Tutorial for setting up Yelo15 Trainer for Halo 2 Screenshots!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by kslice917, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. PAN5Y

    PAN5Y Active member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    Very nice sorry i havent been on much i just came to check on my AFterdawn friends and kslice917 ur doing a great job..

  2. needyelo

    needyelo Guest

    ok i'll try it annd when i do it and load up Yelo my New maps should be on there (containment. Ect.) because when I loaded up Halo 2 On Yelo It just had my old maps (Lockout. Ect.) on there Not the new ones.
  3. knockemv2

    knockemv2 Regular member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    Thnx 4 da tut kslice its great but i got a question eveytime i go to the xored app i see halo but everytime i click it it doesnt do anything and i put the disk in to try and it still didnt work do u know wat da problem might be o and will it make a diffrence if i have modded maps on my hdd
  4. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    @knockemv2 - You may want to double-check that you put the Yelo15.etm file into the trainer folder. I remember I was soft-modding an xbox of my friends and I couldn't figure it out; turns out I forgot that part. Let me know if it works (after all; I might have made a mistake in the new files and would need to know).

    @PAN5Y - Thanks for the great compliments; I try :)

    @needyelo - Let me know if it works; if it doesn't I'll help you make an ISO so you can use them.
  5. knockemv2

    knockemv2 Regular member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    yea kslice its in there but it still wont work from the xored but when i go to the trainers folder i see it can i can change the stuff is that how its suppose to be
  6. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    @knockemv2 - Your problem seems to be unknown to me. Maybe you can help me to help you by providing some of the following information:

    1. What dashboard do you have on your xbox?
    2. When you click on the trainer, are you able to select some options; or does the screen that has 'Halo 2' just stay there?
    3. Are you using a Halo 2 disk that is on your HD or on disk?
    4. Are you trying to use the Killtrocity Map Pack from your HD?
    5. When did you download and install the trainer?
    6. What do you mean by being able to change the 'stuff'?
    7. Did you correctly place the config_v1.5.inc file?
    8. Are you drives the same as the ones listed below (for your xbox):

    D:/ CD Drive
    E:/ Hard Drive

    And once again, I can't stress this enough! Check the tutorial and walk yourself through it again!

    Let me know the answers to the above questions.
  7. knockemv2

    knockemv2 Regular member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    o ok let me see...

    1. i have evox +3935

    2.yes when i click on trainers i have regular trainer opitions like inf health, ect.

    3.im using halo 2 from my harddirve

    4.yea im using the kill trocity pack from my harddrive

    5.i download the installer and trainer 2 days ago 1/16/06

    6.when i said stuff i meant inf ammo and those type of things

    7.yes i correctly placed the file

    8.yea that is how my drives are

    i dont really mind about the trainers since all my maps are modded i just care about the ubber screenshot
  8. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    @knockemv2 - Right there's your problem. The Halo 2 you are loading is the Killtrocity Map Pack. Since Killtrocity loads off of the regular Halo 2 Cache; trainers won't work. The only way you can use the Killtrocity Map Pack with the trainer is to use Killtrocity from a CD. To do this, you must create an ISO and burn it to DVD. Otherwise, you have to erase Killtrocity.

    If you want to know how to burn the ISO for Killtrocity, here's a nice little link.
  9. knockemv2

    knockemv2 Regular member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    o thnx for that but can i use a cd-r to play the maps or do i need a blank dvd
  10. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Well...all the files total a little over 2GB in size; so you need a DVD. Either that or about 6-8 CD's (Because you need certain files that will be copied multiple times on each CD).

    Sorry about your luck.
  11. knockemv2

    knockemv2 Regular member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    dang owell thnx for all your help guess ill just get sum dvds 2morrow well yea thnx again
  12. kappie11

    kappie11 Guest

    is it possible to use trainers but load games from your HHD
  13. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    @kappie11 - If you've read all of the posts so far, you would notice that we were originally using the trainer from the HDD; however, then the question of whether or not we could use a disk for the Trainer came up and we found that it is indeed possible to use a trainer on both the HD copy and the disk copy.

    So, to simplify this answer; yes, it is possible to use trainers and load games from your HHD. I would recommend DVD2Xbox to copy the games to your HDD; and if you did everything properly, you should have no problems at all!
  14. knockemv2

    knockemv2 Regular member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    yea i finally got mines to work da only thing im tryin to do now is master da uberscreenshot
  15. kappie11

    kappie11 Guest

    i know what the prob is now :)
    the prob is that i have to put games on E:\ but all my games are on F:\ and the map E:\ is only 4 GB
    so is there a way to load games from a other map
  16. kappie11

    kappie11 Guest

    sorry for duble posting ...
    i have fix it now but screen shot wont work the buttoms do nothing and i have tried to delete h2 from my xbox and put it back but the buttoms do still nothing
    help me plzz
  17. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    @kappie11 - Ok, since you brought up the fact that your layout is wack...do me a favor and I can help you.

    I'm going to need you to send me a list of your layout for you Xbox HDD. In other words; send me a text file (in notepad or wordpad) that would look something like this:



    Now, you don't have to include any file names or such. Just list the directories and what you may have in them. Just be creative when making the list. If you do this, I should be able to help you by either fixing the problem or sending you a different version of the files...
  18. kappie11

    kappie11 Guest

    here some pics (is easier :])





    if you need more just say it
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2007
  19. kslice917

    kslice917 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    @kappie11 - Ok, looks like you have a few problems...

    1. Nothing should be in your F directory; the only directories that should have files are C and E (and D if a disk is in the xbox). But this isn't why the screenshottool isn't working.

    So here it is:

    You've put a map in the /E/TDATA/4d5300064/$s directory and you didn't disable the automatic update feature! Just because the trainer says it can do it, doesn't mean it can. You need to rename the /E/TDATA/4d5300064/$U directory to something else!

    Also, if you have a modded map (or any file) in the /E/TDATA/4d5300064/$s directory it won't work. It uses this folder to copy the screenshots to, and will overwrite the files in there that match the file size.

    If you don't mind me asking, why would you have a map in there anyways? If you have your own map, it should be in the /E/games/halo 2/maps/ Directory (unless for a different game).

    So, the only way I can see to fix this problem:

    1. Disable Auto-Update
    2. Move the map!
  20. kappie11

    kappie11 Guest

    You need to rename the /E/TDATA/4d5300064/$U directory to something else!

    name like what?

    and on the trainer i have selected disable auto update
    and mayby is my xbox other than yours so...
    and my E:/ drive is to small only 4 GB left so i cant put games on it like halo 2 its to big i tried it
    and witch map i have to move
    and do u asking me why i have $C and $U well that are maps where the xbox put the multiplayer map pack maps so..
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2007

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