Hmm, kinda messy and you need to work with the colours. Also the random effects mess the flow up, needs a lil work but its a nice sig.
Well, it isn't dead, it needs people to get there. It's a nice site.. paid hosting and vbulletin software on it... Could be big, just needs some pushes in the right direction.
i prefer the drak... not so much the black/ charcoal... like the GI brown - #353026 ^thats the padding/ background colour in my PS ^
Not rly... Make your own background instead of smudgin the render and make the canvas 100x400.. It could be done..
Dam thanks anyway tho dude By the way Ripper did you know captain america is being killed off from Marvel mags?
Well if you wanted a decent sized sig then it couldent be done...I heard about captain america getting killed off too....