TSSTCorpDVDWBD SH-B123A ATA Device not working. I have this burner installed on my pc and all of a sudden it stopped working. I am using Windows 7. The driver is up to date. The message I get in properties is "Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)". I have tried uninstalling and rebooting but the problem remains. I don't know where to find this code and I don't know how to fix it. Can someone help me please?
Thanks attar. This link looks like what I am looking for. Before I joined I noticed that you have been around for a while and have helped alot of people. All I can say to you is good onya! What you do is invaluable, Attar! Invaluable. I will let you know how I go.