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The Official PC building thread - 4th Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. Mr-Movies

    Mr-Movies Active member

    Nov 9, 2002
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    One fails more than the other and it is always a matter of preference that's a no brainer. It is true that if you buy crappy media and your the type to close your disc in the drive when it is not fully in the tray you are going to have issues, but that really is preventable and should not happen often. But also has nothing to do with backup storage as that is produced and put away, not used on a day-to-day basis.
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Well it does, because if you have backups, there is no consequence to your main storage failing, thus the argument about reliability is rendered completely irrelevant...
  3. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I don't see any flames? :S
  5. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I was simply reminding(Not my job) that this is the building thread. I humbly backdown though. I suppose we've only skewed off a little.
  6. Mr-Movies

    Mr-Movies Active member

    Nov 9, 2002
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    No because your backup can fail or be corrupted more so than optical media so it is relevant, most certainly.

    Kevin, backups are a part of building PC's, at least it is for most of us including HP and other manufactures, so we really aren't off track.

    I understand your frustration though...
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    That's why you check it? The odds of two HDDs with corresponding data failing at the same time are very low, far lower than the odds of an optical disc failing.
  8. Mr-Movies

    Mr-Movies Active member

    Nov 9, 2002
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    Sam, I just had a drive go down and had a second drive that was a backup of that drive. The backup drive had corrupted files on it, from copying one-to-the-other, even though it was supposed to be 100%. It was not but fortunately I had a better backup so I lost nothing but if I hadn't I would of lost about 20% of my programs.
  9. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Perhaps the drive that went down, was already doomed, when you transferred files? Reminds me of some optical drives. Believe it or not, there are optical drives that will ignore read errors. Contrary to some believing that is impossible. It is not impossible. It simply requires certain circumstances/variables to be met.
  10. Mr-Movies

    Mr-Movies Active member

    Nov 9, 2002
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    Nope, it wasn't but I was waiting for that response! It also was a BRAND NEW drive I backed up to with the same format sot that also isn't the issue. This isn't the first time by any means that this has happened to me or others I know either. Also I always check file numbers and size to assure a good copy and did so here but again it was not a 100% good backup. I've never had these kinds of issues and others I haven't even brought up here with optical media and it was optical media that save my buttisk!

    Say what you want to support lazyness but facts are facts! Just to bring this into scope I too prefer to take the lazy route as well, but when it comes to importance I try to be smart, it doesn't always pan out but the attempt is there. LOL
  11. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    What kind of case were these drives in? Heat can certainly corrupt the chips if not cooled well. I've dealt with at least one drive, that was improperly cooled. I learned my lesson with that one.
  12. Mr-Movies

    Mr-Movies Active member

    Nov 9, 2002
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    Nope again, heat could not have been an issue, no enclosure, open air, and only plugged in long enough to make the backup and check the backup. It also wasn't a full moon the Mayan's calender hadn't run out yet nor do I think Nostradamus predicted it either.
  13. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    THat's some bad luck for sure :S
  14. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Well hard drives are still fine with me, there's nothing wrong with mechanical drives or mechanical anything for that matter, as long as backup precausions are taken. This poster has been around since the days of washing machine-sized hard drives and tape drives with vacuum chambers like in all the good (old) sci-fi films. I am also from a background of backups, not many people i know or knew were ever quite as smart as me when it comes to backups, in fact my backups stopped my previous firm going out of business when our very expensive SAN lost a controller (error in the design meant we lost data, design error wasn't mine i hasten to add). I've had many RAID failures over the years, but it's all about the backup precautions outside of the RAID systems in my experience.

    But times change, everyone stick to whatever method(s) they want, but there's no way i'm going back to silly amounts of optical media when good old failure-prone mechanical drives are so reliable. About the only thing that would make hard drives less attractive is if a virus wiped 2TB of long-term collected data, but even then i'd just switch my main media centre PC to linux to avoid viruses. In fact i no longer do any online banking in Windows, sick and tired of Microsoft's slack and lax policy regarding viruses and malware, in fact am half-tempted to believe all the old stories about popular OS'es being deliberately designed with government-accessible backdoors. The good thing about my linux machines or any linux servers i use is that there's simply no viruses, period. If data gets lost under such an OS it's from user error, not some badly designed joke of an OS. Microsoft make lazy OS'es which are great and everything but they are still to this day woefully bad for keeping data safe, and that's the only real reason i have to keep backups, not because hard drives fail (they do of course), but there's far more risk of data being lost due to Microsoft's crappy coding than from mechanical failures. Now can we please stop this ridiculous worshipping of optical media and rubbishing of perfectly good mechanical hard drive tech ?. I know the thread's quiet of late but it's like going back in time 10 years. Those who like optical media, great, and those who like mechanical tech, great, but Mr-Movies, it's like some kind of endless media war around these parts, use what you like but let others use what they like too :), i for one await the day when the last few thousand optical discs i possess are consigned to the great optical graveyard in the sky where they belong.
    Last edited: May 28, 2011
  15. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    lets stay on subject, please.
  16. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    I think everybody has a good point to make, like the creak says to each his or her own, I love these disagreements at times, especially with this thread cause their always civil, many times it's when I learn the most, one can get great input thru these little spats.

    Before I end, let me make a quick comment on what sammy said quote:
    I think this conversation has run its course. If you have kids and you let them mess around with everything, sure perhaps optical discs are more robust. If you actually have some form of control though, mechanical storage is a lot easier.

    If I'm not mistaken sammy, your like what in your twenties, and that's all well and good, I also said before, unless you have kids on your own, you can't make a comment like that, when it comes to PC's I would never fool myself, you have it all over me and always will, your a smart young man I respect and admire that, your also very dry for a youngster, meaning your sense of humor hardly ever gets out of first gear, and I don't mean that's a bad thing, I would much better converse with a dry young smart man than a humorous nitwit.

    And I'm only trying to make this comment because I would love to offer you a little bit of advise, and if I didn't care about who you are I would not do it, Iv'e been to the UK several times in the last 5 years, and pretty much your rules are almost the same as ours, my kids are not out of control by today's standards, they would be when I grew up, if I would break something of my Dad's I would get a stern first warning, the second time the belt would come out, a boot up my butt or both, and I'm not complaining, every one I got I deserved, if I didn't than I would have been acting like today's kids, your not even allowed to scream at your kids today let alone give them a smack, these kids can call the cops on you today, and I've seen it happen, and beleive me, this go to your room, or no more tv for a week is a joke, so you do the best you can with todays rules and standards, and it's not easy by a long shot.

    Unless you have raised a brood on your own, your comment is unwarranted, you are superior to me with this tech stuff, when it comes to old fashion facts of life you have a long way to go, I would never want you to say something like e.g. having a brewsky in some pub and make a comment like that in front of a bunch of Dad's, you might get more than some raised eyebrows, you might be a little offended at what I'm saying now, but in time I think you will get what I'm trying to tell you.

    And yeah I know I'm off subject, but I didn't want to let this one go, sure I could have also pm'd you, but I also wanted some of the youngsters here to catch what I'm trying to say, and last don't forget, I'm saying this cause I like and admire your savvy inelegance, especially one as young as yourself, if I didn't think you were worth it I would never even post this, and hope you take this advise with good intentions.

    And sorry there lightning man, I know your trying to get everybody back on subject, but hey a little off subject knowledge is ok sometime I'm hoping, especially on this thread where we all learn a lot from each other, most people in this gang are A1 in my book, so many other threads I visited or joined can't come close to this one. That's all your get out of me on this subject agreeable or not, I've said my piece.
  17. Mr-Movies

    Mr-Movies Active member

    Nov 9, 2002
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    I'm with you on that Fred, however my kids don't get away with h@ll nor do my sister’s kids but times have digressed!

    Now that is off subject…
  18. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I finally Hooked up that NDAS, via that cheap Bytecc enclosure. I stuck a cheap old Seagate 80Gb drive in it. IDE...
    Had to do some google-ing, but all in all, I'm impressed with it so far. I'll do some testing on it tonight. Once again, I didn't fully understand what I was buying :S Only ide drives. Although a small enough adapter MIGHT fit in it. Might be pushing it though. The seagate appears to run cool enough though. I'd like to find a cheap 500Gb drive for it though. It's for my mothers network :D
  19. Mr-Movies

    Mr-Movies Active member

    Nov 9, 2002
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    Cheap IDE drive? They don't exist today. A 500GB SATA runs $40 but a 500GB IDE runs north of $80-90 bucks.
  20. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Sounds about right :( I've been watching ebay though. I might be able to do better, or trade one of mine for a friends 5000AAKB drive they have :D It used to be mine.

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