Hi I bought a x426 rev 1.5 who works with At&T wireless from miami and i live in quebec in canda. I would like to know i can i unlocked plz help me
you should try first to upgrade your firmware to rev 1.7. Anyone with x426 and firmware rev 1.7 can easily unlock their phone by referring to DMavado's posting of May 4, 2005 and consulting the link for details. It worked for me. Thanks DMavado. baj39
Hi DMovado From the postings I can't able to understand that I can or I can't unlock x426 R1.6.(thats my fault) So can you please send me the steps to my email (raajooz@yahoo.com) Thank you in Advance.
I type *#9999# and I read Rev 1.7 X426UXDD1. This is a new phone only a few months old. When I read the link from the message on May 4, 2005 it says that you cannot use the *#9998*3323# trick you have to use a cable kit; it will lock your phone for ever if you do it. Yet, in this forum everyone says the opposite and to use the *#9998*3323# trick with Rev 1.7. Is this because everyone is upgrading their firmware? Does anyone know or have done this with an original Rev 1.7? And if you do this and it locks your phone will software unlock it? I am worried about damaging my phone so can someone clear up the difference in the instructions. Well I tried it anyway and it worked.
i have the rev 1.7 and the http://www.mobiledia.com/forum/topic13147-0-asc-10.html fix worked for me too.
I have a Samsung x426 rev 1.0 some how? any way I was wondering if anyone had a way to upgrade to rev 1.5 or if you know how to unlock mine that would be great. send me a message at techtwa@gmail.com thanks also rev 1 uses *#1111# to get the rev
sorry if this topic or post is tedious... i am new and don't know tons about this stuff. here's my problem... i have an sgh-x426 v 1.6 - i tried to unlock it myself using some codes that i found through google, but something didn't work out. as it stands right now, the only screen that displays is "locked, return for service". i paid 5 bucks to get an unlock code and i see now that it's the same as the one that has been posted on this board... well, it just might work, but i still have to find a way to get past the "locked return for service" screen. is this permanent? can it be reset somehow? i tried the "stackreset" code but that hasn't worked. does anyone have any ideas? if so i would be forever grateful. i bought this phone very cheap and i'd love to get it unlocked and be able to give it to my sister. i can be emailed at i'manidiot.com edited by ddp - or i can just read a follow up post of course. if anyone would be so kind, i'd gladly give gmail accounts, not that they're of any significance for those of you have them. respectfully, bill
Hi Guys Now we are covering wider range of phones. We can unlock almost all phones, except BB5. Nokia,Samsung,Siemens,Sony Ericsson,LG,Side Kick 1 and 2,LG many more. If you want to unlock any og your phones contact i'manidiot.com edited by ddp Here are some of the models that we can unlock (I can mention only a few,since there are thousands of phones) Samsung P207 unlock,Siemens CF62 unlock,Siemens SL56 unlock,Siemens MC60 unlock,Siemens A65 unlock,Samsung X495,Samsung e720 unlock,Samsung E700 unlock,Samsung X427 and X426 unlock,Sony ericsson w800i,Sony ericsson s710a and s700i unlock,Sony ericsson k700i unlock,sony ericsson t610 ....,sony ericsson k750i and many more. YOu can PM me or email me. Regards
I have Samsung X426 mobile Rev 1.6 X46UEDC1, dedicated to AT&T. I want to unlock it. Could someone please help me unlock it? Shall appreciate ur help.
have x426 and want to unlock. Used the *#9998*3323# method and at the exit screen i couldn't get anything to happen - pushed the right softkey and nothing. any suggestions?