Saving it to a floppy because without your EEPROM...problems with your hard drive/xbox later, you may not be able to fix them and rename your system hopeless. Just save it to a floppy disc and you're good.
OMFGZZZ!!!! my action replay memory card is 8mb which should be 498 like when i put it in m xbox but when i put it in the compputer its only 494 and that krayzie file is 496!!!!!whats goin on???? how do i get that 4 blocks bac????------- i just found the same file but it was smalller somehow im still not sure bout why the memory shrank in my card but the problem has been resolved for now---- and where do i go in flash fxp to find the eeprom thing to save???
i hav a converter that goes directly from the back of a controller (expansion slot) that has a usb port on the end. i downloaded all the gamesaves to a usb key and put it in the converter. everytime i try to load the gamesaves to an unmodded xbox (for splinter cell), before i can see the gamesaves in the expansion pak, the xbox reformats the usb key and i lose all the gamesaves. can any1 help???
to use splinter cell game hacks, the softmod must be the only profile for splinter cell on your hd, now first reformat the usb stick then plug it into ur comuter do not let windos reformat it, now use AR or megaxkey to get the gamesave on your usb stick go to this tutorial which will teach u how to ftp
i already no how to ftp but how does this help??? what is AR and megaxkey and where can i get them. P.S. Thanx for the help
is there any way i can get the gamesaves onto a regular usb key that is xbox formatted without buying somthing?
hey, u've already been a hugh help! do u hav an im screen name that i can just directly talk 2 u from? mine's sbaron178. thanks
every time i download linux file then put it into action replay the file gets corupted and mech assault cant load the linux. how can i make sure the file doesnt get coruptted in the transfer--- or if you have an alternet way of getting the linux in to the xbox plz tell me
you don't need to buy action replay, download it here>>>>
ok...i downloaded ar and added the gamesaves to the list. now when i plug in my xbox formatted usb key into my computer, ar dosn't recognize it. do u have any suggestions?
ya, windows dosnt reformat it without asking and i decline, but y dosnt ar notice the usb key? shouldnt somthing show up on the left side under "memory card"
ya it should show up, ok plug it back into the xbox, and see if u can change the name of the stick, change it if u can, open AR, then put ur stick in
i gave it a name and plugged it in while ar was running, but still nothing happened. got any last ideas?
is there anyt way around Ar cause its corupting my files------ never mind AR is not corrupting my files, it turns out i have the wrong Mech Assaault version: if it says MS02301L you have the original, it it syas MS02308L you have the new version which wont work make sure you check the back of your disc on the silver part. and theres another tutorial on this forum in case theres anything that isnt on this one: