Tutorial for setting up Yelo15 Trainer for Halo 2 Screenshots!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by kslice917, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    @pizzlem - You need to make sure that no other controllers are plugged in, and that the .inc file was placed correctly. If all else fails, try re-installing the trainer by looking at the tutorial again, re-downloading all files.

    @Ckasdf - I use EvoX because it is more "homebrew" friendly. It has a better capability of reading codes and executing them, and it has a much simpler language. Also, since it's so simple, it's smaller in size. I personally don't have a modded xbox with a larger HDD, so space is a big thing to me. Personally, all UnleashX is, is just a dash to make the xbox look nice - Just like Xbox Media Center. I can change the ring colors, using my own programming code, but no, that option isn't built into the dash. However, I could very easily integrate it into the dash.

    I guess, it's like the difference between Windows XP Home Edition, or Windows XP Pro. Better yet, the difference between Windows and Linux.
  2. Ckasdf

    Ckasdf Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    The difference between Fedora & Ubuntu? hehe.
    I have a 160GB hard drive, so space isn't an issue ... and, if I had to use Windows, I'd prefer WinXP Pro or maybe Win2K Pro (even over Vista Ultimate/Home Premium). I'd rather use linux, though, and I like Fedora.

    Anywho, I suppose maybe I should try out Evox ... again, in its own time.

  3. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Well...if you want, I can still release an application form of it for you to try out.
  4. Ckasdf

    Ckasdf Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    I'm sorry for being so "weird" (perhaps hesitant?) about it ... I guess I don't have the dedication that you all have. :p

    Anyway, if it's not too much trouble to make such an app, then that'd be cool, but don't over-do yourself with it. You don't need to put it ahead of anything important, just whenever ya have some free time. :)

    And hey, that soccer ball in the metropolis level of halo2 is pretty snazzy. So is the scarab gun, though I was less impressed with it than I thought I'd be.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2007
  5. NNNY

    NNNY Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Hi i am like a noob when it comes to Xored because this is my first time. So i downloaded everything followed all the directions and did the configuration of Xored.ini and put config.inc in TDATA and all that but when i go to application and select Xored it loads but it freezes at the title screen you know the Blue ring like object and i hear no music and there is no option to select and yes i disabled autoudate. I am using XBMC as my main dash and MC360 as the skin and my xbox is softmodded so if anyone can help me out i would gladly appreciate it. And did you know XBMC has a built in Xored engine and when i try to use that i see all the options like inf grenades and etc. but when im done selecting wat i want and wat is neccesary i select the game and press A and nothing happens so if someone can help again i would gladly appreciate it. THX!!!! Here is a link to that Xored Built in XBMC http://www.xboxmediacenter.com/wiki/index.php?title=Using_Trainers
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2007
  6. pizzlem

    pizzlem Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    um i downloaded your files again and now nothing works but the light is orange is it a problem that i hardmodded my xbox
    i know i place everything correctly all i want to do is make it so i have ai on my sp to mp bsp conversion
  7. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    @Ckasdf - This Saturday is the big move for me, so maybe a week after that or so I can publish the application version. Hope you don't mind the wait.

    @NNNY - I would try re-downloading the files and re-installing the trainer. I am aware that they have an XBMC with built-in Xored; however, you can never be certain that that is the most up-to-date version of Xored. With the older versions, this trainer won't work, but Xored still should have loaded for you. XBMC is unstable as it is made by other people/programmers. Unless you can find an official release by the XBMC Team, I wouldn't install it and rely on it as a primary dash board.

    @pizzlem - I've never known a chipped Xbox to have any effect on how the trainer works. Perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me your kernel number? I'm trying to see if kernel versions make any difference with how Yelo works on the xbox. To find your kernel version, please read a little bit here.
    Once again guys, sorry for not having the time to fully help you with your problems or reply instantly. I just have so much going on at the moment, and it's all starting to over-whelm me. I am in the process of moving (and fixing up both houses at the same time), getting my driver's license, going to school, and getting a job - not to mention, trying to actually live a life.

    Please be patient with me through these next few weeks until I can get things settled down a bit. Thank You.
  8. pizzlem

    pizzlem Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    kernel is 1.00.5838.01
  9. Ckasdf

    Ckasdf Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Hey, no problem. I understand you're undergoing a lot of things, and that'd definitely be overwhelming. Take your time - I've started school, so I have a lot more on my mind now than being able to fly around in Halo. :p

    Anywho, have a great move, be safe, don't do anything you wouldn't do! Heh ...
  10. NNNY

    NNNY Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Ya Kslice i did it many times over and over again but still no good the only chance i got to see those option (inf. life, grenades etc.) were when i used XBMC with Yelo but Xored always freezes on me. If you got an answer for it take your time im not in a hurry. But if you don't thanks a bunch for your help and keep up the good job!!!! :D And if there is nothing that can help me then it is ok cuz i found this other app called Halo Screen Capture Package works like Yelo take photos and inf. grenades and all that but not better than Yelo!! Also i use that program that works for me with XBMC Xored maybe that program is old idk?!?!?
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2007
  11. gfxluvr

    gfxluvr Guest

    Hey kslice!

    Thanks for the awesome tutorial. But, I am having an issue. I have followed it all the way up to actually booting up the trainer in the Apps menu on evox. Well, once I get to that point, I get the dreaded error 21.

    Any help?

    EDIT: It seems that no matter what I launch through evox, I get that error.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2007
  12. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    @gfxluvr - If it's your first time soft-modding your xbox, then you may just want to try a re-install. If you are using anything different than what my tutorials have lead you up to, please specify. Please leave your kernel number here. Make sure you're .ini setup file is correct (you can open the .ini files using notepad or wordpad, and it's fairly easy to follow/read). I'll help you some more when you supply a few more details of what you did to lead up to that event.

    @everyone else - For those of you that have been following along with my move - I wish to inform you all that I have finally moved in to my new house successfully; however, this does NOT mean that I am settled down yet. You can ask me questions, and I'll try to answer them as soon as I can; however, don't expect my responses to be instant. Thank you for the cooperation.
  13. EBunny13

    EBunny13 Member

    Aug 28, 2007
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    ok so after working on this yelo trainer for a while i got it to work a little bit but i cant to any of the camera stuff.

    All files are in the right places I beleive and i renamed the $U folder

    The infinite health and etc. all work but the camera movements do not.

    help is appreciated
  14. Ckasdf

    Ckasdf Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Easter bunny, please read the thread before asking questions.
    Also, post all the information that you can give - including dash, kernel number, version of yelo, etc.
    Most likely you're using the UnleashX dash, which is what I have - I have the same problems. Kslice is working on a solution to the problem, and will get back when he has time.
    For more assistance, please give all the information that is relevant, especially the version numbers of the different software you're using.


    PS: For more information on the progress of yelo and to read about others with your same problem, as well as the future solution, please read through the thread.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  15. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Ok, so here is my latest update of information.

    From what I have found, unfortunately, it seems as though Xored Trainer Launcher WILL NOT work with Xbox Versions below 1.6. In other words, most Xbox's that are not from the U.S. will not be able to use Xored Trainer Launcher. Another way to see the version is to check the kernel.

    For information on how to check the kernel number, check my tutorial on how to softmod and xbox + ftp files.

    Sorry guys :-/
  16. Ckasdf

    Ckasdf Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    what makes 1.6 so special?
    so, it really doesn't matter if I have UX or EvoX, it's because of my kernel?
    Like I've said before, SOME things work ... just with weird key combos. Possibly everything could work, with the right combination of buttons.

    Is there any other devcam program for the xbox available?
  17. Ckasdf

    Ckasdf Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    how easy/hard is it to hack a 1.6 xbox? I may decide to get one, as my xbox is acting very strange. sometimes when I turn it on, it flashes the green light, etc...

    What advantages (besides yelo) and disadvantages are there to having a 1.6 box?
  18. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Ok, well apparently it's not the kernel of the xbox that matters. I just talked to a friend yesterday that claimed he had a V 1.0 xbox, and by simply changing the .ini file, he got it to work. But at the same time, his problem was just that it showed a black screen (aka, couldn't find the trainer).

    So, I'm not so sure it's the kernel version of the Xbox that is doing it or not. Once again, if I had an Xbox that had a lower kernel, I would do some serious experimentations and find out.

    To answer your question though, V 1.6 Xbox is just as easy to softmod as any other. The advantages to it, other than being able to use Yelo Trainer is that it is slightly faster, and doesn't freeze as often. Basically, it's just a little more stable.

    I'm going to find out if my friend's console was actually a V 1.0 or not by getting him to check the kernel, as I think he may have been lying. Any more information I get on the subject will be posted immediately as it becomes available to me.

    I'll keep you all updated, so don't worry.
  19. Ckasdf

    Ckasdf Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    thanks for the update, and thanks for your hard work!
    I'm guessing you've moved, so ... how'd it go?

    edit: I just checked out my xored.ini file, and I can't see anything that your friend would have changed, relating to any xbox version.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2007
  20. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Ah yes, the move went pretty good. We got everything there in one day, so it worked out as we'd expected.

    I got the kernel number off of my friend's box, and I couldn't believe it. He actually does have a V 1.0-1.5 Xbox. So, I asked him for his Xored.ini file. I looked at it, and the only thing that had been changed in it was the game location. Not to mention, he's only ever had UnleashX dashboard installed.

    With these results, I am baffled. It turns out that my very first conclusion, that it may be the dashboard, is false. It also turns out that my second conclusion that it was the kernel number, is also false.

    With the new analysis, I am only led to believe that either some people are not following the tutorial properly, or, and this is just a far off guess, it has to do with the bios loader/patcher the user selected when softmodding their xbox.

    So, my suggestions to those who are still having problems with Yelo Trainer, are these:

    1. Re-download all files, and walk yourself through my tutorial again.

    2. If the above doesn't work, you must Restore the C Drive (un-softmod your xbox). Then you need to completely re-softmod the xbox using the PBL-Metoo bios loader/patcher. This is, by far, taking a chance.

    3. Set up a remote connection session with me so that I may take a look at all of your files, directories, and such, and make a special Xored.ini for you, and install Yelo myself.

    I'm really uncertain at this point what would cause the Yelo Trainer to not work properly. I have now soft-modded over 5 different xbox systems, and installed Yelo Trainer on all of them without any problems.

    Now, I just ask that if ANYBODY knows the real solution to this problem, please, let us know. Also, if anybody is willing to experiment with the above solutions, and gets any successful results, let us know.

    Just a tidbit of another idea here. From what I've heard is happening (some functions working, while others are not, or the buttons are mixed up), may lead me to believe that it is possible that one of your controller ports are completely messed up.

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