this is how i softmodded my xbox [a guide]

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Ca$h, Aug 6, 2005.

  1. tgarrett

    tgarrett Guest

    i recently used the james bond save to install a new dashboard and i cant understand the language that is on it is there a way to change the language or to get rid of this dashboard or to install a new on anything will be of help this is all entirely new to me.
  2. AA505

    AA505 Member

    Oct 23, 2005
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    Thanks tEChniiQue that helped a whole lot
  3. halofan14

    halofan14 Guest

    If you softmodd your xbox can you still get on live
  4. Modder2B

    Modder2B Guest

    I dunno if anyone else has this problem, but I put the file Krayzie_SC onto my action replay memory card, and when i copied it onto my xbox, and restarted splinter cell, the only thing I coukd find was the profile linux, and that has blank checkpoints and levels. This is really dumb. Ca$h (or anyone), please tell me how to run linux via splintercell, because i dont want to buy another game. (as in MechAssault or 007 agent underfire) plz help!

    edit:plz check my halo 2 site, i have some modding questions. and also i have daily tips and good stuff, plz help me, your co-operation is greatly appreciated! the site is
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2005
  5. mastrquik

    mastrquik Member

    Nov 30, 2005
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    Im trying to Install Linux. I have an installer it is calles Softmod.Installer.Deluxe.v2.0.Xbox-Hq. I heard its unstable is that true?
  6. mx4life

    mx4life Guest

    does a softmod let me burn games???? Can i play xbox live and where can i get a playback recorder or whatever???? Can i install this myself????? Why shouldnt i just go and get someone to install a mod chip??????
  7. lauh1

    lauh1 Member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    Hello all,

    After reading forum member Ca$h's tutorial of softmodding an xbox via the Action Replay method, when I tried it out, I have discovered that my Action Replay 8MB Memory Card will not allow the MechAssault gamesave to be copied onto this memory card as it is too big a filesize to fit on the memory card. Has anyone out there any idea of how to resolve this problem.
  8. Modder2B

    Modder2B Guest


    This is my plan of how to get the mechassault file onto the XBOX, i had the same problem u did. I'm gonna purchase a USB adapter cable for xbox. It goes directly from your controller port into your USB port. Look it up on google, its pretty tight. Oh! and just an add-in to Ca$h's thing, well, once you softmod, the 8mb memory crad wont support mods and level skins!
  9. Memnock

    Memnock Active member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    I successfully soft modded my Xbox with Splinter Cell. The only part I got stuck on was I first used a Pal save which didn't work with my NTSC Xbox. After finding a NTSC save it worked fine. It's super quick. I never thought a Xbox could be modded in less than 10 mins. Thanks for putting it up there Ca$h.
  10. messyXBOX

    messyXBOX Member

    Dec 19, 2005
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    hey i need help i had my xbox modded but when i took them off i forgot to restore the C drive and now i have no dashboard cause i also deleted run linux off the mechassualt
  11. stkpozer

    stkpozer Guest

    Hey Ca$h, thanks for the help, I needed to figure out how to get rid of my dash, but u told me. Now, when i try to get on live, it says there are network gateway problems so it still wont let me on. Any ideas?
  12. Modder2B

    Modder2B Guest

    @memnock Hey dude. You said you got it to all work correctly? The file Ca$h mentioned doesn't work on my xbox to run linux.
  13. m13a8

    m13a8 Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    Very well written! One question, if I turn the softmod off like it says later, is it then safe to play xbox live?
  14. beefeater

    beefeater Guest

    i downloaded the Softmod.Installer.Deluxe.v2.0.Xbox-Hq zip file

    and hooked my xbox controller and put in my ar memory card into my xbox controller, to my pc by usb port,

    now which files do i need to copy to the ar memory card??

    i have Splinter.Cell game.

    i just need to know which files go where??


    MLOYLLO Regular member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    The tutarial is Great and has been very helpful. I couldn't download all the files from x bins tonight, they say try back tommorow. Is that normal?

    I downloaded the folder XBOX and I think its complete, it must have contained 30 files cause its only 31 MB.'s?

    Also I am concerned with backing up my eeprom. Eeprom stands for?

    I imagine its the original operating system that came with the x box. How do I back it up before the softmod?

    I have played with my crossover cable and couldn't access the x box from my computer, however the computer knew when I unplugged the cable from the x box. Does anyone think I've got my ethernet adapter configured wrong? Thanks and any expertise would be greatly appreciated.
  16. bunkerboi

    bunkerboi Guest

    ha ha you guys cant play legit send me a FR "rS shooK on3" ill own any one of u
  17. rS_x_Jack

    rS_x_Jack Guest

    i think i've done something terribly wrong. on my xbox it wont let me connect to the internet. help?
  18. CAR8624

    CAR8624 Regular member

    Feb 17, 2004
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    Is there a way to disable softmod and connect to Xbox live w/o being banned? Is disabling the softmod easy?

    Does softmod install onto the HD? If it does, can I just switch the HD so I could have the original Xbox HD to play Live?
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2006
  19. rS_x_Jack

    rS_x_Jack Guest

    CAR there is no way u can mod on xbox live without being banned so just use a 2 month free trial when you want 2 mod or mod sum1 up otherwise u will get banned from matchmaking on the account u like.
    6 hours of modding on matchmaking=banned from matchmaking 4 a week only (not that bad)

    also i cant download dothalo. is there another way?

  20. CAR8624

    CAR8624 Regular member

    Feb 17, 2004
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    I've meant NO MODS at all; all I want to do is go on Xbox Live w/o mods. Who says that I'll go on Halo 2 to mod?

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