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The Official PC building thread - 4th Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    As it'll be cloned at the sector level the 2TB drive will indeed show as a 500GB drive. I'll hook up a SATA dock to a linux machine or boot something up with a linux live cd and grow the partition to 2TB. I do this often, even with multi-boot discs, works a treat
  2. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I've used a cloner before, that disregarded sectors. It copied everything relevant to the new drive. Unfortunately, I forget what it was called. Though I'll probably use it when I move to SSD.
    It may have been clonegenius 2008. Don't quote me though...
  3. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    TheONeJrs-you can use the extra space for a different partition or use a live CD like Barts PE or similar which includes a partition manager to expand the 500 to the 2TB.
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Sorry Russ, didn't see your question re the AAKS drive(s), was just finishing work; i've been running on 6 internal AAKS drives since i built the Quad machine in '07, i can't fault them, nor the 500GB AAKB (IDE) equivalent drives i've been using as external backups for almost as long. The 500GB AAKS boot drive is a bit laggy now, i've not done any fresh installs since '07 (not that i remember anyway), i have done a few 'over the top' installs though, so i guess the drive is just bogged down a bit with all the crud that builds up over time. I am very pleased with the WD20EARS drives (and a couple of 2TB Hitachi's) so thought i'd stump up a bit of extra monies for the Caviar Black as a WD20EARS probably wouldn't be quick enough as a new boot drive.

    I'll pop the Quad's boot drive out tonight or in the morning and take it to work and clone it/grow the partition there to save time as the new drives are turning up tomorrow. Saves doing hours of copying/partitioning at home.

    Today we bought a couple WD20EARS for a new linux server, they'll be RAIDed and used as boot drives and storage as well. Of course such drives are find as boot drives under linux, plus being linux servers they'll stay up and running 24/7 so any potential slowness during booting won't matter, in fact nor will it matter during day to day use as this is primarily a(nother) storage server for bringing (incrementally, using rsync out of hours) across huge amounts of data from various foreign branches.

    (One of the servers rsyncs data across from foreign branches every night and the same data is rsync'd to a.n.other local server during the day, though we'll probably replace this daily rsync with a tape backup), i think that server has WD20EARS in it, or they may be Hitachi. We currently use 2TB Hitachi's for our nightly backups of our critical data (and take them home each night), though we could just as easily use WD20EARS drives. We're pondering getting 1TB 2.5" drives and using those as nightly backups, much lighter on the pocket/backpack :p
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    So far, I've had good success with the WD Green drives. I've owned nineteen of them, four of the first specification 4x250 1TB drives, two of the second 4x250 spec, three of the newer 3x333 spec, one of the 3x500 1.5s, and nine of the current 3x666 spec 2TB drives, summing various batches over three years. None of them have yet exhibited any faults.
  6. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I've got an AAKB in my secondary(Boot drive), an AALS in my brothers computer, 1 AAKS in an HTPC, and another AAKS as an XP boot in my brothers machine. And another AALS in my mothers machine. All of them run nicely. I remember all of these drives because I maintain them :p Plus all but one have been personally owned by me. I've owned lots of WD drives. And only one of them unquestionably failed. It was 9 yrs old :p I think the used Raptor is tits up too though LOL! It has reallocated sector counts, and it seems to effect windows adversely.
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Creaky, Oman7 & Deadrum33,

    Thanks guys. My only concern is if it creates real hardware partitions, or software based ones. I recently got snake bit by the Win 7 partition I had to make for Dual-Boot being a complete bitch to remove, that was causing a drive error when I formatted the drive after having problems with my XP-Pro install. I had to wipe the entire drive with Killdisk to get rid of the error. Format stopped at 99% and indicated that I had physical damage to one sector. I'm sure that most people would have thrown the drive away, seeing that erroneous error message. Once I wiped the entire drive, it was perfect again. SMART checked out good! I did a surface scan on it and it came up clean, so the Physical Damage Error was a false Positive. I'm just glad it wasn't a 2TB drive! LOL!!

    Thanks Again,
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I've not come across any Win7-related drive problems Russ, even if i did i would just usea linux live cd or whatnot to reformat (not used killdisk myself). Over the years i've used a few repartioning programs, my current preferred method is command line program 'dd' in linux to copy at sector level, or if it's SATA drives i just whop them in the posh hardware dock we have in the office (£55). Obviously it's zero hassle if you're copying the same sized drive so partitions and the like are then irrelevant as it's an exact copy, but when the destination drive is larger you obviously have to grow the partition, or as Deadrum stated you can just create an extra one. Multi-boot disk cloning is usually fine, though in certain setups things come unstuck when you grow a partition, though in those cases you just reinstall from scatch anyway.
  9. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Quick question! What software did you use that showed you all of the re-allocated sectors?

  10. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Speedfan. I only recently discovered Everest's ability. :p It was either reallocated event counts, or reallocated sector counts. In any case, leaving the drive connected was causing problems on my secondary. I just used it as a transfer drive for my encoding on my secondary. Couldn't trust it for boot anymore.
  11. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Cloned the AAKS Boot drive to the Caviar Black at work, used Acronis Partition Expert (i think that's what it's called) to grow the 500GB to 2TB, popped in the new drive (plus the 2TB Green i bought, saves me opening the case next month when i was going to buy the last pair of 2TB's) and all is well. Just need to move a few hundred Gigs of data to the Black to free up other drives and job's a good 'un. The Black is certainly much more snappy than the AAKS that's for sure.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  12. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Yeah I have a WD5000AAKS from 2007 booting my third PC on the same Q9550 that used to be in the gaming system, and I can tell it isn't as fast as the WD1001FALS.
  13. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Just need to figure out what to do with all the spare drives, i have something like 13 500GB's (a mix of IDE and SATA) and a couple of smaller ones (all are WD). Have found a use for one, i'll put in my works linux box for music or just spare space, trouble is i'll be waiting forever to plug it in as said machine is up 24/7, i'll just have to wait for a powercut or something, no rush :). Am pondering getting the kids a NAS of some sort and putting a couple of the 500GB's in there.
    So the Quad machine is finally fully loaded with 6x 2TB internal drives now, let's hope the free space lasts a while, the good thing is i won't have to open the case again for a few years, touch wood that there's no component or board failures.

    We're looking at switching our critical backups from 2TB 3.5" to 1TB 2.5" as they're a tad heavy to keep carting around, going to also buy the 2.5" plastic tanks to carry them in ~

    Bless 'em ~


    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    you are right there, my 500GB AALS Black is almost as fast as the 500GB FALS. Super quiet and cool running too! Most definitely worth the extra cost over the AAKS!

  15. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    There's no such thing as a 500GB FALS? That's what the WD5001FALS is, the AALS.
    The only other 500GB Caviar Black is the AALX, which is the SATA III version, otherwise identical.
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I didn't know that. Several people have mentioned that model, which I guess means that it is what you say it is! it's always good to learn new things!

  17. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Just when you think you've seen a lot of different case styles. This strange SOB has got to be the most unusual case I've seen. A buddy just laid this one on me. It blue screened on him. I have a pretty good idea what will fix er up.
    Optiplex Gx270
    Pretty dusty in there too. Figures...
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    That's the Mini-Tower version. I have the Desktop version, 2.8GHz P4 Northwood, and has a completely different very long PSU, mounted on the opposite side of the case, a different squirrel cage cooling fan mounted on top of the heat sink that pulls air through the CPU and exhausts out the back, Slimline ODD w/HDD mounted to the bottom of the ODD bracket and rotated 90 degrees, 8 usb (6R & 2F), Sound, VGA, Lan & Printer port. It died! When you plug it in the lights come on. The PSU has lost it's 12v, and costs over $80 to replace, so it won't be fixed. That's it. It won't shut down by holding in the power button. Nothing on the screen either. must be the deluxe model! Tiny too, about 12.6"x14"x about 3.5"! Pretty neat looking and well thought out though!

  19. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    I use them Dell's everyday at work and even though I'm technically not the IT at the factory, they come to me when theres a problem and the regional guy cant make it for a few days.

    Certainly you can find something on newegg that fits, there are a few brands that cater specifically to Dell replacements if i remember right!
  20. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    We use all manner of Dell, lots of old GX series ones, a lot of those swing open types (a lot of them are knocking on 8 years old and still hanging in there, every now and then we get rid of that shocker Windows 2000 and freshen them up with XP), all sorts of new ones, they're everywhere!, being as we buy Dell for all servers and desktops/laptops. We run machines into the ground, reinstall them if they start to creak as i say, but when they croak that's when we replace them. Servers are obviously on 24/7, but virtually all desktop machines are switched off over the weekends, but desktops do have a hard life being on all day every day, plus a lot are in workshops and warehouse environments so get clogged up a lot. Luckily in any branch that has workshops we have industrial compressors so we just cart the machine over to the cleaning room and blast away all the years of crud.

    Can't get over how much faster the Caviar Black is compared to the AAKS, the machine's much more snappy, i guess over the 4 years i just didn't notice the AAKS wasn't actually that quick as a boot drive.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011

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