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The Official PC building thread - 4th Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. shaffaaf

    shaffaaf Regular member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    hmm well normally something is downloading constantly, at the same time i will be watching TV/films. or listening to music, and i will stop downloading for gaming. maybe burn some xbox games. but no really heavy heavy stuff unless its gaming.
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    That's fine in my book, but someone will have to explain to me how Win 7 repaired itself, without being accessed! Especially after the repair BS failed to begin with! Win 7 should have been doing nothing while I was using XP! Another big minus was Win 7's inability to make the repair, leaving you without a clue as to what you could or should do to resolve the problem! M$ seems to have aligned itself with hundreds of repair programs from the past, and shares a common bond with them. The fact that it mostly doesn't work, and when it doesn't, it denies you access to the program! Had it been XP, I would have had the opportunity to repair it myself. A bad, on-board sound chip should never be able wipe out any OS! I thought M$'s answer was interesting. They said that they really don't recommend Dual Boot with Win 7! My attitude is that if M$ sanctions it, then it should work!

  3. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I definitely need a career in the computer industry. It's obviously not going anywhere anytime soon. It'll probably evolve into bigger/better things much like we have, but programming is here to stay ;)

    My buddies computer apparently just had a PSU pop. Easy fix I'm sure. He has an earlier Pavilion model than my 2001 HP pavilion 7905. Not sure the model(1999 there abouts), but they're highly similar. Mine being one of the successors. Ultimately, their shell/case is about the same size. I believe they take identical Micro Atx 200W PSU's. I believe Athena makes the right size. Otherwise I have to pay full price for an HP model. I think I'll start with Ebay ;)
  4. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    LOL! Finally got around to it. It did not help. The network still refreshes itself if the window gets closed, and ~5 minutes are allowed to pass. My secondary took even longer to refresh the network :S

    The following is what I used to disable IPV6. Though I only used the temporary solution ;)
  5. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Start with Google! You will be amazed at what you can find there for the price that way! I don't even bother to look on ebay! make and model number of the PSU, or whatever it is you are looking for. I once found an HP PSU, a real odd-ball for $23. HP wanted $158 for the same PSU! In fact the one I bought was a higher wattage upgrade, 50w better than the original 100w PSU that HP was selling, right from the PSU manufacturer! Real wierd looking PSU too! It had about a 60mm fan on the top of it, and looked like a fat + sign!

  6. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    When you say google, do you mean "http://www.google.com/products"? I use it frequently. And just for the record, its connected to ebay results. Though most irritatingly, often I run into results that are expired...
    Very handy engine though ;)

    I have my buddy bringing his tower to work tomorrow. Then I can have a look at it tomorrow night. He lives 20 miles away, so I can't be bothered to drive over there LOL! Besides, at this point, I prefer to work out of my home. Why pack all my toys over to someones house, when all I need is the tower on my desk ;)

    I finally opened up the external optical drive case. Nothing visibly wrong. But I did reconnect some things. I don't like the way the usb cord felt. I wonder if that's my problem. I'll play with it more tomorrow. Its late here :p Been playing Fallout 3 here for a bit. Interesting game. Finally getting the hang of it :D
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Yes that Google! I just ignore the ripoff artists, ebay! Haven't used them in years!

  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    And neither did I, because it doesn't work properly. If you're doing something the manufacturer of the software does not recommend, you can hardly moan at them when it causes random errors!

    Omega: An Athena PSU probably won't last 11 months, let alone the 11 years of the HP's previous unit. You must be able to find another unit. Seasonic make mATX PSUs I believe.

    You do realise how ebay works right? It absolutely baffles me that anyone would have that attitude.
    The only problem with ebay is warranty issues. If you're buying something small and cheap, ebay is the best 'store'. Best product range, lowest prices, cheapest delivery, etc.
  9. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Seasonic would definitely be preferable. I need the exact dimensions of the PSU before I begin looking. Just to be sure :p
    The 300W seasonic I got for the HTPC is still rock solid. Gotta be one of the best available ;)
  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Dual (& triple, & more than triple in fact) boot most certainly does work, and if done correctly, perfectly fine. I'm not imagining the triple boot machine in the other room, nor the ones i've built previously :).
    I have no idea what Microsoft's stance on multi-booting is (nor do i care!, i don't need nor care for their opinion, whether technical or otherwise, on what i do with what combinations of programs).
    If MS do in fact frown upon dual booting XP with 7, that'll be their laughable attempt at dissuading people so they can foist Virtual XP mode (or whatever it's called) on the unsuspecting.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  11. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    XP mode is crap. Its only purpose is to get the vhd file for free so you can use a proper virtual machine program.

    Either way, dual booting alongside Vista or 7 is not without issues, especially when it comes to reformat time.
  12. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Nothing in computers is without issues, and yes reformat time can be a can of worms with multiple boots, but it just takes common sense and a bit of planning. Easy peasy with the right know-how (not much know-how, truth be told), but most definitely not something to be dismissed as not recommended. I've personally multi-booted since forever, i just don't find the need much anymore as i now prefer to have just a few machines, some of which stay up and running hence a multiple boot becomes redundant.
  13. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I'll admit to being an idiot! I should really have redundancy's for at least 2 of my 1Tb drives, but I don't. If they crash, I lose an absurd amount of data LOL! I trust WD probably too much LOL! Which is why I was willing to risk a lemon with the WD20EARS. So far its performing well.
    The christmas season usually brings on opportunities for me to make some money. I'll likely be buying more drives in the not too distant future. I'll likely have redundancies for each and every drive, AND an SSD boot drive :D I can't see running XP again, but I do see myself running Linux eventually. I've found the more stuff I surround myself with, the more things start to make sense. Does that make sense? :p
  14. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    My drives arrived this afternoon, am beginning the long process of copying a little over 10TB of data. Using eSATA with my £15 Icybox hotswap, getting 55-62MB/s, which is probably limited by the fact that both the eSATA connector and 3 of the internal drives are hooked up to cards on the PCI (not PCIe) bus. First drive seems to be working OK so far, touch wood that the other 7 all work as well, haha :p
  15. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I think i mentioned it in a previous post but my supplier has run out of the 2TB Hitachi drives i've just got a taste for (i bought 2) so today i caved in and bought a WD20EARS (£72.33 exc VAT so that's all i had to pay). As cheap as they are i didn't buy a backup drive for it as i'll be using the 4 WD5000AAKS's that the WD20EARS will be replacing. The new 2TB drive will only be for documentaries and TV shows so the changes wouldn't be as often as those done on AVI drives. Just need to label them sensibly and have a sensible folder structure and whilst more fiddly than having a single 2TB -> 2TB it's fine, i can't just shelve the old drives, and it's not worth selling them anyways.

    I'm now au fait with setting up the WD20EARS i think. When it arrives i think i'll just find a Win7 machine at work and mount it either internally or maybe via a drive dock, format it correctly under Win7, that way the partitions will be correct for XP and linux. Then the only thing left is to see if i need to mess about with tweaking the idling. But i'll read up on that tomorrow.

    edit- As the source data for the new 2TB drive is split across a few existing 500GB drives i won't be using the SATA dock to sector-copy the data, i'll just copy them over via their existing USB caddies (they're IDE drives btw). Am tempted to ditch all my USB caddies as a few of them have dead PSU's now (cheap Chinese crap) and buy one of these for future data changes ~

    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  16. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Wow, I was just explaining to my housemate the other day how when he saw my SATA hotswap dock, that he said it'd be useful to have an IDE version to backup a load of the old drives he has, I said I didn't think they made them as IDE wasn't hot-swappable. It would seem they do make them!
    I'll link him to that, cheers :D
  17. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    No worries. I was very tempted to get one today, am just juggling money for my car's MOT next month, it was hard enough resisting buying a few more 2TB drives at a paltry £72.
    But that's quite enough talk about PC's, it's time for an early night so i can go watch the latest Dexter episode and a few episodes of House M.D. :)
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  18. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Mmm, am tempted to get hold of Dexter, people say it's good, may as well look into it now I have somewhere to store it!
  19. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    It's excellent, definitely well worth watching. We 'bought' them all in one go and watched them in extended sessions. Same with House. And without further ado i'm off to fire up the olde world xbox and watch them.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  20. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Ha ha! Good to know there are Dexter fans in the house ;) VERY good episode last night!

    "No ordinary Family", "The Event", good stuff xD
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010

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