UK Users - Nagra 3 - Where we stand - Are you missing chans, A Rescan is all you can DO? and Updated with N3 areas in UK

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by MICKAH, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. ireilly24

    ireilly24 Member

    Feb 10, 2010
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    lol fair enough but there is lots of info out there, a few hours read up and you can pritty much go ahead with it!

    just a thought thats all as the reason i left cable is because of N3
  2. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    oh believe me if i had the time, the people to do it with,
    it would be a route i would doffo consider going down
  3. omendata

    omendata Regular member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    Looks like beginning of the end for Glasgow has finally started to go dark.
    Movie channels , porn (not that i watch anything like that - .;o) all gone.
    Was a good run can't grumble.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2010
  4. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    read up on starv.6 or kryptview a780
  5. Dreadly

    Dreadly Member

    Apr 30, 2008
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    Hey guys,
    It,s been a long time since i felt the need to put a post on here. And the fact that i,ve not posted or had to read up for what seems like a testament to the fine work you guys have done. You took a noob like me and helped me flash a replay lite and starview (both relics now) and I havent looked back since and found the answers to all my further queries here. You guys again have my thanks and complete respect for the fine work you do, and also for the extreme patience you must have (i,ve just viewed some of the recent posts omg lol).Due to the recent N3 changes I,m back again for my second innings lol. Its time I got a new box, and find myself asking which box is best for me.....I,m thinking starview6 as that seems the appropriate box and easier to set up and use of the choices available. But as I am such a noob i am again looking for your opinion on this. As usual I,m sure the answers are here, but totally lost in the ravings of many silly posts. Which always tends to happen. Anyone just need to look at front page for evidence of what not to do if your box goes down. Its been posted for soooo long yet there are people still querying whats again I applaud your patience. So i,m looking quite simply for your advice/slash opinion on best box for me. And best priced/reliable source to obtain one.

    I am


    V1rg1n Network


    My thanks in advance.......


    P.S. please feel free to mail this info if you so wish.
  6. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    ah where to start,lol
    well id say your choice is the starview.6 or kryptview a780
    well the starview is "supposed" to last for 12 months and then you are ment to get another
    but the krypt does not have a time limit
    both boxes do just exact the same thing
    unless you are looking for a hd box
  7. MrBade

    MrBade Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    What channels can you get with a starview 6 or the kryptview a780? And how do you get them?
  8. e45

    e45 Regular member

    Jun 5, 2009
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    you will get the same amount you had on your previous boxes there no different if you want a kryptview there is a link to their facebook page in my signiture below you can go there and get all the information you require.

    or if you want sv6 go to this page and that supplier is selling them BUT make sure you read that post and the other 2 under it to get all the info you require.

    of course kryptview is more expensive from his site
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2010
  9. Shrekhead

    Shrekhead Member

    Jun 13, 2010
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    So as I understand it the only options are SV 6 or KV A780 post N3.
    I'm currently in a pre N3 area, if I bought one of these boxes would they work both before and after the swith over to N3?
    Also I'm currently on basic package with V**m*n for BB, TV and phone, should I change ISP and if I do will the V**m*n cable to my tv still work (e.g. if I cancel my sub with V**m*n and tell them I'm going over to free view will their cable still be active)?
  10. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    yes either box only works post nag.3

    personaly i would stay with the provider you are already with

    if you cancel your sub with virg*n you will need somewhere to get another sub for the box to work
  11. Shrekhead

    Shrekhead Member

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Okay thanks for the info.
    So it's just a case of waiting until nag.3 is on in my area then changing to 1 of these boxes.
    Is there anything I can do in the mean time to receive channels?
  12. Clarkyb

    Clarkyb Member

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Hi Guys,

    Just wondering, this N3 does it only effect non virgin boxes such as eurovox etc. The reason i'm asking is that I have a Eurovox which has lost nearly all of the channels yet I know of someone who has a modified virgin box that is still receiving all the channels even the HD ones I think....and they only live 500 yards from myself. How is this, I know that they have so far resisted the temptation to insert the new card that has been issued??
  13. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    get a minimum sub from your provider
    also in uk nearly all areas have changed
  14. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    if your old sv/euro ect.. has gone then your area has most likely changed already
  15. windy7

    windy7 Guest

    Sorry my mistake
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2010
  16. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    your box and every bodys box will be gone off soon
    it has nothing to do with the new card if you dont insert the new card then your sub box will miss the chance to upgrade

    also try a factory reset and a rescan on your eurovox
  17. windy7

    windy7 Guest

    You need to to do a deep scan on your box this will bring back your channels if you are going to get them back at all. go to menu then installation then deep scan enter your pin 0000 and press ok it will take about 1 hour good luck
  18. MICKAH

    MICKAH Active member

    May 14, 2007
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    Latest List
    - Aidrie (received cards today)
    - Aylesbury (Receiving new cards as part of Watford headend)
    - Barnsley (Rec new cards) on N3 ?
    - Bedfordshire including Bedford Sandy, Biggleswade, Dunstable, Luton (set to receive new cards) on N3 ?
    - Bedford (received cards today) on N3 ?
    - Bells Hill
    - Birmingham [Set to receive new cards] n3 in stream today]
    - Bolton
    - Bournemouth / Poole - (Recieved Cards) on N3 ?
    - Bradford (Received new cards) on N3 ?
    - Brighton Recieved new cards now on N3
    - Bromley in kent (received cards today 26/5)
    - Burton joyce notts area (received cards)
    - Cardiff (set to receive new cards)
    - Castleford (set to receive new cards) on N3 ?
    - Chesham (Receiving new cards as part of Watford headend)
    - Cheshire including Warrington, Widnes recieving new cards
    - Chiltern Hills (Receiving new cards as part of Watford headend)
    - Cleethorpes ( received cards )
    - Coatbridge (north lanarkshire) ( received cards )
    - Coventry (set to receive new cards)
    - Croxley Green
    - Cumbernauld (North Lanarkshire) ( received cards )
    - Derbyshire (Receiving new cards)Reports that Derby is now N3
    - Dewsbury (Receiving new cards) on N3 ?
    - Dunbartonshire in Scotland (Received new cards)
    - Doncaster ( received cards ) on N3 ?
    - Dundee in Scotland now on N3
    - DARLINGTON in co.durham (cards received)
    - Edinburgh now on N3
    - Edwalton (received new cards)
    - east kilbride (received new cards)
    - Essex including (Romford, Ilford, Rainham receiving new cards)
    - Falkirk in Scotland - Cards Recd as of the 14th Apr on N3 ?
    - Fife in Scotland received new cards on N3 ?
    - Gateshead (Received cards )
    - Gedling (received new cards)
    - Glasgow in Scotland (received new cards)
    - Greenock (received new cards)
    - Grimsby ( received new cards 21/4/10)
    - Halifax (set to receive new cards) on N3 ?
    - Hampshire including Gosport, Aldershot, Farnborough
    - Harrogate - On Nagra 3 now
    - hamilton ( Received Cards )
    - Hartlepool ( Received Cards )
    - Hertfordshire including Hemel Hempstead, (Watford, Rickmansworth, Stevenage, Hitchin, Letchworth, Ware, Hertford, Hoddesdon, Cheshunt, South Hertfordshire receiving new cards) - Reports that Watford / Herts now on Nagra 3
    - Horley
    - Huddersfield On Nagra 3 ?
    - Humberside
    - Immingham (received cards)
    - Ilkeston DE7 (received new cards)
    - Keighley (set to receive new cards) on N3 ?
    - Kent including (Swanley, Bexley, receiving new cards)
    - Kirklees including Dewsbury, Batley On Nagra 3
    - Lancashire including Chorley, Preston, Burnley, Nelson, Accrington, Colne, Blackburn
    - Leeds - On Nagra 3 Now - Batley outside Leeds, (Received cards)
    - Leicestershire (Cards Recd - " week Countdown to chan loss) on N3
    - Lincolnshire (set to receive new cards as part of Nottingham headend)
    - Liverpool
    - London 41050 including Harrow (East London, South London, Seven Kings receiving new cards) Ilford on Nagra 3 and Seven Kings on Nagra 3 Hayes on N3
    - Lothian in Scotland including Edinburgh city now on N3
    - Luton ( received there cards - 2 week countdown to chan loss) on N3 ?
    - Manchester including Swinton, Salford, Stretford, Wigan (Manchester received new cards)
    - Manchester r ( received new cards)
    - Manchester south ( received new cards)
    - Middlesbrough (Received cards )
    - Middlesex including Staines
    - Newcastle (Received cards )
    - Newcastle-under-Lyme
    - North & South Lanarkshire in Scotland
    - North Shields
    - Norwich (set to receive new cards)
    - Nottinghamshire (received new cards) now N3
    - notts (pure N*l) (received new cards)
    - Oldham
    - Paisley in Scotland ( received cards )
    - Portsmouth (Receiving new cards)
    - Rotherham
    - Rugby (set to receive new cards)
    - Scun'thorpe (received cards)
    - Sheffield - Cards Recd on N3 ?
    - Solent (set to receive new cards)
    - Southampton
    - South Humberside (set to receive new cards as part of Nottingham headend)
    - South Shields
    - South Tyneside - (received new cards)
    - Sunderland (now on N3)
    - St. Helens
    - Stockton-on-Tees (received new cards)
    - Stoke-on-Trent
    - strelley area notts (received cards)
    - Sunderland - On N3
    - Surrey including Guildford, Woking, Frimley, Farnham, Camberley, Epsom
    - Sussex including (Crawley receiving new cards)
    - Sutton in Ashfield (received new cards)
    - Teesside + Tyneside ( Cards Received)
    - Tonbridge including Tonbridge wells, Edenbridge, Lower Surrey (set to receive new cards)
    - Uddingston in Scotland (received new cards)
    - Warrington (received new cards 25/5)
    - Wednesbury in West Midlands (Receiving new cards)
    - widnes in cheshire(Receiving new cards)
    - Wirral
    - Wales (set to receive new cards)

    - York - On Nagra 3 Now

    - *** NORTHERN IRELAND (Set to get new cards)***

    Areas switched over to Nagra 3
    - Acton London
    - Ashford
    - Aylesbury
    - Barnsley
    - Barking
    - Batley
    - Bedfordshire including Bedford Sandy
    - Bexleyheath
    - Biggleswade
    - Bournemouth
    - Bradford
    - Brighton
    - Castleford
    - Chesham
    - Chiltern Hills
    - Chingford
    - Dagenham
    - Dartford
    - Derbyshire
    - Dewsbury
    - Dover
    - Dundee
    - Dunstable
    - East Ham London
    - East London
    - Edinburgh
    - Essex 1 (N*l/Excw parts only)
    - Falkirk in Scotland
    - Fife
    - Folkestone
    - Harrogate
    - Hartlepool
    - Halifax
    - Huddersfield (N*l parts only)
    - Herdforshire
    - Ilford
    - inverclyde
    - Kirklees
    - Leeds
    - Lothian
    - Luton
    - Mirfield
    - Middlesbrough
    - Nottinghamshire
    - Nottingham full N3 now
    - Poole
    - Rainham
    - Rickmansworth
    - Romford (Excw parts only)
    - Seven Kings
    - Shepherds Bush
    - Sheffield
    - Southampton (Excw parts only)
    - South Hertfordshire
    - Sunderland
    - St Albans (Excw parts only)
    - Stockton on Tees
    - Swanley
    - Upton Park
    - Waltham Abbey
    - Walthamstow
    - Watford
    - Wessex
    - West Yorkshire (N*l parts only)
    - York

    MMDS on Chorus in Ireland in the process of being switched over to N3 - cards sent, chans now being moved
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2010
  19. howardref

    howardref Member

    Sep 10, 2009
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    I have a S/v super usb wiv just a c***e conn'n (Also have B/band and t/phone with V****n) am in devon (plym) an as yet we haven't had any notification or dist'n probs am keepin fingers crossed and reading all yr notes/advice thanx guys.
  20. hooter007

    hooter007 Regular member

    Dec 20, 2008
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    keep us updated when your area starts to go

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