I thank everyone for their kind comments about my tutorial. I also apologise for my "inactivity" to this topic. On the very bottom of the tutorial, there is a part on how to turn off the softmod. If you turn off the softmod, you will be able to sign on to live. If you do not turn off the softmod and sign into live, [bold]you will never, ever be able to sign into live again. [/bold] Here is a little backround on the halo2 AutoUpdater; aka the AU. The instant you go into matchmaking(MM) or play a custom game, the AU starts its magic. If you have a moded map(modified map) you will be permanently [bold]BANNED[/bold] from MM within 6 hrs or when you turn off your xbox. I am not BSing. If you do not believe me, try it out for yourself. If you have anny questions about moding halo2/pc, you can go ahead and ask me, just please keep it out of this topic because softmodding and modding halo2 are two different things.
@ CA$H - I would like to thank you for answering this topic. Yes I did read the last part, but did not understand if you sign in with a modified content [not used for XBox live though]. I'm assuming that Live will not ban you unless you are playing a game that has been modified [aka modded Halo 2 maps ]. But if you have something else modified [homebrew applications like emulators], will they still ban you? This is the question I had all along but never really clarify it. Obviously I will not log into Live with a backup copy of the game =p.
Very nice cash! i love yur site http://www.se7ensins.com! 10/10 for this tut! btw, http://www.se7ensins.com is a great site for halo modding tutorials! I ou liked this check out his site! it is 10x better! they have soo amny tutorials like this@ Nice tutorial!!!
i have a usb cable but there is no shield covering and the colers are white blue red yellow purple can i still use this cable and if so does anybody know what coler is what?
It tried convering a standard x box controller to usb last night. I read a TUT that said splice the matching wires together and you would be left with one with one yellow wire on the controller side and to leave it alone. I vaighly remember reading a TUT that said to cross certian colors. Any way When I finished with the wire nuts and plugged it in to my cpu to play emulators and pressed a bunch of buttons, I got an error reading somthing like to mush power requested to usb port XXXXXX. Its definatly not plug and play at least at this point, mabey plug and PYRO. LOL Read up Thats my plan, I would really like to obtain some drivers to use different usb hardware on my X box console before I modify its standard controller ports to usb. Thanx.
Ok, I've been going through the site and haven't seen this complaint yet. I get the file, move the files to my Xbox, and am perfectly fine all the way up to the point where I run the Linux. My screen goes black and stays black. I thought that this maybe part of what it is supposed to do, but I've been waiting for roughly an hour and nothing has happened. Any ideas where I went wrong?
I have read all kinds of forums on how to mod your xbox and they just had to much info. This was clean and not so confusing. thnx
Hi, I have a problem, (sorry i speak french, my english is so bad..) I have the linux on my splinter Cell save and i have the SID 4 for installation linux. Al my saves on splinter cell is deleted. I go on check point (in splinter cell) And a big black screen coming!!! I can't do anymore... and the LED of the xbox is Orange. What is the problem ??? Thanks!! And can you send me a good linux if a use a bad ?? cya
I had the same problem. Chances are that a) your memory card is screwed up, or b) you have a platinum edition of Splinter Cell. The platinum edition has a patch which fixed the exploit that is used to activate SID 4. Try and get an original copy of MechAssault with the code MS02301L on the back in the inner ring (closest to the hole in the center), or the 007 Agent Under Fire with the serial code 1448517 on the front in the small print. If you want to use Splinter Cell, I suggest you try and find an original copy of it. The platinum edition is the only one that I know that has the patch. Oh, and your Linux SID is probably not bad, but just doesn't work with your Splinter Cell. Here's what the 007 Agent Under Fire CD should look like (used respectfully without biline's permission) And this is where the MechAssault code should be Your copy of Splinter Cell should not have the silver thing above it. Here's an example: Notice the words "Platinum Hits"? That means that it's a platinum edition. Splinter Cell has one, too. That version has the patch. Hope that that helps!
Try Bearshare. apps/archives and type the exact file name, or copy and paste it. This is the name of a Splinter cell hack save. You have to extract it. There will be two parts zip 1, and zip 2. Drag and drop them on your action replay. ltools_v1[1].7.5_SC_NTSC It might not show up right away, depends on who's online.
For example; unzip fceultra_v16.zipinto its own folder NES and transfer it into F>Games>Emulators on you X Box. and ftp your roms into F>Games>Emulators>NES>roms. If your having trouble with FTP check out http://teammodders.com/viewtopic.php?t=128
can some one help me iam have a probloem my probloem is if i click and drag the files from my documents to the action replay it says " this is not a vaild xbox save" how can i make it for it is vaild
Might be a dumb question. But if I got that USB adapter could I use a flash music player to transfer these files onto my xbox?