Rich, You're absolutely right, Jackie does make you realize the magnificence all around us, as well as all the beauty that magnificence holds! There were some informal studies done in nursing homes as to the therapeutic value of her music, and the results have been overwhelmingly positive. Strokes have gone way down, and there's less heart attacks. Not totally scientific, but it would be reasonable to assume that playing music that soothes, rather than riles up people, but as a listener, you don't care. It makes perfect sense to me. I've never seen anybody who communicates with her audience, like she does, in ways hard to explain, and sometimes even harder to understand. I never would have considered "When You Wish Upon A Star" a great song in any way shape or form. Certainly not a song worthy of her talents. She doesn't read music yet, but still has a full intuitive understanding of the entire musical process. She finds things in the musical structure that others miss. She's like a gold miner mining gold, and what she does find she uses to her best advantage to tell a story. Listen for yourself at 11! Simply amazing! Enjoy, Russ
Rich, I wasn't referring to the P-4, I was referring to the Q9450! LOL!! Vincent referring to Jesus Christ, no, I don't think so. Vincent is Vincent Van Gogh, the artist Here's the link to Vincent Russ
Harvardguy, "The Prayer" Duet in SF. As the Irish say, "are you feckin kidding me?" Russ
Intel probably didn't want the Ivy Bridge CPUs to be able to beat Sandy Bridge E in overclocking performance for gaming and other such situations. It would be disasterous to have a repeat of the Guftown versus SB quads, bot on an even mroe extreme scale with the sub $350 i7s able to roughly match the $600 and $1000 i7 SB-E CPUs in highly threaded performance with a great overclock on the same cooler and simply slaughtering SB-E in performance per core. Losing what few customers they have for their overpriced six core CPUs to their much cheaper quad core alternatives would mean a huge hit to the profits that SB-E generates and Intel probably wants them to keep going high at least until an IB-E or H-E (Haswell) launch. Mere speculation, yes... However, this is what it looks like to me. I wouldn't demonize Intel for it, but I don't particularly like it. However, with how Intel made it fairly easy to circumvent with at least better paste, it's all fine for me. I do kinda feel a little sorry for the people who could make use of these CPUs if they knew how to switch out the paste safely, but can't justify buying them because of the paste meaning that without a paste change, SB can still beat IB slightly in maximum stable overclock for the money. Ivy Bridge Sandy Bridge Westmere (32nm Nehalem) Nehalem Yorkfield (45nm Core 2) Yorkfield has the Q9450 and if we count Westmere and Nehalem as one generation like Intel prefers to, then the Q9450 can be said to be four generations behind Ivy Bridge.
Smart aleck! Russ, so you already knew I had the Q9450. Hmph!!! Now THAT was lovely, Vincent by Jackie Evancho. I'll listen to that more tomorrow - thanks for the link - and the explanation. So it was Vincent Van Gogh - hmmm - his brother tried to sell his art around, and had mild success, but Vincent was just a little bit odd and impulsive - you know, the ear thing. Wow, the duet was nice! For sure it's hard to imagine that she's just a kid! (That Ukraine concert with the two sisters was pretty good too in the PM. That little sister was SHORT, but very nice voice.) Rich
(Sorry for the double, but blazorthon was posting at the same time I was.) So Russ is right, I'm four generations behind already. Haha. Well, I'll take care of that with another $800 next year. I'll be looking for a 3 or 4 gpu 1155 motherboard - you say they're out there, right? Regarding the explanation for the cheap paste that is virtually an insulator, Blaze that is quite interesting speculation, and it makes sense. When you first mentioned "remove the IHS" I had to look it up of course, and when I saw it was integrated heat spreader, I thought - "What!" Like Russ just said, "Are you feckin kidding me?" I never heard of that before and it sounded dangerously like a good way to tear the chip apart! LOL But you kept saying it was easy, so I started considering it more seriously. When I saw that guy on YouTube - god I would love to link to that video but I'm not at 25 posts quite yet - and the way he was just chopping away at the chip, to loud rap music - I shuddered! (And so did everybody making the comments - some of which said they'd rather let a monkey have a go at their computer than this guy.) In fact that is the first video I'm going to link to - it is actually hysterical! Let's just throw all finesse out the window. And the way he was getting his fingerprints all over the gold lands - somebody needs to pimp slap that rapper!! LOL But when he was done, it was just some stubborn paste on an area about 20% of the size of the heat spreader, right in the middle - not actually a big deal. But I much prefer the instructions you posted over at Tom's. Maybe I'll repeat them here tomorrow. So, the idea of removing the heat spreader does not appear to be as daunting - and yes, for the overclocking community, it's really not that hard to do, so we overclockers will do it, but for sure nobody else will. So they keep the chip from performing too brilliantly, to keep the higher priced stuff looking reasonably more competitive. That makes sense to me and I agree with you that I wouldn't demonize them for that. Spend 20 minutes of patience to remove the small amount of paste - but it's a very hardened substance, so it will take some patient slicing, and then you're going to replace that with excellent paste. Add to that equation the lapping, but not in that order - if you're going to lap, do it before you remove the heat spreader. That makes total sense. The result of that patient effort, is, you have a very overclockable 3rd generation chip, 1.4 billion transistors to 1.1 of the sandy bridge, 22nm to 32nm, pci-e 3 to pci-e 2, at just a few bucks premium, and more instructions per cycle, for - did you say 40% more power at same clocks? No that can't be right - what IS the expected increased throughput vs sandy bridge for gaming? Rich
Well there have been lots of posts since I last read - quick one though, I'm OK with onboard sound at the moment because my headphones are amplified through my Z-5500's headphone socket. When attached directly they sound terrible by comparison, but with some amplification they sound excellent.
Sandy is mostly between a little under 5% and a little under 9 or 10% faster than SB at the same frequency. The advantage depends on the application and is usually about 5% to 7%.
Thanks for clarifying that. Anywhere from 5-10% depending, usually 5-7. Good. I've been listening to some more Jackie Evancho, and she did a duet with her brother Jacob. He doesn't have her power, but in tight harmony, it was very nice. Rich
Sam, I have to say, I loved the sound on the 790X, but the sound on the 990X is so clean and clear, and the signal to noise ratio, makes it a cut above the capabilities of the 790X, with the same audio chip (Realtec ALC889). Russ
P55A-UD4 here, It's been a long time since I've used the older boards with sound, but even the X48-DS4's was good. I've used the same speakers/amplifier and headphones for the last 5 years, during which time I've had several Gigabyte boards and I don't recall having any complaint about the sound with any of them.
Any onboard compared to my X-Fi XtremeMusic is intolerable for me. Afraid I'm rather spoiled I will note that since about X38/790X onboard sound took a huge leap. The onboard on my 790X is wonderful(actually the same chip as many 890 and 990 boards) but again not a discrete chip Been re-visiting my roots lately. More Diablo II... lol never thought I'd be saying that...
Diablo II - what's that all about? Is it a shooter? Hey, is anybody playing Max Payne 3 ? Russ you linked me to When I Wish Upon a Star sung by Jackie Evancho. I always thought that was a great melody, and she sings it beautifully. But did you re-write your post - where'd the link go? Oh, and thanks for the info about Vincent. I have the version by Don McLean on my Folk song playlist - his singing style makes it very easy to hear the lyrics. The song meant a lot more to me today - "paint your pallette" etc, knowing it was Vincent Van Gogh. And then a friend said - Starry Starry Night is one of his paintings. I totally forgot about that. So we had the painting open in google listening to the song. Very cool. A new medal of honor is coming out!!! Some of the critics like it - awarded Best FPS Game of E3 2012! MP will have 2 person coop. Come on, Kevin, this is your chance. Unlike Sam, who will charge off and leave you, I won't let you down. I promise. LOL Rich
Don't know why it vanished because I tried the link and it worked. I always test my links. Here you go. Enjoy, Russ
Yeah, Russ, it was weird, like that whole post of yours vanished, because I remember you said some very interesting things about how intuitive Jackie is, finding elements to a song that others don't see are there. Look back and see if you see that post of yours somewhere, and maybe I am just blind. But if not, maybe you could clarify those comments again, I found it VERY interesting. thanks for posting the link again. EDIT - Russ I AM blind, I didn't realize the post was that far back, #4563. I found it and I found the comments about Jackie - very interesting. Thanks. Rich
- sorry for the double - I was shocked to see that AMD prices are continuing to tumble downward as the pressure from Kepler is felt back at the marketing department! Sapphire at Newegg just dropped prices another 5%, (with a rebate - but I have never failed to get my rebate, albeit maybe 8 weeks later) putting 7850s at $369 with single fan, or $379 with double fan! Very welcome obviously! Sam has continued to say they must drop prices in order to stay competitive in the high-end. I am reading that they dominate the low-end below $200, not a single nvidia card on the Tom's hardware recommended list in that price segment, and they will soon launch a new line called Pitcairn, aimed at the gap in the line, the $300 segment. I'm now days away from hitting the paypal button - I was about to take the plunge just now to not miss the rebate, but I would like to make at least a tiny bit of progress on the overclocking of the Q9450 - I have been tied up with other projects. I'll get to that next week. Rich
The 7850 and 7870 use the Pitcairn GPU. Nvidia is launching their GK106 GPU to compete with AMD's Pitcairn. Also, I think you made a typo with the 7850s. A 7850 costs under $300, not under $400. That would be the upper 7870 price range and maybe reaching towards the lower 7950 price range.
I was talking about the HD7950 for the price cut, not the HD7850. In other news, it's become pretty apparent that my 7-year old WRT54GL does not have the processing power to deal with 80/20, I'm pretty much limited to 50Mbps for a single transmission, and for multiple connections about 25-30. Time to go router shopping, this does not normally end well.... :/