I don't think its a dumb? I don't know, but I don't see why not. Here is a well written tuturial with pictures on adding a usb adapter to your controller, with a removable 128 MB flash stick. So yeah I hope and think it will work without any additional drivers. Let us know what you get accomplished. Gone......... http://mesh.typepad.com/blog/2005/01/creating_a_usb_.html
ok heres my problem i have action replay and the merory card has the space but it says 4 blocks are being used and i need atleast 2 more i dont know what to do any ideas?? and theres nothing on the card
@jjfreak5 Yes you can use a usb stick, but you would need to prevent windows from reformatting it everytime you plug it into your computer. And you would need to build a usb adapter for the xbox
Ca$h @jjfreak5 After reading some more in this thread I meantioned earlier http://mesh.typepad.com/blog/2005/01/creating_a_usb_.html ; There is a post; Quote" If you read the whole tutorial you will notice that in the begining it tells you that any info on your USB MEM device will be lost when using it for the first time on the XBOX (formatting differences). The same goes for using it on your computer AFTER it is used and reformatted on the XBOX. Unfortunately, you can only use the USB MEM device for ONE of the applications: XBOX or Computer. Pick your poison!" Quote This pretty much confirms what Ca$h said. I would recommend just getting an action replay, it is well worth the money for what you are doing and can potentially accomplish with your console while moding, However the usb adapter tut is excellent for attaching usb devices, storing lots of game saves, and looks good too. Later
@WOOTY, heres your problem: youve got the splinter cell save profile on the xbox, thats good. but youre missing the other key file: linux installer. if you have both the linux installer copied to your xbox, and the linux profile copied to your xbox, you should be good to go. a friend of mine had the exact same problem, i fixed it in a second.
ok i modded my xbox. i think i did it right b/c i can go from the modded dash to the ms dash and i have no problems. but when i tried to save halo 2 to my hard disk it says error code 112? it also says this when i tried to copy my eeprom to my memory card. please any one help befor i do sumthing stupid and screw up my xbox.
Alright halo 2 does not fit on standard xbox hard drive. Did you back up your eeprom at the very begining like i said? Try using ftp to transfer your backed up eeprom to your computer. Umm you can find a larger memory card or you can find a smaller softmod installer. I have never purchased the action replay memory card, i used my own memory card and just built my own usb extension. -------------------------------------------------------- I havent used this installer in over a year. I never really liked it... My favorite installer ever is SID v2.1 I plan to add that onto this guide. Because it is awesome. It has less features than the Krayzie Uxe Installer but it has never ever let me down.
Ca$h. yes i did back up my eeprom. but i cant figure out how to get it to my memory card. can you tell me step by step what to do. and what driver is the memory card in. is it like x,z,f or sumthin like that.
I am not sure if it is possible to put it on a memrory card... If you ftp into your xbox your backed up eeprom should be in the "E" directory
i read about ftping with ur xbox. i read that i could get into the xbox by conecting the xbox to a hub or router then hook that up to the computer. can i do that or do i need to the special cord to hook it up to the computer.
To Ca$h, I read your thread on soft modding your xbox using MA..I'm assuming this means Mech Assult. Will modding my xbox this way work if i only play ghost recon and ghost recon island thunder because these are the only games i play on my xbox any more. Please help
What happened to your xbox? Inorder to softmod your xbox, you need one of the following original games(non platnium hits): -MechAssualt -SpilnterCell -AgentUnderFire
i want to learn how to mod i have action replay and i will get ma tomorrow or the next day and i need help
Just look for guides or tutorials and you should do find. The more reading you do before you install a softmod the better.