I just tried my number and it doesnt work. I live in the states and my number is listed. I also tried a couple of friends and they didnt work.
I have been trying it on everyone I know and it seems that about 80% of them work. I did try a few friends and relatives in Germany and they seemed to be safe for now. It seems to only be in the USA. I wouldn't doubt it will be working in other countries soon though as they just started doing it in the USA so it is probablly only a matter of time I would keep checking if I where you guys/gals just to be sure
My uncles details are there, but no link to any maps etc, and I do know he registers his details everywhere...............and he loves being spammed.......LOL
I don't give mt detail out to anyone online and my number and map was there!! I am listed in the phonebook though I believe this has something to do with it.
Im listed i the phone book., But i live in a small town. I wonder if thats has somthing to do with it.
Hi from Australia - no problem yet tho our government owned telco will be privatised later this year and goodness only knows what will happen then. I think the CDrom of Australian phone numbers sold by Sensis has a reverse lookup feature, but they won't put it on the net because they can't make money out of it ---yet. To do a similar thing for the UK - - buy a CDROM copy of the BT phone book, but only the version available in mainland Europe, and do a reverse look up. The UK version sold in the UK can't legally provide the reverse lookup facility --- yet. Good luck to all of those COTUSAs (citizens of the USA) who want privacy ciao from paradise on earth