see how i have no gateway and no DNS server do that. use the ip on your nintendo wifi usb connector for default router and primary DNS
thats exactly wat i did..but it styll wont send or receive data...kant u make a recording of u installing it so i no wat happens..or wats supposed to happen...or shud i make a recording of how i install it and show u ..for u to tell me wat i did rong?
hey guys i really wanna do this but i dont know how to install files like the drivers. please please please tell me!
plug your Nintendo Wifi USB Connector into your computer. go into your control panel. go in add hardware. pick next. pick yes i have connected the hardware. pick add new hardware device. pick install the hardware that i manually select. pick network adapters. on the left, pick buffalo INC. then on the right, pick BUFFALO WLI-U2-KG54-YB Wireless LAN Adapter pick next. a message should pop up. pick continue anyway. and it should install
no, just hold on im gonna restart my comp and try again. please stay online for awhile if u can. thanx
i finished the video...its a 11 meg and dont worry my internet connection was different then the wifi connector...and also different subnet masks take a look at the installation and tell me wat i did wrong..
make your network authentication open instead of shared. change your 54g Mode back to 54g Auto. btw, what are you using to make that video?
DAMM!! det didnt work either..its styll sending information but not receiving information..r u sure theres no other kindof method or program that can do this but easier?...wat do i do now ?
what program are you using to make that video. are you letting your psp connect to the the Nintendo Wifi USB Connector automatically or with manual settings
LOL...i use a free PROGram WITH THE BEST RSULTS IVE EVA SEEN AND ITZ FREE..its called zd soft screen recorder and it can record ur screen to exe or avi or wmv...its wiked....and for my psp ..i used both manual and scan but it styll wont receive n e ting
i also bot the full version of the zd soft video recorder and pc game recorder too....Great results....i cud slip u a copy i bot lol ...if u just help me get this too work