I know its the same bubba, i need a good idea for like a name sig like the one you showed earlier. Im just to lazy to think of one.
what the thing is...is all these sigs you guys are doing are alright, but your falling into the rectangle box, background, figure, text rut. its everywhere and its easy. i'm a fan of animated sigs myself, but they are killers for dialup users. just take some time when you do you sig. do you want to stand out? do you want to be original? if you have photoshop, experiment with layers, layer blending options, filters, masks....i could go on and on, but you get the idea. if you see a sig you like, dont be afraid to have a crack at making something similar. and dont worry about "OOOHHH you COPIED" kind of comments..nothing on the net is 100% original anymore. and you are only going to learn by branching out and experimenting. i paint with photoshop, and before i even began trying, i spent a lot of my freetime just looking up and reading tutorials, step-by-steps and work-in-progresses. sometimes i would have a little practice, but mostly i researched...THEN i had a go. Bubba keeps telling you how boring your sigs are, and you seem to want to do something differant..so why not ask how he did his, or what he would think would look good.
Just one question Mrs_B, this is awkard, are bubba's wife? Bubba, ant then you got Mrs_B. I just had to ask, take no offense. this good for dif? you cant see the white border in some areas i dont really like it
I have to say that I agree with Mrs_B and Bubba. I'm trying some new stuff, but I'm not posting it until I get something I like, LOL. @Deadrain: I don't rly like the first one, the colours are a bit iffy IMO. And the second one isn't rly different,, just a cut and chopped version of an old sig. And yes, they are married DeadRain (**hope you don't mind me saying that to him, just thought I'd answer** lol) ^.^
yes, she is my wife. but that was all completly her own view. I just told her about the thread and she read up on it. I wasn't even in the room when she typed the message up. However, I do like the daredevil sig. the non-use of areas does make it look "Different".
I thought it was. And thanks, I think it looks better now too Btw, I'm only using a simple sig (it's actually Phantom69's basic dark sig tut lol) cos none of my good sigs fit the 50k limit ;-)
lol, too bad we have limit here EDIT: Adren, if you read this, what is with the count down in your avatar? It went from 4 to 3 to 2, what are you coutin down?