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torrent paradise

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by ozze, Sep 26, 2005.

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  1. casper79

    casper79 Member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    I happened to be logged in while the site went down. I thought maybe it was just a server crash or something so I went into the MIRC channel and talked to them and I was told that Torrentparadise was getting a new domain name so I've been trying to figure out what it is.

    That would be great to see them back up and running, I had just increase my ratio quite a bit.
  2. Lugoves

    Lugoves Guest

    Midnight-Torrents site was cool, but today it keeps telling that it can't be found.

    Is it having problems or something, or has another site I've grown to love gone bye bye? :/
  3. wells86

    wells86 Guest

    No! midnight-torrents is just switching to another server, they have a back up of all torrents, dont worry, should be all ready in a few hours time.
  4. Lugoves

    Lugoves Guest

    Whew! Thank goodness. :)

    Is their URL going to be the same?
  5. wells86

    wells86 Guest

    according to the sys-op, yes it should still be the same domain.
  6. Lugoves

    Lugoves Guest

    Cool, thank you.
  7. blksabre

    blksabre Guest

    goto paradisetorrent.com

    it says the site is still i=under construction in sum areas but i have a sneaky feeling that site is the new
  8. wells86

    wells86 Guest

    Cant be torrent paradise. I just joined up and started looking through the forums to see if i could reconise someone, and I came accross a lot of people using a forein language, I think it may be a french site.
  9. blksabre

    blksabre Guest

    ok it wa s a small hope 4 us but i guess itll be back soon anyway
  10. devileyes

    devileyes Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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  11. SirX

    SirX Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    torrentparadise is dead... one of the greedy admins faucked up the site and they had to close down ..it was a great site .. the admin said it will bring it up months ago but it wont happen... another same site is
    www.btcyberstorm.com very nice same like good old days!
  12. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    what the hell is this doing here ?

    DOES THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO w/ DVD-R FOR NEWBIES [engage brain , then post]
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