i was trying to get as close to the original font that he wrote in the larger version...but it does work well with the other, too, i think. anyone notice i made "capcom" disappear?
Oh no it just vanished :0. Ha ha. I think it actually looked good with capcom. Oh and for the one font it ould be cool if it was outined in red....
Ha yeah now it looks even better dont you think? Yeah actually that font looks almost the same noow I cant even tell the difference anymore.
Yeah and he is acually online but I doubt that he will come ove rhere untill tommorrow. But I thnik that he likes to make his own sigs....
thanks aus and i liked how you edited it with the red outline and the capcom disappeared what program do you use anyway @face123 yea it just vanished lol
Ok I take back my other post lol. Yeah replace the capcom symbol with a rockstar symbol hahaha not so funny is it..?
Oh lol of caurse never mind. Auslander you took out the red! And the little symbol at the bottem it look's like the criss angel symbol but with it saying games!
yeah, i only just now realized i put up a made-up logo (Anarchy Games) on the wrong photoshop file..oh well, you get the picture.
Hi can some one make a quick sig out of this nothing special just soem thing quick http://image.lik-sang.com/content/playstation3/large/devil-may-cry-4.jpg P.S I dont like that IGN symbol mayge it can vanish
since i made it on sept. 5 of this year. why? lol. *edit* after this thanksgiving, i'll change it to pics of my gf, in and out of her fursuit...well, only out of if she says okay, which i think she will. then, i'll change the lyrics to "she is real...god made her real...", maybe add, "for me" at the end, completely bastardizing the slipknot lyrics you now see and changing the name to "Ashley". *re-edit* yeah, i know you're all so excited to see pics of me with the girl that has captured my heart ^.^ *re-re-edit* blkmagic1, would you mind adding "sig created by Auslander" to your sig text? you don't have to, but i would appreciate it.