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The Word Association Game

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Bubba1982, Feb 21, 2006.

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  1. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Oh,,,,,I am boosting post....Ok ........lets see....I am not flaming you...I wasn't even directing it to you.....I have a few people on my side about this game........Why are you posting this flame against me......Dude that is just a way to boost post count..

    O and how am i boosting post count on this thread when all i had to do is write 2 words than i am done...........I could of just went on the game and posted back and forth writing 2 words and no1 will say i am boosting post count because it is part of the game......for example i could have posted expensive-Car then the game would go on...But since i posted about the game you are saying i am boosting post count...How intelligent

    SO just leave and you have no room to talk to me like that...for no reason at....all

    And also that popularity thing ....I don't really care what you say i have my own life outside of the internet probubly that you don't.........ANd i do help people out.......SO i really don't care bout your opinion

    and another thing it just keeps adding on....I have not flamed others people shoutbox's....only one and i edited it because i was sorry and that person came and flamed me back and i deserved it...SO don't say that
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2006
  2. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    I have no plans on going anywhere.....and there are plenty of people here that agree with my point of view.I'm sure the mods will sort this out,I have no more to say to you!
  3. JXP2307

    JXP2307 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    Alluluia - Nun.


    I guess you are tocool4thisthread. I wish I understood the whole "Post count" thing. Who gives a damn?

    If dRD didn't want us to post in the saftey valve, he never would have made it. It is HIS site. Complain to him.
  4. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Boxwrench...I've had too many rants on this subject and I'm tired of them. Just ignore the complainers or you're playing right into their game. Just enjoy yourself. I've been around here for quite some time; I joined in August of 2003 and have about 720 posts. If "padding" my post count were my objective, God knows I would have been an "addict" a long time ago. Any legitimate objection should have gone to the feedback to the administration forum, not to those who enjoy this thread. Just enjoy yourself; if the mods want it closed then they'll close it. It's their decision and their job, no one else's.
  5. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest


    I agree with you this isn't against the members of AD....It just i am sick on how Threads that are better then this get closed all the time...................And als i wasn't complaining about post count..I was complaining on how people complain about post count
  6. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    Thanks gerry,I just got a little worked up and had to speak my mind.Your advise is both good and appreciated.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2006
  7. Joeva

    Joeva Regular member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    tocool although i sorta understand where you are coming from, you are kinda off base. we're just having a lil fun and you were like the big bad drunken monster and you came and stomped on our toys and ripped our teddy bears lol. I am a senior member and i am not worried about post count or becoming a Addict, im sure it will happen in due time, i was just having fun. Remember this is what the safety valve is for. I don't feel that boxwrench flamed you, he jus responded with the same intensity you did man. If threads better than this one got shut down but this one didn't thats not our call, and thats kind of unfair for you to rain out the party just cause a thread you liked may have been closed. So since yours was closed you want ours closed too? Come on dude, join in on the fun before its closed, don't be the reason its closed early..
    *pulls out a 18 pack of fosters, and passes toocool, boxwrench and gerry beers*
    lamborgini(sp?) - speed tickets
  8. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    i wasn't talking about my thread getting closed i was over that like that day..................LOL.....And it isn't against any AD members..............
    Yep a few beers sounds good to me..LOL
  9. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    tocool4u, you know man i've sat back and let you go on with your little spastic rants on just about every thread like this that there is. enough is enough, you are adding to the problem that you're bitching about! There is a reason threads like this one are allowed to survive. the members of this site that spend countless hours helping people out need a place to have a little fun and blow off some steam. When we see a thread like this pop up and recognise so many helpful people in it, we figure it's good for moral and they need it, so we let it go. It's ONLY a problem when someone comes along and screws it up by bitching about it. If you look back a bit, you'll see that everything was going along quietly until you came in and started whining. I told you 2 days ago to stop your damn complaining, thats all i see you do and enough is enough, it's getting old, no one cares. You do your job and start helping people and quit the damn whining on every thread, and i'll do my job. If you think you're helping by this constant complaining, you're not. let us take care of things around here. have a beer, smoke a fatty, raid your aunt tilly's medicine cabinet for all i care, but for christs sake stop the damn complaining. I've given you more breaks that i've given anyone before i do believe, but i'm fresh out of breaks so now's the time when you need to make a decision. you either want to help out and be a peacful and constructive member of this site, or you want to be a pain in its ass. it's up to you, you do what you gotta do, and i'll do what i gotta do.
  10. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    so you posted 4 times griping and not adding anything to the thread. let it GO man.

    Edit: I see darthnip said it so much better than I would dare.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2006
  11. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    ok, Fine ,......I will stay away from the safety valve and stay in the Xbox and Computer Hardware forums......
  12. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    no one wants you to stay away from any thread just think more positive and quit your bellyaching. we all have something worthwhile to add to this site.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    worthwhile=safety valve
  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @tocool4U..... I agree 100% with garmoon. If only you could stop complaining, I'm sure garmoon, boxwrench, myself and others would far prefer another buddy to laugh and a good time with be it here or other threads than someone to avoid.

    @boxwrench...what the hell is a "boxwrench" LOL! And, having said all that, I believe the word was:

    nun - belt (an ex catholic boy here and my a$$ still hurts LOL)
  15. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    OOOPS...seems like LOCOENG and I were typing at the same time:

    safety valve - pressure cooker
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2006
  16. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    The real oops was the parentheses
    with some of todays pedophile priests it could be taken the wrong way. LMAO
  17. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @garmoon....well, I hadn't thought of that but I guess you're right. Never happened to me though; perhaps I was just an ugly kid LOL!
  18. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    HAHAHA...I was wondering what that meant....And now i notice ....Yea gerry that didn't sound right...LOL
  19. jazo123

    jazo123 Guest

    Pressure Cooker - Ham
    Don't know why, LMFAO
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2006
  20. Joeva

    Joeva Regular member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    ham - juicy
    come on make it good *wink wink*
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