Thinking about buying a d box 2

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by bemused, Dec 9, 2006.

  1. bemused

    bemused Member

    Dec 9, 2006
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    Hi Everyone

    Got my starview tonight, software already installed, just had to plug in and scan for channels, got 273 all unscrambled, even changed the plug for a 3 pin, picture quality and speed realy good, only complaint was software disk and computer cable were not sent as promised, now got to spend a few hours setting up channels into some sort of order.
  2. focous

    focous Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    that`s the best bit mate;-0
  3. bemused

    bemused Member

    Dec 9, 2006
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    Hi focus

    You think your not very technically minded, I must be even worse, what do you mean about the epg being slow, slow at what, what does the epg do?. sorry to seem a bit thick, but eager to learn.
  4. focous

    focous Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    no probs mate epg electronic program guide what i have found is when i press the button it seems to take forever if ever to load but if you press the ok button on the remote control it tells you what is on that channel for that day.At least it dose on our starview i have noticed an annoying thing with it, is while you use the epg when you scroll up or down to see what`s on it changes the channel as well
  5. bemused

    bemused Member

    Dec 9, 2006
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    Cheers for that M8, thats a little bit more I have learnt, will be much easier when I have sorted all the channels out, have changed them over to alpha order first and found by pushing the red button when on channel search you get a little tool bar with letters on to speed up finding channels
  6. t80nyg

    t80nyg Guest

    hi guys, have just spoken with my techy mate and have now fixed the problem and have got all the channels, my wife is dragging me out the now xmas shopping (should not have bothered taking holidays ha ha) but i will add some more tips later regarding the box
  7. alici9

    alici9 Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    hi guys! im new here so please help me out! ermm... if anyone can help me out with the starview boxes i would be really happy! i basically want to know more information about it! like what channels do you get, do you get the sky sports channels! and mainly is it iligal, if it is, whats the chances of getting caught! and do you have to be on some sort of sky package or anything! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP THANK YOU!!
  8. t80nyg

    t80nyg Guest

    hi alici, the starview will give you everything that is broadcast in your area like sky sports 1,2,3 setanta sports, 11 movie channels etc. it will only work if you link it up to a telewest,ntl or other digital provider BUT IT WILL NOT WORK THROUGH A SKY SATELITE DISH as far as i am aware. as for it being illegal it is not against the law to purchase or use the box but you are meant to notifiy your provider if you use a pay per view channel, and if you do that you would be the first person in the world to do so (ha ha), you will have to pay for the minimum package so you have a live cable to hook up to happy viewing if you need anymore info drop me a line
  9. alici9

    alici9 Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    hi T80NYG, thank you so much for your help, it has helped me alot! just wanted to ask so if i subscribe to the FREE TV PACKAGE on telewest! would it work! Do you know how long it lasts for? like does it or can it get blocked? and is there a way of telewest finding it out! or gettin caught! thanks for your help! im thinking to get the box thats why im asking so much! and lastly do you have a box yourself! THANKS
  10. t80nyg

    t80nyg Guest

    hi alici, that should work on that subscription as long as you are connecting to a line in your house ( i take it your not talking about freeview built in to your telly) as for how long it will last i dont know its the same as everything that you bend the rules on its a gamble, it looks like it CANT be crashed at the moment as the box is cardless if the codes where changed you would just rescan the box again same as the older d-box version. i dont think it can be traced by your provider but its your gamble i,m afraid. as for your question if i have one lets just say i enjoyed the xmas telly this year and it was not on bbc1 ha ha. if i can be of anymore help drop a line cheers and have a good new year
  11. jiggaman2

    jiggaman2 Member

    Dec 29, 2006
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    Hello all. I would like to know if the starview box has any sort of PVR functionality, a bit like the dreamboxs where you can add hard drive or connect to your pc and record onto there. I would appreciate any copmments from people who own or have used starview boxes regarding this. Also how dooes teh starview box compare to the dreambox or dbox in terms of funstionality and features (i.e. recording telly, picture quality etc.)? Cheers.
  12. tiagra

    tiagra Guest

    hi all
    i'm new to dbox dbox2 starveiw etc
    i have a box that gets all channels
    but has a card that goes off (rarely)
    i have the infinity programer and the flash files for it
    so i just flash it when it goes off
    i'm would like to know which box to buy
    (nockia dbox2 starview etc)but
    dont know anything about image files commando etc
    could one of you genius's give me some advice please
    merry christmas to you all
    i'm new to this forum so how do i find replies (if any hopefully) to this post
    thanks in advance
  13. hickster1

    hickster1 Guest

    hi got the starview box today but not getting any channels,just says scambled or bad channel can anyone help,tried the parental control thing without any success
  14. t80nyg

    t80nyg Guest

    hi hickster, try this mate, go to a normal channell like bbc1, press the menu button, with the remote pointed at the box press the number 1570, this will bring up another menu, at the bottom of the screen it will it will say key emu off change it to on by moving the cursor on the remote to the right press ok and exit. a window will say now updating and all the channels will be there, hope this works for you let me know if it does and gives you a belated xmas prezzie. have a good new year cheers
  15. hickster1

    hickster1 Guest

    thanks t80, managed to get it up and running on parental control,but am losing the odd channel now and again will i need to run through the process again to get specific channels back
  16. focous

    focous Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    Hi hickster1 you still having probs with that box mate?
  17. deefc

    deefc Guest

    just bought a starview box have got all the channels but on some of them have got black lines at top and bottom like widescreen have tried changing the user setup and telly to no avail.if i change it then some channels are fine but others the lines move to the side.All i want is so i can watch the telly using the full screen anybody help
  18. hickster1

    hickster1 Guest

    hi focous,got all the channels with your help but seem to be losing the odd channel going back to scrambled or bad channel.
  19. focous

    focous Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    Hi deefc as far as i no there is a prob with the starview as regards the black lines that is what i was told from where i brought mine from anyway.What i was told was to change the wide screen settings on the box and your tv you should be able to lose them
  20. focous

    focous Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    Hi mate must admit only ever needed to do that once and only on one channel.Lets hope it`s just settling down

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