i mean like mine now, it doesn't use real pics, they look like they were drawn by hand, they might not be idk.
im not gonna lie ireland wins hands down EDIT: to anyone who cares i finally made another personal page!!!
although it doesn't meet the original requirements issued (i.e., no hand down the pants), yeah, it is the best thus far.
i would make one but i have found out my comp wont even run photoshop it does not meet the requirements. i hate this junky thing
@pepsimaxx: Hey that sig you did for face123 came out very good. Good to see that ppl are learning their graphics programs & doing damn well in the creative department. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/369417/2602263 my old sig:
Thank you all for making the sig for me. I haven't laughed so hard in years. No which one should I use?
Thank you for the link. I would love to use one of the pics you made for me. I am just not sure which one I want to use.
I Could use a sig if the offer is still available? Some background I am a retired from the USA Armed Forces and an ex- Nuclear Tech, also an ole' man of 73 soon to be 74 next month. I am not feeble and have lived a pretty good life and health is decent. Back in CB Radio day's I was active in that and had a couple handles, one being Popeye another for a joke was Dirty Britches and a lot of people today still know me by DB. While in the service anytime something needed to be scrounged, they would come to me as I seem to have a thing for being able to find stuff laying around loose. Guess that is why I still surf the Computer for things I want or need.Does any of this information bring anything to mind on what to produse.? I have no idea as I am worlds worst when it comes to something for myself.I do lean towards Cartoon characters. If that helps but if you have any other idea just go with it. I would prefer contact by personal mail! [removed] and if anyone needs a GMail account I have several invitations I can hand out if I have a name and an Email address to send them to. I DO PREFER THE ID of DON or DB that I presently use.
Come on guys - people make oopsies every now and again ertchel, welcome to Afterdawn. The fuss over your email is because it's against forum rules to post them, also the spambots that trawl the web looking for email addies will most likely pick yours and inundate you with spam. Have fun and hope you get your sig made