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The Official PC building thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by souldoubt, May 11, 2004.

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  1. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest

  2. skidme

    skidme Guest

    @DVDBack23-That setup looks like it may work together. However I'm pretty sure that is a PCI express motherboard, but that card you chose is AGP....
  3. pcrepair

    pcrepair Regular member

    Aug 17, 2005
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    I've found the maxtors are running pretty hot in mine (taken them out now and sold them ) had a couple of 120 gig sata's could almost boil a kettle on them wd would be better
  4. DVDBack23

    DVDBack23 Administrator Staff Member

    Jun 19, 2005
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    Ok thanks, as for replacing the 9800, how bout a comparable pci-express nvidia? Ive heard 6600 would work...
  5. jonni3

    jonni3 Guest

    6600GT would go well with your board, the nearest ATi competion would be a X700 but overall the 6600GT is better ;)
  6. merlin112

    merlin112 Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    I have an x-700pro and am very happy with it. Works great and I got it for $170.00 USD at Circuit City. Food for thought.
  7. merlin112

    merlin112 Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    ddp asked if you are going to get a 24 pin power supply. For mine I am using the psu that came with the case with a 24 to 20 pin adapter that costed 7 bucks. For your ram question, get ddr400. I got value select, cheap but it limits my overclocking ability. Figure out where you want it to be and select your memory accordingly. I am building a copy of my pc for someone who wouldn't even know what oc'ing is unless I told him. Value select will be fine, especially at $80.00 USD.
    By the way, it's been a while. I think it's time you build that rocket ship you've been researching for so long. Would you agree? Shoot some more questions if you like though.

    Last edited: Aug 19, 2005
  8. jonni3

    jonni3 Guest

    Alien 13 your in Australia right, the 6600GT is $219.00 & the X700 is $186.00 .... here's an Australian price comparison site http://www.ausprices.com/ , it might come in handy ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2005
  9. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest

    Cool thanks for all the help guys :)

    Yeah One of the harddrives is almost full (10GB) its got about 1.37GB left dont know whats filling it up tho. The other one (10GB) isnt that full its about 2/3 GB full.

    How much did your pc cost Merlin?
  10. merlin112

    merlin112 Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    That setup cost around $1000.00 USD. However, I just built a duplicate for a friend who liked it, and it came out to about $900. I guess prices will continue to go down.
  11. merlin112

    merlin112 Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    By the way, I like your pictures. They're always changing. And you must post a LOT! I remember when we were both newbies! Any way, lol with the new pc.
  12. Alien13

    Alien13 Guest

  13. hobo4430

    hobo4430 Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    you might look at a case by antec sure they are high dollar but I feel that the power supply is great, if you are looking for some high power then look at the extream edition from intel sure AMD is doing good and now that x 64 is out you can use that but remember that you gotta go get the drivers for 64 bit or it just wont do what you want , as for boards I really like the d915-pbl it is a good board with 800 fsb and lots of 1394 (fire wire) and usb ports it does work great and the price is about 114.00 put a gig of ram and use western digital 120 gig SATA hard drives and raid them you will do just fine as for the PCI-Express I like the 800 based on the ATI chip they do a great job at games now asus has a board so you can do SLI two of the fast pci express but they booth have to be the same kind and speed and yes you will see the diffrence
    Ram Kingstone is really high price but it has a life time warranty but latrely I have been useing PATRIOT it to is life time and good latency youll be surprised as to what it will do and remember to use pairs or you will lose the 800 fsb and they have to be the same size and not ECC
    as for optical drives I reccomend that a dual layer is a good choice as they have come down in price and the media is no longer in the 35$ range for three disk but for some great storage they will do fine at 8+ gigs as for floppy I dont use them any more but they are only 7 dollars. if you have a frys store in your town look at them for some really good prices and if not then go to www.outpost.com that is them. remember also to buy the board and cpu box or you wont get the 3 year warranty, you can go to http://www.intel.com and look for the boards and cpu's you wont see any prices but you will learn about the product and this I reccomend.
    I hope this will help you some what I am a system builder in oregon and only use intel for the moment, but that does change every now and then, and yes do go to windows XP PRo it is a lot better, but remember to tweek it some that darn fade and error reporting is only a waste of time, and do get the up dates youll be glad you did and also use that antivirus
  14. merlin112

    merlin112 Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    So, here's my humble opinion on the pre-built:
    1. Weak psu (only 300 watts so no extras or oc'ing)
    2. Only 512 Mb ram (double it)
    3. No DVD burner (have to have it)
    4. IDE hard drive (SATA is much quicker)
    5. No OS (although if you build, you will still need to buy)
    6. Worst of all... Celeron (don't do it)

    Consider what you are getting and add up the remainder of what you want. You would be much better off getting a Dell. Or do what I always do, BUILD YOUR OWN MACHINE! To me there's no greater satisfaction than to build something that works and smokes any Intel machine for comperable money. Google "amd64 vs. intel extreme edition" and I think you will be suprised at what you find. What the hell, you've done this much research already. I found that the AMD64 3000+ beat the P4 EE 3.2 in most of the benchmarks I've seen, with the exception of a few, but they were neck and neck. And that was at stock speeds for both. Tell me how a chip can run at 1.8 and beat a 3.2 without being superior as far as computations per clock cycle. Then factor in the lower temp of the AMD64 and a nicely equipped ASUS board. I figured I couldn't go wrong, plus it was cheaper than Intel by about $300 USD.

    Once again, this is only my opinion.

    And for the last post above mine, PLEASE LEARN HOW TO USE PUNCTUATION. Reading that was painful. Good info however.

    Questions, comments, please reply.

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2005
  15. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  16. merlin112

    merlin112 Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    DDP, I like the site. Good prices, good products, Intel or AMD. Sounds like a good alternative to building, but my friend wanted to get into it, so I let him build it and I told him what to do. Took two nights, but I know he appreciates the fact that he can say "I built that". You know, show off to his brother who thinks he knows a lot about computers...

    What do you think about the AMD vs. Intel thing?
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    on the pentiums, i've used all of them from amd, cyrix/ibm, via c3 & intel. most of my customers who bought new computers got intel. depends on what they are using the computer for but mostly not games. i'm using a p4 2.5 celeron d, 512meg ddr3200, 160gig wd & win98se but i use it as a tool not gaming.
  18. merlin112

    merlin112 Member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    Good enough for me. Thanks.
  19. daisukep

    daisukep Member

    Nov 14, 2003
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    Praetor gave an excellent summary of nice computer parts souldoubt could buy given a quasi-limited budget; however, that was done over a year ago. I am wondering if anyone would be willing to write up a nice machine with options for a $1200 or so budget.

    I am personally interested in gaming, as I have a laptop that can handle internet browsing and other menial tasks and I am a huge fan of AMD. Unfortunately, I haven't been keeping up with the latest technology and am unaware if anything nicer has come about in the last year which would smash Praetor's original suggestions.

    Would anyone be so kind as to make a new list of recommendations? I am mainly concerned with processor, mobo, ram, and video cards. The rest don't change enough for me to be lost with. Thank you all ahead of time.
  20. hobo4430

    hobo4430 Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    I can do it for less than 1200.00 but wopuld not make any profett, and I gotta make something if I am going to sell it it is business but yes it can be done
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