Smudging behind the render is nice. The c4d is OK, but needs to be set to soft light or overlay. Your render is too bright compared to the rest of the sig and it is a bit choppy. The font is ok, but stay away from big bevel effects like that. Hope that helps
yeah, when i use bevel / emboss, i set everything to nearly 0. just to give it some life i use that, and J_Bone, I would take away that stroke, or maybe not make it so thick, i would give it a maybe 2 px MAXIMUM. im not a sig expert, i have been fooling around with CS2 tho. whatcha think of this vader sig? *cough**Cough*Wow, this cold sure is hitting everyone fast!*cough* [sneeze]Wow, have you gotten photoshop yet?[/sneeze]
svstang dude i am working on a pc for the first time man u gotta give me at least 2 weeks so i can break this badboy in
Don't like the stroke on the text, eg, the red. The text on the next one is too bland, you needs a thicker, more substancial font. @Stang: glad you like the sig mate!
J_Bone: How come you were making sigs like this.. And now your sigs aren't as good? Is it cos youre using new software? I always thougth you were on PS, but if not, then look @ some tuts and follow them word for word. Then, once confident with the tut, you can adapt it to experiment with more methods. If you keep doing this, you're knowledge of the tools and layout etc etc of PS will grow, therefore you sigs will get better and you'll be able to do your own thing! That's how I went about it, anyway.
He went from Mac to Windows so as you can probably imagine, they won't be as good until be adapts.......
@J_Bone: Here is something my 10 year old brother made, by following that video tut I linked you to. (The one recorded) The stroke and scanlines, I told him about once he had finished, but nevertheless, he did it all himself. (Eg, I left him to get on with it and came back later.) See, he'd never used PS before, but with a good render and the right guides etc, you can get good results. Just thought I'd show you...
wow, a n00b (no offense) to PS made that, wow EDIT:What font do you use Ripper? its in all of your sigs?
Yep, he did. None taken, Btw. Lol~ And the Font is called "Kravitz Thermal" - I have come to adopt it as my trademark font, Lol Here is the link to it..