I am having problems... I have DVD X Copy Platinum, AnyDVD, and CloneDVD2... It reads the disc fine but when it comes to burning It stops right in the middle... How can I fix this??
Just burned it today with AnyDvd ,Dvd Shrink and ImgBurn. Everything went fine. AnyDvd just came out today. So I'd suggest updating.
Whenever I try to update my AnyDVD it always takes me to the page to dowload the most recent AnyDVD I bought AnyDVD , but how do I update so I don't have to keep paying for AnyDVD every time I update?
What happens is it asks me if I want to keep my registry the same when I install the new one and I say yes... after it installs I try to open it and it says... Your 21 Day Trial has ended..and under that it gives me two options...Order or Exit... How can I update?
All you need to do with AnyDVD is download the update and install over top and it will retain your PW. That works for me. ~SC
[bold]sandman42[/bold] If you bought AnyDVD, you have a "key" sent by Slysoft to register the program with. Like SCCharged said, just install the new version over the old. It will retain your registration info. I've had this software for years & it has never failed me. One needs to keep the "key" they bought saved to removable media like a floppy disc, CD-R, flash drive, etc. In case of drive failure (Hard Drive) or if you need to re-format your hard drive or install a new one. SCCharged, what is a PW? You must be referring to the registration "key". By the way, on subject: You,Me & Dupree was very easy with the latest versions of CloneDVD 2 & AnyDVD. About 24 minutes from start to finished back-up of main movie only. No Problems at all.
I tried it with DVDShrink first and encountered and error, so then I used FixVTS(you can find the program link & instructions in the forum), then DVDShrink again and Nero to burn...no problems.
NOTE: I've tested these 2 methods and they both worked flawlessly. All you really need are: <1> DVDFAB Decrypter (FREE & simple) http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm <2> RipIt4Me (FREE & simple) Method 1: DVDFAB guide DVDFAB Decrypter +DVD Shrink + ImgBurn guide Just skip STEP #2 (VobBlanker), unless DVD Shrink "encountered an error and can not continue" or you're an advanced user and know what/where to blank out. Method 2: RipIt4Me guide Here RipIt4Me +DVD Shrink + ImgBurn full guide Just follow this guide slowly and you'll be able to rip any DVDs around the world. Enjoy the new guide.
i did that movie last night with DVDFab (older version), then shrink to ISO and burn with decrypter..took less than an hour, came out awesome