intel! I'm saying that you could spend a lot of money to get the most from these 6 core CPUs. Things like Sata 3 SSDs, or higher speed memory with lower latencies. Unfortunately, the average consumer won't be buying these, a fact we "Enthusiasts" need to remember. As much as we all here would like to dictate where the CPU market is going, in the near to distant future, that's not going to happen, because we fall way short when it comes to numbers, than the average consumer.

    Intel, I don't understand at all. Sales marginally increased for the Celeron and the Core i7/i5 CPUs in the last 30 days, totaling less than 1%. Everything else went down. In fact the Celeron outsold the i7/i5s by 3% In contrast, AMD has lost some Dual Core sales, but the Quad core sales make up over 46% of AMD's total sales, while for Intel, their Quads account for only 14.0%. That's why I don't understand where the hell Intel is coming from. AMD, as of today, has 33.1% of the total CPU market. Who is Intel competing with? As near as I can figure, the answer is they are competing with themselves, and losing the Battle doing it, IMHO! They would have been better served concentrating on the market, AMD has carved out for itself, instead of bringing out more new platforms, and a bunch of Dual Cores that can't compete with the "Bang for the Buck" that AMD gives them!

    The real problem is, once all the hype wears off, is you still get back to one of my favorite subjects! How fast is Fast? Years ago, you gladly paid the money to cut your encode times in half. Today average encodes are 1/6 of what they were only 4-5 years ago. You are no longer able to cut your DVDRB/CCE time in half, because the limiting factor is the hard drive intensiveness of Prep and the Re-Build process, which the CPU can't make up for. When Sata 3 SSDs become the norm, you might, but that's a couple of years from now. Let's face it, people are not going to pay a lot more for an SSD, no matter how good or fast it is, if the price doesn't come way down. Enthusiasts maybe, but where the bread and butter of the industry is in the hands of the Average Consumer, so the answer is No! Very unfortunate for us Enthusiasts!

    I have a good one for you. Last week I ran my computer at stock 2.8GHz, with the memory at 1066MHz. With the Phenom based 7750 in the same motherboard, the overclock meant a lot to DVDRB/CCE times. The Athlon IIx4 630 does almost as well at stock speed, than it does overclocked to 3.4GHz. Benchmarks are slower, as is a lot of other things, but the difference in most encode times, two pass, is under 2 minutes for the 5 titles I tested with! Anybody got any idea as to why? Most movies are still completed in under 30 minutes! At 8.2GB, Batman Begins took just 33 minutes. A minute and a half slower than at 3.4GHz. I'm not complaining mind you, just curious as to why!

    Best Regards,
  10. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    Rick I'm really liking this case big time.
  11. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Ho ho! This fan is working wonders! It droppped HDD temps 5-8C, and the CPU is idling 2-3C lower than before. I'm sure the load temps have dropped as well :D I'll know in about a half hour.

    Fred, the HAF932 is nothing short of amazing ;)
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2010
  12. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    If that's a 120mm fan, I've got one in my hand, in gold! Should look nice on the top of a black case! Send me a PM, and let me know!

    Best Regards,
  13. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I'm afraid its a 140mm. I went as large as I could for this case :p
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Well it's the thought that counts! LOL!!

  15. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Russ: Mindblowingly fast presumably means 50% faster than a high-end i7, which is pretty damn fast if you ask me. For the fastest piece of hardware you can buy in its field, you can hardly poop on people getting excited. You don't like it when I do it, so don't do it yourself.
    Just because it's expensive, doesn't stop it from being fast. You even complained at me when I said it was out of most people's price range! As in every part of the PC industry, high-end offerings are usually the breakthrough technology that soon filters down to the low-end. I'm sure reasonably priced 6-core i7s will show up in the not too distant future. Until then, AMD have the advantage, so there's nothing left to moan about!
  16. shaffaaf

    shaffaaf Regular member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    russ do you have a link to those numbers?

    as i said, mind blowingly fast, and yes for the normal user a c2d pentuim is fast enough, but 6 core target a specific range of people, where fast is too slow. the kind of people who are getting used to 3-4 hour mkv rips of 1080p, where they were taking days with c2d. when dual cores came out, it was only for the high end, same as quad cores. ofc we were questioning them, but the software catches up. and russ YOU have to remember this forum isnt an Official Ready-Built PC thread, its an enthusiast thread. its because of normal consumers we have horrible chips like the atom, where most of intels sales come from nowadays, but its down to enthusiasts and people/companies with the NEED of faster CPUs that drive the industry. Just because at the moment YOU dont need fast DVD ripping/ecoding, doesnt others dont aswell. im sure there are many that also rip/encode bluerays who would love to buy a 6 core proccessor, that NEED faster components.

    to be perfectly honest, i couldnt care less about what the mainstream wants, or id be using a laptop/netbook, as itd be "enough". why would i think about them when newer technology hits. most people dont buy PCs for 3-5 years, so its not like they will start buying chips themselves.

    I also couldnt care about market share aswell. I will buy the best for the buck at the tie when i need to purchase (most of the time) is that means AMD, or Intel, or Via or ARM or whoeverelse then so be it. why should market share dictate who or what i should buy? why shoudl i care if a company is loosing market share? so long as performance/£ is bang on then what difference does it make?

    PS the encode times might be off because, A the software is being maxed out as it is, and newer versions will prefer more power? or B, your quad core is cacheless meaning, even if you clock up, and the software needs the cache its not going to help. and lastly, it might need a specific instuction set which is not present?
  17. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You misunderstand me. I'm not complaining, moaning, or pooping on anyone's getting excited. I just don't understand Intel doing the things they are doing. They are not using good business sense! Like you said, the technology has to filter down, and no one is arguing about it not being the fastest technology, yet. Of course Intel already had that, in the last two platforms. Not as good perhaps, but still much faster than anything AMD has. I guess I just don't understand your answer, because I don't feel that I said anything that should have bothered anyone!

  18. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    It doesn't really bother me as such, but it is really stifling our enthusiasm at a new product coming to market. Extreme editions are likely to see reasonable sale with this chip. The sales of the previous extreme CPUs were good enough to keep the line running, and they were pretty poor value by comparison. Remembering that the 980X uses the same LGA1366 platform as the i7s and keeps the 130W TDP (well, it's more like 135) the CPU is likely to be a test of the water before the cheaper versions show up. The reason why you don't see this from AMD is because sadly, they don't have any extreme performing parts, what they release is the best they can do. It's not bad value because they price accordingly, but for those who always want the fastest (there's plenty of them out there, I assure you, and at unit prices like these, still a lot of money to be made, you only need a tenth of the customers to get the same revenue here, and even fewer to get the same profit, as the profit margins on the 980X will be outlandish) Intel have got bases covered.
  19. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    omega, deburr that hole if you haven't already before you make hamburger out of your hands.
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Agreed. Some nasty sharp edges going on there :p
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