To Convert AVI to DVD with Nero Vision 4 (basic guide)

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by alkohol, Dec 19, 2005.

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  1. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Like I said, it sounds like a media issue to me. What kind of blank/media did you used? If you were able to play it on your computer but it wouldn't play on any of your standalone dvd players, then it is likely to be the media (possibly due to cheap/low quality dye). However, if you're using a DVD+R disc, then you can always "book type" it into a DVD-ROM format -- this should solve the problem and it will play in all functional dvd players, including XBOX and PS2 consoles.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2005
  2. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Is this what you're talking about? If so, then I don't change or do anything with 720/480 (that's the size maybe?). I leave that alone (if I understand your question correctly). I only change the Video Quality to "Highest" and to "2 PASS VBR", other than that, I leave everything alone via "Automatic".
  3. ss81

    ss81 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    I am using Memorex DVD+R discs. Looking for instructions on how to book type it. I am a newbie. I will search but any help would be appreciated. thanks for your help.
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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  5. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Yep, definitely agree with my buddy creaky the Nero-nator, no doubt. You need to switch to better media like Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim "advanced azo or datalife plus" or Maxell (mij by Hitachi Corp.)

    Good luck!!
  6. kkelln

    kkelln Member

    Jan 3, 2006
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    Great job on this thread. I do have a quick question about Nero Vision. In the section where you create the menu page, I want the menu to be 16x9. I have some animated buttons on it that are 16x9 (because the source video files are 16x9), but there does not seem to be a way to specify 16x9 for the menu. I have tried to use a background video that is 16x9 to see if this 'forces' the menu page to take the 16x9 format but, instead, it generate in 4x3 and just adds a black bar at the top and the bottom of the screen. This is not a big deal, but all my DVDs are for wide screen TV and my DVD player stretches the 4x3 menu so the menu screen (including the 16x9 animated buttons) are distorted. Is this a limitation of Nero Vision 4 or am I missing something? THANKS for all your help on this board!

    Kirk Kelln
  7. ss81

    ss81 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Thanks for all the info Alk and Creaky. The boot type worked and resolved my issue. Will also start using the recommended types 0f media. Thanks again.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2006
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    good luck & happy burning
  9. nrohes

    nrohes Member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    i did exactly what you told me to uninstall, then reinstall the drivers for the primary and secondary IDE, but I still get the same thing that I sent you before, plus I have no problems burning DVDs with other programs, just Nero. How can i get the IDEs to read what u have? and how come the problem with the buffer underrun is only happening at the point where one video ends on the timeline and the next begins and it is in the beginning where it says "transcoding video"?? I am so mad that I paid money for this junk. How do I find out how much ram i have? Does the available space on the C drive matter (well, i know it does, but does it matter if i have 60 GB of available space)??
  10. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Can you post up a screen shot of your DMAs? You shouldn't be having any troubles "uninstalling" them controllers drivers or burner's drivers -- once you uninstalled and restart your computer, Windows should automatically detects and reinstall them for you.

    On the other hand, can you post up the very last section from your Nero log? I'll see what I can do alright.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2006
  11. nrohes

    nrohes Member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    i cant post the screen shots like you have, but here is what my DMAs say:
    Device 0 (this is exactly the same as yours)
    Device type (blacked out, but says Auto Detection)
    Transfer Mode: DMA if available
    Current Transfer Mode: Ultra DMA Mode 5

    Device 1 (not the same for Device Type and Current Transfer Mode!!)
    Device Type: NOT blacked out, but says Auto Detection
    Transfer Mode: DMA if available
    Current Transfer Mode: blacked out and says Not applicable

    The Secondary IDE ADvance Settings is totally different than yours..

    Device 0 (different than yours!!!)
    Device Type: Device type (blacked out, but says Auto Detection)
    Transfer Mode: PIO only
    Current Transfer Mode: PIO mode

    Device 1 (exactly same as yours)
    Device Type: Device type (blacked out, but says Auto Detection)
    Transfer Mode: DMA if available
    Current Transfer Mode: Ultra DMA mode 2

    here is the last part of the log, again. dont know how much you wanted to see, so here is the whole thing. Thanks for all of your time. I really appreciate it. thanks

    [21:53:24] NeroVision Log created (Date: 12/27/2005)
    [21:53:24] NeroVision Processors: 1 (Intel)
    [21:53:24] NeroVision OS: Windows XP
    [21:53:24] GCCore Detected DirectX Version: 9.0c
    [21:53:30] ExpressUI Running Nero Vision Version:
    [21:53:33] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
    [21:53:33] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [21:53:33] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [21:53:33] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [21:53:33] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [21:53:34] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\My Documents\NeroVision\ImportedVideo\12_12_2005 10_07_54 PM.0001\Title 1.0000.mpg video/0
    [21:53:36] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:36] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [21:53:36] MMTools {A336CD3B-599C-4F70-A34D-E88EDE4B64C3} - Nero Splitter
    [21:53:36] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:53:36] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MPEG2 - video
    [21:53:36] MMTools --------------------
    [21:53:49] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\Video\Golf.mp4 video/0
    [21:53:49] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:49] MMTools {E206E4DE-A7EE-4A62-B3E9-4FBC8FE84C73} - Nero Digital Parser
    [21:53:49] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:53:49] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MP4 - video
    [21:53:49] MMTools --------------------
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\Video\Halloween.mp4 video/0
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:50] MMTools {E206E4DE-A7EE-4A62-B3E9-4FBC8FE84C73} - Nero Digital Parser
    [21:53:50] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MP4 - video
    [21:53:50] MMTools --------------------
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\Video\Holidays.mp4 video/0
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:50] MMTools {E206E4DE-A7EE-4A62-B3E9-4FBC8FE84C73} - Nero Digital Parser
    [21:53:50] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MP4 - video
    [21:53:50] MMTools --------------------
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\Video\Music.mp4 video/0
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:50] MMTools {E206E4DE-A7EE-4A62-B3E9-4FBC8FE84C73} - Nero Digital Parser
    [21:53:50] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MP4 - video
    [21:53:50] MMTools --------------------
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\Video\Sparkler.mp4 video/0
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:50] MMTools {E206E4DE-A7EE-4A62-B3E9-4FBC8FE84C73} - Nero Digital Parser
    [21:53:50] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MP4 - video
    [21:53:50] MMTools --------------------
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\Video\OurWedding.mp4 video/0
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:50] MMTools {E206E4DE-A7EE-4A62-B3E9-4FBC8FE84C73} - Nero Digital Parser
    [21:53:50] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MP4 - video
    [21:53:50] MMTools --------------------
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\Video\Silk.mp4 video/0
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:50] MMTools {E206E4DE-A7EE-4A62-B3E9-4FBC8FE84C73} - Nero Digital Parser
    [21:53:50] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MP4 - video
    [21:53:50] MMTools --------------------
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\Video\Tennis.mp4 video/0
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:50] MMTools {E206E4DE-A7EE-4A62-B3E9-4FBC8FE84C73} - Nero Digital Parser
    [21:53:50] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MP4 - video
    [21:53:50] MMTools --------------------
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\Video\Velvet.mp4 video/0
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:50] MMTools {E206E4DE-A7EE-4A62-B3E9-4FBC8FE84C73} - Nero Digital Parser
    [21:53:50] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:53:50] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MP4 - video
    [21:53:50] MMTools --------------------
    [21:53:51] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\Video\Winter.mp4 video/0
    [21:53:51] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:51] MMTools {E206E4DE-A7EE-4A62-B3E9-4FBC8FE84C73} - Nero Digital Parser
    [21:53:51] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:53:51] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MP4 - video
    [21:53:51] MMTools --------------------
    [21:53:52] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\Shared\Norah Jones - Come Away With Me - 05 - Come Away With Me(1).mp3 audio/0
    [21:53:52] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:53:52] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [21:53:52] MMTools {A336CD3B-599C-4F70-A34D-E88EDE4B64C3} - Nero Splitter
    [21:53:52] MMTools {138130AF-A79B-45D5-B4AA-87697457BA87} - Nero Digital Audio Decoder
    [21:53:52] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MPEG1 - audio
    [21:53:52] MMTools --------------------
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Burn process started by user.
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Destination: _NEC DVD+RW ND-1100A
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Directory for temporary files: C:\DOCUME~1\HOISHK~1\LOCALS~1\Temp
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Available hard disk space for temporary files: 56796.066 MB
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI ------<Nero Vision Project Information>--------
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI --- Project type: DVD-Video
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI --- Project video options ---
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Video mode: NTSC
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: Automatic
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Quality: Automatic
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Resolution: Automatic
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Sample format: Automatic
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> File type: MPEG-2
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Audio format: Automatic
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Encoding mode: Fast Encoding (1-Pass)
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Nero SmartEncoding: Video and audio
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI --- Project space information ---
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Media type: DVD ( bytes maximum capacity)
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Total space used: 1.86 out of 4.38 GB
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Space used for menus: 153.1 out of 1024.0 MB
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI --- Project contents ---
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Sample format: Automatic
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Audio format: Automatic
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Encoding mode: Fast Encoding (1-Pass)
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Number of titles: 1
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> 1. Title 1 (Video Title, 0h 45m 55s, 16 chapters)
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Quality: Standard play (5073 kbps)
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Resolution: 704 x 480 (D1)
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 100.0 %
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Video SmartEncoding ratio: 97.4 %
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> Number of menus: 1
    [21:54:14] <---MT---> - Menu for Title 1 (4 pages)
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI --------<End of Project Information>----------
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI ------Recording Parameters------
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Book Type: 0
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Destination Device: _NEC DVD+RW ND-1100A (Capabilities: 000AC41F)
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Recording Flags: 77
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Recording Speed: 0
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Volume Name: ANDREW___MELANIE
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Burn-at-once flag: 0
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI Fast Update allowed: 0
    [21:54:14] ExpressUI --End of recording parameters---
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ..Application service registered...
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterApplicationService
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ..Session callback registered...
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - Prepare
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine **BEGIN: _DVDVideo - Prepare
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ..VTS_Ns=1...
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VMG
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ...VMGM_VOBS_exist = true
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ...Duration 1985563624
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine ...Stream 2 is 'System/Stream'
    [21:54:14] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:14] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [21:54:14] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [21:54:14] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:14] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
    [21:54:14] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:14] NeroVision total : 1
    [21:54:14] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [21:54:14] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:14] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [21:54:14] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:14] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.03 | 150
    [21:54:14] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 198.56 | 38123
    [21:54:14] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 198.56 | 0
    [21:54:14] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:14] NeroVision total data size : 39420746 bytes
    [21:54:14] NeroVision multiplexed size : 40132608 bytes
    [21:54:14] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\Shared\Norah Jones - Come Away With Me - 05 - Come Away With Me(1).mp3 audio/0
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ...Duration 1985563624
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ...Stream 2 is 'System/Stream'
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:15] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [21:54:15] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [21:54:15] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:15] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
    [21:54:15] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:15] NeroVision total : 1
    [21:54:15] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [21:54:15] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:15] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [21:54:15] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:15] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.03 | 150
    [21:54:15] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 198.56 | 38123
    [21:54:15] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 198.56 | 0
    [21:54:15] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:15] NeroVision total data size : 39420746 bytes
    [21:54:15] NeroVision multiplexed size : 40132608 bytes
    [21:54:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\Shared\Norah Jones - Come Away With Me - 05 - Come Away With Me(1).mp3 audio/0
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ...Duration 1985563624
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine ...Stream 2 is 'System/Stream'
    [21:54:15] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:15] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [21:54:15] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [21:54:15] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:15] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
    [21:54:15] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:15] NeroVision total : 1
    [21:54:15] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [21:54:15] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:15] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [21:54:15] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:15] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.03 | 150
    [21:54:15] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 198.56 | 38123
    [21:54:15] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 198.56 | 0
    [21:54:15] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:15] NeroVision total data size : 39420746 bytes
    [21:54:15] NeroVision multiplexed size : 40132608 bytes
    [21:54:15] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\Shared\Norah Jones - Come Away With Me - 05 - Come Away With Me(1).mp3 audio/0
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ...Duration 1985563624
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ...Stream 2 is 'System/Stream'
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:16] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [21:54:16] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [21:54:16] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
    [21:54:16] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:16] NeroVision total : 1
    [21:54:16] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [21:54:16] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:16] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [21:54:16] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0.03 | 150
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 1 | 198.56 | 38123
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 2 | 0 | 0 | 198.56 | 0
    [21:54:16] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:16] NeroVision total data size : 39420746 bytes
    [21:54:16] NeroVision multiplexed size : 40132608 bytes
    [21:54:16] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\Shared\Norah Jones - Come Away With Me - 05 - Come Away With Me(1).mp3 audio/0
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ******END: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ****END: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VMG
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#1
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ...VTSM_VOBS_exist = false
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ...Duration 27557891197
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [21:54:16] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:16] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [21:54:16] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [21:54:16] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 0 | 1170 | 1 | 1170
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 1 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 2 | 735 | 1 | 735
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 3 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 4 | 4065 | 1 | 4065
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 5 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 6 | 1665 | 1 | 1665
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 7 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 8 | 1020 | 1 | 1020
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 9 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 10 | 5070 | 1 | 5070
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 11 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 12 | 1065 | 1 | 1065
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 13 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 14 | 5355 | 1 | 5355
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 15 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 16 | 7920 | 1 | 7920
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 17 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 18 | 5175 | 1 | 5175
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 19 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 20 | 1815 | 1 | 1815
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 21 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 22 | 8010 | 1 | 8010
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 23 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 24 | 9360 | 1 | 9360
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 25 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 26 | 3975 | 1 | 3975
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 27 | 119 | 1 | 119
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 28 | 1245 | 1 | 1245
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 29 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 30 | 16320 | 1 | 16320
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 31 | 120 | 1 | 120
    [21:54:16] NeroVision 32 | 6494 | 1 | 6494
    [21:54:16] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:16] NeroVision total : 82588
    [21:54:16] NeroVision Estimate Size
    [21:54:16] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:16] NeroVision |Stream | Seg. | UnComp.| Duration | Size (KB)
    [21:54:16] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 0 | 0 | 39.04 | 31959
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 1 | 1 | 4.50 | 4871
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 2 | 0 | 24.53 | 19119
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 3 | 1 | 4.50 | 3543
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 4 | 0 | 135.64 | 84618
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 5 | 1 | 4.50 | 3416
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 6 | 0 | 55.56 | 37076
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 7 | 1 | 4.50 | 3396
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 8 | 0 | 34.03 | 19402
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 9 | 1 | 4.50 | 3013
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 10 | 0 | 169.17 | 100209
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 11 | 1 | 4.50 | 3892
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 12 | 0 | 35.54 | 28414
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 13 | 1 | 4.50 | 3563
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 14 | 0 | 178.68 | 114468
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 15 | 1 | 4.50 | 3171
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 16 | 0 | 264.27 | 157665
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 17 | 1 | 4.50 | 3024
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 18 | 0 | 172.68 | 99519
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 19 | 1 | 4.50 | 3130
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 20 | 0 | 60.56 | 37811
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 21 | 1 | 4.50 | 3125
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 22 | 0 | 267.27 | 158150
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 23 | 1 | 4.50 | 3014
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 24 | 0 | 312.32 | 178942
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 25 | 1 | 4.50 | 3014
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 26 | 0 | 132.64 | 72768
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 27 | 1 | 3.99 | 2694
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 28 | 0 | 41.54 | 28188
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 29 | 1 | 4.50 | 3030
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 30 | 0 | 544.56 | 310414
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 31 | 1 | 4.00 | 2704
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 0 | 32 | 0 | 216.69 | 111086
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1941.98 | 60687
    [21:54:16] NeroVision | 1 | 1 | 0 | 813.81 | 25432
    [21:54:16] NeroVision +-------+------+--------+----------+---------
    [21:54:16] NeroVision total data size : 1770239685 bytes
    [21:54:16] NeroVision multiplexed size : 1835743232 bytes
    [21:54:17] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\My Documents\NeroVision\ImportedVideo\12_12_2005 10_07_54 PM.0001\Title 1.0000.mpg video/0
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ****END: _DVDVideoBase - Prepare VTS#1
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine **END: _DVDVideo - Prepare
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ..Estimated size=1.86 GB
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ..Estimated duration=4 min 20 sec
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - Prepare
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - CreateVOBs
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine **BEGIN: _DVDVideo - Create
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VMGM_VOBS
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ...Duration 1985563624
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ...Stream 2 is 'System/Stream'
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:20] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [21:54:20] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [21:54:20] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:20] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
    [21:54:20] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:20] NeroVision total : 1
    [21:54:20] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [21:54:20] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine **********END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: CSPU::process()
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ...'Decoding SubPicture No.' is '0'
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ..._nLines == 480
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ...Found 'bottom half' in the bottom field at bit 11616, addr. is 1452 (241)
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ...Detected 'top half' at 1, addr. is 2
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ...Detected 'bottom half' at 1, addr. is 1452
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ...Lines processed: 480
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine ...processed 2 packs
    [21:54:20] DVDEngine **********END: CSPU::process()
    [21:54:20] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\Shared\Norah Jones - Come Away With Me - 05 - Come Away With Me(1).mp3 audio/0
    [21:54:21] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [21:54:21] DVDEngine ..+VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, SA=0, VOB_V_S_PTM=36039
    [21:54:21] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [21:54:21] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [21:54:21] DVDEngine BTNGR1_DSP_TY == 17423694
    [21:54:39] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;19552], VOBU_Ns=495, C_PBTM=03m18s.10
    [21:54:39] DVDEngine ..|VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;19552], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=36039, VOB_V_E_PTM=17903889
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ...Duration 1985563624
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ...Stream 2 is 'System/Stream'
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:54:41] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [21:54:41] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [21:54:41] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:41] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
    [21:54:41] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:54:41] NeroVision total : 1
    [21:54:41] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [21:54:41] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine **********END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: CSPU::process()
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ...'Decoding SubPicture No.' is '0'
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ..._nLines == 480
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ...Found 'bottom half' in the bottom field at bit 12200, addr. is 1525 (241)
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ...Detected 'top half' at 1, addr. is 2
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ...Detected 'bottom half' at 1, addr. is 1525
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ...Lines processed: 480
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine ...processed 2 packs
    [21:54:41] DVDEngine **********END: CSPU::process()
    [21:54:41] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\My Documents\NeroVision\ImportedVideo\12_12_2005 10_07_54 PM.0001\Title 1.0000.mpg video/0
    [21:54:46] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\Shared\Norah Jones - Come Away With Me - 05 - Come Away With Me(1).mp3 audio/0
    [21:54:46] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [21:54:46] DVDEngine ..+VOB#2: VOB_IDN=2, SA=19553, VOB_V_S_PTM=36478
    [21:54:46] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [21:54:46] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [21:54:46] DVDEngine BTNGR1_DSP_TY == 17423694
    [21:55:09] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [19553;39108], VOBU_Ns=495, C_PBTM=03m18s.10
    [21:55:09] DVDEngine ..|VOB#2: VOB_IDN=2, [19553;39108], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=36478, VOB_V_E_PTM=17904328
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ...Duration 1985563624
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ...Stream 2 is 'System/Stream'
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:55:10] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [21:55:10] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [21:55:10] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:55:10] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
    [21:55:10] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:55:10] NeroVision total : 1
    [21:55:10] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [21:55:10] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine **********END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: CSPU::process()
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ...'Decoding SubPicture No.' is '0'
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ..._nLines == 480
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ...Found 'bottom half' in the bottom field at bit 12200, addr. is 1525 (241)
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ...Detected 'top half' at 1, addr. is 2
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ...Detected 'bottom half' at 1, addr. is 1525
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ...Lines processed: 480
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine ...processed 2 packs
    [21:55:10] DVDEngine **********END: CSPU::process()
    [21:55:11] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\My Documents\NeroVision\ImportedVideo\12_12_2005 10_07_54 PM.0001\Title 1.0000.mpg video/0
    [21:55:14] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\Shared\Norah Jones - Come Away With Me - 05 - Come Away With Me(1).mp3 audio/0
    [21:55:14] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [21:55:14] DVDEngine ..+VOB#3: VOB_IDN=3, SA=39109, VOB_V_S_PTM=36039
    [21:55:14] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [21:55:14] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [21:55:15] DVDEngine BTNGR1_DSP_TY == 17423694
    [21:55:36] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [39109;58661], VOBU_Ns=495, C_PBTM=03m18s.10
    [21:55:36] DVDEngine ..|VOB#3: VOB_IDN=3, [39109;58661], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=36039, VOB_V_E_PTM=17903889
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ...Duration 1985563624
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ...Stream 2 is 'System/Stream'
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:55:38] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [21:55:38] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [21:55:38] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:55:38] NeroVision 0 | 1 | 1 | 1
    [21:55:38] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:55:38] NeroVision total : 1
    [21:55:38] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [21:55:38] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine **********END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateSubpictureSource
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: CSPU::process()
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ...'Decoding SubPicture No.' is '0'
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ..._nLines == 480
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ...Found 'bottom half' in the bottom field at bit 11568, addr. is 1446 (241)
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ...Detected 'top half' at 1, addr. is 2
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ...Detected 'bottom half' at 1, addr. is 1446
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ...Lines processed: 480
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine ...processed 2 packs
    [21:55:38] DVDEngine **********END: CSPU::process()
    [21:55:38] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\My Documents\NeroVision\ImportedVideo\12_12_2005 10_07_54 PM.0001\Title 1.0000.mpg video/0
    [21:55:39] MMTools SourceBuilder: building c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\My Documents\NeroVision\ImportedVideo\12_12_2005 10_17_49 PM.0001\Title 1.0000.mpg video/0
    [21:55:39] MMTools SourceBuilder: --- used source filters ---
    [21:55:39] MMTools {E436EBB5-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770} - File Source (Async.)
    [21:55:39] MMTools {A336CD3B-599C-4F70-A34D-E88EDE4B64C3} - Nero Splitter
    [21:55:39] MMTools {C0BA9CF8-96E0-4C34-B5DE-E92C3FC05ED6} - Nero Video Decoder
    [21:55:39] MMTools SourceBuilder: file type MPEG2 - video
    [21:55:39] MMTools --------------------
    [21:55:41] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\Shared\Norah Jones - Come Away With Me - 05 - Come Away With Me(1).mp3 audio/0
    [21:55:42] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [21:55:42] DVDEngine ..+VOB#4: VOB_IDN=4, SA=58662, VOB_V_S_PTM=35600
    [21:55:42] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [21:55:42] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [21:55:42] DVDEngine BTNGR1_DSP_TY == 17423694
    [21:56:01] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [58662;78211], VOBU_Ns=495, C_PBTM=03m18s.10
    [21:56:01] DVDEngine ..|VOB#4: VOB_IDN=4, [58662;78211], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=35600, VOB_V_E_PTM=17903450
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - INFORMATION after Create
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine General information:
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ..size=78212 (153 MB)
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ..capacity=78212 (153 MB)
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ..max_capacity=524287 (1.00 GB)
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ..VOB_Ns=4
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ..C_Ns=4
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ..VOBU_Ns=1980
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine VOB information:
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ...VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, [0;19552], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=36039, VOB_V_E_PTM=17903889
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine .....Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;19552], VOBU_Ns=495, C_PBTM=03m18s.10
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ...VOB#2: VOB_IDN=2, [19553;39108], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=36478, VOB_V_E_PTM=17904328
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine .....Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [19553;39108], VOBU_Ns=495, C_PBTM=03m18s.10
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ...VOB#3: VOB_IDN=3, [39109;58661], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=36039, VOB_V_E_PTM=17903889
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine .....Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [39109;58661], VOBU_Ns=495, C_PBTM=03m18s.10
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ...VOB#4: VOB_IDN=4, [58662;78211], C_Ns=1, VOB_V_S_PTM=35600, VOB_V_E_PTM=17903450
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine .....Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [58662;78211], VOBU_Ns=495, C_PBTM=03m18s.10
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ********END: VMGM_VOBS - INFORMATION after Create
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ******END: VMGM_VOBS - Process Create
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VMGM_VOBS - Verify
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ******END: VMGM_VOBS - Verify
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ..VMGM_VOBS: size=153 MB (160,178,176 bytes)
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VMGM_VOBS
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#1
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ******BEGIN: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine **********BEGIN: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ...Duration 27557891197
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ..._streamtime_frame_duration is 333667
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ...Stream 0 is 'Video'
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine ...Stream 1 is 'Audio'
    [21:56:02] DVDEngine **********END: _VOBS - _M_analyze_cnv_input
    [21:56:02] NeroVision Analyze video stream
    [21:56:02] NeroVision Seg. | frames | weight | volume
    [21:56:02] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 0 | 1170 | 1 | 1170
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 1 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 2 | 735 | 1 | 735
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 3 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 4 | 4065 | 1 | 4065
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 5 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 6 | 1665 | 1 | 1665
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 7 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 8 | 1020 | 1 | 1020
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 9 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 10 | 5070 | 1 | 5070
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 11 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 12 | 1065 | 1 | 1065
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 13 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 14 | 5355 | 1 | 5355
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 15 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 16 | 7920 | 1 | 7920
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 17 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 18 | 5175 | 1 | 5175
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 19 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 20 | 1815 | 1 | 1815
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 21 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 22 | 8010 | 1 | 8010
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 23 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 24 | 9360 | 1 | 9360
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 25 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 26 | 3975 | 1 | 3975
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 27 | 119 | 1 | 119
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 28 | 1245 | 1 | 1245
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 29 | 135 | 1 | 135
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 30 | 16320 | 1 | 16320
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 31 | 120 | 1 | 120
    [21:56:02] NeroVision 32 | 6494 | 1 | 6494
    [21:56:02] NeroVision ------+---------+--------+--------
    [21:56:02] NeroVision total : 82588
    [21:56:02] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [21:56:02] NeroVision Set Preview Channel
    [21:56:03] DVDEngine ...New VOB 1
    [21:56:03] DVDEngine ..+VOB#1: VOB_IDN=1, SA=0, VOB_V_S_PTM=29307
    [21:56:03] DVDEngine ...New CELL 1
    [21:56:03] DVDEngine ....+Cell#1: C_IDN=1
    [21:56:05] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\My Documents\NeroVision\ImportedVideo\12_12_2005 10_07_54 PM.0001\Title 1.0000.mpg video/0
    [21:56:14] DVDEngine ...New CELL 2
    [21:56:14] DVDEngine ....|Cell#1: C_IDN=1, [0;30234], VOBU_Ns=140, C_PBTM=01m10s.09
    [21:56:14] DVDEngine ....+Cell#2: C_IDN=2
    [21:56:28] DVDEngine ...New CELL 3
    [21:56:28] DVDEngine ....|Cell#2: C_IDN=2, [30235;77199], VOBU_Ns=280, C_PBTM=02m20s.03
    [21:56:28] DVDEngine ....+Cell#3: C_IDN=3
    [21:56:39] DVDEngine ...New CELL 4
    [21:56:39] DVDEngine ....|Cell#3: C_IDN=3, [77200;98599], VOBU_Ns=119, C_PBTM=59s.19
    [21:56:39] DVDEngine ....+Cell#4: C_IDN=4
    [21:56:47] DVDEngine ...New CELL 5
    [21:56:47] DVDEngine ....|Cell#4: C_IDN=4, [98600;110433], VOBU_Ns=77, C_PBTM=38s.17
    [21:56:47] DVDEngine ....+Cell#5: C_IDN=5
    [21:57:01] DVDEngine ...New CELL 6
    [21:57:01] DVDEngine ....|Cell#5: C_IDN=5, [110434;165977], VOBU_Ns=347, C_PBTM=02m53s.21
    [21:57:01] DVDEngine ....+Cell#6: C_IDN=6
    [21:57:12] DVDEngine ...New CELL 7
    [21:57:12] DVDEngine ....|Cell#6: C_IDN=6, [165978;182970], VOBU_Ns=79, C_PBTM=39s.23
    [21:57:12] DVDEngine ....+Cell#7: C_IDN=7
    [21:57:32] DVDEngine ...New CELL 8
    [21:57:32] DVDEngine ....|Cell#7: C_IDN=7, [182971;245687], VOBU_Ns=366, C_PBTM=03m03s.00
    [21:57:32] DVDEngine ....+Cell#8: C_IDN=8
    [21:57:59] DVDEngine ...New CELL 9
    [21:57:59] DVDEngine ....|Cell#8: C_IDN=8, [245688;331841], VOBU_Ns=538, C_PBTM=04m28s.24
    [21:57:59] DVDEngine ....+Cell#9: C_IDN=9
    [21:58:17] DVDEngine ...New CELL 10
    [21:58:17] DVDEngine ....|Cell#9: C_IDN=9, [331842;387118], VOBU_Ns=354, C_PBTM=02m57s.02
    [21:58:17] DVDEngine ....+Cell#10: C_IDN=10
    [21:58:28] DVDEngine ...New CELL 11
    [21:58:28] DVDEngine ....|Cell#10: C_IDN=10, [387119;408924], VOBU_Ns=129, C_PBTM=01m04s.19
    [21:58:28] DVDEngine ....+Cell#11: C_IDN=11
    [21:58:52] DVDEngine ...New CELL 12
    [21:58:52] DVDEngine ....|Cell#11: C_IDN=11, [408925;495300], VOBU_Ns=544, C_PBTM=04m31s.24
    [21:58:52] DVDEngine ....+Cell#12: C_IDN=12
    [21:59:22] DVDEngine ...New CELL 13
    [21:59:22] DVDEngine ....|Cell#12: C_IDN=12, [495301;593141], VOBU_Ns=632, C_PBTM=05m16s.06
    [21:59:22] DVDEngine ....+Cell#13: C_IDN=13
    [21:59:38] MMTools SourceBuilder: building cached c:\Documents and Settings\Hoish Kid\My Documents\NeroVision\ImportedVideo\12_12_2005 10_17_49 PM.0001\Title 1.0000.mpg video/0
    [21:59:40] DVDEngine ...New CELL 14
    [21:59:40] DVDEngine ....|Cell#13: C_IDN=13, [593142;633657], VOBU_Ns=274, C_PBTM=02m16s.28
    [21:59:40] DVDEngine ....+Cell#14: C_IDN=14
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine ********END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine ******END: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine ****END: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#1
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine **END: _DVDVideo - Create
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine ########################################################################################
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine ERROR
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine cause: 128 (nmc_processing_exception)
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine source: CDVDProcessor::processSector
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine description: buffer overflow
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine ########################################################################################
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - CreateVOBs
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine ..Session callback unregistered...
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine END: IDVDSessionBaseImpl - RegisterCallback
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [21:59:48] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~IDVDVideoSessionImpl
    [21:59:48] NeroVision Process information:
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> --------------------
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Address Version Module name
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> -----------------------------------------------------
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x00330000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GCLib.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x003D0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GDIPainter.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x003F0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\AMCDOM.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x00400000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\NeroVision.exe
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x00460000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GCCore.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x00500000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\AMCDocBase.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x00730000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\MMTools.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x007C0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\AMCLib.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x007E0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\AMCUIBase.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x011E0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\AOL\ACS\WLHook.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x01300000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ImagXpr7.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x01380000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ImagX7.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x01540000 7.0.476.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ImagXR7.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x01610000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GCFX.DLL
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x019B0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\NeVideoFX.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x01C30000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\NeVideoFX.bitmaps
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x023F0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\AdvrCntr2.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x02A80000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\ShellManager.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x03130000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\GCHW.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x03CA0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\NeroAPI.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x048A0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\CDCopy.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x048D0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\NeroErr.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x048F0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\NeRSDB.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x04900000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\DriveLocker.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x04F50000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GCHWCfg.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x04F90000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\GCLocale.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x04FA0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\ExpressDoc.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x05000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\CDROM.DLL
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x05040000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\ExpressUI.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x05AA0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\DVDUI.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x05AD0000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\DVDDoc.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x07640000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x077E0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\lib\
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x07930000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x07950000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x07990000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x079C0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x07F10000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x0A1E0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x0B130000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x10000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\HDCC.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x15000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\image.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x18000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\ISOFS.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x19000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\MMC.DLL
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x1C400000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter\
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x20000000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x22000000 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\newtrf.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x4D4F0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINHTTP.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x4EC50000 5.1.3102.2180 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.2600.2180_x-ww_522f9f82\gdiplus.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x4F680000 5.3.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxdiagn.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x5AD70000 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x5B0A0000 5.1.2600.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\umdmxfrm.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x5B860000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\NETAPI32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x5CD70000 5.1.2600.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\serwvdrv.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x605D0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mslbui.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x60CA0000 6.5.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\qedit.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x71AA0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x71AB0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x71AD0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wsock32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x72D10000 5.1.2600.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x72D20000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x73000000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x732E0000 5.1.2600.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RICHED32.DLL
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x736B0000 6.5.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msdmo.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x73760000 5.3.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\DDRAW.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x73B50000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\AVIFIL32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x73BC0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x73EE0000 5.3.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\KsUser.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x73F10000 5.3.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x74720000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x74810000 6.5.2600.2749 C:\WINDOWS\system32\QUARTZ.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x74980000 8.50.2162.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml3.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x74AD0000 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\POWRPROF.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x74E30000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RICHED20.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x74ED0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x74EF0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wbem\wbemprox.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x75290000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wbem\wbemcomn.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x75690000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wbem\fastprox.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x75A70000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVFW32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x75F40000 6.5.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32\devenum.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x76080000 6.2.3104.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCP60.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x76380000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSIMG32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x763B0000 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x767A0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDSAPI.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x76B40000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x76C30000 5.131.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x76C90000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x76F20000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\DNSAPI.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x76F60000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x76FD0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77050000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77120000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x771B0000 6.0.2900.2781 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WININET.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x773D0000 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\X86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2180_x-ww_a84f1ff9\COMCTL32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x774E0000 5.1.2600.2726 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77920000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77A80000 5.131.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77B20000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77BD0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77BE0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77C00000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77C10000 6.1.8638.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77D40000 5.1.2600.2622 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77DD0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77E70000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77F10000 5.1.2600.2770 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77F60000 6.0.2900.2781 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x77FE0000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x7C140000 7.10.3077.0 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\MFC71.DLL
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x7C340000 7.10.3052.4 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\MSVCR71.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x7C3A0000 7.10.3077.0 C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Vision\MSVCP71.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x7C800000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x7C900000 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 0x7C9C0000 6.0.2900.2763 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Properties of your project:
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: Automatic
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Quality: Automatic
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Media type: DVD ( bytes maximum capacity)
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Total space used: 1.86 out of 4.38 GB
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Space used for menus: 153.1 out of 1024.0 MB
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Your project contains the following:
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Sample format: Automatic
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Audio format: Automatic
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Encoding mode: Fast Encoding (1-Pass)
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Number of titles: 1
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> 1. Title 1 (Video Title, 0h 45m 55s, 16 chapters)
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Video mode: NTSC
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Aspect ratio: 4:3
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Quality: Standard play (5073 kbps)
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Resolution: 704 x 480 (D1)
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Audio SmartEncoding ratio: 100.0 %
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Video SmartEncoding ratio: 97.4 %
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> Number of menus: 1
    [21:59:48] <---MT---> - Menu for Title 1 (4 pages)
    [21:59:49] NeroVision 1C82-[bold]serial number removed[/bold]
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Windows XP 5.1
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> IA32
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> WinAspi: File 'Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=?.?.?.?, size=30208 bytes, created 6/11/1997 7:01:02 PM
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> ahead WinASPI: File 'C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=, size=164112 bytes, created 11/2/2004 12:54:32 PM
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> NT-SPTI used
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Nero API version:
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Using interface version:
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Installed in: C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 7\Core\
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Application: ahead\NeroVision
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Internal Version: 7, 0, 1, 4
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> === Scsi-Device-Map ===
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> DiskPeripheral : WDC WD1200JB-75CRA0 atapi Port 0 ID 0 DMA: On
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> CdRomPeripheral : SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148C atapi Port 1 ID 0 DMA: Off
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> CdRomPeripheral : _NEC DVD+RW ND-1100A atapi Port 1 ID 1 DMA: On
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> === CDRom-Device-Map ===
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148C D: CDRom0
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> _NEC DVD+RW ND-1100A E: CDRom3
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> =======================
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> AutoRun : 1
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Excluded drive IDs:
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> WriteBufferSize: 74448896 (0) Byte
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> ShowDrvBufStat : 0
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> BUFE : 0
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Physical memory : 510MB (523244kB)
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Free physical memory: 239MB (245164kB)
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Memory in use : 53 %
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Uncached PFiles: 0x0
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Use Inquiry : 1
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Global Bus Type: default (0)
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Check supported media : Disabled (0)
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> 27.12.2005
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> NeroAPI
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Existing drivers:
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> File 'Drivers\CDRALW2K.SYS': Ver=, size=23420 bytes, created 10/2/2002 4:51:20 PM
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> File 'Drivers\PXHELP20.SYS': Ver=2.03.28a, size=20640 bytes, created 3/11/2005 5:28:09 PM (Prassi/Veritas driver for win 2K)
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> Registry Keys:
    [21:59:49] <---MT---> HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\AllocateCDROMs : 0 (Security Option)

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2006
  12. nrohes

    nrohes Member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    here we go. maybe it isnt my burner cause I get the same error in the same spot and the same error log when try to write to hard disk. does that help you at all?
  13. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Well, your log looks pretty much the same as the other 2 that you've posted on the very first page. It looks like "Roxio" is still on your computer, you need to get rid of Roxio by downloading Roxio Zapper and run it to completely wipe out Roxio from your system. Roxio don't play along well with Nero, therefore, most of the times it will causes Nero to fail when burning. Again, go here and get it to zap out Roxio.

    Out of curiosity, did you do a "scan disc/disc clean up" and "defrag" your hard drive before you're going to start with your AVI project? This will help to prevent getting "under/over buffer" for most of the times. Have you updated your NEC burner's firmware via the link that I provided you on the very first page? I can see that you have a total of 510MB and 239MB free memory, which I think it should be OK, but it won't hurt to upgrade/add another 512MB to boost up your computer.

    Worst case scenario, get Nero's Clean Tool, run it to completely clean out Nero from your system. Restart your computer, then run it again to clean out any left over. Again, restart your computer and reinstall Nero 7 back on. Now restart your computer, run "scan disc" and "defrag" your hard drive for any "fragmented files", then try to do your AVI project to see if you'll have any better results.

    Honestly, that's all I can suggest. Good luck!!
  14. DrAVeN__

    DrAVeN__ Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Hello I was wondering if someone can help me. I just bought a BenQ DQ60
    and it came with Nero 7.I keep getting this error when trying to convert avi to burn a dvd. Any ideas would be helpful.
    [18:44:19] DVDEngine ERROR
    [18:44:19] DVDEngine cause: 128 (nmc_processing_exception)
    [18:44:19] DVDEngine source: DEGuardNMCConversion
    [18:44:19] DVDEngine description: SEH EXCEPTION caught during INeroMediaConverter::DoConversion().
    [18:44:19] DVDEngine ########################################################################################
  15. svasica

    svasica Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    I keep getting Dual Layer coasters when I try and use Nero Vision 4 to convert .avi's to MPEG. I posted the error log file from Nero and people are saying it seems to be the Dual Layer break that Nero is having a problem with. Do you know how I can fix this? Here is the log file.
  16. ettevroc2

    ettevroc2 Guest

    Any chance anyone can tell me how I can have the same version of Nero and bring up Nero Vision 4, but yet I have no "make DVD" option as shown in these instructions? The very top choice on what otherwise looks like the very same screen is "make CD". The closest thing I can find is under the extended "make cd" menu I can choose "mini dvd" but tried that and it does not seem to be the answer. I have a 700 mb .avi file and am trying to burn it to a dvd which is only 684mb big. Thought these steps would take me through it but it's not helping if the screens are not what I actually see.
  17. mitch_m

    mitch_m Member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    Would just like to say thanks for the tut mate its been a great help.
  18. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Honestly, I really can't comment on that. However, I believe that something is causing/interfering Nero's engine while converting.
  19. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Can you post a screen shot? What version is your Nero? The one I have is Nero 7 Premium (Nero, hope this gives you an idea. I believe Nero 6 Ultra is pretty much similar because I've just updated to Nero 7 Premium not too long ago.
  20. alkohol

    alkohol Regular member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    You're welcome. I guess Gwendolin, you and I, are the few that are having some healthy lucks huh (meaning successfully converted/transcoded AVI into DVD flawlessly).
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