To Convert AVI to DVD with Nero Vision 4 (basic guide)

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by alkohol, Dec 19, 2005.

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  1. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Your Nero is really old, you should update to the latest of Nero 6 Ultra. (1) write down your Nero serial on a piece of paper, (2) get Nero's General clean tool to completely wipe out Nero from your system, then install the latest from Nero 6 Ultra Edition back into your system.

    What kind/brand/model is your burner? Have you updated your firmware lately? I tried to look for a firmware for updating its firmware, but I could not find your burner at all. Go here and have a look around.

    With only 48MB of free memory left, you're in a tough situation here. I usually recommend others to get/upgrade to at least 512MB or 1GB if possible. The more RAM you have, the better your system works. Try to free up/release more memory, close/disable/shut down all other unnecessary inquiries (i.e. other running programs, Anti-Virus program, shutdown all programs via STARTUP).

    I've never heard of this kind of media and its MID before. Out of curiosity, what kind of brand/media is it, if you don't mind. The only media I recommend are: Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim and Hitachi Maxell (made in japan).

    Again, your burner doesn't like the media in this case. See above reply for other high quality media.

    Again, your burner can not burn/write to the blank media. It's having an error trying to write. Maybe it's because of bad/cheap dye.

    Are you trying to "book type" with a DVD-R disc? Because it WON'T WORK, unless you're using a DVD+R disc.
  2. stonedmtn

    stonedmtn Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    thanks! you are the man! I dont know what i would do without forums!!!
    I'm not surprised that the NERO is out of date. Would it be more useful if after I cleaned out the NERO, to go ahead and upgrade to NERO 7, or do you recommend sticking with 6 ultra? I found a good deal on a 30 pack of JVC DVD-r disc's (which sucks 'cause I'm a firm beleiver in "you get what you pay for"). Where can I get the best quality dvd-rs? and for that matter, which is better, dvd-r or dvd+r? As far as the burner goes, its made by Pacific digital: mach 16. I figured it was a decent burner, tied in price with the sony and other mid to high end burners. I went to their website and they say that the firmware is up to date.
    They should give a big bottle of tylenol with the purchase of dvd burners for the headaches that are created! lol!
    Thanks once again!
  3. Malibu81

    Malibu81 Guest

    alkohol, I'm using Nero Version 6.6
    Nero StartSmart 2
    Nero Express 6
    NeroVision Express 3
    Nero Recode 2

    I was able to convert the .avi files to Video_TS files, but I am having no luck getting the finished DVD to play on my stand alone DVD player. I used a Phillips DVD+RW which plays fine on my PC but not on my DVD player. Then I tried Verbatim DVD-R but it had a failed burn.

    Is there a step by step guide for Nero 6.6?

  4. mburke300

    mburke300 Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Hey alky,

    I'll make this quick, as you seem to be the popular information source...i realize your time is limited. Just a few simple questions...i went out and bought sony dvd+r, which i read somewhere that taiyo yuden does sony and do i now own the proper media? K..the real question. The only thing i am concerned with is the quality of the final product. I recently downloaded a season of south park episodes. I loaded five episodes in nero vision express which ran me up to 4.2gb. I did exactly as you recommended...high quality + progressive + 2 pass VBR...and the response was it'll only do an hour on the disk, and when i clicked said my final project was 7.7gb, and asked me if i wanted to a dvd-9. so my question i better off doing the 7.7gb, and then using nero recode to fit it all on one disc, or should i use different settings such as standard or automatic + automatic or progressive + 2 pass that it immediately fits on one disc? thanks for your time alky

  5. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    @stonedmtn - As for Nero 7? You can try the trial first to see if you like it or not. Nero 6 is as great (I've been using Nero 6 for so long), but I've switched to Nero 7 as of late Oct. 2005 and I'm pretty much satisfied, except a few bugs on the new version of Nero 7. If you're from the US, then you can get any high quality from Best Buy, Circuit City, Office Depot for any DVD-R or DVD+R (Maxell, SONY, FUJI) make sure these are "MADE IN JAPAN" or the Verbatim.

    @malibu81 - It's been a while since I used Nero 6 Ultra Edition (October 2005). So I can't remember much, but I'm sure you can still transcode & convert into DVD. I know I've done it before I'd switched to Nero 7. I suspect it's the media (Philips DVD+RW) because most likely Philips will code as CMC MAG and that this the same for Memorex. Philips and Memorex are some of the worst media that has the cheapest dye. How old is your dvd player by chance? Keep in mind that not all dvd players can play all DVD+RW. If it's 2 years old or older, then your best bet is to "book type" them into DVD-ROM. DVD-ROM format is the best/most compatible format for all functional dvd players. If you can't book type, then it's best to get some high quality DVD-R for your next project.

    @mburke300 - I guess you can try both methods to see which one is your preference. If money is not an issue i.e. getting DL media, then yes... you can go with the DVD-9 route, but you don't want to wasted a 8.5GB on a 7.7GB. You can maybe add 1 more AVI file to make it at least 8.3GB, so it's worth it. Or you can say "NO" to Nero Vision "don't reduce the quality" and have Nero Recode 2 to compress to fit onto a single 4.7GB later on, using "Advanced Analysis + High Quality Slow Recording" and set your customize MB size to "4460MB" when you first launched Nero Recoded 2.

    When I used Nero Recode 2 transcode or compress any of my dvd movies, below is what I usually do and I get less compressions:

    <> once you've loaded/imported your VIDEO_TS file into Nero Recode 2, do as the following to bring the "Video Quality" some more higher.
    <> *NOTE: you can customize to 4460MB with Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim and Hitachi Maxell "High Grade" (made in japan) only. The following is for a movie (LEGEND OF ZORRO), but you can do these steps for any of your AVI compressions as well.







  6. mburke300

    mburke300 Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Let me be a little more specific. I reread the way I worded my question and I don't think it came across the way I would've liked. I do appreciate the guide though...I will definitely use it for all of my projects that exceed the 4.36Gb marker in nero vision express. I will use a specific example. I downloaded an avi movie file 717,790 Kb-->Loaded it into Nero Vision Express. I chose NOT to reduce the quality, as the transcoding project came out at 4.64 Gb. I then edited it to my personal preferences, and then came the burn options menu. So I chose your recommended Video option settings...High Quality + Progressive + 2VBR. The project then became 8.59 Gb and Nero Vision Express basically told me it couldn't do the project based on my setting..."Your project currently requires more disc space than available on the selected destination device". I have 13 Gb of free space... So two questions from here...1) Does this sound right? and 2) If I can't use High Quality + Progressive + 2 VBR...what is the next best option...Standard Play + Progressive + 2VBR? Once again...I appreciate ur help alkohol.


  7. kum

    kum Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    Alkohol, I have a problem with Nero Vision Express 3 and I' m looking for some solution since 10 days but I couldn't solve it. I think you are the one who can help me.

    [bold] I bought a Philips External DVD writer and I can use every Nero programs but I can not open Nero Vision Express! I tried to open it directly from Start menu, I tried to open it from Nero StartSmart but no way is working. It tries to open the program and few seconds I can see Nero Vision Express in Task Manager (with ctrl+alt+del) but after few seconds it just disappears.When I try to open vision express 3 from the start smart it doesn't do anything apart from drop the start smart for a while and then it reopens it again. All the other programs work just fine apart from vision express. I have installed the updates and the XP service pack 2 patch too. I uninstalled and reintalled again; I tried everything I know but still I can not open it:( [/bold]

    Yesterday I found another program, winavi converter 7.1 ( but I didn' t try it. I don't know what should &#305; do?

    These are some information that may be helpful:

    Software Information
    Operating System : Windows XP Professional (5.01.2600 Service Pack 2)
    Country : Turkey
    Language : Turkish
    ANSI Code Page : 1254
    OEM Code Page : 857
    DirectX : DirectX 9.0c

    Description : Nero Burning ROM
    Version : 6, 6, 1, 4
    Company : Ahead Software AG
    Version Check : Ok

    Description : Nero StartSmart
    Version : 2, 1, 0, 5
    Company : Ahead Software AG

    Description : NeroVision
    Version : 3,1,0,25
    Company : Nero AG

    Description : Nero ShowTime
    Version : 2, 0, 1, 9
    Company : Nero AG

    Description : Nero Recode 2
    Version : 2, 2, 6, 17
    Company : Ahead Software AG

    Description : Cover Designer
    Version : 2, 3, 1, 3
    Company : Nero AG

    Description : Nero BackItUp Application
    Version : 1, 2, 0, 61
    Company : Ahead Software AG

    Description : Studio program file
    Version :
    Company : Pinnacle Systems

    Hardware Information
    CPU : Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1700 MHz
    Bus Speed : 100 MHz
    Motherboard : ECS P4VMM2
    System : ECS P4VMM2
    BIOS : AMI 07.00T
    Memory : 256 MB
    Sound : C-Media Wave Device
    Video : S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR

    Description : VIA USB 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller

    Description : System32\DRIVERS\usbehci.sys
    Company : Microsoft Corporation
    Version : 5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
    Description : EHCI eUSB Miniport Driver

    Attached Devices
    Description : PHILIPS SPD4000CC USB Device
    Type : CD-Rom Drive
    Autorun : On

    Please help me:(

  8. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    @mburke300 - Like I said, use either method is fine. (1) is to backup your project into a DVD+R DL media (if money is not an issue for you). (2) use High Quality + Progressive + 2 Pass VBR, once Nero Vision is completed, load/import your VIDEO_TS file into Nero Recode 2 and use my reply above in query to the quality settings inside Nero Recode and start to transcode/compress as usual. Or (3) use High Quality + Progessive + 1 Pass (fast encoding), or you can try the "High Quality + Automatic + 1 Pass" to see how's the quality in results. Just a side note here, you should always set your "video quality settings" in Nero Vision in prior to backup or before the warning message Nero Vision gave you about to reduce your project's quality.

    Again, I never reduce any of my AVI projects "video quality" because I want the best of all. If for some reason my project exceed the standard bar 4.38GB, then I'll just say "NO" to Nero Vision and have Nero Recode 2 transcode/compress my VIDEO_TS or project with "AA + HQSR = Advanced Analysis + High Quality Slow Recording" later on.

    @kum - Have you tried to use Nero's Clean Tool to completely wipe out Nero from your system and reinstall back on? Maybe it's your burner that Nero can not see (it's a USB right?). Try to uninstall your burner's driver by following the link below under my sig "How to enable DMA back on" and restart your system. Now Windows should automatically install your burner back on.

    Out of curiosity do you have or is your ASPI installed/working properly when you check with Nero Info Tool? If you don't, then try to google for ASPI or WINASPI and download it to install on your system. Here is a picture of what I'm talking about. That's all I could think of, otherwise, I really don't know why Nero won't open at all. Worst case scenario, you can always ask Nero Tech Support for helps. Good luck!!

  9. kum

    kum Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    Alkohol, thank you for your reply. I have tried to uninstall with Clean tool and reintalled it but it didnot work. I can use my dvd writer to burn vcd's. Moreover, I used winavi program to make dvd and also I could burn it using my writer. (It actually looks a good program. You may check it also.

    For ASPI' s, I have neroASPI installed and working properly but it says there is no WinASPI. I will try to find it from google. I hope it will solve my problem:((((( I have also written to Nero tech.service, but as you can imagine, they don't answer me since 10 days!
  10. tubacuba

    tubacuba Regular member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    wow that guide by alkohol was really helpful..thank you very much
  11. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    @kum - I've heard about WinAVI, but I've never used/tried before. I guess I'm a Nero-holic, afterall, it's what I prefer. Or perhaps, it's because I have more experiences with Nero Vision that's all. I honestly, think that Nero Vision is one of the fastest AVI converter/transcoder engine out there, plus there is/are not a lot of engines that you can set the quality to "High Quality + Progressive + 2 Pass VBR" like Nero Vision did. Again, maybe it's just my preference, in my humble opinion.

    In query to the WinASPI issue, try google/searching the net and get it to install into your C:\Windows\System32 folder to see if it's working properly and see if you can open any of Nero's applications now. Other than that, I'm as clueless as you are.

    @tubacuba - You're welcome, glad I could help. Now enjoy the simple guide and your backups to the fullest.
  12. kcdallas1

    kcdallas1 Guest

    hey how do i know what firmware i need for my burner its an lg
  13. kum

    kum Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    I convert to dvd format usin avi converter. Everything looks okay but when I burned using nero express, the video is not so good. When I watch the film in my dvd player on TV, every 10-15 seconds the picture freezes for approximately 1 second and continue like this. It is very disturbing indeed. When I investigate this in the internet, I could not find a good information; just in somewhere they say that the burning speed may result this problem. I use 6x burning speed for verbatim dvds. Do you think if I use 2x for example, I can solve this problem?? Did you face this kind of problem before? It is really very disturbing to watch like this:(
  14. badd

    badd Member

    Mar 3, 2006
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    well, i managed to burn 2 disc of naruto within 1:30 of each, then somehow it turned into 2:30 per disc and would give me errors

    [02:02:55] NeroVision Log created (Date: 03/03/2006)
    [02:02:55] NeroVision Processors: 2 (Intel)
    [02:02:55] NeroVision OS: Windows XP
    [02:02:56] GCCore Detected DirectX Version: 9.0c
    [02:02:59] ExpressUI Running Nero Vision Version:
    [02:03:01] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
    [02:03:01] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:03:01] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:03:01] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [02:03:01] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [02:03:14] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
    [02:03:14] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:03:14] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:03:14] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [02:03:14] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [02:03:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_32_[4D42281A].avi video/0
    [02:03:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [02:03:15] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [02:03:15] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
    [02:03:15] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [02:03:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - video
    [02:03:15] MMTools --------------------
    [02:03:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_33_[A831B7DB].avi video/0
    [02:03:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [02:03:15] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [02:03:15] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
    [02:03:15] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [02:03:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - video
    [02:03:15] MMTools --------------------
    [02:03:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_34_[7F018581].avi video/0
    [02:03:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [02:03:15] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [02:03:15] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
    [02:03:15] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [02:03:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - video
    [02:03:15] MMTools --------------------
    [02:03:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_35_[4E9D14BD].avi video/0
    [02:03:16] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [02:03:16] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [02:03:16] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
    [02:03:16] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [02:03:16] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - video
    [02:03:16] MMTools --------------------
    [02:03:32] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
    [02:03:32] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:03:32] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:03:32] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [02:03:32] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [02:03:35] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
    [02:03:35] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:03:35] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:03:35] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [02:03:35] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [02:03:41] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
    [02:03:41] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:03:41] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:03:41] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [02:03:41] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Burn process started by user.
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Destination: PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Directory for temporary files: C:\DOCUME~1\Chun\LOCALS~1\Temp
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Available hard disk space for temporary files: 175099.492 MB
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI ------<Nero Vision Project Information>--------
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI --- Project type: DVD-Video
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI --- Project video options ---
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Video mode: NTSC
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: Automatic
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Quality: Automatic
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Resolution: Automatic
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Sample format: Automatic
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> File type: MPEG-2
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Audio format: Automatic
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Encoding mode: Fast Encoding (1-Pass)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Nero SmartEncoding: Automatic
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI --- Project space information ---
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Media type: DVD ( bytes maximum capacity)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Total space used: 3.52 out of 4.38 GB
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Space used for menus: 0.4 out of 1024.0 MB
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI --- Project contents ---
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Sample format: Automatic
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Audio format: Automatic
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Encoding mode: Fast Encoding (1-Pass)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Number of titles: 4
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> 1. [ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_32_[4D42281A] (Video Title, 0h 23m 04s)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Quality: Standard play (5073 kbps)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Resolution: 704 x 480 (D1)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Video SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> 2. [ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_33_[A831B7DB] (Video Title, 0h 23m 04s)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Quality: Standard play (5073 kbps)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Resolution: 704 x 480 (D1)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Video SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> 3. [ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_34_[7F018581] (Video Title, 0h 23m 04s)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Quality: Standard play (5073 kbps)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Resolution: 704 x 480 (D1)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Video SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> 4. [ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_35_[4E9D14BD] (Video Title, 0h 23m 04s)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Quality: Standard play (5073 kbps)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Resolution: 704 x 480 (D1)
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Video SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> Number of menus: 1
    [02:04:19] <---MT---> - Main menu (1 page)
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI --------<End of Project Information>----------
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI ------Recording Parameters------
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Book Type: 1
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Destination Device: PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631 (Capabilities: 000AE017)
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Recording Flags: 12
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Recording Speed: 0
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Volume Name: Naruto 32-35
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Burn-at-once flag: 0
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI Fast Update allowed: 0
    [02:04:19] ExpressUI --End of recording parameters---
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ..Application service registered...
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ..Session callback registered...
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - Prepare
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine **BEGIN: _DVDVideo - Prepare
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ..VTS_Ns=4...
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VMG
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ...VMGM_VOBS_exist = true
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ...Duration 333667
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ...This is a still stream
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'System/Stream'
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:19] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [02:04:19] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [02:04:19] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:19] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
    [02:04:19] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:19] NeroVision total : 1
    [02:04:19] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [02:04:19] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:19] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [02:04:19] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:19] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.03 | 150
    [02:04:19] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.03 | 0
    [02:04:19] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:19] NeroVision total data size : 382977 bytes
    [02:04:19] NeroVision multiplexed size : 397312 bytes
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ******END: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ****END: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VMG
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#1
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ...VTSM_VOBS_exist = false
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ...Duration 13845845832
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [02:04:19] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:19] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [02:04:19] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [02:04:19] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:19] NeroVision 0 | 41496 | 1 | 41496
    [02:04:19] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:19] NeroVision total : 41496
    [02:04:19] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [02:04:19] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:19] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [02:04:19] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:19] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1384.58 | 857646
    [02:04:19] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1384.58 | 33230
    [02:04:19] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:19] NeroVision total data size : 912486000 bytes
    [02:04:19] NeroVision multiplexed size : 945811456 bytes
    [02:04:19] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_32_[4D42281A].avi video/0
    [02:04:21] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_32_[4D42281A].avi audio/0
    [02:04:21] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [02:04:21] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [02:04:21] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
    [02:04:21] MMTools {38BE3000-DBF4-11D0-860E-00A024CFEF6D} - MPEG Layer-3 Decoder
    [02:04:21] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - audio
    [02:04:21] MMTools --------------------
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine ****END: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#1
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#2
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine ...VTSM_VOBS_exist = false
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#2 - Process Create
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine ...Duration 13848181501
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [02:04:21] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:21] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [02:04:21] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [02:04:21] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:21] NeroVision 0 | 41503 | 1 | 41503
    [02:04:21] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:21] NeroVision total : 41503
    [02:04:21] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [02:04:21] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:21] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [02:04:21] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:21] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1384.82 | 857790
    [02:04:21] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1384.82 | 33236
    [02:04:21] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:21] NeroVision total data size : 912639851 bytes
    [02:04:21] NeroVision multiplexed size : 945969152 bytes
    [02:04:21] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_33_[A831B7DB].avi video/0
    [02:04:22] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_33_[A831B7DB].avi audio/0
    [02:04:22] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [02:04:22] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [02:04:22] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
    [02:04:22] MMTools {38BE3000-DBF4-11D0-860E-00A024CFEF6D} - MPEG Layer-3 Decoder
    [02:04:22] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - audio
    [02:04:22] MMTools --------------------
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#2 - Process Create
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine ****END: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#2
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#3
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine ...VTSM_VOBS_exist = false
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#3 - Process Create
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine ...Duration 13846513166
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [02:04:22] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:22] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [02:04:22] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [02:04:22] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:22] NeroVision 0 | 41498 | 1 | 41498
    [02:04:22] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:22] NeroVision total : 41498
    [02:04:22] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [02:04:22] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:22] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [02:04:22] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:22] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1384.65 | 857687
    [02:04:22] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1384.65 | 33232
    [02:04:22] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:22] NeroVision total data size : 912529958 bytes
    [02:04:22] NeroVision multiplexed size : 945856512 bytes
    [02:04:22] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_34_[7F018581].avi video/0
    [02:04:26] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_34_[7F018581].avi audio/0
    [02:04:26] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [02:04:26] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [02:04:26] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
    [02:04:26] MMTools {38BE3000-DBF4-11D0-860E-00A024CFEF6D} - MPEG Layer-3 Decoder
    [02:04:26] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - audio
    [02:04:26] MMTools --------------------
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#3 - Process Create
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine ****END: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#3
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#4
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine ...VTSM_VOBS_exist = false
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#4 - Process Create
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine ...Duration 13841508161
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [02:04:26] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:26] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [02:04:26] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [02:04:26] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:26] NeroVision 0 | 41483 | 1 | 41483
    [02:04:26] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:26] NeroVision total : 41483
    [02:04:26] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [02:04:26] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:26] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [02:04:26] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:26] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1384.15 | 857377
    [02:04:26] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1384.15 | 33220
    [02:04:26] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [02:04:26] NeroVision total data size : 912200278 bytes
    [02:04:26] NeroVision multiplexed size : 945514496 bytes
    [02:04:26] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_35_[4E9D14BD].avi video/0
    [02:04:29] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_35_[4E9D14BD].avi audio/0
    [02:04:29] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [02:04:29] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [02:04:29] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
    [02:04:29] MMTools {38BE3000-DBF4-11D0-860E-00A024CFEF6D} - MPEG Layer-3 Decoder
    [02:04:29] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - audio
    [02:04:29] MMTools --------------------
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#4 - Process Create
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ****END: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#4
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine **END: _DVDVideo - Prepare
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..Estimated size=3.52 GB
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..Estimated duration=2 hour 30 min 5 sec
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - Prepare
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - CreateVOBs
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine **BEGIN: _DVDVideo - Create
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VMGM_VOBS
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...Duration 333667
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...This is a still stream
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'System/Stream'
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:29] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [02:04:29] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [02:04:29] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:29] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
    [02:04:29] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:29] NeroVision total : 1
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine **********END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: CSPU::process()
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...'Decoding SubPicture No.' is '0'
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..._nLines == 480
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...Found 'bottom half' in the bottom field at bit 10128, addr. is 1266 (241)
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...Detected 'top half' at 1, addr. is 2
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...Detected 'bottom half' at 1, addr. is 1266
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...Lines processed: 480
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...processed 2 packs
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine **********END: CSPU::process()
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..+VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, SA=0, VOB_V_S_PTM=32088
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine BTNGR1_DSP_TY == 18620414
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;47], VOBU_Ns=1, C_PBTM=00s.12
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..|VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;47], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=32088, VOB_V_E_PTM=68124
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - INFORMATION after Create
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine General information:
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..size=48 (96.0 KB)
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..capacity=48 (96.0 KB)
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..max_capacity=524287 (1.00 GB)
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..VOB_Ns=1
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..C_Ns=1
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..VOBU_Ns=1
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine VOB information:
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;47], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=32088, VOB_V_E_PTM=68124
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine .....Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;47], VOBU_Ns=1, C_PBTM=00s.12
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ********END: VMGM_VOBS - INFORMATION after Create
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ******END: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - Verify
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ******END: VMGM_VOBS - Verify
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..VMGM_VOBS: size=96.0 KB (98,304 bytes)
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VMGM_VOBS
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#1
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...Duration 13845845832
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [02:04:29] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:04:29] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [02:04:29] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [02:04:29] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:29] NeroVision 0 | 41496 | 1 | 41496
    [02:04:29] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:04:29] NeroVision total : 41496
    [02:04:29] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [02:04:29] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [02:04:30] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_32_[4D42281A].avi video/0
    [02:04:30] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_32_[4D42281A].avi audio/0
    [02:04:30] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [02:04:30] DVDEngine ..+VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, SA=0, VOB_V_S_PTM=26527
    [02:04:30] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [02:04:30] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [02:05:44] DVDEngine ...New CELL 2
    [02:05:44] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;39328], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:05:44] DVDEngine ....+Cell#2: C_IDN=2
    [02:06:58] DVDEngine ...New CELL 3
    [02:06:58] DVDEngine ....|Cell#2: C_IDN=2, [39329;79013], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:06:58] DVDEngine ....+Cell#3: C_IDN=3
    [02:08:14] DVDEngine ...New CELL 4
    [02:08:14] DVDEngine ....|Cell#3: C_IDN=3, [79014;118557], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:08:14] DVDEngine ....+Cell#4: C_IDN=4
    [02:09:27] DVDEngine ...New CELL 5
    [02:09:27] DVDEngine ....|Cell#4: C_IDN=4, [118558;157654], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:09:27] DVDEngine ....+Cell#5: C_IDN=5
    [02:10:39] DVDEngine ...New CELL 6
    [02:10:39] DVDEngine ....|Cell#5: C_IDN=5, [157655;197684], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:10:39] DVDEngine ....+Cell#6: C_IDN=6
    [02:11:53] DVDEngine ...New CELL 7
    [02:11:53] DVDEngine ....|Cell#6: C_IDN=6, [197685;237080], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:11:53] DVDEngine ....+Cell#7: C_IDN=7
    [02:13:09] DVDEngine ...New CELL 8
    [02:13:09] DVDEngine ....|Cell#7: C_IDN=7, [237081;276792], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:13:09] DVDEngine ....+Cell#8: C_IDN=8
    [02:14:24] DVDEngine ...New CELL 9
    [02:14:24] DVDEngine ....|Cell#8: C_IDN=8, [276793;316480], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:14:24] DVDEngine ....+Cell#9: C_IDN=9
    [02:15:35] DVDEngine ...New CELL 10
    [02:15:35] DVDEngine ....|Cell#9: C_IDN=9, [316481;355863], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:15:35] DVDEngine ....+Cell#10: C_IDN=10
    [02:16:46] DVDEngine ...New CELL 11
    [02:16:46] DVDEngine ....|Cell#10: C_IDN=10, [355864;395660], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:16:46] DVDEngine ....+Cell#11: C_IDN=11
    [02:18:00] DVDEngine ...New CELL 12
    [02:18:00] DVDEngine ....|Cell#11: C_IDN=11, [395661;435593], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:18:00] DVDEngine ....+Cell#12: C_IDN=12
    [02:18:40] DVDEngine ....|Cell#12: C_IDN=12, [435594;456592], VOBU_Ns=129, C_PBTM=01m04s.16
    [02:18:40] DVDEngine ..|VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;456592], C_Ns=12, VOB_V_S_PTM=26527, VOB_V_E_PTM=124639015
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - INFORMATION after Create
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine General information:
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ..size=456593 (892 MB)
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ..capacity=456593 (892 MB)
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ..VOB_Ns=1
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ..C_Ns=12
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ..VOBU_Ns=2769
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine VOB information:
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ...VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;456592], C_Ns=12, VOB_V_S_PTM=26527, VOB_V_E_PTM=124639015
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;39328], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#2: C_IDN=2, [39329;79013], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#3: C_IDN=3, [79014;118557], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#4: C_IDN=4, [118558;157654], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#5: C_IDN=5, [157655;197684], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#6: C_IDN=6, [197685;237080], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#7: C_IDN=7, [237081;276792], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#8: C_IDN=8, [276793;316480], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#9: C_IDN=9, [316481;355863], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#10: C_IDN=10, [355864;395660], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#11: C_IDN=11, [395661;435593], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine .....Cell#12: C_IDN=12, [435594;456592], VOBU_Ns=129, C_PBTM=01m04s.16
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ********END: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - INFORMATION after Create
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Verify
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Verify
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ..VTSTT_VOBS: size=892 MB (935,102,464 bytes)
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#1
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#2
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#2 - Process Create
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ...Duration 13848181501
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:18:42] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [02:18:42] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [02:18:42] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:18:42] NeroVision 0 | 41503 | 1 | 41503
    [02:18:42] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:18:42] NeroVision total : 41503
    [02:18:42] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [02:18:42] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [02:18:42] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_33_[A831B7DB].avi video/0
    [02:18:42] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_33_[A831B7DB].avi audio/0
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ..+VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, SA=0, VOB_V_S_PTM=26527
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [02:18:42] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [02:19:57] DVDEngine ...New CELL 2
    [02:19:57] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;39324], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:19:57] DVDEngine ....+Cell#2: C_IDN=2
    [02:21:09] DVDEngine ...New CELL 3
    [02:21:09] DVDEngine ....|Cell#2: C_IDN=2, [39325;78824], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:21:09] DVDEngine ....+Cell#3: C_IDN=3
    [02:22:26] DVDEngine ...New CELL 4
    [02:22:26] DVDEngine ....|Cell#3: C_IDN=3, [78825;118673], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:22:26] DVDEngine ....+Cell#4: C_IDN=4
    [02:23:42] DVDEngine ...New CELL 5
    [02:23:42] DVDEngine ....|Cell#4: C_IDN=4, [118674;158350], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:23:42] DVDEngine ....+Cell#5: C_IDN=5
    [02:24:56] DVDEngine ...New CELL 6
    [02:24:56] DVDEngine ....|Cell#5: C_IDN=5, [158351;197659], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:24:56] DVDEngine ....+Cell#6: C_IDN=6
    [02:26:12] DVDEngine ...New CELL 7
    [02:26:12] DVDEngine ....|Cell#6: C_IDN=6, [197660;237343], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:26:12] DVDEngine ....+Cell#7: C_IDN=7
    [02:27:32] DVDEngine ...New CELL 8
    [02:27:32] DVDEngine ....|Cell#7: C_IDN=7, [237344;277118], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:27:32] DVDEngine ....+Cell#8: C_IDN=8
    [02:28:50] DVDEngine ...New CELL 9
    [02:28:50] DVDEngine ....|Cell#8: C_IDN=8, [277119;316949], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:28:50] DVDEngine ....+Cell#9: C_IDN=9
    [02:30:05] DVDEngine ...New CELL 10
    [02:30:05] DVDEngine ....|Cell#9: C_IDN=9, [316950;355685], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:30:05] DVDEngine ....+Cell#10: C_IDN=10
    [02:31:17] DVDEngine ...New CELL 11
    [02:31:17] DVDEngine ....|Cell#10: C_IDN=10, [355686;395734], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:31:17] DVDEngine ....+Cell#11: C_IDN=11
    [02:32:32] DVDEngine ...New CELL 12
    [02:32:32] DVDEngine ....|Cell#11: C_IDN=11, [395735;435777], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:32:32] DVDEngine ....+Cell#12: C_IDN=12
    [02:33:12] DVDEngine ....|Cell#12: C_IDN=12, [435778;457018], VOBU_Ns=129, C_PBTM=01m04s.23
    [02:33:12] DVDEngine ..|VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;457018], C_Ns=12, VOB_V_S_PTM=26527, VOB_V_E_PTM=124660036
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#2 - INFORMATION after Create
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine General information:
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ..size=457019 (893 MB)
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ..capacity=457019 (893 MB)
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ..VOB_Ns=1
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ..C_Ns=12
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ..VOBU_Ns=2769
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine VOB information:
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ...VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;457018], C_Ns=12, VOB_V_S_PTM=26527, VOB_V_E_PTM=124660036
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;39324], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#2: C_IDN=2, [39325;78824], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#3: C_IDN=3, [78825;118673], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#4: C_IDN=4, [118674;158350], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#5: C_IDN=5, [158351;197659], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#6: C_IDN=6, [197660;237343], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#7: C_IDN=7, [237344;277118], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#8: C_IDN=8, [277119;316949], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#9: C_IDN=9, [316950;355685], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#10: C_IDN=10, [355686;395734], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#11: C_IDN=11, [395735;435777], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine .....Cell#12: C_IDN=12, [435778;457018], VOBU_Ns=129, C_PBTM=01m04s.23
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ********END: VTSTT_VOBS#2 - INFORMATION after Create
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#2 - Process Create
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#2 - Verify
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#2 - Verify
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ..VTSTT_VOBS: size=893 MB (935,974,912 bytes)
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#2
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#3
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#3 - Process Create
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ...Duration 13846513166
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [02:33:13] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:33:13] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [02:33:13] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [02:33:13] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:33:13] NeroVision 0 | 41498 | 1 | 41498
    [02:33:13] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:33:13] NeroVision total : 41498
    [02:33:13] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [02:33:13] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [02:33:13] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_34_[7F018581].avi video/0
    [02:33:14] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_34_[7F018581].avi audio/0
    [02:33:14] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [02:33:14] DVDEngine ..+VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, SA=0, VOB_V_S_PTM=26527
    [02:33:14] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [02:33:14] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [02:37:31] DVDEngine ...New CELL 2
    [02:37:31] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;39357], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:37:31] DVDEngine ....+Cell#2: C_IDN=2
    [02:41:47] DVDEngine ...New CELL 3
    [02:41:47] DVDEngine ....|Cell#2: C_IDN=2, [39358;78810], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:41:47] DVDEngine ....+Cell#3: C_IDN=3
    [02:43:35] DVDEngine ...New CELL 4
    [02:43:35] DVDEngine ....|Cell#3: C_IDN=3, [78811;95327], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:43:35] DVDEngine ....+Cell#4: C_IDN=4
    [02:44:03] DVDEngine ...New CELL 5
    [02:44:03] DVDEngine ....|Cell#4: C_IDN=4, [95328;99156], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:44:03] DVDEngine ....+Cell#5: C_IDN=5
    [02:44:31] DVDEngine ...New CELL 6
    [02:44:31] DVDEngine ....|Cell#5: C_IDN=5, [99157;102986], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:44:31] DVDEngine ....+Cell#6: C_IDN=6
    [02:44:58] DVDEngine ...New CELL 7
    [02:44:58] DVDEngine ....|Cell#6: C_IDN=6, [102987;106816], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:44:58] DVDEngine ....+Cell#7: C_IDN=7
    [02:45:26] DVDEngine ...New CELL 8
    [02:45:26] DVDEngine ....|Cell#7: C_IDN=7, [106817;110645], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:45:26] DVDEngine ....+Cell#8: C_IDN=8
    [02:45:53] DVDEngine ...New CELL 9
    [02:45:53] DVDEngine ....|Cell#8: C_IDN=8, [110646;114475], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:45:53] DVDEngine ....+Cell#9: C_IDN=9
    [02:46:21] DVDEngine ...New CELL 10
    [02:46:21] DVDEngine ....|Cell#9: C_IDN=9, [114476;118304], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:46:21] DVDEngine ....+Cell#10: C_IDN=10
    [02:46:49] DVDEngine ...New CELL 11
    [02:46:49] DVDEngine ....|Cell#10: C_IDN=10, [118305;122134], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:46:49] DVDEngine ....+Cell#11: C_IDN=11
    [02:47:17] DVDEngine ...New CELL 12
    [02:47:17] DVDEngine ....|Cell#11: C_IDN=11, [122135;125963], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:47:17] DVDEngine ....+Cell#12: C_IDN=12
    [02:47:31] DVDEngine ....|Cell#12: C_IDN=12, [125964;128030], VOBU_Ns=129, C_PBTM=01m04s.18
    [02:47:31] DVDEngine ..|VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;128030], C_Ns=12, VOB_V_S_PTM=26527, VOB_V_E_PTM=124645021
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#3 - INFORMATION after Create
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine General information:
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ..size=128031 (250 MB)
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ..capacity=128031 (250 MB)
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ..VOB_Ns=1
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ..C_Ns=12
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ..VOBU_Ns=2769
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine VOB information:
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ...VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;128030], C_Ns=12, VOB_V_S_PTM=26527, VOB_V_E_PTM=124645021
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;39357], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#2: C_IDN=2, [39358;78810], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#3: C_IDN=3, [78811;95327], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#4: C_IDN=4, [95328;99156], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#5: C_IDN=5, [99157;102986], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#6: C_IDN=6, [102987;106816], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#7: C_IDN=7, [106817;110645], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#8: C_IDN=8, [110646;114475], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#9: C_IDN=9, [114476;118304], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#10: C_IDN=10, [118305;122134], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#11: C_IDN=11, [122135;125963], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine .....Cell#12: C_IDN=12, [125964;128030], VOBU_Ns=129, C_PBTM=01m04s.18
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ********END: VTSTT_VOBS#3 - INFORMATION after Create
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#3 - Process Create
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#3 - Verify
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#3 - Verify
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ..VTSTT_VOBS: size=250 MB (262,207,488 bytes)
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#3
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#4
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#4 - Process Create
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ...Duration 13841508161
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [02:47:32] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [02:47:32] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [02:47:32] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [02:47:32] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:47:32] NeroVision 0 | 41483 | 1 | 41483
    [02:47:32] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [02:47:32] NeroVision total : 41483
    [02:47:32] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [02:47:32] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [02:47:32] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_35_[4E9D14BD].avi video/0
    [02:47:33] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\BitComet\Downloads\[AonE]_Naruto_26_50\[ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_35_[4E9D14BD].avi audio/0
    [02:47:34] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [02:47:34] DVDEngine ..+VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, SA=0, VOB_V_S_PTM=26820
    [02:47:34] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [02:47:34] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [02:51:52] DVDEngine ...New CELL 2
    [02:51:52] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;39319], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:51:52] DVDEngine ....+Cell#2: C_IDN=2
    [02:56:11] DVDEngine ...New CELL 3
    [02:56:11] DVDEngine ....|Cell#2: C_IDN=2, [39320;78832], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:56:11] DVDEngine ....+Cell#3: C_IDN=3
    [02:57:59] DVDEngine ...New CELL 4
    [02:57:59] DVDEngine ....|Cell#3: C_IDN=3, [78833;95122], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:57:59] DVDEngine ....+Cell#4: C_IDN=4
    [02:58:28] DVDEngine ...New CELL 5
    [02:58:28] DVDEngine ....|Cell#4: C_IDN=4, [95123;98951], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:58:28] DVDEngine ....+Cell#5: C_IDN=5
    [02:58:55] DVDEngine ...New CELL 6
    [02:58:55] DVDEngine ....|Cell#5: C_IDN=5, [98952;102781], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:58:55] DVDEngine ....+Cell#6: C_IDN=6
    [02:59:24] DVDEngine ...New CELL 7
    [02:59:24] DVDEngine ....|Cell#6: C_IDN=6, [102782;106611], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [02:59:24] DVDEngine ....+Cell#7: C_IDN=7
    [02:59:51] DVDEngine ...New CELL 8
    [02:59:51] DVDEngine ....|Cell#7: C_IDN=7, [106612;110440], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [02:59:51] DVDEngine ....+Cell#8: C_IDN=8
    [03:00:19] DVDEngine ...New CELL 9
    [03:00:19] DVDEngine ....|Cell#8: C_IDN=8, [110441;114270], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [03:00:19] DVDEngine ....+Cell#9: C_IDN=9
    [03:00:46] DVDEngine ...New CELL 10
    [03:00:46] DVDEngine ....|Cell#9: C_IDN=9, [114271;118099], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [03:00:46] DVDEngine ....+Cell#10: C_IDN=10
    [03:01:14] DVDEngine ...New CELL 11
    [03:01:14] DVDEngine ....|Cell#10: C_IDN=10, [118100;121929], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [03:01:14] DVDEngine ....+Cell#11: C_IDN=11
    [03:01:41] DVDEngine ...New CELL 12
    [03:01:41] DVDEngine ....|Cell#11: C_IDN=11, [121930;125758], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [03:01:41] DVDEngine ....+Cell#12: C_IDN=12
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ....|Cell#12: C_IDN=12, [125759;127809], VOBU_Ns=128, C_PBTM=01m04s.03
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..|VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;127809], C_Ns=12, VOB_V_S_PTM=26820, VOB_V_E_PTM=124600269
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#4 - INFORMATION after Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine General information:
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..size=127810 (250 MB)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..capacity=127810 (250 MB)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..VOB_Ns=1
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..C_Ns=12
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..VOBU_Ns=2768
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine VOB information:
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;127809], C_Ns=12, VOB_V_S_PTM=26820, VOB_V_E_PTM=124600269
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;39319], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#2: C_IDN=2, [39320;78832], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#3: C_IDN=3, [78833;95122], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#4: C_IDN=4, [95123;98951], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#5: C_IDN=5, [98952;102781], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#6: C_IDN=6, [102782;106611], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#7: C_IDN=7, [106612;110440], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#8: C_IDN=8, [110441;114270], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#9: C_IDN=9, [114271;118099], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#10: C_IDN=10, [118100;121929], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.27
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#11: C_IDN=11, [121930;125758], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=01m59s.26
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine .....Cell#12: C_IDN=12, [125759;127809], VOBU_Ns=128, C_PBTM=01m04s.03
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ********END: VTSTT_VOBS#4 - INFORMATION after Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#4 - Process Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#4 - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#4 - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..VTSTT_VOBS: size=250 MB (261,754,880 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#4
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine **END: _DVDVideo - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - CreateVOBs
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - CreateDesc
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine **BEGIN: _DVDVideo - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VTSI#1
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSI#1 - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_VOBS exists = false
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_PGCI_UT exists = true
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_TMAPT exists = true
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSI_MAT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_PTT_SRPT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_PGCIT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_C_ADT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_VOBU_ADMAP created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_PGCI_UT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_TMAPT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VTSI#1 - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSI#1 - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VTSI#1 - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..VTSI: size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VTSI#1
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VTSI#2
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSI#2 - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_VOBS exists = false
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_PGCI_UT exists = true
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_TMAPT exists = true
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSI_MAT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_PTT_SRPT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_PGCIT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_C_ADT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_VOBU_ADMAP created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_PGCI_UT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_TMAPT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VTSI#2 - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSI#2 - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VTSI#2 - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..VTSI: size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VTSI#2
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VTSI#3
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSI#3 - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_VOBS exists = false
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_PGCI_UT exists = true
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_TMAPT exists = true
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSI_MAT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_PTT_SRPT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_PGCIT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_C_ADT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_VOBU_ADMAP created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_PGCI_UT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_TMAPT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VTSI#3 - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSI#3 - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VTSI#3 - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..VTSI: size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VTSI#3
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VTSI#4
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSI#4 - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_VOBS exists = false
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_PGCI_UT exists = true
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_TMAPT exists = true
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSI_MAT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_PTT_SRPT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_PGCIT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_C_ADT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_VOBU_ADMAP created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTSM_PGCI_UT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_TMAPT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VTSI#4 - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSI#4 - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VTSI#4 - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..VTSI: size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VTSI#4
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VMGI
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VMGI - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VMGM_VOBS exists = true
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VMGM_PGCI_UT exists = true
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...PTL_MAIT exists = false
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...TXTDT_MG exists = false
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...FP_PGC_exist = true...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...FP_PGC2_exist = false...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VMGI_MAT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...TT_SRPT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VTS_ATRT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VMGM_PGCI_UT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VMGM_C_ADT created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ...VMGM_VOBU_ADMAP created...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VMGI - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VMGI - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ******END: VMGI - Verify
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..VMGI: size=14.0 KB (14,336 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VMGI
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine **END: _DVDVideo - Create
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - CreateDesc
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - GetDiscCaps
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..Caps=DSCCAP_VLMNM_UDF | DSCCAP_VLMNM_ISO9660
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - GetDiscCaps
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - SetLabel
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine Volume name (ISO9660)="N______32_35"
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - SetLabel
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - SetLabel
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine Volume name (UDF)="Naruto 32-35"
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - SetLabel
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - GetDiscContent
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine **BEGIN: _DVDVideo - Fill FileSystemDescContainer
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO' (VMGI), location={undefined}, size=14.0 KB (14,336 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.VOB' (VMGM_VOBS), location={undefined}, size=96.0 KB (98,304 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.BUP' (VMGI), location={undefined}, size=14.0 KB (14,336 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.IFO' (VTSI), location={undefined}, size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB' (VTSTT_VOBS), location={undefined}, size=892 MB (935,102,464 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.BUP' (VTSI), location={undefined}, size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_0.IFO' (VTSI), location={undefined}, size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_1.VOB' (VTSTT_VOBS), location={undefined}, size=893 MB (935,974,912 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_02_0.BUP' (VTSI), location={undefined}, size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_03_0.IFO' (VTSI), location={undefined}, size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_03_1.VOB' (VTSTT_VOBS), location={undefined}, size=250 MB (262,207,488 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_03_0.BUP' (VTSI), location={undefined}, size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_0.IFO' (VTSI), location={undefined}, size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_1.VOB' (VTSTT_VOBS), location={undefined}, size=250 MB (261,754,880 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..File: 'VIDEO_TS\VTS_04_0.BUP' (VTSI), location={undefined}, size=28.0 KB (28,672 bytes)
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine **END: _DVDVideo - Fill FileSystemDescContainer
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - GetDiscContent
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine ..Session callback unregistered...
    [03:01:57] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [03:01:57] NeroVision DVD-Video files sorted
    [03:01:58] NeroVision Caching of files started
    [03:01:58] NeroVision Caching of files completed
    [03:01:58] NeroVision Burn process started at 12x (16,620 KB/s)
    [03:01:58] NeroVision Book Type automatically set to: DVD-ROM
    [03:01:58] DVDEngine BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - Write
    [03:01:58] DVDEngine ...RBP=0, count=98,304 bytes
    [03:01:58] DVDEngine ...succeeded
    [03:01:58] DVDEngine END: VMGM_VOBS - Write
    [03:01:58] DVDEngine BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Write
    [03:01:58] DVDEngine ...RBP=0, count=935,102,464 bytes
    [03:03:28] DVDEngine ...succeeded
    [03:03:28] DVDEngine END: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Write
    [03:03:28] DVDEngine BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#2 - Write
    [03:03:28] DVDEngine ...RBP=0, count=935,974,912 bytes
    [03:04:41] DVDEngine ...succeeded
    [03:04:41] DVDEngine END: VTSTT_VOBS#2 - Write
    [03:04:41] DVDEngine BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#3 - Write
    [03:04:41] DVDEngine ...RBP=0, count=262,207,488 bytes
    [03:05:00] DVDEngine ...succeeded
    [03:05:00] DVDEngine END: VTSTT_VOBS#3 - Write
    [03:05:00] DVDEngine BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#4 - Write
    [03:05:00] DVDEngine ...RBP=0, count=261,754,880 bytes
    [03:05:16] DVDEngine ...succeeded
    [03:05:16] DVDEngine END: VTSTT_VOBS#4 - Write
    [03:37:45] NeroVision Could not perform end of Disc-at-once
    [03:37:45] NeroVision Generating DVD high compatibility borders
    [03:47:47] NeroVision Could not perform end of Disc-at-once
    [03:47:47] NeroVision Burn process failed at 12x (16,620 KB/s)
    [03:47:49] NeroVision Process information:
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> --------------------
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Address Version Module name
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> -----------------------------------------------------
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x00340000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GCLib.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x003E0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GDIPainter.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x00400000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\NeroVision.exe
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x00460000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GCCore.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x00500000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\AMCDocBase.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x00730000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\MMTools.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x007C0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\AMCLib.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x007E0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\AMCDOM.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x007F0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\AMCUIBase.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x015B0000 C:\DOCUME~1\Chun\LOCALS~1\Temp\IadHide4.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x015D0000 C:\Program Files\Logitech\Profiler\LWEHook.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x015F0000 C:\Program Files\Xfire\xfire_toucan_17902.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x01950000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ImagXpr7.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x019D0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ImagX7.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x01B60000 7.0.476.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ImagXR7.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x01C10000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GCFX.DLL
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x01FA0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\NeVideoFX.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x02210000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\NeVideoFX.bitmaps
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x029D0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\AdvrCntr2.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x03060000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\ShellManager.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x03610000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\GCHW.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x03FA0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\CDCopy.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x03FD0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\NeroErr.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x04000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\NeRSDB.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x04010000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\DriveLocker.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x04060000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctagent.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x04080000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GCLocale.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x040D0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\NeroAPI.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x04FD0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\ExpressUI.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x05410000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GCHWCfg.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x05450000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\ExpressDoc.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x05C00000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\DVDUI.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x05C30000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\DVDDoc.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x05FC0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\NeroFileDialog.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x06160000 7.10.3077.0 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\MFC71U.DLL
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x06270000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\BCGCBPRO730u.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x067B0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\MediaLibraryNSE.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x06830000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\NMDataServices.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x068F0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\NMIndexStoreSvrPS.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x06910000 C:\Program Files\Logitech\Video\Namespc2.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x06950000 C:\Program Files\Logitech\Video\AlbuDBps.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x069E0000 3.525.1117.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcint.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x06B10000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\NMPluginBase.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x06B30000 3.1.4000.2435 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x06E00000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\NMCoFoundation.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x06E80000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\NMVDS.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x06F80000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WMASF.DLL
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x072E0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\NeroSearch.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x07690000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\NMSearch.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x076D0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\NMLogCxx.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x076E0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\log4cxx.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x077A0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\NMSearchPluginMediaLibrary.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x07950000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x079A0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x07A00000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x07A70000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x07CD0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x086C0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WMVCore.DLL
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x08910000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x092D0000 5.2.3790.3646 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Audiodev.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x10000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\HDCC.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x15000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\image.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x18000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\ISOFS.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x19000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\MMC.DLL
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x20000000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x22000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\newtrf.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x4EC50000 5.1.3102.2180 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.2600.2180_x-ww_522f9f82\gdiplus.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x4F680000 5.3.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxdiagn.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x58010000 5.3.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x58390000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\l3codeca.acm
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x593F0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wiashext.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x5AD70000 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\UXTHEME.DLL
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x5B860000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\NETAPI32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x5CAD0000 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shmedia.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x5D360000 7.10.3077.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MFC71ENU.DLL
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x5E030000 5.3.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x60CA0000 6.5.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\qedit.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x66000000 C:\Program Files\Stardock\Object Desktop\WindowBlinds\wblind.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x66600000 C:\Program Files\Stardock\Object Desktop\WindowBlinds\wbhelp.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x67320000 2006.1.0.0 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\SYMANT~1\ANTISPAM\asOEHook.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x69B10000 4.10.9404.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml4.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x71AA0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x71AB0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x71AD0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x71B20000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MPR.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x71BF0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\SAMLIB.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x71C10000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ntlanman.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x71C80000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\NETRAP.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x71C90000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\NETUI1.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x71CD0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\NETUI0.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x72D10000 5.1.2600.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x72D20000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x73000000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x732E0000 5.1.2600.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RICHED32.DLL
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x736B0000 6.5.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msdmo.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x73760000 5.3.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\DDRAW.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x73B50000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\AVIFIL32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x73BA0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\sti.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x73BC0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x73D70000 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shgina.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x73DD0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MFC42.DLL
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x73EE0000 5.3.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ksuser.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x73F10000 5.3.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x74320000 3.525.1117.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ODBC32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x74810000 6.5.2600.2749 C:\WINDOWS\system32\QUARTZ.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x74AD0000 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\POWRPROF.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x74AE0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\CFGMGR32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x74E30000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RICHED20.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x74ED0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x74EF0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x75290000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wbemcomn.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x754D0000 5.131.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPTUI.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x75690000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x75970000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSGINA.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x75A70000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVFW32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x75F40000 6.5.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\devenum.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x75F60000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\drprov.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x75F70000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\davclnt.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x75F80000 6.0.2900.2802 C:\WINDOWS\system32\browseui.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x76080000 6.2.3104.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCP60.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x76360000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSTA.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x76380000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSIMG32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x763B0000 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x76600000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\CSCDLL.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x767A0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDSAPI.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x769C0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USERENV.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x76B40000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x76C30000 5.131.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x76C90000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x76F20000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\DNSAPI.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x76F60000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x76FD0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77050000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77120000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x771B0000 6.0.2900.2781 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77260000 6.0.2900.2790 C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x773D0000 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\X86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2180_x-ww_a84f1ff9\COMCTL32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x774E0000 5.1.2600.2726 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77760000 6.0.2900.2805 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shdocvw.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77920000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77A20000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\cscui.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77A80000 5.131.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77B20000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77B40000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\appHelp.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77BD0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77BE0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77C00000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77C10000 6.1.8638.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77D40000 5.1.2600.2622 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77DD0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77E70000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77F10000 5.1.2600.2818 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77F60000 6.0.2900.2781 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x77FE0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x7C140000 7.10.3077.0 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\MFC71.DLL
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x7C340000 7.10.3052.4 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\MSVCR71.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x7C3A0000 7.10.3077.0 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\MSVCP71.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x7C800000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x7C900000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x7C9C0000 6.0.2900.2763 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x7F840000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\lvcodec2.dll
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Book type: 'Automatic'
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Properties of your project:
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: Automatic
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Quality: Automatic
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Media type: DVD ( bytes maximum capacity)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Total space used: 3.52 out of 4.38 GB
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Space used for menus: 0.4 out of 1024.0 MB
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Your project contains the following:
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sample format: Automatic
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Audio format: Automatic
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Encoding mode: Fast Encoding (1-Pass)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Number of titles: 4
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 1. [ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_32_[4D42281A] (Video Title, 0h 23m 04s)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Quality: Standard play (5073 kbps)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Resolution: 704 x 480 (D1)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Video SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 2. [ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_33_[A831B7DB] (Video Title, 0h 23m 04s)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Quality: Standard play (5073 kbps)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Resolution: 704 x 480 (D1)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Video SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3. [ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_34_[7F018581] (Video Title, 0h 23m 04s)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Quality: Standard play (5073 kbps)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Resolution: 704 x 480 (D1)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Video SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 4. [ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_35_[4E9D14BD] (Video Title, 0h 23m 04s)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Quality: Standard play (5073 kbps)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Resolution: 704 x 480 (D1)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Video SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Number of menus: 1
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> - Main menu (1 page)
    [03:47:49] NeroVision 5C82-0010-8010-0000-0000-7382-5114
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Windows XP 5.1
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> IA32
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> WinAspi: -
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> ahead WinASPI: File 'C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=164112 bytes, created 11/2/2004 12:54:32 PM
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> NT-SPTI used
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Nero API version:
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Using interface version:
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Installed in: C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Application: ahead\NeroVision
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Internal Version: 7, 0, 1, 4
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Recorder: <PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631> Version: CD21 - HA 1 TA 1 -
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Adapter driver: <IDE> HA 1
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Drive buffer : 2048kB
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Bus Type : default (0) -> ATAPI, detected: ?
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> === Scsi-Device-Map ===
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> DiskPeripheral : WDC WD2500JD-75HBC0 iaStor Port 0 ID 0 DMA: On
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> CdRomPeripheral : HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8483B atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: On
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> CdRomPeripheral : PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631 atapi Port 1 ID 1 DMA: On
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> === CDRom-Device-Map ===
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8483B D: CDRom0
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631 E: CDRom1
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> =======================
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> AutoRun : 1
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Excluded drive IDs:
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> WriteBufferSize: 83886080 (0) Byte
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> ShowDrvBufStat : 0
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> BUFE : 0
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Physical memory : 2046MB (2095196kB)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Free physical memory: 1309MB (1341036kB)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Memory in use : 35 %
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Uncached PFiles: 0x0
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Use Inquiry : 1
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Global Bus Type: default (0)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Check supported media : Disabled (0)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3.3.2006
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> NeroAPI
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:57 AM #1 Phase 111 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 278
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> DVD-Video files sorted
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:57 AM #2 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 525
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> ReadBuffer-Pipe got 262144KB of Memory
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:57 AM #3 Text 0 File Reader.cpp, Line 124
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Reader running
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:57 AM #4 Text 0 File Writer.cpp, Line 113
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Writer E: PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631 running
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:57 AM #5 ISO9660GEN -11 File Geniso.cpp, Line 3312
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> First writeable address = 0 (0x00000000)
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:57 AM #6 ISO9660GEN -11 File Geniso.cpp, Line 3312
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> First writeable address = 0 (0x00000000)
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:57 AM #7 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3342
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Turn on Disc-At-Once, using DVD media
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #8 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 279
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Last possible write address on media: 2295103 (510:01.28, 4482MB)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Last address to be written: 1170175 (260:02.25, 2285MB)
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #9 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 291
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Write in overburning mode: NO (enabled: CD)
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #10 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 2578
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Recorder: PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631, Media type: DVD+R
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #11 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 458
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> >>> Protocol of DlgWaitCD activities: <<<
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> =========================================
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #12 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 847
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Setup items (after recorder preparation)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0: TRM_DATA_MODE1 ()
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> original disc pos #0 + 1170176 (1170176) = #1170176/260:2.26
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> relocatable, disc pos for caching/writing not required/ required, no patch infos
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> -> TRM_DATA_MODE1, 2048, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 1170176 blocks [E: PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631]
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> --------------------------------------------------------------
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #13 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1059
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Prepare recorder [E: PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631] for write in CUE-sheet-DAO
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> DAO infos:
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> ==========
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> MCN: ""
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> TOCType: 0x00; Session Closed, disc fixated
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Tracks 1 to 1:
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 1: TRM_DATA_MODE1, 2048/0x00, FilePos 0 0 2396520448, ISRC ""
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> DAO layout:
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> ===========
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> __Start_|____Track_|_Idx_|_CtrlAdr_|_RecDep__________
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0 | lead-in | 0 | 0x41 | 0x00
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0 | 1 | 0 | 0x41 | 0x00
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0 | 1 | 1 | 0x41 | 0x00
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 1170176 | lead-out | 1 | 0x41 | 0x00
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #14 Text 0 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 36
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> SPTILockVolume - completed successfully for FCTL_LOCK_VOLUME
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #15 Phase 24 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 278
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Caching of files started
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #16 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 4176
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Cache writing successful.
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #17 Phase 25 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 278
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Caching of files completed
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #18 Phase 36 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 278
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Burn process started at 12x (16,620 KB/s)
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #19 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 2685
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Verifying disc position of item 0 (relocatable, disc pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #0
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #20 SPTI -1066 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 323
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> E: CdRom1: SCSIStatus(x02) WinError(0) NeroError(-1066)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Key: 0x05 (KEY_ILLEGAL_REQUEST)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Code: 0x24
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Qual: 0x00
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> CDB Data: 0xAD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 04 00 00
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Area: 0x70 00 05 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 24
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Buffer x06678200: Len x804
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #21 Text 0 File DVDR.cpp, Line 6192
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Drive: PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Book Type request [gen]: DVD-ROM, write to EEPROM
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Changing the Book Type was finished successfully, return code 0
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #22 CDR -1207 File DVDR.cpp, Line 5330
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Book Type automatically set to: DVD-ROM
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:01:58 AM #23 Text 0 File DVDPlusRW.cpp, Line 666
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Start write address at LBA 0
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> DVD high compatibility mode: Yes
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:05:32 AM #24 Text 0 File WriterStatus.cpp, Line 116
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> <E: PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631> start writing Lead-Out at LBA 1170176 (11DB00h), length 0 blocks
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:05:32 AM #25 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 228
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> all writers idle, stopping conversion
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:25:43 AM #26 TRANSFER -24 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1937
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Could not perform end of Disc-at-once
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:25:43 AM #27 SPTI -1169 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 323
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> E: CdRom1: SCSIStatus(x02) WinError(0) NeroError(-1169)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Key: 0x02 (KEY_NOT_READY)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Code: 0x04
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Qual: 0x08
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> CDB Data: 0x35 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Area: 0x70 00 02 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 04 08
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:27:44 AM #28 SPTI -1169 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 323
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> E: CdRom1: SCSIStatus(x02) WinError(0) NeroError(-1169)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Key: 0x02 (KEY_NOT_READY)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Code: 0x04
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Qual: 0x08
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> CDB Data: 0x51 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Area: 0x70 00 02 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 04 08
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Buffer x011c5e00: Len x20
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:27:44 AM #29 SPTI -1169 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 323
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> E: CdRom1: SCSIStatus(x02) WinError(0) NeroError(-1169)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Key: 0x02 (KEY_NOT_READY)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Code: 0x04
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Qual: 0x08
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> CDB Data: 0x5B 01 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Area: 0x70 00 02 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 04 08
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:37:45 AM #30 Phase 127 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 278
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Generating DVD high compatibility borders
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:47:47 AM #31 TRANSFER -24 File WriterStatus.cpp, Line 167
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Could not perform end of Disc-at-once
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:47:47 AM #32 SPTI -1169 File SCSIPassThrough.cpp, Line 323
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> E: CdRom1: SCSIStatus(x02) WinError(0) NeroError(-1169)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Key: 0x02 (KEY_NOT_READY)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Code: 0x04
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Qual: 0x08
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> CDB Data: 0x55 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 3C 00 00 00
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Sense Area: 0x70 00 02 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 04 08
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Buffer x064b1800: Len x3c
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 32 01 C4 08 00 00 00
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 96 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 0x00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> 3:47:47 AM #33 Phase 38 File APIProgress.cpp, Line 278
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Burn process failed at 12x (16,620 KB/s)
    [03:47:49] <---MT--->
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Existing drivers:
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> File 'Drivers\ADPU160M.SYS': Ver=v3.60a (Lab01_N(johnstra).010529-2218), size=101888 bytes, created 8/17/2001 2:07:32 PM
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> File 'Drivers\PXHELP20.SYS': Ver=2.03.16a, size=20576 bytes, created 8/2/2004 2:03:00 AM (Prassi/Veritas driver for win 2K)
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> Registry Keys:
    [03:47:49] <---MT---> HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)

    can anyone help
  15. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    @kcdallas1 - go here, and click on LG DVD burner or DVD recorder and you'll find your model and the latest firmware. Just click on the last/latest "highlighted" numbers to download and run it to update your burner.

    @kum - that is why I don't use any other AVI converter engines out there, except Nero Vision 4. Sorry, I don't use WinAVI so I have no comment or I can't help you on that part. Like I said, with Nero Vision 4, just make sure you have "High Quality + Progressive + 2 Pass VBR" and it should be nearly 99% DVD quality.

    @badd - your firmware is outdated, go here -- the latest is GD30, so get it to update your firmware.

    I'm wondering what kind/type of media you're using? This is why I said your Philips DVD8631 needs an update for the latest firmware possible. It stated that it can not recognize the MID or media code/identification. Firmware helps to increase burning performances and media compatibility.

    The above errors stated that your burner is having a tough time burning to the media you're using. Maybe it's because of firmware is behind or it could be the media itself. Don't burn at 12X -- I usually recommend burning anywhere at 4X - 8X only. Even if I have the latest firmware for my DVD burner (SONY DRU710A) and I'm using genuine media like Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim "Advanced Azo" or Hitachi Maxell (made in japan), I don't even dare to go beyond 8X.

    However, the choice is yours. Good luck!!
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2006
  16. nasayin

    nasayin Regular member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    Trophy Points:
    hey alkohol,

    i follow your instruction on how to convert .avi to dvd but i got an error message. I have Nero 6.6 using Nero Vision 3. Here is my log file. Can you please help me? Thank you!

    [18:24:28] NeroVision Log created (Date: 03/04/2006)
    [18:24:28] NeroVision Processors: 1 (Intel)
    [18:24:28] NeroVision OS: Windows Windows 2000
    [18:24:32] GCCore Detected DirectX Version: 9.0b
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: ACPI Fixed Feature Button
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Programmable interrupt controller
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: System timer
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Direct memory access controller
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Printer Port
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Communications Port
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Communications Port
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Standard floppy disk controller
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: System speaker
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: PCI bus
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: System CMOS/real time clock
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: System board
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Motherboard resources
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Numeric data processor
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: ACPI Power Button
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: ACPI Sleep Button
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Plug and Play Monitor
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Floppy disk drive
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: HID-compliant mouse
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: HID Keyboard Device
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: HID-compliant consumer control device
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: HID-compliant device
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: HID-compliant consumer control device
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added:
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: CD-ROM Drive
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Disk drive
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: ISAPNP Read Data Port
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Santa Cruz(tm)
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: PCI standard host CPU bridge
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: AMD-761 Processor to AGP Controller
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: NVIDIA GeForce2 Pro
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: HPT370 UDMA/ATA100 RAID Controller
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: VIA Bus Master IDE Controller
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: VIA Tech PCI to ISA bridge
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: VIA USB Universal Host Controller
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: VIA USB Universal Host Controller
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: VIA Tech Power Management controller
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Linksys LNE100TX Fast Ethernet Adapter(LNE100TX v4)
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Primary IDE Channel
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Secondary IDE Channel
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Logical Disk Manager
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Volume Manager
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: AFD Networking Support Environment
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: AMDPCI
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Beep
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Diskperf
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: dmboot
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: dmload
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Fips
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: GMSIPCI
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Generic Packet Classifier
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Hmnt
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: IPSEC driver
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: KSecDD
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: mnmdd
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: mountmgr
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: NDIS System Driver
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: NDProxy
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: NetBios over Tcpip
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: NetDetect
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Netgroup Packet Filter
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: NPPTNT
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Null
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: partmgr
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: ParVdm
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: PCIIde
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Remote Access Auto Connection Driver
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Secdrv
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Sony Memory Stick Driver(SONYPVM1)
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: TCP/IP Protocol Driver
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: VgaSave
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Remote Access IP ARP Driver
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Windows Socket 2.0 Non-IFS Service Provider Support Environment
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Audio Codecs
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Legacy Audio Drivers
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Media Control Devices
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Legacy Video Capture Devices
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Video Codecs
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: WAN Miniport (L2TP)
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: WAN Miniport (IP)
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: WAN Miniport (PPTP)
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Direct Parallel
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Parallel Class Enumerator
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Microcode Update Device
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: HighPoint RCM Device
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Generic volume
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Generic volume
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Generic volume
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Microsoft Kernel System Renderer
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Microsoft Kernel Audio Mixer
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Microsoft WINMM WDM Audio Compatibility Driver
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Santa Cruz(tm) Game Port
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Santa Cruz(tm) WDM Interface
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: USB Root Hub
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: USB Root Hub
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: USB Human Interface Device
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: Generic USB Hub
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: USB Composite Device
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: USB Human Interface Device
    [18:24:33] GCHW Node added: USB Human Interface Device
    [18:24:35] ExpressUI Running NeroVision Express 3 Version:
    [18:25:05] DVDEngine DVDENGINE.DLL Version Information: Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
    [18:25:05] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:25:05] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:25:05] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:25:05] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:25:45] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Documents and Settings\Frank\Desktop\Batman.Begins.DVDRip.XviD-DoNE.1.avi audio/0
    [18:25:48] GCHW Node removed: Microsoft Kernel Audio Mixer
    [18:25:48] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [18:25:48] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [18:25:48] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
    [18:25:48] MMTools {138130AF-A79B-45D5-B4AA-87697457BA87} - Nero Digital Audio Decoder
    [18:25:48] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - audio
    [18:25:48] MMTools --------------------
    [18:25:48] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Documents and Settings\Frank\Desktop\Batman.Begins.DVDRip.XviD-DoNE.1.avi video/0
    [18:25:51] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [18:25:51] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [18:25:51] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
    [18:25:51] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [18:25:51] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - video
    [18:25:51] MMTools --------------------
    [18:25:52] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:25:52] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:25:52] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:25:52] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:25:52] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Frank\Desktop\Batman.Begins.DVDRip.XviD-DoNE.1.avi video/0
    [18:27:07] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\Video\Black.avi audio/0
    [18:27:07] MMTools SourceBuilder: failed to build c:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\Video\Black.avi audio: 0x8004025d -
    [18:27:07] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\Video\Black.avi video/0
    [18:27:07] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [18:27:07] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [18:27:07] MMTools {1B544C20-FD0B-11CE-8C63-00AA0044B51E} - AVI Splitter
    [18:27:07] MMTools {1643E180-90F5-11CE-97D5-00AA0055595A} - Color Space Converter
    [18:27:07] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type AVI - video
    [18:27:07] MMTools --------------------
    [18:27:08] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:27:08] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:27:08] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:27:08] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:28:01] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:28:01] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:28:01] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:28:01] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:28:04] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:28:04] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:28:04] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:28:04] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:28:13] GCHW Node added: Microsoft Kernel Audio Mixer
    [18:28:21] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:28:21] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:28:21] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:28:21] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:28:21] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Frank\Desktop\Batman.Begins.DVDRip.XviD-DoNE.1.avi video/0
    [18:28:33] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\Video\Black.avi video/0
    [18:28:33] MMTools BitmapGrabber::InternalGetBitmap - failed to get sample (evCode = 1)
    [18:28:33] MMTools BitmapGrabber::InternalGetBitmap - error handler (begin stop graph)
    [18:28:33] MMTools BitmapGrabber::InternalGetBitmap - error handler (end stop graph)
    [18:28:52] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:28:52] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:28:52] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:28:52] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:29:02] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:29:02] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:29:02] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:29:02] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:31:57] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:31:57] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:31:58] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:31:58] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:33:54] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:33:54] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:33:54] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:33:54] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:35:19] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:35:19] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:35:19] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:35:19] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:38:00] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:38:00] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:38:00] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:38:00] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:38:15] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:38:15] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:38:15] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:38:15] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:38:28] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:38:28] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:38:28] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:38:28] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:38:52] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:38:52] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:38:52] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:38:52] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Burn process started by user.
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Destination: PLEXTOR DVDR PX-716A
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Directory for temporary files: C:\DOCUME~1\Frank\LOCALS~1\Temp
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Available hard disk space for temporary files: 3684.289 MB
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI ------<NeroVision Project Information>--------
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI --- Project type: DVD-Video
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI --- Project video options ---
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Video mode: NTSC
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Aspect ratio: Automatic
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Quality: High quality (9716 kbps)
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Resolution: 720 x 480 (CCIR-601 D1)
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Sample format: Automatic
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI File type: MPEG-2
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Audio format: Automatic
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Encoding mode: High Quality (2-Pass VBR)
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI --- Project space information ---
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Used disc space: 2.63 GB
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI --- Project contents ---
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Sample format: Automatic
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Audio format: Automatic
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Encoding mode: High Quality (2-Pass VBR)
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Number of titles: 1
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI 1. Batman.Begins.DVDRip.XviD-DoNE.1 (Video Title, 1h 09m 00s)
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Video mode: NTSC
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Aspect ratio: 16:9
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Quality: High quality (9716 kbps)
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Resolution: 720 x 480 (CCIR-601 D1)
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Video SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Number of menus: 1
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI - Main menu (1 page)
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI --------<End of Project Information>----------
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI ------Recording Parameters------
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Book Type: 1
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Destination Device: PLEXTOR DVDR PX-716A (Capabilities: 000BE017)
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Recording Flags: 12
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Recording Speed: 0
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Volume Name:
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI Burn-at-once flag: 0
    [18:47:38] ExpressUI --End of recording parameters---
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ..Application service registered...
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ..Session callback registered...
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - Prepare
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine **BEGIN: _DVDVideo - Prepare
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ..VTS_Ns=1...
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VMG
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ...VMGM_VOBS_exist = true
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ...Duration 333667
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ...This is a still stream
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'System/Stream'
    [18:47:39] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [18:47:40] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [18:47:40] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [18:47:40] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [18:47:40] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 2 | 2
    [18:47:40] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [18:47:40] NeroVision total : 2
    [18:47:40] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [18:47:40] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [18:47:40] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [18:47:40] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [18:47:40] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.03 | 150
    [18:47:40] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.03 | 0
    [18:47:40] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [18:47:40] NeroVision total data size : 382977 bytes
    [18:47:40] NeroVision multiplexed size : 397312 bytes
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine ******END: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine ****END: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VMG
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#1
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine ...VTSM_VOBS_exist = false
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine ...Duration 41408074700
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [18:47:40] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [18:47:40] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [18:47:40] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [18:47:40] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [18:47:40] NeroVision 0 | 124100 | 2 | 248200
    [18:47:40] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [18:47:40] NeroVision total : 248200
    [18:47:40] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [18:47:40] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [18:47:40] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [18:47:40] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [18:47:40] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 4140.81 | 4873457
    [18:47:40] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 4140.81 | 99379
    [18:47:40] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [18:47:40] NeroVision total data size : 5092413838 bytes
    [18:47:40] NeroVision multiplexed size : 5234362368 bytes
    [18:47:40] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Frank\Desktop\Batman.Begins.DVDRip.XviD-DoNE.1.avi video/0
    [18:47:46] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Frank\Desktop\Batman.Begins.DVDRip.XviD-DoNE.1.avi audio/0
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ****END: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#1
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine **END: _DVDVideo - Prepare
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ..Estimated size=4.88 GB
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ..Estimated duration=2 hour 36 min 55 sec
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - Prepare
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - CreateVOBs
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine **BEGIN: _DVDVideo - Create
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VMGM_VOBS
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ...Duration 333667
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ...This is a still stream
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'System/Stream'
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [18:47:48] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [18:47:48] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [18:47:48] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [18:47:48] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 2 | 2
    [18:47:48] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [18:47:48] NeroVision total : 2
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine **********END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: CSPU::process()
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ...'Decoding SubPicture No.' is '0'
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ..._nLines == 480
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ...Found 'bottom half' in the bottom field at bit 6232, addr. is 779 (241)
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ...Detected 'top half' at 1, addr. is 2
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ...Detected 'bottom half' at 1, addr. is 779
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ...Lines processed: 480
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine ...processed 1 packs
    [18:47:48] DVDEngine **********END: CSPU::process()
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ..+VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, SA=0, VOB_V_S_PTM=31356
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine BTNGR1_DSP_TY == 126491326
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;41], VOBU_Ns=1, C_PBTM=0s.12
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ..|VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;41], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=31356, VOB_V_E_PTM=67392
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - INFORMATION after Create
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine General information:
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ..size=42 (84.0 KB)
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ..capacity=42 (84.0 KB)
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ..max_capacity=524287 (1.00 GB)
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ..VOB_Ns=1
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ..C_Ns=1
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ..VOBU_Ns=1
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine VOB information:
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ...VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;41], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=31356, VOB_V_E_PTM=67392
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine .....Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;41], VOBU_Ns=1, C_PBTM=0s.12
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ********END: VMGM_VOBS - INFORMATION after Create
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ******END: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - Verify
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ******END: VMGM_VOBS - Verify
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ..VMGM_VOBS: size=84.0 KB (86,016 bytes)
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VMGM_VOBS
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#1
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ...Duration 41408074700
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [18:47:49] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [18:47:49] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [18:47:49] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [18:47:49] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [18:47:49] NeroVision 0 | 124100 | 2 | 248200
    [18:47:49] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [18:47:49] NeroVision total : 248200
    [18:47:49] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [18:47:49] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [18:47:49] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Frank\Desktop\Batman.Begins.DVDRip.XviD-DoNE.1.avi video/0
    [19:04:11] GCHW Node removed: Microsoft Kernel Audio Mixer
    [19:38:22] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Frank\Desktop\Batman.Begins.DVDRip.XviD-DoNE.1.avi audio/0
    [19:38:23] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [19:38:23] DVDEngine ..+VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, SA=0, VOB_V_S_PTM=26088
    [19:38:23] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [19:38:23] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [19:41:45] DVDEngine ...New CELL 2
    [19:41:45] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;61203], VOBU_Ns=240, C_PBTM=1m59s.26
    [19:41:45] DVDEngine ....+Cell#2: C_IDN=2
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#1
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine **END: _DVDVideo - Create
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine ########################################################################################
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine ERROR
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine cause: 58 (disk_full)
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine source: _VOBS
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine description: There is not enough space on the disk.
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine ########################################################################################
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - CreateVOBs
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine ..Session callback unregistered...
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [19:41:48] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Process information:
    [19:41:48] NeroVision --------------------
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Address Version Module name
    [19:41:48] NeroVision -----------------------------------------------------
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x00400000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\NeroVision.exe
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x00470000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\AMCUIBase.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x006A0000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\GCLib.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x00730000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\GCCore.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x007B0000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\AMCDocBase.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x00960000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\GDIPainter.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x00970000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\MMTools.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x009E0000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\AMCLib.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x009F0000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\AMCDOM.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x01660000 C:\WINNT\system32\ImagXpr7.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x016E0000 C:\WINNT\system32\ImagX7.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x01B00000 7.0.476.0 C:\WINNT\system32\ImagXR7.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x01B60000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\GCFX.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x01FF0000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\NeVideoFX.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x02260000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\NeVideoFX.bitmaps
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x02A20000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\NeVideoFXW.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x02B60000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\Lib\AdvrCntr.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x02DE0000 C:\WINNT\system32\dxdiagn.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x031E0000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\GCHW.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x03380000 C:\WINNT\system32\msdmo.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x035E0000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\NeroAPI.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x04210000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\NeRSDB.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x04790000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\Lib\DriveLocker.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x05000000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\ExpressUI.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x053F0000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\GCHWCfg.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x05410000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\GCLocale.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x05420000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\ExpressDoc.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x066F0000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\DVDUI.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x06720000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\DVDDoc.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x067C0000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\DVDEngine.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x06920000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\NeroMediaCon.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x07150000 6.0.2800.1762 C:\WINNT\system32\SHDOCVW.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x076C0000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x07700000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x089C0000 C:\WINNT\system32\wmpasf.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x089E0000 C:\WINNT\system32\dxmasf.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x08A60000 C:\WINNT\system32\DRMClien.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x08AC0000 C:\WINNT\system32\qdvd.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x08FB0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x0A1C0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x0A1E0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x0A210000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x0C7F0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x0C830000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\NVDV.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x0D270000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x0DB40000 C:\WINNT\system32\
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x10000000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\HDCC.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x15000000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\image.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x19000000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\MMC.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x1A400000 6.0.2800.1525 C:\WINNT\system32\urlmon.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x1C200000 C:\WINNT\system32\qedit.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x1C400000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x20000000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\NeroErr.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x22000000 C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\newtrf.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x35500000 C:\WINNT\system32\QUARTZ.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x35680000 C:\WINNT\system32\devenum.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x51000000 C:\WINNT\system32\DDRAW.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x51080000 C:\WINNT\system32\dsound.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x5EF80000 C:\WINNT\system32\KsUser.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x60000000 5.1.2409.7 C:\WINNT\system32\MSCTF.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x63000000 6.0.2800.1525 C:\WINNT\system32\WININET.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x65A30000 1.50.1085.7 C:\WINNT\System32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x65A60000 1.50.1085.100 C:\WINNT\System32\wbem\wbemprox.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x65C20000 1.50.1085.100 C:\WINNT\System32\wbem\wbemcomn.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x695E0000 2.40.4522.0 C:\WINNT\system32\OLEPRO32.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x6A8F0000 5.0.2195.6612 C:\WINNT\system32\MSVFW32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x6B2C0000 5.0.2180.1 C:\WINNT\system32\MSIMG32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x6C370000 C:\WINNT\system32\MFC42.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x70020000 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\system32\faxshell.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x700E0000 1.50.1085.100 C:\WINNT\System32\wbem\fastprox.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x70A70000 6.0.2800.1740 C:\WINNT\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x70D00000 5.1.3102.1360 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\gdiplus.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x71500000 6.0.2800.1692 C:\WINNT\system32\browseui.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x71710000 5.50.4916.400 C:\WINNT\system32\COMCTL32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x71F00000 5.0.2178.1 C:\WINNT\System32\docprop2.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x728A0000 5.0.2180.1 C:\WINNT\system32\DCIMAN32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x74870000 5.0.2195.6612 C:\WINNT\System32\AVIFIL32.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x75020000 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\system32\WS2HELP.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x75030000 5.0.2195.6601 C:\WINNT\system32\WS2_32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x75050000 5.0.2195.6603 C:\WINNT\system32\WSOCK32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x75150000 5.0.2195.6944 C:\WINNT\system32\SAMLIB.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x75160000 5.0.2195.6824 C:\WINNT\System32\ntlanman.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x751C0000 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\system32\NETRAP.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x751D0000 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\System32\NETUI1.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x75210000 5.0.2195.6601 C:\WINNT\System32\NETUI0.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x752F0000 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\system32\oledlg.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x759B0000 5.0.2195.6611 C:\WINNT\system32\LZ32.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x76620000 5.0.2195.6824 C:\WINNT\system32\MPR.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x766F0000 5.0.3502.6601 C:\WINNT\system32\POWRPROF.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x76710000 5.0.2195.7069 C:\WINNT\system32\LINKINFO.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x76B20000 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\system32\RICHED32.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x76B30000 5.0.3700.6693 C:\WINNT\system32\comdlg32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x76DF0000 5.0.3502.6601 C:\WINNT\system32\mydocs.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x76FA0000 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\system32\ntshrui.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x770C0000 5.0.2195.6713 C:\WINNT\system32\CSCDLL.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x772B0000 C:\WINNT\system32\RICHED20.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x773E0000 C:\WINNT\system32\ATL.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77400000 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\system32\msacm32.drv
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77410000 5.0.2134.1 C:\WINNT\system32\MSACM32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77430000 5.0.2195.6905 C:\WINNT\system32\MSASN1.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77560000 5.0.2195.6673 C:\WINNT\system32\wdmaud.drv
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77570000 5.0.2161.1 C:\WINNT\system32\WINMM.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77800000 5.0.2195.6659 C:\WINNT\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77820000 5.0.2195.6623 C:\WINNT\system32\VERSION.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77840000 5.0.2195.6705 C:\WINNT\system32\cscui.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77880000 5.0.2195.6622 C:\WINNT\system32\SETUPAPI.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77950000 5.0.2195.7017 C:\WINNT\system32\WLDAP32.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77980000 5.0.2195.7003 C:\WINNT\system32\DNSAPI.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x779B0000 2.40.4522.0 C:\WINNT\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77BF0000 5.0.2195.6666 C:\WINNT\system32\NTDSAPI.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77D30000 5.0.2195.7020 C:\WINNT\system32\RPCRT4.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77E10000 5.0.2195.7032 C:\WINNT\system32\USER32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77F40000 5.0.2195.7073 C:\WINNT\system32\GDI32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x77F80000 5.0.2195.7006 C:\WINNT\system32\ntdll.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x78000000 6.1.9844.0 C:\WINNT\system32\msvcrt.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x780C0000 6.0.8972.0 C:\Program Files\Ahead\NeroVision\MSVCP60.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x7C0F0000 5.0.2195.7002 C:\WINNT\system32\USERENV.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x7C2D0000 5.0.2195.7038 C:\WINNT\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x7C340000 5.0.2195.6695 C:\WINNT\system32\SECUR32.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x7C570000 5.0.2195.7006 C:\WINNT\system32\KERNEL32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x7C740000 5.131.2195.6926 C:\WINNT\system32\CRYPT32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x7C950000 C:\WINNT\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x7CDC0000 5.0.2195.7038 C:\WINNT\system32\NETAPI32.DLL
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x7CE20000 5.0.2195.7059 C:\WINNT\system32\ole32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 0x7CF30000 5.0.3900.7071 C:\WINNT\system32\SHELL32.dll
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Properties of your project:
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Aspect ratio: Automatic
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Video mode: NTSC
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Quality: High quality (9716 kbps)
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Used disc space: 2.63 GB
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Your project contains the following:
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Sample format: Automatic
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Audio format: Automatic
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Encoding mode: High Quality (2-Pass VBR)
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Number of titles: 1
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 1. Batman.Begins.DVDRip.XviD-DoNE.1 (Video Title, 1h 09m 00s)
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Video mode: NTSC
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Aspect ratio: 16:9
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Quality: High quality (9716 kbps)
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Resolution: 720 x 480 (CCIR-601 D1)
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Video SmartEncoding ratio: 0.0 %
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Number of menus: 1
    [19:41:48] NeroVision - Main menu (1 page)
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Windows 2000 5.0
    [19:41:48] NeroVision IA32
    [19:41:48] NeroVision WinAspi: -
    [19:41:48] NeroVision ahead WinASPI: File 'C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=164112 bytes, created 11/2/2004 12:54:32 PM
    [19:41:48] NeroVision NT-SPTI used
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Nero API version:
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Using interface version:
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Installed in: C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero\
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Application: ahead\NeroVision
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Internal Version: 6, 6, 1, 4d
    [19:41:48] NeroVision === Scsi-Device-Map ===
    [19:41:48] NeroVision DiskPeripheral : Maxtor 6Y120P0 atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: Off
    [19:41:48] NeroVision CdRomPeripheral : PLEXTOR DVDR PX-716A atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: Off
    [19:41:48] NeroVision OtherPeripheral : HPT RCM DEVICE Hpt3xxNT Port 2 ID 0 DMA: Off
    [19:41:48] NeroVision === CDRom-Device-Map ===
    [19:41:48] NeroVision PLEXTOR DVDR PX-716A D: CDRom0
    [19:41:48] NeroVision =======================
    [19:41:48] NeroVision AutoRun : 1
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Excluded drive IDs:
    [19:41:48] NeroVision WriteBufferSize: 74448896 (0) Byte
    [19:41:48] NeroVision ShowDrvBufStat : 0
    [19:41:48] NeroVision BUFE : 0
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Physical memory : 511MB (523764kB)
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Free physical memory: 311MB (319064kB)
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Memory in use : 39 %
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Uncached PFiles: 0x0
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Use Inquiry : 1
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Global Bus Type: default (0)
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Check supported media : Disabled (0)
    [19:41:48] NeroVision 4.3.2006
    [19:41:48] NeroVision NeroAPI
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Existing drivers:
    [19:41:48] NeroVision File 'Drivers\CDR4_2K.SYS': Ver=, size=58000 bytes, created 4/16/2004 9:43:21 PM
    [19:41:48] NeroVision File 'Drivers\CDRALW2K.SYS': Ver=, size=23420 bytes, created 4/16/2004 9:43:21 PM
    [19:41:48] NeroVision File 'Drivers\PXHELP20.SYS': Ver=2.02.62a, size=20016 bytes, created 10/28/2003 5:02:00 AM (Prassi/Veritas driver for win 2K)
    [19:41:48] NeroVision Registry Keys:
    [19:41:48] NeroVision HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)
    [19:41:49] GCHW Node added: Microsoft Kernel Audio Mixer
    [19:50:23] GCHW Node removed: Microsoft Kernel Audio Mixer

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2006
  17. Asage429

    Asage429 Member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    I've been burning Naruto DVD's with Nero 6 for several months now, but after upgrading to nero 7, I'm no longer able to edit the individual episodes using Nero Vision. I find that you are able to fit up to 5 episodes on 1 DVD if you cut out the beginnings and endings from the 3 middle episodes, but since upgrading when I go into cut mode, the preview window does not show what position I am on in the episode making it impossible to edit out the beginning and ending theme's. Has anyone else had this problem or know how to solve it?
  18. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    @nasayin - below is/are what I see.
    You don't have enough space on your disk? It could be either your hard drive or the blank disc you're using. Therefore, you're getting this error. How big is your movie size by chance?

    This version has a lot of bugs, so I recommend you to go back to Nero 6 Ultra ( Yes, as far as I know, is the best right now.

    All of your DMA are Off, all of them needs to be On or DMA Available in order for you to burn properly. Furthermore, it increase the performances of your ripping, transcoding and burning process. For more info on how to turn DMA back On by simply "uninstall" it's drivers, go here

    I've always recommended other members to dump Roxio, so it's wise for you to get rid of Roxio. Roxio is pretty well known to always conflicts with Nero and 50% of the times, you're going to get coaster because of Roxio. You need to get Roxio Zapper to completely wipe out Roxio and it's drivers from your system. Go here and get it to run and wipe out Roxio. However, the choice is yours. Good luck!!

    @asage429 - What version is your Nero 7? As far as I know, the latest Nero or still has a lot of bugs. I think the best versions for Nero 7 now are and, so try to search for a download link here at the Nero forum. I know gwendolin and MaxBurn has posted those links before. Give it a shot alright.

    As for editing the beginning and ending for the episode(s), I have no comment on this part simply because I don't do much editing. All I did was to convert & transcode my Japanese anime series/episodes (BLEACH and NARUTO) for my 2 sons only. Again, all I really care is the "quality" and as long as it has a menu and it worked, then I'm good to go. Best of luck to you!!
  19. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Last edited: Mar 5, 2006
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