i am downloading the one from the actuall xbox media center website. I think it is one I have already tried. Does this one work should it? or am i just not looking for the default.xbe in the right place.
I dont think you got a right one. Because they won't let you download at their site. It is illegal. The one you downloaded is something else. Not the actual XBMC.
all right. But the one u gave me a link for that link doesnt work and i can only find the one that I've got. and also im putting in a larger hdd and when i try to burn the linux.iso to a cd i cant bc it is to big. DO i have ne other options
Omg here you can download it and put it in E>APPS http://www.elitemods.net its in the files>comp files
follow the link in my sig. Then look for "Download xbox file" and click on it. it will take you there and download xbmc from media player section.
THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! it workde. the whole time i had the wrong fricken download. Thank you for being so patient. Iv'e been bugging you all day but do you know nething about my linux.iso problem. its to big to burn on a disk. if u have ne ideas let me know. but thank u sooo much!
thanks. i figured it out so now the hardrive is unlocked and it works but i can't boot a dashboard. I think I just need an auto-installer but im not 100 percent sure. neway if u have ne ideas let me know thanks
Wait, the hdd is unlock now and the xbox load xbmc as turn on. I'm not quite sure what happen now to your xbox. Do you have modchip?
its just confused with the dashboards i think. I'm gonna try running slayer 2.6 like it loads games and stuff just no dashboard.
no this is somn diff. I got the xbmc stuff taken care of. my problem is explained on the other thread. If u can help just post somn.