either way is sexacious. yeah, a mod is going to bark at us soon. better hop back to sigs. *edit* sig request: give me something hilarious with the wording "shave my back? i'll purr like a walrus."
@Aus REALLY Low Quality, stupid text.. @Craig hehe thanks, never saw the ad, but its a cool effect i think, i did it all myself without a guide or anything, i thought it was unique-ish. hah, its all Vivi, just blended into cude form EDIT: I made this sig out of boredom... and i love it. haha its so mind numbingly simple... haha
i wish i could of done the full pic , but i didn't have the right software. if anyone can do the full pic and get most of her legs(i know it will have to be cropped) and not lose much res. please give it a shot. heres the pic vvvvvvvv and advanced thank you!!
There all good (saw them all before)daredevil one being the best, then the halo one, and then the guy from hellboy. The first two look like their from the same style and I like that style a lot, lol it would be great if you decided to make a tut lol!
Nice work Andre. If I was going to pick my fav it'd be the bottom one. Not sure about the missing parts of the render on the daredevil one tho. However, I can appreciate that this is good PS work, whether I like it all or not ;-)