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Uninstalling whatever software my system is using HOW?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by smg, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    I almost forgot to add. I thought win XP home didn't come with an aspi. Or so I have read many people as having said. I did read that win 95 and 98 and ME did have an aspi though, but everone seemed to agree that XP didn't come with one. Is that what you meant, does XP home indeed come with an aspi?
    Thanks again friend
  2. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya smg,

    Yes, there WILL be two instances of ASPI in your XP Home system;

    [bold]Instance 1[/bold] - located in C:\WINNT\system32, this is the default Windows ASPI as supplied by Microsoft, the one that comes with the Operating System; this is installed when XP is first loaded on the machine and is supposed to be there. This is the one that is used if a program requests wnaspi32.dll support.

    [bold]Instance 2[/bold] - located in C:\Program Files\Ahead\Nero, this is the one that Nero installs for its own use. When Nero starts, it looks in its own directory for WNASPI32.DLL and throws a fit if it cannot find it there, whether it uses it or not.

    This is NORMAL, don't worry about it, the programs will use the correct one.

    Nero will ONLY USE ITS OWN version.

    Anything else that requires ASPI will EITHER supply its own OR request Windows to supply the windows version.

    No conflict, OK.

    Yes, install Nero as normal (double-click the setup, whatever), Nero will install its own version of ASPI automatically - this is normal, nothing to be concerned about, OK.

    RecordNow Max uses the px-engine as an interface between windows and the drive, if it needs ASPI, it requests the windows version, so no conflict with Nero, OK.

    The tests I performed as stated in a previous post show that there is no conflict between RecordNow Max and Nero.

    So, there is no need to "turn each program On and Off", they will sort themselves out, OK.

    XP Home is just a brain-damaged version of XP Pro,
    and XP Pro is just the tellytubbies version of Windows 2000 Pro with a few fancy frilly bits added in.

    BTW, if you NEED to disable the IMAPI service you can, it seems that it CAN cause a problem with SOME configurations - I don't have enough data on that at this moment in time to make a statement.

    Hope this clears it up for you.

    Feel free to ask anytime.

    Have Fun...

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Life is just more of the same:[/small]
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2004
  3. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    Thanks for the offer for (it appears I am not cmpletely out of the woods yet).
    I went to make sure I had the aspi by Microsoft (as I have done that System restore to factory restore several times after downloading too many free programs I think).
    But here's what happened. I went to:
    Program Files>>Windows NT>> and alll that was in it were 2 folders called "Accessories" and one called "Pinball" and 3 things called "dialer" and "hypertrm" and "htrn_jis.dll" these last 2 had Hyperterminal something printed under the both of them. But there was nothing there for System32 or Winaspi etc. So I then went to:
    Documents and Settings>>>My Name>>Windows>>>system: but there wasn't any system 32, just a system folder which is empty. I then tried looking in the drivers folder which was just below a download folder and it did have alot of drivers (I guess they were, but nothing even starting with W the last ones listed all started with "V". (ie no Winaspi etc.)
    Then I went to: the folder below those listed to:
    and here were 2 system folders (one called "system" and one called "system 32") Eureka!!! I thought to myself.
    well in neither system folder was there an winaspi etc. The closest match was one (located in the system 32 folder called "win32spl.dll"). And one called just "Win".
    But nothing with any aspi in it. Could you have been mistaken about windows XP having an aspi. I think when I was at Microsofts homepage I remember them saying that XP home and I think they said X Pro and 2000 didn't ship with an aspi. And alot of people have been saying the same thing. No disrepect intended (I know how easy it is to forget things especially when it's of a technical origin. I had many problems thru the years as a mechanic with just that same thing. I had learned so much that I was replacing memories with different memories and losing stuff. But for the life of me I can't find am aspi anywhere in my pc. Not in Windows NT or system or system32 or even in the drivers folder.
    Of course I have to assume that I must have missed it, but I did go thru everything 3 times and can't find it. I will go to Microsoft again and re-verify what I thought they had said about them not shipping/installing an aspi for XP (both) and 2000.
    But I remember they said that win 95 and 98 and Me did have aspi.
    Thanks again friend. I will repost as soon as I can after geting back from Bills place (MS).
    I am beginning to think I am losing it.
    I could have sworn they said XP Home didn't come with an aspi.
    Well I am going blind, I guess it was about time for the mind to go lol.
  4. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    I just went there and they did say that ASPI didn't come with XP. Whew!! I thought I was imagining it all lol.
    But anyway I really really didn't want to use a windows one anyway as their instructions for installing adaptecs aspi was really confusing and I have no idea how I could have anyway going by their instructions. I believe someone said it was ridiculos the way MS tells people how to do things when they seem to make it hard to do on purpose.
    Anyway, I also talked to a representative from RecNowMax again today and he said that RecNowMax could use the Neros aspi for operating with. So does that solve that issue about the aspi, I mean I read in Nero that you arent supposed to use their aspi for other burning programs. So does that mean that it won't work for RecNowMax? Or just that it WILL work, but only that you are not supposed to use it? During your testing of RecNOwMax, can you see if it will work OK using Neros aspi "wnaspi32.dll"? If it does that will just about answere and solve this whole thing for me (since I wont have to worry about how to install Neros aspi because it will install itself automatically when I double click on Nero to install it on my pc (if I understood you correctly).
    Thanks alot again.
  5. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    Well heres another update.
    The representative fromStomp RecNOwMax sent me a letter stating (written in blue) that RecNowMax comes with its own aspi and something else. So I guess its a new problem now. Can/will both aspis from both programs (neither of them being of windows origin)coincide together without conflicting? And does that mean I still won't have to worry about turning them on and off when I am using either one with this new development?
    Thanks again friend
  6. Veblin

    Veblin Active member

    Feb 27, 2003
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    Here is what I got from reading around.

    Adaptec created ASPI. Adaptec SCSI Protocol Interface.

    Microsoft included ASPI in Windows 95/98/ME.

    Then the fight began.

    Microsoft did not want to rely on Adaptec for ASPI. They only want to use their own software so they made SPTI. SCSI Pass Through Interface.

    Microsoft included SPTI in Windows NT/2000/XP.

    Adaptec started charging for new versions of ASPI.

    Microsoft said not to install ASPI on those versions of Windows because it was not needed because they had SPTI.

    Adaptec said not to install ASPI on those versions of Windows because they were fighting with Microsoft who was using SPTI instead of their ASPI, even though ASPI works fine on those versions and is better than SPTI.

    Later, Adaptec started giving away ASPI and now recommends using the newest versions on Windows from 98 to XP. They know ASPI is needed and better than SPTI.

    Microsoft doesn't recommend using ASPI because Microsoft, of course, does not recommend that you use software other than their own. That's why they make it sound hard to install ASPI and make the directions difficult. It's not.

    I would say it is best to install the newest version of Adaptec ASPI.

    This should not cause conflicts and many burner programs need this. If a burner program does not want to use Adaptec's ASPI, they will supply their own to use. That should not cause a conflict either because that program will be looking for ASPI in it's own location. And the ASPI they are using is probably really from Adaptec to begin with.
  7. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya guys,

    I shall deal with the posts in order, please bear with me...

    [bold]smg[/bold] I am not surprised you got confused, trawling Microsoft's support site is bad enough for those of us who HAVE to.

    Upon further investigation, it seems that XP DOES NOT SUPPLY ASPI (my respects go to VEBLIN for a nice bit of detective work, that highlighted a faulty assumption on my part), and you have been led astray by a bit of faulty advice on my part, sorry smg, my bad.

    I have done some further looking into RecordNow Max and whether it uses ASPI, this is what I did:

    Find ALL ASPI dll's and rename them so any attempt to access them would cause an error.
    Run a system profiler watching resource usage and file access by RecordNow.
    Run RecordNow Max and test, burn and verify a disk.

    NO ERRORS REPORTED, disk was fine, profiler showed no attempt to access ASPI in any way.

    So, a valid conclusion would be - RecordNow Max V4.5 as downloaded from Stomp DOES NOT USE ASPI.

    I could see the px-engine starting, files being accessed & data flowing, BUT NO ASPI.

    don't worry about it, maybe you got a letter from a marketing-droid type.

    There is NO CONFLICT.

    Nero uses its OWN ASPI, and knows where it is, and knows to ignore all others.

    RecordNow Max V4.5 as downloaded from Stomp does NOT use ASPI, it uses the px-engine as supplied as part of the install, it ignores ASPI.

    There is no conflict.

    There is no need to worry about turning programs on and off.

    The two programs, Nero and RecordNow Max WILL CO-EXIST perfectly happily with each other on the same system, this I have tried and tested myself, on TWO systems.

    So, go ahead and install the programs, it will be ok.

    [bold]Veblin[/bold] Very nice work there, Kudos to you.
    Your investigation pointed out where I was in error (unfounded assumption, un-checked at the time and subsequent embarrasment.. I had a real Homer moment with that one.. Duh!!!).

    I hope you don't mind, but I have taken a snapshot of your post & filed it - succinct and to the point, and I shall use it when the question pops up again - admirable!

    Have Fun...
  8. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    If there is a conflict it's likely in your registry. I am using Nero 6.0, Alcohol 120%, CopyToDvd/CD(for burning with DVD2One, and Cdrwin 5.0 on windows XP Pro and all without a conflict of any kind. You will have to uninstall everything that involves burning and write them down. Then find a good freeware application to clean your registry with, then reinstall Nero (it comes with its own aspi layer and burn buddy burn. Go here to get a copy of regcleaner. http://www.discountevidenceeliminator.com/windows-registry.htm
  9. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    That's quite all right drchips (we're all human, except maybe for some politicians). I'm just glad you're on our side. I wish the people at Stomp would get it together though, because this one guy keeps insisting that XP does come with an ASPI even though I keep telling him Microsoft says No. Naturally he is the same one who wrote me tellung me RecNM comes with its own aspi. Even though he also told me that Neros aspi would work with RNM I can't believe him anymore.
    I tried burning a regular data cd last night and burned 3 coasters. The problem was I had my dvd burner enabled while I was burning with my cd writer. So I went into Services and disabled my dvd burner and burnt 3 cds without a hitch. During the first 3 coasters when the writing wizard popped up and informed me that it could NOT complete the process, I happened to notice that the software listed on the front of the writing wizard was provided by,,,,,guess who,,,,Roxio Inc.
    I have been reading an awful lot of complaints that Roxio is unstable, I guess my experience just adds to that proof. Also because ever since I have had my pc (over a year now, I have not been able to burn a complete music cd. I have been everywhere trying to find out why (the pc manufacturer,,they said they couldnt help,, then to store who sold me the pc,, they couldnt help either). So I cant' burn any music cds so far. I get 3 songs burnt and then it all stops after that. Sometimes the wizard says everything burned right and proper, but it only burned 3 or 4 songs and sometimes wouldnt burn at all.
    I tried download a patch for Roxio that was supposed to fix Roxios mischievious behavior, but the patch would NOT install onto my pc because it said that there was NOT any Roxio installed on my pc. But the writing wizard did indeed say "software provuded by Roxio Inc."
    I decided to bring this up now, because with drchips and the guys who are actively involved, I feel as though there might be some possibility of actually being able to maybe one day (maybe not this year, maybe not the next, but of some day.....getting the #$%%^^&&&**** this Roxio crap out of my computer once and for all). I have been everywhere trying to solve this problem and nada.
    On the aspi free software (I downloaded regScrubXP and
    Easy Cleaner) like you suggested.
    I hope they have easy to understand directions on how to use it.
    drchips, I can' wait to hear how your testing comes out. I hope you are going to try to run both (Nero and RecNowMax) using just Neros aspi, because then that would be so much easier for me to deal with (since all I would have to do to install Neros aspi is just to double click on Nero and everything will install on its own to wherever its supposed to install to. You sure are right about MS help site (what a nightmare for a normal sane person to try to muddle thru and try to figure out). Thats why I really dont want to use anything from them as their aspi instructions were just insane.
    Thanks again and cant wait to hear your results (if you decide to)about running both programs using only Neros aspi.
  10. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    P know of the programs that came with my dvd burner, but have no idea which if any of them were installed on my pc at the time my dvd burner was installed, because the burner was installed by the techs. at the pc store and they aren't arouind anymore to tell me.
    It says in the teeny tiny pamphlet that came with my burner that these are the programs that also come with my Pioneer DVR-A05 device:
    NTI CD Maker
    Pinnacle Instant Wtite

    Pf course I can't find anything about them either anywhere, so I assume they weren't installed when the techs. put in my dvd burner.
    Of course all I want to do is use Nero for music cds and RNM for dvds so I don't care about these programs anyway (I already have DVDXCOPYXPress and Platinum and Squeeze6 which after monhts and months of reading I have narrowed it down to exactly what drchips said about the burning software:
    That the majority of people I have come across have had far less problems when using RecordNowMax for their dvd burning, AND that the majority (preferred)
    Nero for their music cd burning software (which is why I am so committed to using these 2 programs according to what the majority usues them for).
    Thanks again guys for all this unbelievable input.
    Thanks Jerry and everyone else who is helping more than I can express properly.
    Just Thanks ALOT.
  11. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya smg,

    Go ahead and install RecordNow Max AND Nero as you normally would, the testing has already been done, there is no conflict between the two programs.

    from my third post
    For your sake, please, Please, PLEASE [bold]GET RID OF ROXIO[/bold].

    Use RecordNow Max for DVD's.
    Use Nero for CD's.

    Now, don't take this the wrong way, I am NOT criticising you, but will you please read what I have put in my previous posts about RecordNow Max and ASPI, for example:
    from my first post
    from my seventh post
    So, you can stop worrying about ASPI, Nero will use it WHEN IT WANTS TO, and RecordNow Max WILL NOT USE ASPI.

    Hope that makes sense...
  12. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    Thanks drchips
    I got it. I'l install RNM then reboot, then install Nero, and then I'm all set to burn. oh I didn't take it in the wrong way either :)
    I have been just so exasperated from all this problems with not being able to burn even 1 complete music cd (and I know Roxio is behind it). But now, when I can't locate Roxio (except for spotting it as the software used for the cd writing wizard when the wizard window popped up and cancelling my burns) and even the patch from Roxio can't find it on my system, how can I find it to finally Exorcise it from my pc?
    Is there a way to delete it in the registry? Because if that's where I have to go, then I'll definetly go in there (whatever it takes to get rid of it).
    Thank you again
    I got 2 freeware programs (EasyClean & regscrubxp) today, do you think one of them might be able to ferret out Roxio so I can delete it?
  13. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya smg,
    Possibly, I don't know the programs, so cannot comment further.

    Another utility that might be of help is HiJackThis, have a look at:

    have a GOOD read before using.

    You might also have a go at [bold]disabling IMAPI[/bold] to see what effect that has, but do so carefully, bearing in mind some of the warnings posted (I have not investigated such warnings myself).

    Good Luck.

  14. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    Thanks again drchips.
    I think I will give that a try by disabling the IMAPI
    in the Services section. It's a shame they don't a forum just for dealing with the Registry> It would certainly be a great learning room and possibly help out to do things that can't normally done the usual way. I think this case would qualify as one of those.
    I wonder how long it would take (going thru the entire registry manually and just checking if Roxio was listed anywhere)?
  15. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    That last post was just a rhetorical question to myself. I didn't expect anyone to actually know that.But I just had an after thought. I remember you has XP Pro whereas I have XP Home. I just remembered that everyone who had XP Pro did NOT have any problems creating a dvd. I think Win 2000 was also the other OS which seemed to offer no conflicts (or very very few) when making a dvd. But tons of people using XP Home did have problems. I have only used win 98 and XP Home. From your standpoint of using XP Pro,
    do you think a novice would have difficulty using Pro for just the usual stuff ie surfing and music cd and movie dvd creating projects?
    I have thought of upgrading to Pro in the past for the reasons stated earlier, maybe it's time to do it.
  16. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    I almost forgot.
    Thanks for that link to HijackThis.
    I'm going there now and get it.
  17. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    I almost forgot.
    Thanks for that link to HijackThis.
    I'm going there now and get it.
  18. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    you would have NO PROBLEMS running XP Pro exactly the same way as you run XP Home, the main differences will show up when you want to take control over how your system operates.

    Have Fun...
  19. smg

    smg Regular member

    Apr 22, 2003
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    Hi drchips
    I got another rep.from RecNOwMax who finally confirmed what you said about having 2 burning software programs on the same machine. They did say that you can only have 1 packet writing software installed though because of the packet writing software taking over the drive. Quote "Only 1 packet writing software can have access of the drive at a time". They went on to say that I could have RecNowMax and Nero and Roxio all installed onto the pc together, but that quote "You can only have one of the following, DLA or InCD or Direct CD".
    Although I would love to get rid of Roxio at least it is supposed to be ok on my pc (but I suspect they are mistaken about this as too many people have been having problems with Roxio, and as you said I intend to try to get rid of it if it's at all possible).
    They said I would have to do a custom install of the programs in order to install only 1 packet writing software. Exactly how do I go about that?
    They also finally succeeded to the fact that RecNowMax doesn't have an aspi (big surprise). If only the people who were responsible for the creation and distribution of these products were half as inquisitive as you were and actually tried to learn more about their products, maybe the whole issue wouldn't be such a quagmire of what ifs.
    Thanks again friend for the help.And if you can explain to me just how one is supposed to install only 1 packet writing software, I would really appreciate it as I really am curious about this whole thing now. In fact, after now knowing the order in which to install each software, I think this is the last problem that stands in my way (except for getting rid of Roxio of course).
    I have already downloaded their PX engine and know from them that after I install RecNowMax, then I install the PX engine after that. And then its Neros turn. But is InCD Neros Packet writing software? I think I may have seen something like that at Neros homepage of downloads. I will have to go back there and see if I can find out.
  20. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Hiya smg,

    unless you have an OVERPOWERING NEED for packet-writing software, do NOT install it.

    In general, it is (or tends to be) vendor specific.

    Years of experience has shown me that it can SERIOUSLY DE-STABILISE your machine (unless you know EXACTLY HOW to set things up and keep them that way).

    I suspect your "Roxio Problem" is just that, packet writing software: look here for info on Roxio's version of packet-writing and some info about IMAPI:

    I have a tendency to know what I am doing and I absolutely refuse to have packet-writing on any of the systems I am responsible for (CDs are dirt-cheap, CD-Writers are bl**dy fast nowadays, so just burn what you need - who cares if it does not use the full capacity of the disk).


    Simply install Nero, the InCD install on the Nero disk is a separate entity - simply do not install it.

    Nice to see that Stomp Tech Support finally agrees with me (Oooohhhh, watch my head swell!!!).

    Have Fun...


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