oh wait i was giving it to the other dead rain on this site so i am happy u hate it cause its not even 4 u,
Oh, I wander which one that could be.. **cough**XS**cough** And DeadRain, be a little more appreciative. Even if you don't want to use it, you could at least so a with a little more subtlety. @ J_bone: I think it's good, nice going.
musta missed it by a mile, what did he try to say, if offened him, im sorry, i like his sig he made me but i like this one better,if i was making sigs i wouldn't let i t get to me if someone likes another sig better, he is still good. too bad i cant have both in my sig
how do you delete the background of an image like this http://www.totalmortalkombat.com/mkd/renders/baraka_render_03.jpg how do you get rid of all the blackness?
Use the "magic wand" tool and click in the black. Then delete. Edit: Magic wand doesnt work as some areas are ALL black. Use the magnetic lassoo tool
AdobePS CS2. On the toolbar, it's 2nd down on the left hand side. Right click that one and then choose the lassoo with the magnet on it.
dead rain u are a TOTAL n00b at sig making try something easier go to sites like planetrender.com it is a site where the have the charector but no other back round its really nice if u wanna quick sig(i think is what its called)dvd knows alot of his stuff is on that site,
allright to me, dvdback, and whoever else makes good sigs. i am getting a new comp for christmas i already saw it it TRIPLES my memory on my current comp and has the specs to run fotoshop which i will do, once that happens i say to anybody who either has a bad sig or no sig we just gotta start making everyone sigs and pming people, then we will be the ultimate sig site. and when i get my new comp i can download fonts YES!
Some people just dont learn.... @rav I like that blade sig man, most of your sig are pretty sick honestly.
do u not dvdback?? alot of charectors on your sigs are the same on that site i dont mean to offend at all i just thought u used prerendered stuff, i think u make good sigs though ohhh and i randomly found this comic and i think someone can use it as a sig
never used planet renders tbh, too lazy to sign up lol, i use gamerenders sometimes, usually just stocks now though