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Too many violent video games for Xbox!!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by Doggy_Bot, Mar 5, 2005.

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  1. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    doggy_bot, if you don't like whats on tv or radio, change the channel. If you don't like to read what people are expressing to the question you posed, don't read the thread. If you don't like violent video games, don't buy them and don't let your kids play them. Taking away peoples freeedom to choose is scarier to me than violent video games.
  2. punqewe

    punqewe Active member

    Jul 20, 2003
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    hehe sounds like the dood already has the rat suit for the big race.

    Now I hope that anti-violence talk stops before I have to show them some of the good old-fashion british violence.
  3. seifers

    seifers Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    hey guys, speaking of violence...fight night 2 replays are so kool.
  4. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    And cigarrettes have bad effects on the lungs, and there's a WARNING, as there is on MATURE GAMES, that it can cause lung cancer. Now you can to pretend to be a dumbass and act like you can't read, but if you don't see the label, then that's your own fault. If your child does something stupid, it's a problem of your own, NOT the gaming industry.

    There's no use in blaming others when the person to blame is yourself.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2005
  5. philipman

    philipman Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    colinman is right, I don't think Nephilim is going to help we have done nothing wrong but say what we fell about m rated games like you asked like you said
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2005
  6. Tekk415

    Tekk415 Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    I think that if I wanted your opinion, I would've asked for it. A lot of bullshit goes on in the world, especially America. Tens of thousands of Americans are killed every year by non-natural causes, and yes arguably some by video games(arguably!) However, if video games are such a problem, how can you explain Japan(being the #1 violent game producer) having well under 500 non-natural deaths per year while they play the same, if not more violent games? My 9 year old cousin plays GTA:SA almost every day, and wouldn't attack you under any circumstances what-so-ever. I grew up playing the most violent video games at the time(if you remeber at the time of SNES, Mortal Kombat was receiving a shit load of attention from all sorts of anti-violent lobbiests) and I've never killed anyone in my life.

    Video games are no more dangerous than the 2nd amendment. In fact with the growing violence in today's media, why single out video games? Why not also go after the Catholic child molesters(maybe they caused those kids to become violent?) Open your mind and you will see how ignorant your statement was.

    Next-gen consoles are being singled out because of the realistic graphic like blood and gore.
    *cough* HAVE ANY OF YOU EVER SEEN DIE HARD2!?(icepick through the eye)-which by the way would be awesome in a stealth action game(Hitman 4!)

    Just because it looks like the problem, rarely does it actually mean it IS the problem. Let the parents be responsible for their kids, not your conservative right-wing christian ideals, deusche.

    Don't let me catch you responding on how my 9 year old cousin must be "very mature" for his age, because yes, he is much more mature than you, deusche.

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2005
  7. colinman

    colinman Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    speaking of m rated games, where are all the
    adult rated games or does xbox not have any?
  8. 2sweet4u

    2sweet4u Regular member

    Jan 16, 2005
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    What about people who say, play halo online.. and they get really frustrated with "getting owned" and decide to go kill their parents or something..
  9. philipman

    philipman Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    yes I am sure stuff like that happens ever day in crazy land were everyone kills each other. the fact is video games do not cause people to kill each other. Most people that kill are alredy f ed up in the head.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2005
  10. 2sweet4u

    2sweet4u Regular member

    Jan 16, 2005
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    It's quite obvious that violence in video games effects kids.. maybe not to the extent of murder, but open your eyes.

    P.S. I am referring to children by the way, not mid-late teens.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2005
  11. thor999

    thor999 Regular member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    damn doggy bot, looks like you stepped in it deep. Everyone is entitled to their own (THEIR OWN, not anyone else's!) opinion. What it gets down to is this: is it actually morally objectionable? No. Is smoking crack in a motel room with a hooker (ugly one)? Yes. You must be able to draw the line somewhere, not just eradicate everything in the gray areas... I, like these others, grew up on the most violent games I could find (anyone remember Way of the Warrior on 3DO? Nasty.) The worst thing I ever did is join the navy. Oh, I tried pot once, but I didn't exhale (yet... too tasty) So eat a nice big steaming hot bowl of dick for even insinuating that video games have any bearing whatsoever on the moral navigation of responsible, normal people. The rest of these idiots will always find a way to f' things up for the ones that try...
  12. shdwsfall

    shdwsfall Regular member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    2sweet4you, Have you ever played halo online? And if so...did you kill your mother?

    I have racked up many a kill on halo 2 :) And I rarely even kill spiders I may see in my house...I usually let them out.

    This is just another example of how media effect this sort of thing. You hear about this stuff, when its really a load of BS. Non-profit orgs Lobby their ideas into the media: IE) Violent video games are evil and should be banned. Throughout my life, I have moved a total of 8 times, to 7 different states. In all of those places I met gamers, we played alot of violent games. I have kept in contact with most of them through AIM..and visited a couple, not one has commited any felonies or crimes.

    Are you really that arrogent to think that a sole video game can lead kids to violence? You are treating teens as if they have no morality. Did you realize that kids are becoming more and more mature at yonger ages? Hell, Kids are lerning things in Kindergarten that I learned in 5th grade! My point is that these kids know right from wrong. We had even done a psychology experiment over this as our final project last year.

    We found that yes, you may become frustrated with video games...but the effects of the frustration last on average 5 min after the playing stops. Wanna know the kicker? We tested 30 people...3 types of video games, 10 people per section. Sports/Puzzle/Violent games were the groups. The puzzle section showed more signs of stress and anger then did the violent section. So maybe we should just go ahead and ban all puzzle games as well? I for one know I get WAY more frustrated while playing a complicated puzzle game as opposed to a standard run and gun violence game.

    It all comes down to finger pointing. There will always be a few teens who are a little loopy...not right in the head. These kids would have been this way video game or not. Hitler never played a video game...

    You see, the kids that do the sort of things you are talking about like for instance "killing his own family" do not do it because of games. They do it mainly for attention and because of mental handicaps.

    And if you think that playing shoot em up games actually helps someone learn how to shoot a gun...let me be the first to tell you it does not. I played shooting video games since I could hold a controller, When I was 14 I joined a shooting sports group. I could not hit anything with a gun. More so, I didnt really know how to load, or handle a gun.

    ANOTHER point I would like to make is that you must be 18 in some states 21 in others to even own a gun. Now, you cannont...NEVER EVER...never...never ever, argue that it was the games fault that the child acquired a gun. That would be the parents fault.

    Arguing that video games kill people is like saying: "Wyle E Cyote should be banned from TV beacuse he teaches kids it is ok to jump off cliffs." Kids know it is fake, just a show.

    I could go on and on and on, I argued this standpoint in my highschool government class. Convinced every single person in the room that I was right. That was the only thing everyone agreed on the entire year.

    Dont make me get out my old notes and post a 60 min. speach on here...
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2005
  13. bern2707

    bern2707 Member

    May 18, 2004
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    My question is to doggy-bot who started off this thread, And seems to have not said much more on the subject, If bill gates offered you 10% of all takings for the sale of violent games sold in the world, And offered to pay this straight in to your bank, Would you accept, Or would you say no thanks i dont agree with the sale of violent games, Honest answer=

    Also your suggestion of a age warning on games, I dont know what country you are from, But xbox games can be bought from shops to market stalls, And under the market stalls if you know what i mean, And also downloaded from many torrent sites off the net, At the end of the day people just want your money,

    Doesnt this tell you what games kids rent the most, And what makes most £

    At least when my kids are at home playing xbox games, There not out on the streets, Hanging aound druggies thieves and perverts, I feel these are more dangerous than xbox games
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2005
  14. yankeered

    yankeered Regular member

    Nov 16, 2003
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    maybe they should make more non violent for kids,
    there are alot blood squirting ones they outnumber
    the kid ones bigtime, the local vidio store has 50 horrible ones(just my opionon)and three kid ones, i know what it is though, they make the ones that sell. my kids are 8 and 4,
    i'm not helping the gaming industry either,
    i rent a game and slide it into my modded box...
    i do not believe they(violent games) are the cause for columbine
    there are some sickos out there whether they game or not,
    my 2 cents
    you'll need to ease off doggy, he can talk too.
    and alot of you have potty mouth, i know you are more grown up then that.
  15. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    How do you know? How do you know? It's not obvious, because the majority of kids that play these games don't go out and kill people.

    Am I even hearing this right? This has got to be the most bloated BS I've ever read in my life.

    Look at all the movies that come out every year. You know what? More than 50% of them contain violence, and it's likely that a lot of parents take their children with them to see it. Look at the movies on television, especially cable television.

    There's more killing in movies than there are in games, but I don't see anyone trying to put a ban on them.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2005
  16. dj_kush

    dj_kush Member

    Mar 8, 2005
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    too many what???

    you poof-cake

    they're games. its only pretend.. it's not really happening, gettit?

    stop whining and buy a gamecube

  17. 2sweet4u

    2sweet4u Regular member

    Jan 16, 2005
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    Alright.. you guys who say you played violent games when you were 5, it's obvious enough.. You really didn't have to tell us.

    I don't care if little kids play the games, though, by the way. Just saying it effects them..

    p.s. I'm sure most of you cursing at Doggy are probably 13 and trying to defend yourselves anyway.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2005
  18. philipman

    philipman Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    The reson why there are not that many kids games for xbox is because they all suck and don't sell well at all, its all about $$$. doom 3, halo, halo2, grand theft auto are some of the best games ever made they should be E for everyone, so everyone can see how much fun they are.
  19. shdwsfall

    shdwsfall Regular member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Funny...2sweet4u has not said didly about my post...They have seemed to ignore it. Why? Probably because they cant argue with me. And I can assure you I am well over 13 years of age. I pay bills and own a house ;) I also have 4 nephews who are under the age of 9. They play GTA all the time, and yet I do not see them affected in any way. For christ sakes they hold doors open for old ladies at the supermarket...yeah, we can see they were effected in a negative way :|
  20. Tekk415

    Tekk415 Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    Ditto, my thread seems to be completely passed over for the one liner shit talkin posts...

    But seriously, take a look at either mine or shadowfalls post and try to argue vs that. You WONT win. Not because video games don't cause violence in children, but because clearly anyone in the anti-violence counter point can't debate worth a damn.

    I'm reasonable, but not stupid, so post your best counter pointers - I'll just demolish it when I notice it.

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