Unreal2003 CD1 burning

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by vixor64, Feb 3, 2003.

  1. vixor64

    vixor64 Member

    Feb 3, 2003
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    Nevermind I was doing it the hard way...
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2003
  2. cd-rw.org

    cd-rw.org Active member

    Jan 22, 2002
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    User 'vixor64' is promoted from newbie to member. Reason: Was able to solve his own problem.
  3. Luis0915

    Luis0915 Guest

    hey...what was ur problem. I god a .bin.exe file of UT 2003 cd1 and i burned it onto a cd and tried to install it but in the middle of the installation process a window pops up and tells me that a file from the cd is unreadable and the installation stops. I burned 2 cd's with the same file thinking that something went wrong with the first burn but then the second cd turned up tp have the same problem.
  4. bigfree1

    bigfree1 Guest

    You really shouldn't delte your post vixor64, even if you've fixed your own problem. Others may have a simular problem that you've found a fix for an they could use your experience to help them.

    When you post a question and eventually work toward a fix you should also post what EXACTLY you did in order to achieve the desired results.
  5. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    a wise thing I would like to suggest to ANYONE is to ALWAYS check your image using CDMage (Action-->Scan for corruption), prior to burning it .

    If the problem lies in the image you go on burning bad CDs no way which software/firmware you use...
  6. Luis0915

    Luis0915 Guest

    Ok....I finally got to burn 3 working copies of the 3 ut2k3 .bin files and installed it. I just downloaded the bin files twice and then replaced the corrupted sectors with each other's (thank god they didn't have them in the same areas) using cdmage using the 'import sectors' feature.
    Now, the problem is, when I try to start a single player game everything seems to be ok but when trying to start a multiplayer the list of servers won't load and a message appears saying "master server failed to autheticate". So I downloaded and installed the latest patches from the ut website and now the game won't even load as soon as I try to open the game a windows pops up with this:

    UT2003 Build UT2003_Build_[2003-01-23_16.56]

    OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
    CPU: GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 1718 MHz with 255MB RAM
    Video: No Video

    General protection fault!

    History: MainLoop

    what gives?....has anybody had the same problem? plz help!
  7. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    This seems patch-related not CD-R burning related.
    After all, you tried to install an original patch to a cracked game. I'm not sure you can complain about it to their customer service..
  8. Luis0915

    Luis0915 Guest

    yeah,....i guess ur right, Aldaco. The problem is that Iive in South Korea so they sell the Korean version of that game here but I'm not Korean, I dont read Korean (well I do but the game wouldn't 'feel' the same) and ordering it from the states is gonna cost me too much. I suppose I'll have to buy the Korean version and see if I can substitute some of its files with some the cracked one and see if I can change the language or something. Thanx anyways...:)
  9. madmax123

    madmax123 Guest

    I have the same problem as you I too have a good cd1 .bin image of unreal tournament 2003, and it quits half way through, and tells me it cant read a file, and that i need to clean my cd but the cd is fine.

    you said you got it to work, and ill try to fiqure it out but could you or someone else please explain it in lamens terms please. Thanks
  10. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    madmax, I'm not sure but he probably re-downloaded the files. Check the .BIN for corrupted sectors using CDMage when you report such problems. The error might lie in the image...
  11. Luis0915

    Luis0915 Guest

    Basically what I did was to download each file (cd) 2 or 3 times. I just renamed the files to avoid erasing each other when downloading, so I ended up with 2 or 3 'cd1's', 2 or 3 cd2's and 2 or 3 cd3's. I used **** to download them so I was able to find the same files with the same size (*****). Next what i did was to use cdmage to test say "cd1 copy 1", "cd1 copy 2" and cd1 copy 3" and then i checked for errors in each one of them one by one and found out that the sectors they had errors in (all of them had them) were located in different places so what i did was replace the damaged sector of file "cd1 copy 1" with the same sectors in "cd1 file 2" or "cd1 file 3" using the import sector feature in cdmage, then i ended up with one flawless copy of cd1. I did the same with the other files (cd2 and cd3). Of course when I downloaded the files with grokster they came as .bin.exe files. I just renamed them erasing the "exe" extension leaving them just at ".bin" otherwise they would've not been found by cdmage.
    Another thing, cd mage has a feature called "file repair" or something like that (sorry I'm typing this from a friends computer and it doesn't have cdmage installed). I used that feature to repair some of the files without the need to import them but still it couldn't repair many files so I had to import those. It also has another feature that I used but screwed the file fixing process.I cant remember its name now so just dont use anything else in cdmage other than "check for errors" "import sectors" and "repair files".
    One last thing, even though I got to install the game I can't play multiplayer. It only works for single player and if I install the latest patches from the UT2003 website the game won't even start so if u get to install it and don't mind playing only single player don't install any patches as they're gonna screw the whole game and you'll need to reinstall it (it takes ages to install!!).
    I hope this helps. English isn't my first language......:)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2003
  12. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Yes louis, thank you. The CDMage command to use if 'repair' is not enough is indeed 'Import sectors'.

    Sorry I had to edit a little your post but we cannot, for legal reasons, advertise methods of obtaning pirate copies.. we are only giving advice to how to 'backup' your stuff, right? ;)

    More than that, you'll notice that often the stuff that is found (illegally) on the net is not what I would define 'top quality', so if you do that, do at your own risk.
    It's like purchasing goods at a pawn shop...you might have to look for good things among tons of wortless stuff.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2003
  13. vixor64

    vixor64 Member

    Feb 3, 2003
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    If you attempt to burn the *.bin/*cue image from Kazaa - two files may turn out to be corrupt and will prevent a successful installation:
    \Web\images\q_topright.gif and
    I have downloaded the CD1 image at least twice and it was the same, so I think that may be a general issue.

    The basic idea is: since you will be using a no cd *.exe patch you don't really need an exact image of the original CD1. In fact if you have the original UT2003 CD1 you can simply copy all the files and paste them to HDD, and then burn them all as they are. The installation will complete, no problem, but the game won't recognise the CD, so you will have to use a nocd patch.

    So what I did was - extracted all the files from the *.bin file using WinISO (which you can d/l and install for yourself, it is a useful program which will allow you to:
    - extract files from *.bin and *.iso images
    - convert images from *.bin to *.iso and the other way around).
    Once I had the files in a directory on the hard disk - I simply burned them as a new project using Nero. The two mentioned files did not cause trouble any longer.

    This works for many games, just as long as you can get a nocd patch, or the game does not require the CD to be in the drive - you can copy and paste the files rather than copy from the original CD on the fly or by first creating an *.iso image. This worked for Unreal2 for example (although I must warn you that I had CRC errors on both of the CD's that I got from Kazza - one of those corrupt files I managed to d/l separately from Kazaa and the other I got by email from a random Kazaa user whom I sent a private message :)).
    What's more you don't have to finalize the cd (when you burn an image you have to) and you can name it whatever you like.

    Another program I recommend is Virtual CD 4 - this is a great application that will allow you to create virtual cd-rom drives and mount *.iso images / copy original cd's, without ever burning them (great for testing if the image is free of errors). Then when you verify it's working - you can burn a cd directly by copying "on the fly" from the virtual cd (Nero and everything else recognizes the virtual cd drive). You can share the virtual cd's over the network as well.

    Good Luck
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2003
  14. madmax123

    madmax123 Guest

    It worked!!!!!

    I re downloaded cd 1 and it had no errors on it.
    Cd 2 i downloade 2 times had about 20 errors on it
    Cd 3 was also a perfect copy.

    I used win iso to delete,extract, and add files. But multiplayer doesnt work, because my cd key is allready in use :( but single player works great :)

    Thanks for all of your help
  15. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

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