Hello friends, As most of you have seen the last few days, I have been posting in reference to finding a solution with power calibration errors. I bought a brand new i/o magic dual format dual layer 16x burner. It came with Nero six. I installed it and did everything right. I started up Nero and it would create an iso image, but as soon as it would try to burn, I would get the dreaded power calibration error message. Well, after posting here, several of ya advised that the media I was using was cheap. Well, in all honesty, you're right. I use compusa brand crap. Anyhow, I didn't waste my time buying new media. I called tech support for i/o magic and that was a total waste. They confirmed that everything I have was good including the adaptec aspi using nero tools and could only come up with telling me to update my motherboards ide, chipset or inkf. Then responded, if that doesn't do it, well the drive is bad. Well, I called manufacture of motherboard ABIT and with their help, I did that. Great!! I rebooted pc and tried to burn and still ended up with power calibration error. Well, I was doing research and found a post suggesting the following. I figured I had nothing to lose other than go out and buy another drive which I wasn't about to do. Anyhow, I did this and BANG!! Nero burned my CHEAP COMPUSA MEDIA LIKE CANDY. It is not the media folks. Anyhow, here it is and best of luck. It worked for me, it could work for you. Give it a shot. It's better than opening your drive to clean lense...glad I didn't listen to that option. Here it is: This might be some help to all you guys out there which are having problems with this power calibration error.what i know is that the cd burning engine which comes with xp was developed by adaptec (i might be wrong so please dont hold me to it).so heres what to do and most of your problems hopefully will be solved.this is the easiest way to tell everyone. 1 on desktop click start 2 select control panel 3 click on administrative tools 4 click on services 5 browse your way down to IMAPI CD BURNING COM SERVICE 6 right click (on IMAPI) then select properties 7 in the middle of the window it will say start up type.click on the arrow to the right and select disabled. 8 make sure you click APPLY thats it folks.you should notice that nero starts alot faster aswell please leave any feedback here just to see if it worked for you or not. hopefully it will thanks matt3678 I Thank matt3678 over at GIDForums for coming through. I also thank all of you guys for all of your suggestions. I hope this works for you and happy burning.
@djrman - am trying to also help you here - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/223560 http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/222903 I think by opening more threads the problem is just spreading and will become tricky to follow. Pls address your existing threads before opening more as you'll be up and burning much quicker this way..
@ djtenti, please read the rules & remove your E-mail address. Also the whole point of forums is as follows, someone asks a question, we reply, hopefully giving a solution. This is so if anyone else has the same problem, and the solution is there for everyone to see. So everyone is happy. What would be the point of only E-mailing that solution to help just one person. That system defies logic. At Afterdawn everyone helps everyone, it is not a secret masonic society! If you don't remove it, then a mod will, & remind you of the rules. This way it keeps all the info available to all enquiring minds! Just some friendly advice!! Pulsar
hi did you update firmware for the drive? have you good media? did you update chipset drivers via4in1 etc? is your aspi layer installed and working ok? did you try the above control panel changes? what drive you got?
Quote; "1 on desktop click start 2 select control panel 3 click on administrative tools" Now I am confused! How come when I open control panel there is no "administrative tools"? Pulsar PS, Hiya Rotary, how are ya doin'?
hi yo pulsar - yeah good today. administrative tools is there 4th icon along for me (win xp pro) BECAREFUL - READ NOTE TO LEFT SIDE !!!!!
Hmmm, well it is DEFINITELY NOT there! It is on my other PC, not my main one. So I did a search, found the file & sent the folder to my desktop. I am now puzzled as to where it has gone! LOL!! One of lifes' mysteries! Sorted now though! LMAO!! Pulsar
hi i think its one of those things that can load on install of xp or not depending on config, also alot of apps use it to, but should'nt be a worry, its there just no icon...
@djtenti - part of the problem here is you've attempted to follow someone's advice who has about 4 incomplete threads on the subject and it's no wonder his solution doesn't work. These kind of errors already have standard recommended causes/reasons/workarounds - - quote from "http://www.nero.com/en/FAQs_Error_Messages.html#9 - "
hi and thanks 4 everybody, @pulsar, I'm sorry about writting my E-mail adress, I'm stilling have the power calibration error even trying all solutions in this forum, what shall I do?? , change the burner(Lg)?? thanks...
Don't be that drastic (unless you want to be!). Post last section of log. Its in c:\program files\ahead\nero\nerohistory.log, but do not post your serial number which usually begins with '1a21' or similar. Its worth checking out settings as you'll probably still have problems with a new drive if there's settings that need tweaking..
Hello everyone, I still think "Power Calibration" errors can be fixed by having the latest firmware on your drive and using QUALITY Media. I kinda disagree with other comments mentionned above. Every time I had Power Calibration errors, WAS with the elto cheaper media. And yes by burner does burn those LONGTEN 001 Media ID media, probably even worste than Memorex But I still get a few "Power Calibration" errors once in a while. Long Live Taiyo Yuden
Hi guys, does anybody knows how to find administrative tools in windows 98se(if there is one)I'm trying to do DJRMAN's solution. I'm new at this,so any help will be appreciated Pual