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TUTORIAL: How to FTP...Made EASY!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by tEChniiQue, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. blind_man

    blind_man Guest

    hey, thanks for responding to my problem... im pretty sure i will need to recheck the setup, my friend actually put unleashx on my xbox so i don't really know what im doing, how would i go about rechecking the setup?
  2. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    You're welcome, that's what it's all about right? Helping. It's very easy to find the .NET Framework for that version of Craxtion. Just go to the Craxtion website and look for the Craxtion 4 download. Likewise to other versions, they offer all the extras needed to make each version work. That's including Framework 1.1.


  3. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    Well, you're looking for the settings of your xbox based on the type of setup you're doing. Not trying to be short at all but my tutorila on the first page of this thread explains it with pictures.

    If you need help beyond that (after at least attempting) please post.
  4. ragnerokk

    ragnerokk Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    Hey uniqque(?) sory to bother you with a question that is probably a 2 sec fix and just i just missed someting but... I followed your tutorial as best i could but i cannot connect to my xbox via flashfxp.
    I have a v1.6 xbox, an xecuter 3ce chip w/ x3 3294 bios. I have sucessfully created an evox dashboard boot cd and am using a crossover cable. my settings are as follows

    evox dash:

    but when i boot just the bios the network settings are:

    all my little green lights at th cable port are on but i get a little or no connectivity msg and the packets sent/recived is- some #/0

    if you or someone wlse could help it would be greatly appreciated i have searched for hours and you the first person who even mentions some x chips use x3 as a pass so I figure you know what your doin. -ragnerokk
  5. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    Well, there are probably two things causing this...you have create static IP's for both the PC and XBOX and saved them correctly and/or your Gateway. The Gateway should be the same for both. The one that should be mimic'd is your PC Gateway.

    On your PC, DO THIS:
    Go to Start > Run > type "cmd" w/o the quotes > the in the command prompt window, type "ipconfig/all" w/o the quotes...all the info you need is there. IP, Gateway, & Subnet. Write them down

    The XBOX should have a different Static IP from your PC (like you've indicated) but everything else should be the same. DNS Servers are optional.

  6. ragnerokk

    ragnerokk Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    Rhanks but that wasn't the problem, I discovered and you may want to note that while connecting to the xbox if you have dial up servive your modem cannot be connected.
  7. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    That is not true. If I'm understanding you correctly you're saying that if you have dial up service connected, you cannot FTP to your XBOX.

    I helped two people accomplish just that. Not over the internet or a forum like this but with them in the same room. Their motherboards had a LAN connection that oof course was not being used because they had dial up. So a static ip address was assigned to that unused LAN connection. Then (while the dial up internet was active) we connected an xbox to that LAN connection via a crossover cable. Of course, the xbox being used had been set yo static as well. On top of that, the people were able to download updates to the xbox via the download section in Avalaunch (the dashboard being used at the time).

    So if I'm understanding you correctly, you must be mistaken. I have seen it work and it worked flawlessly with the exception of the xbox connecting to the net w/ a slow 56K. And no, the people involved did not try to play online via XBConnect or X-Link Kai...I don't even think it would have been possible. But downloading softare updates, wallpapers, viewing the rss feeds in the dash, etc...were all succesful.

    You may want to take another look at your setup.
  8. stretch99

    stretch99 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    I have followed your screen shots but can not get my pc to connect with xbox using FlashFXP.

    I have a modded xbox running EvolutionX and a router on my pc.

    What more do I need to do
  9. Casey

    Casey Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Hey I have done everything right but it wnt connect. It just says no route to host everytime.
  10. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest

    @Stretch & Casey

    You have got to give more info than than that. I don't know how you have your network setup? Based on the setup if your numbers are right or would be accepted? And everything else branches from that.

    Most important question I guess is are your trying to connect directly or via a router? Don't stop there though, the more information about your setup (since there are various ways) the better/faster you can be helped.
  11. Casey

    Casey Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Ok. im setup by a router but i think i know what the problem is.
    our router only has 1 ethernet port so i have it going to xbox then there is no cable going 2 computer.
    is it possible to do a direct connecetion?
  12. roman_g

    roman_g Guest

    so i softmodded my xbox, n now i wana make mods.
    how do i ftp the maps to my pc from halo 2?
    do i have to use a router or can i plug the crossover cable into the back of my pc where the ethernet cord goes?
    my gt is OCC VINNY
    my aim is Gunit1158 (always on)
    just im me or send me a friend request on xbl
    i need help wit making mods'
    thank u
  13. stretch99

    stretch99 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    I have followed your screen shots but can not get my pc to connect with xbox using FlashFXP.

    setup network - yes
    use static IP - no
    defulat gateway
    FTP - enabled

    defulat gateway

    I have a modded xbox running EvolutionX and a [bold]router[\bold] on my pc.

    What more do I need to do?
  14. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    Yes you can and the steps are in the tutorial on the first page.
  15. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    Make sure that DHCP is enabled on the PC and with the router

    Make sure that FlashFXP is allowed via your firewall

    For starters, then let me know where you're at.
  16. Hegetaga

    Hegetaga Guest

    All right i have EvolutionX V+3935 and the RD Name is xbox_v1.0 or something like that. It only has the option to have a static ip or no static ip. DHCP is not an option. this progam is firewall enabled. My connection is a

    ---------------------------Xbox 360
    ---------------------------- /
    Cable Outlet-modem-US Robotics Router-Computer
    ------------------------- /

    Using the static ip setting the changed the ip so the two are different ip listed on the setting. I then typed in the information into flashfxp however the following occours

    WinSock 2.0 -- OpenSSL 0.9.8a 11 Oct 2005
    [R] Connecting to Xbox -> IP= PORT=21
    [R] Connection failed (Connection timed out)
    [R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #1

    Thanks for anyhelp
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2006
  17. stretch99

    stretch99 Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    - DHCP is enabled on pc and DHCP servceron firewall is enable with starting IP address of to ending IP address of (or should it be static DHCP)

    - allowed ftp on firewall

    "Connecting to XBox"
    "Connection failed" is the response

    Thanks -- stretch99
  18. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    Everything should be DHCP...no ranges should be input like you stated...it's all automatic. If you've got that down, there must be something small I'm missing here. Honestly, it doesn't get any easier using a router for this processor.

    I'm assuming so, but are you sure the cable is good? Has it worked for other operations...?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2006
  19. tEChniiQue

    tEChniiQue Guest


    O.k. there can only be one of two settings. It's either gonna be Static IP or DHCP. Therefore if you selected the option to have Static IP (Manual)...you would not be using DHCP (Automatic) and if you selected "No Static IP" then you'd be using DHCP.

    What you need to do is make sure that DHCP is enabled on both the XBOX and PC. So, for EvoX, make sure it says "No Static IP" --> sAVE --> Then restart. Do the same for your PC and all should be fine to connect from there.

  20. roman_g

    roman_g Guest

    to do a direct connection do i just connect the crossover cable in the back of my pc to my xbox?
    my aim is Gunit1158
    my gt is OCC VINNY
    plz help me thanl u

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