given a clear sky and a straight line from your position to the position of the flag on the moon without any blocking landforms or objects, then a powerful telescope should see it...but i wouldn't put money on it being there.
I don't know if this is a stupid question if so plz ignore Anyway if there's a hole on the O-Zone then why can space shuttles go through that?
well, for one, it's over Antarctica. for two, the ozone layer is simply a layer of O3, kind of a mutated oxygen. there's still atmoshpere there, as well as the heat and friction created by re-entry. all that the ozone layer does is reflect radiation from the sun and space.
not really; the ozone gases make no difference at all in how the space shuttles enter through the atmosphere. not only is the layer relatively thin, but by the time the shuttle his heating up, it's all ready pretty much past the ozone layer.
np...i wouldn't have any idea how to answer that if i didn't have an interest in astronomy and space travel any other question for a busy high school student to answer? lol.
lol, i'm only 18, but according to IQ tests i could combat a typical college student in a battle of the minds and win, lol. ah, what a beautiful day! must go see my lola!
^mrs b: actually, it would be more risky because the suns heat is intensified on that area. the shuttle would probably not handle the extreme temperatures going through there. also, where the heck do you launch a rocket on a sheet of ice?! lol. aus - your a bloody braniac! lol. give me a run for my money!
considering the troubles the shuttles have always had, i'll agree with that, bubbette. and i'll have to back off a bit; you'll get all pooped out, running with the lil bubber and trying to keep up with me how's the precious bundle doing, btw? we haven't had any updates lately!
a compass in space would point to the strongest/nearest magnetic field. whether it be the sun, the moon, earth or a meteor
until aliens come by and probe you, leaving a chunk of magnetized metal in your rectum. then the compass points to you.
spot on mate. they do have digital compasses. At the moment there is a new nokia phone that has a built in electronic compass