boba.... My cellphone hi say..CANNOT UNDO RESTRICCION. I DONT KNOW PLEASE HELP ME... THANKS Can someone give me the code to unlock the following phone? I appreciate your help,I ALREADY DID IT 5 TIMES WITH THE CODES OF THE PROGRAM. and nathing
Hey, If anyone could get me the codes for my phone, I would greatly appreciate it. Nokia 6010 T-Mobile USA IMEI: 010336001190251 Thanks!
Hey b0ba that's really cool of you to give these. Could someone help me with mine? Nokia 6010 T-Mobile IMEI: 010416/00/394925/8 Thank you!
I need help. I tried to unlock my Nokia 6010 from T-Mobile 4 times with an error message. I suppose that I just have one opportunity left. Could someone help me? IMEI: 010416009019247 Carrier: T-Mobile Model: Nokia 6010 Thanks in advance.
boba.... My cellphone hi say..CANNOT UNDO RESTRICCION. I DONT KNOW PLEASE HELP ME... THANKS Can someone give me the code to unlock the following phone? I appreciate your help,I ALREADY DID IT 5 TIMES WITH THE CODES OF THE PROGRAM. and nathing
Hi, Can someone help me unlockmy nokia 6010. IMEI: 010417000356745. Use to be with AT&T Wireless now Cingular.
jakesam1-----} Hi, Can someone help me unlockmy nokia 6010. IMEI: 010417000356745. Use to be with AT&T Wireless now Cingular. #pw+017173046513176+1# #pw+328206056674503+2# #pw+828441655666746+3# #pw+329956253731053+4# #pw+242175474043674+5# #pw+485137114313732+6# #pw+185864010330164+7#
PSXNUT ---------------------------> My cellphone hi say..CANNOT UNDO RESTRICCION. I DONT KNOW PLEASE HELP ME... THANKS Can someone give me the code to unlock the following phone? I appreciate your help,I ALREADY DID IT 5 TIMES WITH THE CODES OF THE PROGRAM. and nathing PLEASE HELP ME ....
Hey everyone, Could someone please help me unlock my Nokia 6010? I have already tried twice to unlock it myself, but have been unsuccessful. Here is my phone info... Brand: Nokia Model: 6010 Original Provider: T-Mobile Current Provider: Cingular Country: United States (Georgia) IMEI: 010419005736236 Thanks in advance to anyone who is willing & able to help me out here!!!
B0ba Can you help me unlock my Nokia 6010 please! This phone original lock to AT&T. My current provider is T-Mobile. IMEI: 010418000441396 Thanks for helping me!
hi, i need to unlock nokia 3220. the imei is 356647001163656 thanks. i also have a nokia 6010 but dont have the imei handy.